Your IP :
# manage mysql instance
package bxMysql;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Moose;
use Moose::Exporter;
use File::Basename qw( dirname basename );
use File::Spec::Functions;
use Data::Dumper;
use DBI;
use Output;
use Pool;
use bxDaemon;
use bxSites;
use bxInventory qw( get_from_yaml generate_password generate_tmp);
# basic path for site
has 'config', is => 'ro', default => '/etc/ansible/group_vars/bitrix-mysql.yml';
has 'options',
is => 'rw',
lazy => 1,
builder => 'parseConfig'; # union cmd options and config options
has 'cmd', is => 'ro'; # cmd options for mysql group
has 'debug', is => 'ro', default => 0;
has 'logfile', is => 'ro', default => '/opt/webdir/logs/bxMysql.debug';
our $CACHE_DIR = '/opt/webdir/tmp';
## get options from ConfigFile
# if opt found in cmd than use it, else use from config
# /etc/ansible/group_vars/bitrix-mysql:
sub parseConfig {
my $self = shift;
my $message_p = ( caller(0) )[3];
my $message_t = __PACKAGE__;
my $cmdOpt = $self->cmd;
my $logOutput = Output->new(
error => 0,
logfile => $self->logfile,
debug => $self->debug
my $mysql_options = {
master_server => undef,
mysql_last_id => 1,
mysql_host => 'localhost',
mysql_port => 3306,
mysql_socket => '/var/lib/mysqld/mysqld.sock',
cluster_login => 'bx_clusteruser',
cluster_password => undef,
replica_login => 'bx_repluser',
replica_password => undef,
# parse ansible inventory file
my $rtn = get_from_yaml( $self->config );
if ( $rtn->is_error ) {
die $rtn->message;
my $opts = $rtn->data->[1];
foreach my $k ( keys %$mysql_options ) {
if ( ( defined $opts->{$k} ) && ( $opts->{$k} !~ /^\s*$/ ) ) {
$mysql_options->{$k} = $opts->{$k};
# parse command line opts
$logOutput->log_data("$message_p: parse cmd options");
foreach my $key ( keys %$mysql_options ) {
if ( defined $cmdOpt->{$key} && not defined $mysql_options->{$key} ) {
$mysql_options->{$key} = $cmdOpt->{$key};
$mysql_options->{$key} =~ s/^['"]//;
$mysql_options->{$key} =~ s/['"]$//;
$logOutput->log_data( "$message_p: replace opt by cmd line $key="
. $cmdOpt->{$key} );
# return
"$message_p: finished processing config=" . $self->config );
return $mysql_options;
## get server options
sub serverOptions {
my ( $self, $server_name ) = @_;
my $message_p = ( caller(0) )[3];
my $message_t = __PACKAGE__;
# return value
my $server_options = {
type => '',
id => '',
ip => '',
# get all host info
my $po = Pool->new();
my $get_host_ident = $po->get_inventory_hostname($server_name);
return $get_host_ident if ($get_host_ident->is_error);
my $host_ident = $get_host_ident->data->[1];
#print "hostname: $server_name\n";
my $host_info = $po->get_ansible_data($host_ident);
if ( $host_info->is_error ) { return $host_info }
my $host_data = $host_info->get_data;
my $server_hash = $host_data->[1];
# output only mysql option
if ( grep /^mysql$/, keys %{ $server_hash->{$host_ident}->{'roles'} } ) {
$server_options->{type} =
$server_options->{id} =
$server_options->{'mysql'} = 1;
$server_options->{'mysql'} = 0;
$server_options->{'ip'} = $server_hash->{$host_ident}->{'ip'};
$server_options->{bx_netaddr} = $server_hash->{$host_ident}->{host_vars}->{bx_netaddr};
return Output->new(
error => 0,
data => [ $message_t, { $host_ident => $server_options } ]
## get current mysql servers list
sub serverList {
my $self = shift;
my $message_p = ( caller(0) )[3];
my $message_t = __PACKAGE__;
my $debug = $self->debug;
my $logOutput = Output->new( error => 0, logfile => $self->logfile );
my $po = Pool->new();
my $get_mysql_servers = $po->get_inventory_hostname_at_group('mysql');
return $get_mysql_servers if ($get_mysql_servers->is_error);
my $mysql_servers = $get_mysql_servers->data->[1];
foreach my $srv (keys %$mysql_servers){
$mysql_servers->{$srv}->{id} = $mysql_servers->{$srv}->{roles}->{mysql}->{id};
$mysql_servers->{$srv}->{type} = $mysql_servers->{$srv}->{roles}->{mysql}->{type};
$mysql_servers->{$srv}->{bx_netaddr} = $mysql_servers->{$srv}->{host_vars}->{bx_netaddr};
delete $mysql_servers->{$srv}->{roles};
delete $mysql_servers->{$srv}->{host_vars};
if ($debug) {
"$message_p: finished processing for mysql servers");
return Output->new(
error => 0,
data => [ $message_t, $mysql_servers ] );
sub mysql_cluster_options {
my ( $self ) = @_;
my $mysql_options = $self->options;
# test mysql options - generate passwords
foreach my $key ( keys %$mysql_options ) {
if ( $key =~ /^(cluster|replica)_password$/ ) {
# generate passwords
if ( not defined $mysql_options->{$key} ) {
my $pass = generate_password();
my $tmp = generate_tmp($key, $CACHE_DIR);
open (my $h, ">", $tmp)
or die "Cannot open temporary file=$tmp: $!";
print $h $pass;
close $h;
$mysql_options->{$key."_file"} = $tmp;
# old version push password like plain text, new one like a file
# make differences
else {
if ( -f $mysql_options->{$key} ){
$mysql_options->{$key.'_file'} = $mysql_options->{$key};
my $tmp = generate_tmp($key, $CACHE_DIR);
open (my $h, ">", $tmp)
or die "Cannot open temporary file=$tmp: $!";
print $h $mysql_options->{$key};
close $h;
$mysql_options->{$key."_file"} = $tmp;
delete $mysql_options->{$key};
elsif ( $key =~ /^(mysql_host|mysql_port|mysql_socket)$/ ){
delete $mysql_options->{$key};
return $mysql_options;
## create mysql slave
# input:
# hostname in pool - host ip address
# *password options mandatory, but can be defined inf config file
sub slave {
my ( $self, $server_name ) = @_;
my $message_p = ( caller(0) )[3];
my $message_t = __PACKAGE__;
my $debug = $self->debug;
my $logOutput = Output->new( error => 0, logfile => $self->logfile );
# test host options
my $get_host_options = $self->serverOptions($server_name);
return $get_host_options if ($get_host_options->is_error);
my $host_options = $get_host_options->data->[1];
my ($host_ident) = keys %$host_options;
if ($host_options->{$host_ident}->{mysql}){
return Output->new(
error => 1,
message => "$message_p: $server_name already configured as "
. $host_options->{$host_ident}->{type}
. "mysql server",
# test sites; scale and cluster modules + number kernels sites
my $bxSites = bxSites->new();
my $testClusterConfig = $bxSites->testClusterConfig();
my $test_data = $testClusterConfig->get_data->[1];
if ( ( $test_data->{'test_kernels'} > 1 )
|| ( $test_data->{'test_without_scale'} > 0 )
|| ( $test_data->{'test_without_cluster'} > 0 ) )
return Output->new(
error => 1,
message =>
"$message_p: Found conditions when mysql-cluster configuration is disabled",
# test if password options exists
my $mysql_options = $self->mysql_cluster_options;
$mysql_options->{'group'} = 'mysql';
# create ansible task options
my $po = Pool->new();
my $ansData = $po->ansible_conf;
my $cmd_play = $ansData->{'playbook'};
my $cmd_conf = catfile( $ansData->{'base'}, "mysql.yml" );
$mysql_options->{mysql_manage} = "add";
$mysql_options->{slave_server} = $host_ident;
# run as daemon in background
my $dh = bxDaemon->new(
debug => $self->debug,
task_cmd => qq($cmd_play $cmd_conf)
my $created_process = $dh->startAnsibleProcess( 'mysql', $mysql_options );
return $created_process;
sub remove {
my ( $self, $server_name ) = @_;
my $message_p = ( caller(0) )[3];
my $message_t = __PACKAGE__;
my $debug = $self->debug;
my $logOutput = Output->new( error => 0, logfile => $self->logfile );
# test host options
my $get_host_options = $self->serverOptions($server_name);
return $get_host_options if ($get_host_options->is_error);
my $host_options = $get_host_options->data->[1];
my ($host_ident) = keys %$host_options;
if ($host_options->{$host_ident}->{mysql} &&
$host_options->{$host_ident}->{type} eq 'master'){
return Output->new(
error => 1,
message => "$message_p: $server_name is "
. $host_options->{$host_ident}->{type}
. "mysql server; Cannot remove it.",
}elsif (!$host_options->{$host_ident}->{mysql}){
return Output->new(
error => 1,
message => "$message_p: $server_name isn't mysql server ",
# create ansible task options
my $po = Pool->new();
my $ansData = $po->ansible_conf;
my $cmd_play = $ansData->{'playbook'};
my $cmd_conf = catfile( $ansData->{'base'}, "mysql.yml" );
my $mysql_options->{mysql_manage} = "remove";
$mysql_options->{slave_server} = $host_ident;
# run as daemon in background
my $dh = bxDaemon->new(
debug => $self->debug,
task_cmd => qq($cmd_play $cmd_conf)
my $created_process = $dh->startAnsibleProcess( 'mysql', $mysql_options );
return $created_process;
sub master {
my ( $self, $server_name ) = @_;
my $message_p = ( caller(0) )[3];
my $message_t = __PACKAGE__;
my $debug = $self->debug;
my $logOutput = Output->new( error => 0, logfile => $self->logfile );
# test host options
my $get_host_options = $self->serverOptions($server_name);
return $get_host_options if ($get_host_options->is_error);
my $host_options = $get_host_options->data->[1];
my ($host_ident) = keys %$host_options;
if ($host_options->{$host_ident}->{mysql} &&
$host_options->{$host_ident}->{type} eq 'master'){
return Output->new(
error => 1,
message => "$message_p: $server_name is "
. $host_options->{$host_ident}->{type}
. "mysql server; Nothing to do.",
}elsif (!$host_options->{$host_ident}->{mysql}){
return Output->new(
error => 1,
message => "$message_p: $server_name isn't mysql server ",
# create ansible task options
my $po = Pool->new();
my $ansData = $po->ansible_conf;
my $cmd_play = $ansData->{'playbook'};
my $cmd_conf = catfile( $ansData->{'base'}, "mysql.yml" );
my $mysql_options->{mysql_manage} = "master";
$mysql_options->{slave_server} = $host_ident;
$mysql_options->{serverid} = $host_options->{$host_ident}->{id};
# run as daemon in background
my $dh = bxDaemon->new(
debug => $self->debug,
task_cmd => qq($cmd_play $cmd_conf)
my $created_process = $dh->startAnsibleProcess( 'mysql', $mysql_options );
return $created_process;
# update mysql settings on servers
sub update {
my $self = shift;
my $message_p = ( caller(0) )[3];
my $message_t = __PACKAGE__;
my $logOutput = Output->new(
error => 0,
logfile => $self->logfile,
debug => $self->debug
$logOutput->log_data("$message_p: start update mysqls in the pool");
# test if password options exists
my $mysql_options = $self->mysql_cluster_options;
$mysql_options->{'group'} = 'mysql';
$mysql_options->{mysql_manage} = 'update';
# create ansible task options
my $po = Pool->new();
my $ansData = $po->ansible_conf;
# update group configuration by value that user defined
my $cmd_play = $ansData->{'playbook'};
my $cmd_conf = catfile( $ansData->{'base'}, "mysql.yml" );
# run as daemon in background
my $dh = bxDaemon->new(
debug => $self->debug,
task_cmd => qq($cmd_play $cmd_conf)
my $created_process = $dh->startAnsibleProcess( 'mysql', $mysql_options );
return $created_process;
sub password {
my ( $self, $server_name, $mysql_manage ) = @_;
my $message_p = ( caller(0) )[3];
my $message_t = __PACKAGE__;
my $debug = $self->debug;
my $logOutput = Output->new( error => 0, logfile => $self->logfile );
my $cmd = $self->cmd;
# get all host info
my $po = Pool->new();
my $get_host_ident = $po->get_inventory_hostname($server_name);
return $get_host_ident if ($get_host_ident->is_error);
my $host_ident = $get_host_ident->data->[1];
( $cmd->{password_file} )
or return Output->new(
error => 1,
messages => "$message_p: password_file is mandatory option"
$logOutput->log_data("$message_p: $mysql_manage on server=$server_name");
# test if server name doesn't exist in configuration
my $get_server_opt = serverOptions( $self, $host_ident );
if ( $get_server_opt->is_error ) { return $get_server_opt }
if ($debug) { $logOutput->log_data("$message_p: get server options"); }
# create ansible task options
# ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/mysql.yml -vvv -e "replica_password=XXXXXXXX cluster_password=XXXXXXXXX "
my $ansData = $po->ansible_conf;
my $cmd_play = $ansData->{'playbook'};
my $cmd_conf = catfile( $ansData->{'base'}, "mysql.yml" );
my $cmd_opts = {
'mysql_manage' => $mysql_manage,
'slave_server' => $host_ident,
'password_file' => $cmd->{password_file},
# run as daemon in background
my $dh = bxDaemon->new(
debug => $self->debug,
task_cmd => qq($cmd_play $cmd_conf)
my $created_process = $dh->startAnsibleProcess( 'mysql', $cmd_opts );
return $created_process;
sub manage {
my ( $self, $server_name, $mysql_manage ) = @_;
my $message_p = ( caller(0) )[3];
my $message_t = __PACKAGE__;
my $debug = $self->debug;
my $logOutput = Output->new( error => 0, logfile => $self->logfile );
my $cmd = $self->cmd;
my $po = Pool->new();
my $get_host_ident = $po->get_inventory_hostname($server_name);
return $get_host_ident if ($get_host_ident->is_error);
my $host_ident = $get_host_ident->data->[1];
$logOutput->log_data("$message_p: $mysql_manage on server=$server_name");
# test if server name doesn't exist in configuration
my $get_server_opt = serverOptions( $self, $host_ident );
if ( $get_server_opt->is_error ) { return $get_server_opt }
if ($debug) { $logOutput->log_data("$message_p: get server options"); }
# create ansible task options
# ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/mysql.yml -vvv -e "replica_password=XXXXXXXX cluster_password=XXXXXXXXX "
my $ansData = $po->ansible_conf;
my $cmd_play = $ansData->{'playbook'};
my $cmd_conf = catfile( $ansData->{'base'}, "mysql.yml" );
my $cmd_opts = {
'mysql_manage' => $mysql_manage,
'slave_server' => $host_ident,
# run as daemon in background
my $dh = bxDaemon->new(
debug => $self->debug,
task_cmd => qq($cmd_play $cmd_conf)
my $created_process = $dh->startAnsibleProcess( 'mysql', $cmd_opts );
return $created_process;