Your IP :
* This class is for internal use only, not a part of public API.
* It can be changed at any time without notification.
* @access private
namespace Bitrix\Tasks\Util;
use Bitrix\Main;
use Bitrix\Main\Localization\Loc;
class Assert
// checkers
* Method checks if the given argument is an integer value, or can be casted to it. False and '' also allowed
* @param mixed $arg Argument to check.
* @param string $argName Aargument name to figure in a error message.
* @param string $customMsg Custom message to be shown instead of a standard one.
* @throws \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentException
* @return integer checked and casted value
public final static function expectInteger($arg, $argName = '', $customMsg = '')
if((string) $arg == '' || $arg === false)
return 0;
$argInt = intval($arg);
if((string) $arg !== (string) $argInt)
throw new Main\ArgumentException(self::formMessage('TASKS_ASSERT_INTEGER_EXPECTED', $argName, $customMsg));
return $argInt;
* Method checks if the given argument is a positive integer value, or can be casted to it
* @param mixed $arg Argument to check.
* @param string $argName Argument name to figure in a error message.
* @param string $customMsg Custom message to be shown instead of a standard one.
* @throws \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentException
* @return integer checked and casted value
public final static function expectIntegerPositive($arg, $argName = '', $customMsg = '')
$argInt = intval($arg);
if(((string) $arg !== (string) $argInt) || $argInt <= 0)
throw new Main\ArgumentException(self::formMessage('TASKS_ASSERT_INTEGER_NOTNULL_EXPECTED', $argName, $customMsg));
return $argInt;
* Method checks if the given argument is a non-negative integer value, or can be casted to it. False and '' also allowed
* @param mixed $arg Argument to check.
* @param string $argName Argument name to figure in a error message.
* @param string $customMsg Custom message to be shown instead of a standard one.
* @throws \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentException
* @return integer checked and casted value
public final static function expectIntegerNonNegative($arg, $argName = '', $customMsg = '')
if((string) $arg == '' || $arg === false)
return 0;
$argInt = intval($arg);
if(((string) $arg !== (string) $argInt) || $argInt < 0)
throw new Main\ArgumentException(self::formMessage('TASKS_ASSERT_INTEGER_NONNEGATIVE_EXPECTED', $argName, $customMsg));
return $argInt;
* Method checks if the given argument is a non-zero-length string value, or can be casted to it
* @param mixed $arg Argument to check.
* @param string $argName Argument name to figure in a error message.
* @param string $customMsg Custom message to be shown instead of a standard one.
* @throws \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentException
* @return string checked and casted value
public final static function expectStringNotNull($arg, $argName = '', $customMsg = '')
if($arg == '')
throw new Main\ArgumentException(self::formMessage('TASKS_ASSERT_STRING_NOTNULL_EXPECTED', $argName, $customMsg));
return (string) $arg;
* Method checks if the given argument is an array
* @param mixed[] $arg Argument to check.
* @param string $argName Argument name to figure in a error message.
* @param string $customMsg Custom message to be shown instead of a standard one.
* @throws \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentException
* @return mixed[] value being checked
public final static function expectArray($arg, $argName = '', $customMsg = '')
throw new Main\ArgumentException(self::formMessage('TASKS_ASSERT_ARRAY_EXPECTED', $argName, $customMsg));
return $arg;
* Method checks if the given argument is a non-empty array
* @param mixed[] $arg Argument to check.
* @param string $argName Argument name to figure in a error message.
* @param string $customMsg Custom message to be shown instead of a standard one.
* @throws \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentException
* @return mixed[] value being checked
public final static function expectArrayNotEmpty($arg, $argName = '', $customMsg = '')
if(!is_array($arg) || empty($arg))
throw new Main\ArgumentException(self::formMessage('TASKS_ASSERT_ARRAY_NOT_EMPTY_EXPECTED', $argName, $customMsg));
return $arg;
* Method checks if the given argument is a non-empty array of unique positive integers (or somehow can be casted to it)
* @param mixed[] $arg Argument to check.
* @param string $argName Argument name to figure in a error message.
* @param string $customMsg Custom message to be shown instead of a standard one.
* @throws \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentException
* @return integer[] checked and casted value
public final static function expectArrayOfUniqueIntegerNotNull($arg, $argName = '', $customMsg = '')
throw new Main\ArgumentException(self::formMessage('TASKS_ASSERT_ARRAY_EXPECTED', $argName, $customMsg));
$arg = array_unique(array_values($arg));
foreach($arg as $k => $v)
$vInt = intval($v);
if(((string) $v !== (string) $vInt) || $vInt == 0)
throw new Main\ArgumentException(self::formMessage('TASKS_ASSERT_ARRAY_OF_INTEGER_NOT_NULL_EXPECTED', $argName, $customMsg));
$arg[$k] = $vInt; // it can be casted to integer
return $arg;
* Method checks if the given argument is a non-empty array of unique non-zero-length strings (or somehow can be casted to it)
* @param mixed[] $arg Argument to check.
* @param string $argName Argument name to figure in a error message.
* @param string $customMsg Custom message to be shown instead of a standard one.
* @throws \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentException
* @return string[] checked and casted value
public final static function expectArrayOfUniqueStringNotNull($arg, $argName = '', $customMsg = '')
throw new Main\ArgumentException(self::formMessage('TASKS_ASSERT_ARRAY_EXPECTED', $argName, $customMsg));
$arg = array_unique(array_values($arg));
foreach($arg as $k => $v)
$v = (string) $v;
if($v == '')
throw new Main\ArgumentException(self::formMessage('TASKS_ASSERT_ARRAY_OF_STRING_NOT_NULL_EXPECTED', $argName, $customMsg));
$arg[$k] = $v;
return $arg;
* Method checks if the given argument belongs to a set of elements
* @param mixed[] $arg Argument to check.
* @param mixed[] $enum Enumeration to check argument belong to.
* @param string $argName Argument name to figure in a error message.
* @param string $customMsg Custom message to be shown instead of a standard one.
* @throws \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentException
* @return mixed[] checked and casted value
final public static function expectEnumerationMember($arg, $enum = [], $argName = '', $customMsg = '')
if (!mb_strlen($arg))
throw new Main\ArgumentException(Loc::getMessage('TASKS_ASSERT_EMPTY_ARGUMENT'));
if (!is_array($enum) || empty($enum))
throw new Main\ArgumentException(Loc::getMessage('TASKS_ASSERT_EMPTY_ENUMERATION'));
// we cannot use in_array() here, kz we need for real data type
foreach ($enum as $variant)
if ($variant == $arg)
return $variant;
throw new Main\ArgumentException(
self::formMessage('TASKS_ASSERT_ITEM_NOT_IN_ENUMERATION', $argName, $customMsg)
private final static function formMessage($msgCode, $argName = '', $customMsg = '')
if($customMsg <> '')
return str_replace('#ARG_NAME#', $argName, $customMsg);
return Loc::getMessage($msgCode, array('#ARG_NAME#' => $argName <> ''? ' "'.$argName.'" ' : ' '));