Your IP :
"""passlib.win32 - MS Windows support - DEPRECATED, WILL BE REMOVED IN 1.8
the LMHASH and NTHASH algorithms are used in various windows related contexts,
but generally not in a manner compatible with how passlib is structured.
in particular, they have no identifying marks, both being
32 bytes of binary data. thus, they can't be easily identified
in a context with other hashes, so a CryptHandler hasn't been defined for them.
this module provided two functions to aid in any use-cases which exist.
.. warning::
these functions should not be used for new code unless an existing
system requires them, they are both known broken,
and are beyond insecure on their own.
.. autofunction:: raw_lmhash
.. autofunction:: raw_nthash
See also :mod:`passlib.hash.nthash`.
from warnings import warn
warn("the 'passlib.win32' module is deprecated, and will be removed in "
"passlib 1.8; please use the 'passlib.hash.nthash' and "
"'passlib.hash.lmhash' classes instead.",
# imports
# core
from binascii import hexlify
# site
# pkg
from passlib.utils.compat import unicode
from passlib.crypto.des import des_encrypt_block
from passlib.hash import nthash
# local
__all__ = [
# helpers
LM_MAGIC = b"KGS!@#$%"
raw_nthash = nthash.raw_nthash
def raw_lmhash(secret, encoding="ascii", hex=False):
"""encode password using des-based LMHASH algorithm; returns string of raw bytes, or unicode hex"""
# NOTE: various references say LMHASH uses the OEM codepage of the host
# for its encoding. until a clear reference is found,
# as well as a path for getting the encoding,
# letting this default to "ascii" to prevent incorrect hashes
# from being made w/o user explicitly choosing an encoding.
if isinstance(secret, unicode):
secret = secret.encode(encoding)
ns = secret.upper()[:14] + b"\x00" * (14-len(secret))
out = des_encrypt_block(ns[:7], LM_MAGIC) + des_encrypt_block(ns[7:], LM_MAGIC)
return hexlify(out).decode("ascii") if hex else out
# eoc