Your IP :
namespace Bitrix\Landing\Connector;
use Bitrix\Landing\Copy\Integration\Group;
use \Bitrix\Main\Config\Option;
use \Bitrix\Main\Localization\Loc;
use \Bitrix\Landing\Binding;
use \Bitrix\Landing\Rights;
use \Bitrix\Landing\Manager;
use \Bitrix\Landing\Site;
class SocialNetwork
* Binding code short.
const SETTINGS_CODE_SHORT = 'knowledge';
* Binding code.
const SETTINGS_CODE = 'landing_knowledge';
* Path for binding group with new site.
* @todo: it's not good, specify path in the code, but temporary it's ok
const PATH_GROUP_BINDING = 'kb/binding/group/create.php?groupId=#groupId#';
* Gets binding row by group id.
* @param int $groupId Group id.
* @param bool $checkAccess Check read access.
* @return array
public static function getBindingRow(int $groupId, bool $checkAccess = true)
$groupId = intval($groupId);
$bindings = Binding\Group::getList($groupId);
if ($bindings)
$bindings = array_pop($bindings);
if ($bindings['ENTITY_TYPE'] == Binding\Entity::ENTITY_TYPE_SITE)
$hasAccess = !$checkAccess || Rights::hasAccessForSite(
if ($hasAccess)
return $bindings;
return [];
* Builds and returns social group menu link.
* @param int $groupId Group id.
* @param bool $returnCreateLink If true and link is no exist, returns create link.
* @return string
public static function getSocNetMenuUrl($groupId, $returnCreateLink = true)
if (Option::get(Group::MODULE_ID, Group::CHECKER_OPTION . $groupId, '') == 'Y')
return '';
$link = '';
$groupId = intval($groupId);
$bindings = self::getBindingRow($groupId, false);
// binding exist
if ($bindings)
$link = $bindings['PUBLIC_URL'];
// binding don't exist, allow to create new one
else if (
$returnCreateLink &&
!self::isExtranet() &&
$asset = \Bitrix\Main\Page\Asset::getInstance();
'var KnowledgeCreate = function(url)
top.window.history.pushState(\'\', \'\', \'?tab=' . self::SETTINGS_CODE_SHORT . '\');, {allowChangeHistory: false});
$link = SITE_DIR . str_replace('#groupId#', $groupId, self::PATH_GROUP_BINDING);
$link = 'javascript:void(KnowledgeCreate(\'' . $link . '\'));';
return $link;
* Fill settings array for social network group.
* @param array &$socNetFeaturesSettings Settings array.
* @return void
public static function onFillSocNetFeaturesList(&$socNetFeaturesSettings)
$scopeCode = \Bitrix\Landing\Site\Type::SCOPE_CODE_GROUP;
if (
\Bitrix\Landing\Site\Type::isEnabled($scopeCode) &&
$socNetFeaturesSettings[self::SETTINGS_CODE] = [
'allowed' => [SONET_ENTITY_GROUP],
'title' => Loc::getMessage('LANDING_CONNECTOR_SN_TITLE'),
'operations' => [],
'minoperation' => 'view'
* Fill menu array for social network group.
* @param array &$result Menu array.
* @return void
public static function onFillSocNetMenu(&$result)
// allowed only for groups
if (!isset($result['Group']['ID']))
if (!isset($result['Urls']['View']))
// is enabled in features or not
if (!empty($result['ActiveFeatures']))
$enable = array_key_exists(
$enable = false;
if ($enable)
$url = self::getSocNetMenuUrl($result['Group']['ID']);
if (!$url)
$enable = false;
$url = '';
// build menu params
$result['CanView'][self::SETTINGS_CODE] = $enable;
$result['Title'][self::SETTINGS_CODE] = Loc::getMessage('LANDING_CONNECTOR_SN_TITLE');
$result['Urls'][self::SETTINGS_CODE] = $url;
* Returns true, if current site is extranet.
* @return bool
protected static function isExtranet()
if (\Bitrix\Main\Loader::includeModule('extranet'))
return \CExtranet::isExtranetSite();
return false;
* If current hit is for opening url.
* @param string $url Url for opening.
* @return void
protected static function processTabHit($url)
$request = \Bitrix\Main\Application::getInstance()->getContext()->getRequest();
if ($request->get('tab') == self::SETTINGS_CODE_SHORT)
if ($request->get('page'))
$url = $request->get('page');
$asset = \Bitrix\Main\Page\Asset::getInstance();
'BX.ready(function(){\'' . $url . '\');});',
* Returns group path by id.
* @param int $groupId Group id.
* @param string $pagePath Page of landing.
* @return string
public static function getTabUrl($groupId, $pagePath = null)
static $groupPath = null;
if ($groupPath === null)
$groupPath = Option::get('socialnetwork', 'group_path_template', '', SITE_ID);
if (mb_substr($groupPath, -1) == '/')
$groupPath .= 'general/';
$groupId = intval($groupId);
if ($groupId && $groupPath)
$groupPath = str_replace('#group_id#', $groupId, $groupPath);
$uri = new \Bitrix\Main\Web\Uri($groupPath);
'tab' => self::SETTINGS_CODE_SHORT
if ($pagePath)
'page' => $pagePath
return $uri->getUri();
return null;
* Returns true, if current user are member of group.
* @param int $groupId Group id.
* @return bool
public static function userInGroup($groupId)
$groupId = (int) $groupId;
return \CSocNetUserToGroup::getUserRole(
) !== false;
* On social network group delete.
* @param int $groupId Group id.
* @return void
public static function onSocNetGroupDelete($groupId)
$bindings = Binding\Group::getList($groupId);
foreach ($bindings as $binding)
if ($binding['ENTITY_TYPE'] == Binding\Group::ENTITY_TYPE_SITE)
Site::delete($binding['ENTITY_ID'], true)->isSuccess();