Your IP :
* Bitrix Framework
* @package bitrix
* @subpackage main
* @copyright 2001-2015 Bitrix
namespace Bitrix\Main\UI;
use Bitrix\Main\Web;
* Class PageNavigation
* This class helps to calculate limits for DB queries and other data sources
* to organize page navigation through results.
* Examples of supported URLs:
* /page.php?nav-cars=page-5&nav-books=page-2&other=params
* /page.php?nav-cars=page-5-size-20&nav-books=page-2
* /page.php?nav-cars=page-all&nav-books=page-2
* /page/nav-cars/page-2/size-20/something/
* /page/nav-cars/page-all/something/?other=params
* /page/nav-cars/page-5/nav-books/page-2/size-10
class PageNavigation
protected $id;
protected $pageSizes = array();
protected $pageSize = 20;
protected $recordCount;
protected $currentPage;
protected $allowAll = false;
protected $allRecords = false;
* @param string $id Navigation identity like "nav-cars".
public function __construct($id)
$this->id = $id;
* Initializes the navigation from URI.
public function initFromUri()
$navParams = array();
$request = \Bitrix\Main\Context::getCurrent()->getRequest();
if(($value = $request->getQuery($this->id)) !== null)
//parameters are in the QUERY_STRING
$params = explode("-", $value);
for($i = 0, $n = count($params); $i < $n; $i += 2)
$navParams[$params[$i]] = $params[$i+1];
//probably parametrs are in the SEF URI
$matches = array();
if(preg_match("'/".preg_quote($this->id, "'")."/page-([\\d]+|all)+(/size-([\\d]+))?'", $request->getRequestUri(), $matches))
$navParams["page"] = $matches[1];
$navParams["size"] = $matches[3];
//set page size from user request
if(in_array($navParams["size"], $this->pageSizes))
if($navParams["page"] == "all" && $this->allowAll == true)
//show all records in one page
$this->allRecords = true;
//set current page within boundaries
$currentPage = (int)$navParams["page"];
if($currentPage >= 1)
if($this->recordCount !== null)
$maxPage = $this->getPageCount();
if($currentPage > $maxPage)
$currentPage = $maxPage;
* Returns number of pages or 0 if recordCount is not set.
* @return int
public function getPageCount()
return 1;
$maxPages = floor($this->recordCount/$this->pageSize);
if(($this->recordCount % $this->pageSize) > 0)
return $maxPages;
* @param int $n Page size.
* @return $this
public function setPageSize($n)
$this->pageSize = (int)$n;
return $this;
* @param int $n The current page number.
* @return $this
public function setCurrentPage($n)
$this->currentPage = (int)$n;
return $this;
* Returns the current page number.
* @return int
public function getCurrentPage()
if($this->currentPage !== null)
return $this->currentPage;
return 1;
* @param bool $mode Allows to show all records, yes or no.
* @return $this
public function allowAllRecords($mode)
$this->allowAll = (bool)$mode;
return $this;
* @param int $n Number of records (to calculate number of pages).
* @return $this
public function setRecordCount($n)
$this->recordCount = (int)$n;
return $this;
* Returns number of records.
* @return int|null
public function getRecordCount()
return $this->recordCount;
* This controls which sizes are available via user interface.
* @param array $sizes Array of integers.
* @return $this
public function setPageSizes(array $sizes)
$this->pageSizes = $sizes;
return $this;
* Returns allowed page sizes.
* @return array
public function getPageSizes()
return $this->pageSizes;
* Returns "formal" page size.
* @return int
public function getPageSize()
return $this->pageSize;
* Returns navigation ID.
* @return string
public function getId()
return $this->id;
* Returns offset of the first record of the current page.
* @return int
public function getOffset()
return 0;
return ($this->getCurrentPage() - 1) * $this->pageSize;
* Returns the number of records in the current page.
* @return int
public function getLimit()
return $this->getRecordCount();
return $this->pageSize;
* Returns true if all the records are shown in one page.
* @return bool
public function allRecordsShown()
return $this->allRecords;
* Returns true if showing all records is allowed.
* @return bool
public function allRecordsAllowed()
return $this->allowAll;
* Returns an URI with navigation parameters compatible with initFromUri().
* @param Web\Uri $uri
* @param bool $sef SEF mode.
* @param string $page Page number.
* @param string $size Page size.
* @return Web\Uri
public function addParams(Web\Uri $uri, $sef, $page, $size = null)
if($sef == true)
$this->clearParams($uri, $sef);
$path = $uri->getPath();
$pos = strrpos($path, "/");
$path = substr($path, 0, $pos+1).$this->id."/page-".$page."/".($size !== null? "size-".$size."/" : '').substr($path, $pos+1);
$uri->addParams(array($this->id => "page-".$page.($size !== null? "-size-".$size : '')));
return $uri;
* Clears an URI from navigation parameters and returns it.
* @param Web\Uri $uri
* @param bool $sef SEF mode.
* @return Web\Uri
public function clearParams(Web\Uri $uri, $sef)
if($sef == true)
$path = $uri->getPath();
$path = preg_replace("'/".preg_quote($this->id, "'")."/page-([\\d]+|all)+(/size-([\\d]+))?'", "", $path);
return $uri;