Your IP :
$MESS["SAP1_ERROR_UPDATE_PLAN"] = "An error occurred while updating the plan";
$MESS["SAP1_ERROR_DELETE_PLAN"] = "An error occurred while deleting the plan";
$MESS["SAP1_ERROR_ACTIVE_PLAN"] = "An error occurred while changing the plan active status";
$MESS["SAP1_PLANS"] = "Plans";
$MESS["SAP1_SITE"] = "Site";
$MESS["SAP1_ACTIVE"] = "Active";
$MESS["SAP1_NAME"] = "Name";
$MESS["SAP1_RATE"] = "Tariff";
$MESS["SAP1_NOT_LESS"] = "For sales over";
$MESS["SAP1_UPDATE_PLAN"] = "Edit plan settings";
$MESS["SAP1_SHT"] = "pcs.";
$MESS["SAP1_UPDATE"] = "Edit";
$MESS["SAP1_DELETE"] = "Delete";
$MESS["SAP1_DELETE_CONF"] = "Are you sure you want to delete this plan?";
$MESS["SAP1_ADD_PLAN"] = "New plan";
$MESS["SAP1_ADD_PLAN_ALT"] = "Adds a new plan";
$MESS["SAP1_RATE_PLANS"] = "Affiliate tariff plans";
$MESS["SAP1_SITE1"] = "Site:";
$MESS["SAP1_ALL"] = "(all)";
$MESS["SAP1_ACTIVE1"] = "Active:";
$MESS["SAP1_YES"] = "Yes";
$MESS["SAP1_NO"] = "No";
$MESS["SAP1_NOTE1"] = "You can use the e-Store global settings to set the plan application priority by the number of items purchased within the calculation period, or by the total sales amount for a definite period.";
$MESS["SAA_CHECK_FAILED"] = "You did not define any primary plan (with a zero limit)";