Your IP :
* Bitrix Framework
* @package bitrix
* @subpackage tasks
* @copyright 2001-2016 Bitrix
* This API is in the draft status, it may be modified in the near future, so relying on it is strongly discouraged.
* @access private
namespace Bitrix\Tasks;
use Bitrix\Main\ArgumentException;
use Bitrix\Main\Entity\DataManager;
use Bitrix\Main\Localization\Loc;
use Bitrix\Main\NotImplementedException;
use Bitrix\Main\SystemException;
use Bitrix\Tasks\Internals\DataBase\LazyAccess;
use Bitrix\Tasks\Item\Access;
use Bitrix\Tasks\Item\Collection;
use Bitrix\Tasks\Item\Context;
use Bitrix\Tasks\Item\Converter;
use Bitrix\Tasks\Item\Exporter\Canonical;
use Bitrix\Tasks\Item\Field;
use Bitrix\Tasks\Item\Result;
use Bitrix\Tasks\Item\State;
use Bitrix\Tasks\Util\Error;
use Bitrix\Tasks\Util\User;
use Bitrix\Tasks\Util\UserField;
* Magic methods, see __call()
* @method bool canFetchData()
* @method bool canCreate($result = null)
* @method bool canRead($result = null)
* @method bool canUpdate($result = null)
* @method bool canDelete($result = null)
abstract class Item extends LazyAccess
protected $id = 0;
protected $userId = 0;
protected $transitionState = null;
protected $instanceCached = false; // indicates if this instance use global instance cache
protected $context = null;
protected $accessController = null;
protected $userFieldController = null;
private $readingFailed = false;
private $fetchInProgress = false;
private $modifiedFields = array();
protected $currentDataContext = null;
private $dataContexts = array();
private $dataContextFlags = array();
protected $immutable = false;
protected static $cache = array();
* Returns tablet class name, that serves database layer of the current item class
* @return DataManager string
* @throws NotImplementedException
public static function getDataSourceClass()
throw new NotImplementedException('No data source class defined');
* Returns user field controller class name, that performs user field management for the current item class
* @return null|UserField
public static function getUserFieldControllerClass()
return null;
* Returns access controller class name, for the current item class
* @return Access string
public static function getAccessControllerClass()
return Access::getClass();
* @return Collection string
public static function getCollectionClass()
return Collection::getClass();
protected static function getLegacyEventMap()
return array();
public function __construct($source = 0, $userId = 0)
* Get entity data (download it from database if necessary)
* Returns null if item not found or no access to it under the current user
* @param mixed[] $select
* @param mixed[] $parameters
* @return array|null
* @throws \Bitrix\Main\SystemException
* todo: strongly need to implement smart behaviour of $select argument. cases:
* todo: 1) greedy selection: fetch entire data: basic, ufs, sub-entities
* todo: 2) un-greedy selection: fetch only several fields, such as e.g. TITLE and UF_CRM_TASK in one query, or from cache
* todo: accessing fields via $this['SOME_FIELD'] is always greedy
// todo: implement what to select: all, basic, ufs, subEntity
// todo: some of fields SHOULD NOT be loaded in greedy mode, like SE_LOG (it may be quite huge)
// todo: therefore, introduce some flag like "noGreedy" in getMap() that will indicate such behaviour
// todo: aliases mostly should go with noGreedy == true
// todo: if item is attached to a not-existing db record, getData() should return null or array of null. $item['FIELD'] also should return null
public function getData($select = array(), array $parameters = array())
$fields = $this->decodeSelectExpression($select);
$data = array();
foreach($fields as $k)
$data[$k] = $this[$k];
// item not exists
return null;
return $data;
* @param $select
* Possible combinations:
* <li> ~ - cached fields
* <li> # - tablet fields
* <li> UF_# - user fields
* <li> * - check field name against the wildcard (not implemented)
* <li> /expression/ - check field name against the regular expression (not implemented)
* <li> field_name - exact field name to get
* todo: implement also inversion logic, with ! at the beginning
* @return array|\string[]
* @throws NotImplementedException
private function decodeSelectExpression($select)
$map = $this->getMap();
if($select == '~') // only cached fields
$fields = $this->getCachedFields();
elseif($select == '#') // only tablet fields
$fields = $map->getTabletFieldNames();
elseif($select == 'UF_#') // only user fields
$fields = $map->getUserFieldNames();
elseif(is_array($select) && !empty($select)) // only exactly specified fields
$fields = array();
$expressions = array_unique($select);
foreach($expressions as $expression)
$expression == '~' ||
$expression == '#' ||
$expression == 'UF_#' ||
static::isWildCard($expression) ||
$fields = array_merge($fields, $this->decodeSelectExpression($expression));
$fields[] = $expression;
elseif(static::isWildCard($select)) // field names against wildcard
// todo: implement wildcard here, for example: * (all), UF_* (user fields), SE_* (sub-entities), *_FIELD_NAME_* (custom wildcard), etc...
throw new NotImplementedException();
throw new NotImplementedException();
else // iterate all fields
$fields = $map->getKeys();
return $fields;
private static function isWildCard($expression)
return $expression == '*'; // todo: more complicated wildcards, like UF_*, SE_*
private static function isRegularExpression($expression)
$expression = trim((string) $expression);
return $expression[0] == '/' && $expression[mb_strlen($expression) - 1] == '/';
* Set instance data in a business-level format
* @param array $data
* @param mixed[] $parameters
* @return $this
public function setData(array $data, array $parameters = array())
return $this; // todo: throw NotAllowedException?
foreach($data as $k => $v)
$this->offsetSetConfigurable($k, $v, $parameters);
// update id from data, if passed
if(!$this->getId() && intval($data['ID']))
return $this;
* Clear item data (will be re-obtained from database on next closest call)
* @return $this
public function clearData()
$this->readingFailed = false;
$this->dataContexts = array();
$this->dataContextFlags = array();
$this->modifiedFields = array();
return $this;
* Marks field $field as modified, to be able to update its value on next closest save() call
* @param string $field
public function setFieldModified($field)
$this->modifiedFields[$field] = true;
* Marks field $field as NOT modified, to prevent from making an update of its value on next closest save() call
* @param string $field
public function setFieldUnModified($field)
* Returns current list of modified fields
* @return array
public function getModifiedFields()
// todo: also include virtual fields, if its origins were modified...
return array_keys($this->modifiedFields);
* Returns keys that are present in the cache
* @return array
public function getCachedFields()
return array_keys($this->values);
* An alias for static::getModifiedFields()
* @return array
public function getChangedFields()
return $this->getModifiedFields();
* Returns true if the field $field was modified
* @param $field
* @return bool
public function isFieldModified($field)
return !!$this->modifiedFields[$field];
* Marks all fields as NOT modified
protected function clearModifiedFields()
$this->modifiedFields = array();
* Sets the offset
* @param mixed $offset
* @param mixed $value
public function offsetSet($offset, $value)
$this->offsetSetConfigurable($offset, $value);
* Returns the offset
* @param $offset
* @return mixed
public function offsetGet($offset)
$map = $this->getMap();
$value = null;
$isImmutable = $this->isImmutable();
/** @var Field\Scalar $field */
$field = $map[$offset];
// offset is in the cache (values), null-ed or not, but it presents there
return $field->getValue($offset, $this);
// if the record exists, try to download value from database
$isTabletOrUf = $field->isSourceTablet() || $field->isSourceUserField();
if($this->fetchInProgress) // can not go to the endless recursion, sorry...
return null;
$this->fetchInProgress = true;
$tabletLoaded = $this->isTabletLoaded();
// temporarily disable immutable flag, to allow offsetSet
$this->immutable = false;
// if this is a tablet field, get all tablet (base) data
$this->fetchDataAndCache(!$tabletLoaded, false);
// the same behaviour is for user field, but get both tablet (base) and user field data
$this->fetchDataAndCache(!$tabletLoaded, !$this->setUFLoaded());
// for other types - get just tablet (base) data
$this->fetchDataAndCache(!$tabletLoaded, false);
// restore flag
$this->immutable = true;
$this->fetchInProgress = false;
if(!$this->readingFailed) // still no error after download
$value = $field->getValue($offset, $this);
// we are beyond the map scope, but this field obviously was set manually
$value = $this->offsetGetDirect($offset);
return $value;
* Multi-purpose configurable offset setter
* @param $offset
* @param $value
* @param array $parameters
private function offsetSetConfigurable($offset, $value, array $parameters = array())
return; // todo: throw NotAllowedException?
// todo: pristine state here
$map = $this->getMap();
/** @var Field\Scalar $field */
$field = $map[$offset];
$parameters['VALUE_SOURCE'] = Field\Scalar::VALUE_SOURCE_OUTSIDE;
$field->setValue($value, $offset, $this, $parameters);
// set as-is, this field is beyond the map scope, but may be used by some external code
$this->offsetSetDirect($offset, $value);
* Classic style offset getter
* @param $offset
* @return mixed
public function offsetGetDirect($offset)
$data =& $this->getContextData();
return $data[$offset];
* Classic style offset setter
* @param $offset
* @param $value
public function offsetSetDirect($offset, $value)
return; // todo: throw NotAllowedException?
$offset = trim((string) $offset);
$data =& $this->getContextData();
$data[$offset] = $value;
* Get pristine offset value, i.e. the actual value presents in the database right now
* @param $offset
* @return mixed
public function offsetGetPristine($offset)
$this->currentDataContext = 'pristine';
$value = $this[$offset];
$this->currentDataContext = null;
return $value;
public function containsKey($key)
$data =& $this->getContextData();
return array_key_exists($key, $data);
private function getCachedOffsetCodes()
$data =& $this->getContextData();
return array_keys($data);
protected function fetchBaseData($fetchBase = true, $fetchUFs = false)
if(!$fetchBase && !$fetchUFs)
return array();
$ac = $this->getAccessController();
$dc = static::getDataSourceClass();
if($this->canFetchData()) // formally ask access controller if we can read the item first. May be it would tell us with no query making
$filter = array('=ID' => $this->id); // todo: '=ID' may not be a correct condition for searching by primary
$map = $this->getMap();
$types = array();
$types[] = Field\Scalar::SOURCE_TABLET;
$types[] = Field\Scalar::SOURCE_UF;
$allFields = array_diff($map->getFieldDBNamesBySourceType($types), array('ID'));
$cachedFields = array_diff($map->getFieldDBNamesByNames($this->getCachedOffsetCodes()), array('ID'));
// minus fields that where loaded already
$select = array_unique(array_diff($allFields, $cachedFields));
return array();
$queryParameters = array(
'filter' => $filter,
'select' => $select,
$transState = $this->getTransitionState();
$result = $dc::getList($queryParameters)->fetch();
$result = null; // access denied or not found
else // else access denied, definitely
$result = null;
return $result;
private function fetchDataAndCache($fetchBase = true, $fetchUFs = false)
$base = $this->fetchBaseData($fetchBase, $fetchUFs);
if($base === null)
$this->readingFailed = true;
// in $base we have raw data read from database, now we need to apply in to the entity, with conversion
private function setDataFromDataBase($data)
$map = $this->getMap();
* @var Field\Scalar $v
foreach($map as $k => $v)
$name = $v->getDBName();
if(array_key_exists($name, $data))
$v->setValue($data[$name], $k, $this, array(
'KEEP_EXISTING_VALUE' => true, // if field already cached, do not touch it
private function &getContextData()
if($this->currentDataContext === null)
return $this->values;
if($this->dataContexts[$this->currentDataContext] === null)
$this->dataContexts[$this->currentDataContext] = array();
return $this->dataContexts[$this->currentDataContext];
private function &getContextFlags()
$index = $this->currentDataContext === null ? 'def' : $this->currentDataContext;
if($this->dataContextFlags[$index] === null)
$this->dataContextFlags[$index] = array();
return $this->dataContextFlags[$index];
* Returns instance ID
* @return int
public function getId()
return $this->id;
* Sets or drops instance ID manually. Use with caution.
* @param $id
public function setId($id)
return; // todo: throw NotAllowedException?
$id = intval($id);
// if(!$id)
// {
// $this->id = 0;
// }
// else
// {
// $this->id = Assert::expectIntegerNonNegative($id, '$id'); // todo: do we need exception here?
// $this->offsetSetDirect('ID', $this->id);
// }
$this->id = $id;
$this->offsetSetDirect('ID', $this->id);
* Returns true if instance has legal ID (it does not mean this instance is present in database, though)
* @return bool
public function isAttached()
return $this->getId() > 0;
public function getTransitionState()
$this->transitionState = new State();
return $this->transitionState;
* Returns user id that is used for rights checking
* @return int
public function getUserId()
return $this->userId;
return $this->getContext()->getUserId();
* Sets user id for instance
* @param int $userId
public function setUserId($userId)
return; // todo: throw NotAllowedException?
$userId = intval($userId);
$this->userId = $userId;
* Returns access controller instance (from pool or from property, if was set manually)
* @return Item\Access
public function getAccessController()
if($this->accessController !== null)
return $this->accessController;
return static::getAccessControllerDefault();
* Returns default access controller instance for the current instance class
* @return Item\Access
public static function getAccessControllerDefault()
// prefer to use default access controller
$cache =& static::getCache();
$cache['INSTANCES'] = array();
$ac = static::getAccessControllerClass();
/** @var Item\Access $ac */
$ac = new $ac();
$ac->setImmutable(); // once and for all lock this instance in the "immutable" state
$cache['INSTANCES']['AC'] = $ac;
return $cache['INSTANCES']['AC'];
* Set access controller manually
* @param Item\Access $instance
public function setAccessController($instance)
return; // todo: throw NotAllowedException?
// actually, there should be like "immutable" attribute
// if(!$this->configurable)
// {
// throw new SystemException('Controller is non-configurable');
// }
$this->accessController = $instance;
* Returns current environment context (from pool or from property, if was set manually)
* @return null|Context
public function getContext()
return $this->context;
$cache =& static::getCache();
$cache['INSTANCES'] = array();
$ctx = Context::getDefault();
$cache['INSTANCES']['CTX'] = $ctx;
return $cache['INSTANCES']['CTX'];
* Set environment context manually
* @param $ctx
public function setContext($ctx)
return; // todo: throw NotAllowedException?
$this->context = $ctx;
* Returns user field controller (from pool or from property, if was set manually)
* @return null|UserField
public function getUserFieldController()
return $this->userFieldController;
$className = static::getUserFieldControllerClass();
if($className === null)
return null;
$cache =& static::getCache();
$cache['INSTANCES'] = array();
$ctx = new $className;
$cache['INSTANCES']['UFC'] = $ctx;
return $cache['INSTANCES']['UFC'];
* Set user field controller manually
* @param $ufc
public function setUserFieldController($ufc)
return; // todo: throw NotAllowedException?
$this->userFieldController = $ufc;
* Make instance from source (typically, array)
* @param $data
* @param int $userId
* @return static
public static function makeInstanceFromSource($data, $userId = 0)
$item = new static(0, $userId);
$item->clearModifiedFields(); // this is not a modification, this is just some loading
return $item;
* Get instance from pool.
* todo: set immutable() here
* @param $id
* @param int $userId
* @return static|null
public static function getInstance($id, $userId = 0)
$userId = intval($userId);
$userId = Context::getDefault()->getUserId();
$id = intval($id);
if(!$id || $id < 0)
return new static($id, $userId);
$cache =& static::getCache();
$key = $id.'-'.$userId;
$cache['ITEMS'] = array();
$instance = new static($id, $userId);
$cache['ITEMS'][$key] = $instance;
return $cache['ITEMS'][$key];
* Tries to add or update item depending on if $this->id is defined or not
* @return Result
* @param mixed $settings
* @throws SystemException
public function save($settings = array())
$dc = static::getDataSourceClass();
$result = new Result();
$result->getErrors()->add('IS_IMMUTABLE', 'Item is read-only');
return $result;
$state = $this->getTransitionState();
$result = new Result();
$result->getErrors()->add('IN_TRANSITION', 'Item is in transition state, no overlapping operations available');
return $result;
$map = $this->getMap();
$ufc = $this->getUserFieldController();
$accessResult = new Result();
// first - check access
if($this->id) // we want update
$canPerform = $this->canUpdate($accessResult);
$canPerform = $this->canCreate($accessResult);
$this->id ? State::MODE_UPDATE : State::MODE_CREATE
/** @var Result $result */
$result = $state->getResult();
/** @var Field\Scalar $field */
foreach($map as $field)
$name = $field->getName();
// assign default values here, like they were modified...
if(!$this->id && $field->hasDefaultValue($name, $this))
$field->setValue($field->getDefaultValue($name, $this), $name, $this);
$this->setFieldModified($name); // mark as modified, to be saved
// if we can, then run deep into structure and prepare data
// todo: onBeforeSave event here
// after that, run deep one more time and check data before saving
if($result->isSuccess() && $this->doPreActions($state) && $this->executeHooksBefore($state))
$tablet = array();
$extra = array();
/** @var Item\Field\Scalar $field */
foreach($map as $field)
$name = $field->getName();
// skip non-writable fields
// skip unchanged fields
// skip non-cache-able fields that can NOT be written to the database
if(!$field->isDBWritable() || !($this->isFieldModified($name) || (!$field->isCacheable() && $field->isDBWritable())))
$dbName = $field->getDBName();
$value = $this[$name];
$isTablet = $field->isSourceTablet();
$isUf = $ufc && $field->isSourceUserField();
$isCustom = $field->isSourceCustom();
if ($value !== null)
if ($isTablet || $isUf)
$tablet[$dbName] = $field->translateValueToDatabase($value, $name, $this);
elseif ($isCustom)
$extra[$name] = $value; // the field will save data by itself
$tablet = $this->modifyTabletDataBeforeSave($tablet);
$authContext = new \Bitrix\Main\Authentication\Context();
$tablet = array("fields" => $tablet, "auth_context" => $authContext);
$dbResult = $dc::update($this->id, $tablet);
$dbResult = $dc::add($tablet);
$this->setId($dbResult->getId()); // bind current instance to the newly created item
// now save each extra field separately
// todo: not only custom fields could have saveValueToDataBase() implemented!!!
// todo: for example, task`s PARENT_ID can create additional structures with saveValueToDataBase()
foreach($extra as $k => $v)
/** @var Field\Scalar $fld */
$fld = $map[$k];
$subSaveResult = $fld->saveValueToDataBase($v, $k, $this);
$result->adoptErrors($subSaveResult, array(
'CODE' => $k.'.#CODE#',
'MESSAGE' => Loc::getMessage('TASKS_ITEM_SUBITEM_SAVE_ERROR', array(
'#ENTITY_NAME#' => $fld->getTitle()
)).': #MESSAGE#',
if ($this->id)
// todo: onAfterSave event here
$result = new Result();
if($result->isSuccess() && $settings['KEEP_DATA'] !== true)
return $result;
private static function fixGlobalUser($userId)
$fixed = false;
$userId = intval($userId);
if($GLOBALS['USER'] === null && $userId > 0)
$GLOBALS['USER'] = \Bitrix\Tasks\Util\User\Mock::getInstance($userId);
$fixed = true;
return $fixed;
private static function restoreGlobalUser($fixed)
$GLOBALS['USER'] = null;
* Tries to delete item
* @param mixed[] $parameters
* @return Result
* @throws SystemException
public function delete($parameters = null)
$result = new Result();
$result->getErrors()->add('IS_IMMUTABLE', 'Item is read-only');
return $result;
$dc = static::getDataSourceClass();
$state = $this->getTransitionState();
$result = new Result();
$result->getErrors()->add('IN_TRANSITION', 'Item is in transition state, no overlapping operations available');
return $result;
$accessResult = new Result();
// first - check access
$canPerform = $this->canDelete($accessResult);
$state->enter(array(), State::MODE_DELETE, $parameters);
$result = $state->getResult();
if($this->doPreActions($state) && $this->executeHooksBefore($state))
$map = $this->getMap();
// remove all related entities
/** @var Field\Scalar $field */
foreach($map as $field)
$name = $field->getName();
$subSaveResult = $field->saveValueToDataBase(null, $name, $this);
$result->adoptErrors($subSaveResult, array(
'CODE' => $name.'.#CODE#',
'#ENTITY_NAME#' => $field->getTitle()
)).': #MESSAGE#',
// remove item itself
$dbResult = $dc::delete($this->id);
$result = new Result();
$result = new Result();
$result->getErrors()->add('NO_PRIMARY', 'Attempting to delete virtual item');
return $result;
* Count items in database by condition
* @param array $dcParams
* @param null $settings
* @return int
* @throws NotImplementedException
* @throws SystemException
public static function getCount(array $dcParams = array(), $settings = null)
$settings = array();
$settings['USER_ID'] = User::getId();
$dc = static::getDataSourceClass();
// todo: filter select key carefully here!!! DO NOT query fields that have DB_READABLE == false, and also
// todo: care about SOURCE == Scalar::SOURCE_CUSTOM here!
// todo: this is the default access controller, we could specify our own in $settings and use here
$ac = static::getAccessControllerDefault();
$parameters = $ac->addDataBaseAccessCheck(
'USER_ID' => $settings['USER_ID'],
// catch some exceptions came from orm, and wrap it into a error
$count = $dc::getCount($parameters);
catch(SystemException $e) // orm throws common SystemException, which is not good, but we cant do anything
throw $e;
return $count;
* Find items in database by condition
* todo: pagenav support here, like NAV_PARAMS in old getlist()? (if yes, avoid usage of global variables)
* @param array $parameters
* @param null $settings
* @return array|\Bitrix\Tasks\Item\Collection
* @throws NotImplementedException
* @throws SystemException
public static function find(array $parameters = array(), $settings = null)
$settings = array();
$settings['USER_ID'] = User::getId();
$dc = static::getDataSourceClass();
$dcParams = array_intersect_key(
array('filter' => 1, 'select' => 1, 'order' => 1, 'limit' => 1, 'offset' => 1, 'count_total' => 1)
// todo: filter select key carefully here!!! DO NOT query fields that have DB_READABLE == false, and also
// todo: care about SOURCE == Scalar::SOURCE_CUSTOM here!
// todo: this is the default access controller, we could specify our own in $settings and use here
$ac = static::getAccessControllerDefault();
$items = array();
$result = static::getCollectionInstance();
$parameters = $ac->addDataBaseAccessCheck(
'USER_ID' => $settings['USER_ID'],
// catch some exceptions came from orm, and wrap it into a error
$res = $dc::getList($parameters);
catch(SystemException $e) // orm throws common SystemException, which is not good, but we cant do anything
if($e->getCode() == 100) // errors like "Unknown field"
$message = $e->getMessage();
$found = array();
$data = array();
if(preg_match('#Unknown field definition `([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)`#', $message, $found) && $found[1] && mb_strlen($found[1]))
$message = Loc::getMessage('TASKS_ITEM_UNKNOWN_FIELD', array('FIELD_NAME' => $found[1]));
$data = array('FIELD_NAME' => $found[1]);
$result->addError('UNKNOWN_FIELD', $message, Error::TYPE_FATAL, $data);
$res = null;
throw $e;
while($item = $res->fetch())
// todo: in $settings we could have RETURN_TYPE field: return item collection or array-of-array
$items[] = static::makeInstanceFromSource($item, $settings['USER_ID']);
return $result;
* Find items in database by condition
* todo: pagenav support here, like NAV_PARAMS in old getlist()? (if yes, avoid usage of global variables)
* @param array $parameters
* @param null $settings
* @return array|\Bitrix\Tasks\Item\Collection
* @throws NotImplementedException
* @throws SystemException
public static function getList(array $parameters = array(), $settings = null)
$settings = array();
$settings['USER_ID'] = User::getId();
$dc = static::getDataSourceClass();
$dcParams = array_intersect_key(
array('filter' => 1, 'select' => 1, 'order' => 1, 'limit' => 1, 'offset' => 1, 'count_total' => 1)
if(isset($dcParams['select']) && !in_array('*', $dcParams['select']) && !in_array('ID', $dcParams['select']))
// todo: filter select key carefully here!!! DO NOT query fields that have DB_READABLE == false, and also
// todo: care about SOURCE == Scalar::SOURCE_CUSTOM here!
// todo: this is the default access controller, we could specify our own in $settings and use here
$ac = static::getAccessControllerDefault();
$items = array();
$result = static::getCollectionInstance();
$parameters = $ac->addDataBaseAccessCheck(
'USER_ID' => $settings['USER_ID'],
// catch some exceptions came from orm, and wrap it into a error
$res = $dc::getList($parameters);
catch(SystemException $e) // orm throws common SystemException, which is not good, but we cant do anything
if($e->getCode() == 100) // errors like "Unknown field"
$message = $e->getMessage();
$found = array();
$data = array();
if(preg_match('#Unknown field definition `([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)`#', $message, $found) && $found[1] && mb_strlen($found[1]))
$message = Loc::getMessage('TASKS_ITEM_UNKNOWN_FIELD', array('FIELD_NAME' => $found[1]));
$data = array('FIELD_NAME' => $found[1]);
$result->addError('UNKNOWN_FIELD', $message, Error::TYPE_FATAL, $data);
$res = null;
throw $e;
while($item = $res->fetch())
$items[ $item['ID'] ] = $item;
return $result;
* Find one item in database by condition
* @param array $parameters
* @param null $settings
* @return Item|null
public static function findOne(array $parameters, $settings = null)
$parameters['limit'] = 1;
$parameters['offset'] = 0;
return static::find($parameters, $settings)->first();
* @param array|null $values
* @return \Bitrix\Tasks\Util\Collection
public static function getCollectionInstance(array $values = null)
$className = static::getCollectionClass();
return new $className($values);
* Constructs an instance of Map object for current item class
* @param array $parameters
* @return Field\Map
* @throws NotImplementedException
protected static function generateMap(array $parameters = array())
$dc = static::getDataSourceClass();
$ufc = static::getUserFieldControllerClass();
$map = new Field\Map();
$parameters['EXCLUDE'] = array();
// read from orm tablet
* @var mixed[]|\Bitrix\Main\Entity\BooleanField|\Bitrix\Main\Entity\DateTimeField|\Bitrix\Main\Entity\ScalarField $v
foreach($dc::getMap() as $k => $v)
$name = $k;
$name = $v->getName();
if(array_key_exists($name, $parameters['EXCLUDE'])) // ignore some
// todo: refactor mess here, make some fabric maybe
$isBoolean = is_object($v) ? is_a($v, '\\Bitrix\\Main\\Entity\\BooleanField') : $v['data_type'] == 'boolean';
$isDate = is_object($v) ? is_a($v, '\\Bitrix\\Main\\Entity\\DateTimeField') : $v['data_type'] == 'datetime';
$isReference = is_object($v) ? is_a($v, '\\Bitrix\\Main\\Entity\\ReferenceField') : isset($v['reference']);
$isExpression = is_object($v) ? is_a($v, '\\Bitrix\\Main\\Entity\\ExpressionField') : isset($v['expression']);
if($isReference || $isExpression) // todo: make use of references and expressions too
$fParameters = array(
'NAME' => $name,
'SOURCE' => Field\Scalar::SOURCE_TABLET,
//'DB_WRITABLE' => !($isReference || $isExpression),
'DEFAULT' => is_object($v) ? $v->getDefaultValue() : $v['default_value'],
'ENUMERATION' => $isBoolean ? (
is_object($v) ? $v->getValues() : $v['values']
) : array(),
$field = new Field\Date($fParameters);
$field = new Field\Boolean($fParameters);
$field = new Field\Scalar($fParameters);
$map->placeField($field, $name);
// read from user field scheme
if($ufc !== null && class_exists($ufc))
// as we pass 0 to the first argument, there is no need to pass userId also
foreach($ufc::getScheme() as $name => $v)
if(array_key_exists($name, $parameters['EXCLUDE'])) // ignore some
$isDate = $v['USER_TYPE_ID'] == 'date';
$isDateTime = $v['USER_TYPE_ID'] == 'datetime';
$field = array(
'NAME' => $name,
'SOURCE' => Field\Scalar::SOURCE_UF,
if($v['MULTIPLE'] == 'Y')
if(($isDate || $isDateTime))
$field = new Field\Collection\UFDate($field);
if($v['USER_TYPE_ID'] == 'integer')
$field = new Field\Collection\Integer($field);
$field = new Field\Collection\Scalar($field);
if($isDate || $isDateTime)
$field = new Field\UFDate($field);
$field = new Field\Scalar($field);
$map->placeField($field, $name);
// todo: make some onBuildMap event here to be able to modify it without inheritance, hmm?
return $map;
* Do some data rearrangements before save() performed
* @param Result $result
* @return boolean
* @access private
public function prepareData($result)
$map = $this->getMap();
* @var Field\Scalar $v
foreach($map as $k => $v)
$name = $v->getName();
$v->prepareValue($v->getValue($name, $this), $name, $this, array(
'RESULT' => $result
return $result->isSuccess();
* Checks data before save() performed
* @param Result $result
* @return boolean
* @access private
public function checkData($result)
$map = $this->getMap();
* @var Field\Scalar $v
foreach($map as $k => $v)
$name = $v->getName();
$v->checkValue($v->getValue($name, $this), $name, $this, array(
'RESULT' => $result
// todo: also, there should be an ORM-based check for tablet data and user fields
return $result->isSuccess();
/** Runs extra hook on tablet data right before ORM add() or update() call */
protected function modifyTabletDataBeforeSave($data)
return $data;
* Runs extra code before actions (save() and delete() performed)
* @param $state
* @return bool
protected function doPreActions($state)
return true; // do nothing
* Runs extra code after actions (save() and delete() performed)
* @param State $state
* @return bool
protected function doPostActions($state)
return true; // do nothing
* Execute possible hooks before action is done, but after checkData() prepareData() and doPreActions()
* @param State $state
* @return boolean
protected function executeHooksBefore($state)
return true;
* Execute possible hooks after action is done, but before doPostActions()
* @param State $state
* @return boolean
protected function executeHooksAfter($state)
return true;
* Exports item data using $exporter. Typically, exporting into array will be performed, but there could be custom exporters also
* @param array $select
* @param null $exporter
* @return array
public function export($select = array(), $exporter = null)
if($exporter === null)
$exporter = new Canonical();
return $exporter->export($this, $select);
* Returns item data in external-level format.
* The behaviour is similar to getData(), but returns a static structure without any objects.
* It does not return non-map offsets
* Practically, an alias for export() (exports all by default)
* @return array
public function getArray()
return $this->export();
public function getRawValues()
return $this->values;
* Converts current entity into a new one, using $converter
* @param Converter|null $converter
* @return Converter\Result
* @throws ArgumentException
public function transform($converter)
return $converter->convert($this);
* Alias for transform()
* @param Converter $converter
* @return mixed
public function transformWith($converter)
return $this->transform($converter);
* @param Converter $converter
* @return mixed
public function abortTransformation($converter)
return $converter->abortConversion($this);
public function getUserFieldScheme($getValue = false, array $settings = array())
$result = new Util\Collection();
$ufc = $this->getUserFieldController();
$scheme = $ufc->getScheme();
foreach($scheme as $field => $fieldDesc)
$fieldValue = $this[$field];
if($settings['COLLECTION_VALUE_TO_ARRAY'] && \Bitrix\Tasks\Util\Collection::isA($fieldValue))
$fieldValue = $fieldValue->toArray();
$scheme[$field]['VALUE'] = $fieldValue;
return $result;
public function __call($name, array $arguments)
$name = ToLower(trim((string) $name));
// can*() methods stand for rights checking
if(mb_strpos($name, 'can') === 0)
return $this->callCanMethod($name, $arguments);
throw new NotImplementedException('Call to unknown method '.$name);
protected static function getBatchState()
$cache =& static::getCache();
$state = new State\Trigger();
$cache['BATCH_STATE'] = $state;
return $cache['BATCH_STATE'];
public static function enterBatchState()
// todo: need for an event here
public static function leaveBatchState()
// todo: need for an event here, with detailed statistics on what items were created\updated\deleted
public static function processEnterBatchMode(State\Trigger $state)
public static function processLeaveBatchMode(State\Trigger $state)
protected static function &getCache()
$id = static::getClass();
if(!array_key_exists($id, static::$cache))
static::$cache[$id] = array();
return static::$cache[$id];
protected function setDataContext($ctxName)
$this->currentDataContext = $ctxName;
protected function setDefaultDataContext()
$this->currentDataContext = null;
public function setImmutable()
$this->instanceCached = true;
$this->immutable = true;
public function isImmutable()
return $this->immutable;
protected function callCanMethod($name, $arguments)
$method = array($this->getAccessController(), $name);
$result = call_user_func_array($method, array($this));
/** @var \Bitrix\Tasks\Util\Result $mainResult */
$mainResult = $arguments[0];
$mainResult->adoptErrors($result, array(
return $result->isSuccess();
return true; // unknown action, like "walk on ears" will be allowed
private function checkConverter($converter)
if(!is_object($converter) || !Converter::isA($converter))
throw new ArgumentException('Illegal converter applied');
private function setTabletLoaded()
$flags =& $this->getContextFlags();
$flags['TABLET_LOADED'] = true;
private function isTabletLoaded()
$flags =& $this->getContextFlags();
return !!$flags['TABLET_LOADED'];
private function setUFLoaded()
$flags =& $this->getContextFlags();
$flags['UF_LOADED'] = true;