Your IP :
"""passlib.pwd -- password generation helpers"""
# imports
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
# core
import codecs
from collections import defaultdict, MutableMapping
from math import ceil, log as logf
import logging; log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
import pkg_resources
import os
# site
# pkg
from passlib import exc
from passlib.utils.compat import PY2, irange, itervalues, int_types
from passlib.utils import rng, getrandstr, to_unicode
from passlib.utils.decor import memoized_property
# local
__all__ = [
"genword", "default_charsets",
"genphrase", "default_wordsets",
# constants
# XXX: rename / publically document this map?
entropy_aliases = dict(
# barest protection from throttled online attack
# some protection from unthrottled online attack
# some protection from offline attacks
# reasonable protection from offline attacks
# very good protection from offline attacks
# internal helpers
def _superclasses(obj, cls):
"""return remaining classes in object's MRO after cls"""
mro = type(obj).__mro__
return mro[mro.index(cls)+1:]
def _self_info_rate(source):
returns 'rate of self-information' --
i.e. average (per-symbol) entropy of the sequence **source**,
where probability of a given symbol occurring is calculated based on
the number of occurrences within the sequence itself.
if all elements of the source are unique, this should equal ``log(len(source), 2)``.
:arg source:
iterable containing 0+ symbols
(e.g. list of strings or ints, string of characters, etc).
float bits of entropy
size = len(source)
except TypeError:
# if len() doesn't work, calculate size by summing counts later
size = None
counts = defaultdict(int)
for char in source:
counts[char] += 1
if size is None:
values = counts.values()
size = sum(values)
values = itervalues(counts)
if not size:
return 0
# NOTE: the following performs ``- sum(value / size * logf(value / size, 2) for value in values)``,
# it just does so with as much pulled out of the sum() loop as possible...
return logf(size, 2) - sum(value * logf(value, 2) for value in values) / size
# def _total_self_info(source):
# """
# return total self-entropy of a sequence
# (the average entropy per symbol * size of sequence)
# """
# return _self_info_rate(source) * len(source)
def _open_asset_path(path, encoding=None):
:param asset_path:
string containing absolute path to file,
or package-relative path using format
filehandle opened in 'rb' mode
(unless encoding explicitly specified)
if encoding:
return codecs.getreader(encoding)(_open_asset_path(path))
if os.path.isabs(path):
return open(path, "rb")
package, sep, subpath = path.partition(":")
if not sep:
raise ValueError("asset path must be absolute file path "
"or use '' format: %r" % (path,))
return pkg_resources.resource_stream(package, subpath)
#: type aliases
_sequence_types = (list, tuple)
_set_types = (set, frozenset)
#: set of elements that ensure_unique() has validated already.
_ensure_unique_cache = set()
def _ensure_unique(source, param="source"):
helper for generators --
Throws ValueError if source elements aren't unique.
Error message will display (abbreviated) repr of the duplicates in a string/list
# check cache to speed things up for frozensets / tuples / strings
cache = _ensure_unique_cache
hashable = True
if source in cache:
return True
except TypeError:
hashable = False
# check if it has dup elements
if isinstance(source, _set_types) or len(set(source)) == len(source):
if hashable:
except TypeError:
# XXX: under pypy, "list() in set()" above doesn't throw TypeError,
# but trying to add unhashable it to a set *does*.
return True
# build list of duplicate values
seen = set()
dups = set()
for elem in source:
(dups if elem in seen else seen).add(elem)
dups = sorted(dups)
trunc = 8
if len(dups) > trunc:
trunc = 5
dup_repr = ", ".join(repr(str(word)) for word in dups[:trunc])
if len(dups) > trunc:
dup_repr += ", ... plus %d others" % (len(dups) - trunc)
# throw error
raise ValueError("`%s` cannot contain duplicate elements: %s" %
(param, dup_repr))
# base generator class
class SequenceGenerator(object):
Base class used by word & phrase generators.
These objects take a series of options, corresponding
to those of the :func:`generate` function.
They act as callables which can be used to generate a password
or a list of 1+ passwords. They also expose some read-only
informational attributes.
:param entropy:
Optionally specify the amount of entropy the resulting passwords
should contain (as measured with respect to the generator itself).
This will be used to auto-calculate the required password size.
:param length:
Optionally specify the length of password to generate,
measured as count of whatever symbols the subclass uses (characters or words).
Note if ``entropy`` requires a larger minimum length,
that will be used instead.
:param rng:
Optionally provide a custom RNG source to use.
Should be an instance of :class:`random.Random`,
defaults to :class:`random.SystemRandom`.
.. autoattribute:: length
.. autoattribute:: symbol_count
.. autoattribute:: entropy_per_symbol
.. autoattribute:: entropy
Subclasses must implement the ``.__next__()`` method,
and set ``.symbol_count`` before calling base ``__init__`` method.
# instance attrs
#: requested size of final password
length = None
#: requested entropy of final password
requested_entropy = "strong"
#: random number source to use
rng = rng
#: number of potential symbols (must be filled in by subclass)
symbol_count = None
# init
def __init__(self, entropy=None, length=None, rng=None, **kwds):
# make sure subclass set things up correctly
assert self.symbol_count is not None, "subclass must set .symbol_count"
# init length & requested entropy
if entropy is not None or length is None:
if entropy is None:
entropy = self.requested_entropy
entropy = entropy_aliases.get(entropy, entropy)
if entropy <= 0:
raise ValueError("`entropy` must be positive number")
min_length = int(ceil(entropy / self.entropy_per_symbol))
if length is None or length < min_length:
length = min_length
self.requested_entropy = entropy
if length < 1:
raise ValueError("`length` must be positive integer")
self.length = length
# init other common options
if rng is not None:
self.rng = rng
# hand off to parent
if kwds and _superclasses(self, SequenceGenerator) == (object,):
raise TypeError("Unexpected keyword(s): %s" % ", ".join(kwds.keys()))
super(SequenceGenerator, self).__init__(**kwds)
# informational helpers
def entropy_per_symbol(self):
Average entropy per symbol (assuming all symbols have equal probability)
return logf(self.symbol_count, 2)
def entropy(self):
Effective entropy of generated passwords.
This value will always be a multiple of :attr:`entropy_per_symbol`.
If entropy is specified in constructor, :attr:`length` will be chosen so
so that this value is the smallest multiple >= :attr:`requested_entropy`.
return self.length * self.entropy_per_symbol
# generation
def __next__(self):
"""main generation function, should create one password/phrase"""
raise NotImplementedError("implement in subclass")
def __call__(self, returns=None):
frontend used by genword() / genphrase() to create passwords
if returns is None:
return next(self)
elif isinstance(returns, int_types):
return [next(self) for _ in irange(returns)]
elif returns is iter:
return self
raise exc.ExpectedTypeError(returns, "<None>, int, or <iter>", "returns")
def __iter__(self):
return self
if PY2:
def next(self):
return self.__next__()
# eoc
# default charsets
#: global dict of predefined characters sets
default_charsets = dict(
# ascii letters, digits, and some punctuation
# ascii letters and digits
# ascii_50, without visually similar '1IiLl', '0Oo', '5S', '8B'
# lower case hexadecimal
# password generator
class WordGenerator(SequenceGenerator):
Class which generates passwords by randomly choosing from a string of unique characters.
:param chars:
custom character string to draw from.
:param charset:
predefined charset to draw from.
:param \*\*kwds:
all other keywords passed to the :class:`SequenceGenerator` parent class.
.. autoattribute:: chars
.. autoattribute:: charset
.. autoattribute:: default_charsets
# instance attrs
#: Predefined character set in use (set to None for instances using custom 'chars')
charset = "ascii_62"
#: string of chars to draw from -- usually filled in from charset
chars = None
# init
def __init__(self, chars=None, charset=None, **kwds):
# init chars and charset
if chars:
if charset:
raise TypeError("`chars` and `charset` are mutually exclusive")
if not charset:
charset = self.charset
assert charset
chars = default_charsets[charset]
self.charset = charset
chars = to_unicode(chars, param="chars")
_ensure_unique(chars, param="chars")
self.chars = chars
# hand off to parent
super(WordGenerator, self).__init__(**kwds)
# log.debug("WordGenerator(): entropy/char=%r", self.entropy_per_symbol)
# informational helpers
def symbol_count(self):
return len(self.chars)
# generation
def __next__(self):
# XXX: could do things like optionally ensure certain character groups
# (e.g. letters & punctuation) are included
return getrandstr(self.rng, self.chars, self.length)
# eoc
def genword(entropy=None, length=None, returns=None, **kwds):
"""Generate one or more random passwords.
This function uses :mod:`random.SystemRandom` to generate
one or more passwords using various character sets.
The complexity of the password can be specified
by size, or by the desired amount of entropy.
Usage Example::
>>> # generate a random alphanumeric string with 48 bits of entropy (the default)
>>> from passlib import pwd
>>> pwd.genword()
>>> # generate a random hexadecimal string with 52 bits of entropy
>>> pwd.genword(entropy=52, charset="hex")
:param entropy:
Strength of resulting password, measured in 'guessing entropy' bits.
An appropriate **length** value will be calculated
based on the requested entropy amount, and the size of the character set.
This can be a positive integer, or one of the following preset
strings: ``"weak"`` (24), ``"fair"`` (36),
``"strong"`` (48), and ``"secure"`` (56).
If neither this or **length** is specified, **entropy** will default
to ``"strong"`` (48).
:param length:
Size of resulting password, measured in characters.
If omitted, the size is auto-calculated based on the **entropy** parameter.
If both **entropy** and **length** are specified,
the stronger value will be used.
:param returns:
Controls what this function returns:
* If ``None`` (the default), this function will generate a single password.
* If an integer, this function will return a list containing that many passwords.
* If the ``iter`` constant, will return an iterator that yields passwords.
:param chars:
Optionally specify custom string of characters to use when randomly
generating a password. This option cannot be combined with **charset**.
:param charset:
The predefined character set to draw from (if not specified by **chars**).
There are currently four presets available:
* ``"ascii_62"`` (the default) -- all digits and ascii upper & lowercase letters.
Provides ~5.95 entropy per character.
* ``"ascii_50"`` -- subset which excludes visually similar characters
(``1IiLl0Oo5S8B``). Provides ~5.64 entropy per character.
* ``"ascii_72"`` -- all digits and ascii upper & lowercase letters,
as well as some punctuation. Provides ~6.17 entropy per character.
* ``"hex"`` -- Lower case hexadecimal. Providers 4 bits of entropy per character.
:class:`!unicode` string containing randomly generated password;
or list of 1+ passwords if :samp:`returns={int}` is specified.
gen = WordGenerator(length=length, entropy=entropy, **kwds)
return gen(returns)
# default wordsets
def _load_wordset(asset_path):
load wordset from compressed datafile within package data.
file should be utf-8 encoded
:param asset_path:
string containing absolute path to wordset file,
or "python.module:relative/file/path".
tuple of words, as loaded from specified words file.
# open resource file, convert to tuple of words (strip blank lines & ws)
with _open_asset_path(asset_path, "utf-8") as fh:
gen = (word.strip() for word in fh)
words = tuple(word for word in gen if word)
# NOTE: works but not used
# # detect if file uses "<int> <word>" format, and strip numeric prefix
# def extract(row):
# idx, word = row.replace("\t", " ").split(" ", 1)
# if not idx.isdigit():
# raise ValueError("row is not dice index + word")
# return word
# try:
# extract(words[-1])
# except ValueError:
# pass
# else:
# words = tuple(extract(word) for word in words)
log.debug("loaded %d-element wordset from %r", len(words), asset_path)
return words
class WordsetDict(MutableMapping):
Special mapping used to store dictionary of wordsets.
Different from a regular dict in that some wordsets
may be lazy-loaded from an asset path.
#: dict of key -> asset path
paths = None
#: dict of key -> value
_loaded = None
def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
self.paths = {}
self._loaded = {}
super(WordsetDict, self).__init__(*args, **kwds)
def __getitem__(self, key):
return self._loaded[key]
except KeyError:
path = self.paths[key]
value = self._loaded[key] = _load_wordset(path)
return value
def set_path(self, key, path):
set asset path to lazy-load wordset from.
self.paths[key] = path
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
self._loaded[key] = value
def __delitem__(self, key):
if key in self:
del self._loaded[key]
self.paths.pop(key, None)
del self.paths[key]
def _keyset(self):
keys = set(self._loaded)
return keys
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self._keyset)
def __len__(self):
return len(self._keyset)
# NOTE: speeds things up, and prevents contains from lazy-loading
def __contains__(self, key):
return key in self._loaded or key in self.paths
#: dict of predefined word sets.
#: key is name of wordset, value should be sequence of words.
default_wordsets = WordsetDict()
# register the wordsets built into passlib
for name in "eff_long eff_short eff_prefixed bip39".split():
default_wordsets.set_path(name, "passlib:_data/wordsets/%s.txt" % name)
# passphrase generator
class PhraseGenerator(SequenceGenerator):
"""class which generates passphrases by randomly choosing
from a list of unique words.
:param wordset:
wordset to draw from.
:param preset:
name of preset wordlist to use instead of ``wordset``.
:param spaces:
whether to insert spaces between words in output (defaults to ``True``).
:param \*\*kwds:
all other keywords passed to the :class:`SequenceGenerator` parent class.
.. autoattribute:: wordset
# instance attrs
#: predefined wordset to use
wordset = "eff_long"
#: list of words to draw from
words = None
#: separator to use when joining words
sep = " "
# init
def __init__(self, wordset=None, words=None, sep=None, **kwds):
# load wordset
if words is not None:
if wordset is not None:
raise TypeError("`words` and `wordset` are mutually exclusive")
if wordset is None:
wordset = self.wordset
assert wordset
words = default_wordsets[wordset]
self.wordset = wordset
# init words
if not isinstance(words, _sequence_types):
words = tuple(words)
_ensure_unique(words, param="words")
self.words = words
# init separator
if sep is None:
sep = self.sep
sep = to_unicode(sep, param="sep")
self.sep = sep
# hand off to parent
super(PhraseGenerator, self).__init__(**kwds)
##log.debug("PhraseGenerator(): entropy/word=%r entropy/char=%r min_chars=%r",
## self.entropy_per_symbol, self.entropy_per_char, self.min_chars)
# informational helpers
def symbol_count(self):
return len(self.words)
# generation
def __next__(self):
words = (self.rng.choice(self.words) for _ in irange(self.length))
return self.sep.join(words)
# eoc
def genphrase(entropy=None, length=None, returns=None, **kwds):
"""Generate one or more random password / passphrases.
This function uses :mod:`random.SystemRandom` to generate
one or more passwords; it can be configured to generate
alphanumeric passwords, or full english phrases.
The complexity of the password can be specified
by size, or by the desired amount of entropy.
Usage Example::
>>> # generate random phrase with 48 bits of entropy
>>> from passlib import pwd
>>> pwd.genphrase()
'gangly robbing salt shove'
>>> # generate a random phrase with 52 bits of entropy
>>> # using a particular wordset
>>> pwd.genword(entropy=52, wordset="bip39")
'wheat dilemma reward rescue diary'
:param entropy:
Strength of resulting password, measured in 'guessing entropy' bits.
An appropriate **length** value will be calculated
based on the requested entropy amount, and the size of the word set.
This can be a positive integer, or one of the following preset
strings: ``"weak"`` (24), ``"fair"`` (36),
``"strong"`` (48), and ``"secure"`` (56).
If neither this or **length** is specified, **entropy** will default
to ``"strong"`` (48).
:param length:
Length of resulting password, measured in words.
If omitted, the size is auto-calculated based on the **entropy** parameter.
If both **entropy** and **length** are specified,
the stronger value will be used.
:param returns:
Controls what this function returns:
* If ``None`` (the default), this function will generate a single password.
* If an integer, this function will return a list containing that many passwords.
* If the ``iter`` builtin, will return an iterator that yields passwords.
:param words:
Optionally specifies a list/set of words to use when randomly generating a passphrase.
This option cannot be combined with **wordset**.
:param wordset:
The predefined word set to draw from (if not specified by **words**).
There are currently four presets available:
``"eff_long"`` (the default)
Wordset containing 7776 english words of ~7 letters.
Constructed by the EFF, it offers ~12.9 bits of entropy per word.
This wordset (and the other ``"eff_"`` wordsets)
were `created by the EFF <>`_
to aid in generating passwords. See their announcement page
for more details about the design & properties of these wordsets.
Wordset containing 1296 english words of ~4.5 letters.
Constructed by the EFF, it offers ~10.3 bits of entropy per word.
Wordset containing 1296 english words of ~8 letters,
selected so that they each have a unique 3-character prefix.
Constructed by the EFF, it offers ~10.3 bits of entropy per word.
Wordset of 2048 english words of ~5 letters,
selected so that they each have a unique 4-character prefix.
Published as part of Bitcoin's `BIP 39 <>`_,
this wordset has exactly 11 bits of entropy per word.
This list offers words that are typically shorter than ``"eff_long"``
(at the cost of slightly less entropy); and much shorter than
``"eff_prefixed"`` (at the cost of a longer unique prefix).
:param sep:
Optional separator to use when joining words.
Defaults to ``" "`` (a space), but can be an empty string, a hyphen, etc.
:class:`!unicode` string containing randomly generated passphrase;
or list of 1+ passphrases if :samp:`returns={int}` is specified.
gen = PhraseGenerator(entropy=entropy, length=length, **kwds)
return gen(returns)
# strength measurement
# for a little while, had rough draft of password strength measurement alg here.
# but not sure if there's value in yet another measurement algorithm,
# that's not just duplicating the effort of libraries like zxcbn.
# may revive it later, but for now, leaving some refs to others out there:
# * NIST 800-63 has simple alg
# * zxcvbn (
# might also be good, and has approach similar to composite approach i was already thinking about,
# but much more well thought out.
# * passfault ( looks thorough,
# but may have licensing issues, plus porting to python looks like very big job :(
# * give a look at running things through zlib - might be able to cheaply
# catch extra redundancies.
# eof