Your IP :

Current Path : /home/bitrix/ext_www/
Upload File :
Current File : /home/bitrix/ext_www/

 * Namespace contains functions\classes for different purposes
 * See also
 *      tasks/classes/general/tasktools.php
 *      tasks/tools.php

namespace Bitrix\Tasks;

use Bitrix\Main\Application;
use Bitrix\Main\Config\Option;

class Util
	public static function trim($arg)
		$arg = (string) $arg;
		if($arg == '')
			return $arg;

		$arg = trim($arg);
		// remove that annoying undying sequences from wysiwyg
		$pattern = '/(^((\x20)?(\xc2)?\xa0(\x20)?)+|((\x20)?(\xc2)?\xa0(\x20)?)+$)/';
		if (LANG_CHARSET == 'UTF-8')
			$pattern .= 'u';
		$arg = preg_replace($pattern, '', $arg);

		return $arg;

	public static function escape($arg)
			foreach($arg as $i => $value)
				$arg[$i] = static::escape($value);

			return $arg;
			if(is_numeric($arg) && !is_string($arg))
				return $arg;
				return htmlspecialcharsbx($arg);

	// see BX.util.hashCode()
	public static function hashCode($str)
		$str = (string) $str;
		if($str == '')
			return 0;

		$hash = 0;
		for ($i = 0; $i < mb_strlen($str); $i++)
			$c = ord($str[$i]);
			$hash = (($hash << 5) - $hash) + $c;
			$hash = $hash & $hash;
		return $hash;

	public static function secureBackUrl($url)
		return str_replace(array('//', '/\\'), '', (string) $url);

	public static function replaceUrlParameters($url, array $paramsToAdd = array(), array $paramsToDelete = array(), array $options = array())
		// CHTTP::url*Params() functions does not like #placeholders# in url, so a little trick is needed
		$found = array();
		preg_match_all("/#([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)#/", $url, $found);

		$match = array();
		if(is_array($found[1]) && !empty($found[1]))
			foreach($found[1] as $holder)
				$match['#'.$holder.'#'] = '__'.$holder.'__';

			$url = str_replace(array_keys($match), $match, $url);

		// to avoid adding duplicates and delete other params
		$url = \CHTTP::urlDeleteParams($url, array_merge(array_keys($paramsToAdd), $paramsToDelete));
		$url = \CHTTP::urlAddParams($url, $paramsToAdd, $options);

			$match = array_flip($match);
			$url = str_replace(array_keys($match), $match, $url);

		return $url;

	public static function getParser(array $parameters = array())
		$parser = \Bitrix\Tasks\Integration\Forum::getParser($parameters);
		if($parser == null)
			$parser = \Bitrix\Tasks\Integration\SocialNetwork::getParser($parameters);
		if($parser == null)
			$parser = new \CTextParser();

		if (isset($parameters["maxStringLen"]))
			$parser->maxStringLen = intval($parameters["maxStringLen"]);

		return $parser;

	 * Generate v4 UUID
	 * Version 4 UUIDs are pseudo-random.
	 * @param bool $brackets
	 * @return string
	public static function generateUUID($brackets = true)
		$uuid = '';

		if ($brackets)
			$uuid .= '{';

		$uuid .= sprintf('%04x%04x-%04x-%04x-%04x-%04x%04x%04x',
			// 32 bits for "time_low"
			mt_rand(0, 0xffff), mt_rand(0, 0xffff),

			// 16 bits for "time_mid"
			mt_rand(0, 0xffff),

			// 16 bits for "time_hi_and_version",
			// four most significant bits holds version number 4
			mt_rand(0, 0x0fff) | 0x4000,

			// 16 bits, 8 bits for "clk_seq_hi_res",
			// 8 bits for "clk_seq_low",
			// two most significant bits holds zero and one for variant DCE1.1
			mt_rand(0, 0x3fff) | 0x8000,

			// 48 bits for "node"
			mt_rand(0, 0xffff), mt_rand(0, 0xffff), mt_rand(0, 0xffff)

		if ($brackets)
			$uuid .= '}';

		return ($uuid);

	public static function getServerTimeZoneOffset()
		$localTime = new \DateTime();
		return $localTime->getOffset();

	 * Gets portal create date in unix timestamp.
	 * @return string
	public static function getPortalCreateTimestamp()
		return (int)Option::get(
			'main', '~controller_date_create'

	public static function log($info)
		$handler = Application::getInstance()->getExceptionHandler();

		if(is_subclass_of($info, '\\Bitrix\\Main\\SystemException'))
			$handler->writeToLog(new \TasksException((string) $info));

	public static function setOption($name, $value)
		Option::set('tasks', $name, $value);

	public static function getOption($name)
		return Option::get('tasks', $name);

	public static function unSetOption($name)
		Option::delete('tasks', array('name' => $name));

	public static function printDebug($data)

	public static function is_serialized($value, &$result = null)
		// Bit of a give away this one
		if (!is_string($value))
			return false;
		// Serialized false, return true. unserialize() returns false on an
		// invalid string or it could return false if the string is serialized
		// false, eliminate that possibility.
		if ($value === 'b:0;')
			$result = false;
			return true;
		$length = mb_strlen($value);
		$end	= '';
		switch ($value[0])
			case 's':
				if ($value[$length - 2] !== '"')
					return false;

			case 'b':
			case 'i':
			case 'd':
				// This looks odd but it is quicker than isset()ing
				$end .= ';';
			case 'a':
			case 'O':
				$end .= '}';
				if ($value[1] !== ':')
					return false;
				switch ($value[2])
					case 0:
					case 1:
					case 2:
					case 3:
					case 4:
					case 5:
					case 6:
					case 7:
					case 8:
					case 9:
						return false;
			case 'N':
				$end .= ';';
				if ($value[$length - 1] !== $end[0])
					return false;
				return false;
		if (($result = @unserialize($value)) === false)
			$result = null;
			return false;
		return true;