Your IP :
namespace Bitrix\Vote\Base;
use Bitrix\Main\Application;
use Bitrix\Main\DB\Connection;
use Bitrix\Main\Diag\Debug;
use Bitrix\Main\Diag\SqlTrackerQuery;
use Bitrix\Main\SystemException;
final class Diag
private $showOnDisplay = 0;
private $exclusiveUserId = null;
private $enableLog = false;
/** @var Diag */
private static $instance;
private $stackSql = array();
private $stackMemory = array();
/** @var Connection connection */
private $connection;
private function __construct()
$this->connection = Application::getInstance()->getConnection();
* Gets instance of Diag.
* @return Diag
public static function getInstance()
self::$instance = new self;
return self::$instance;
* Sets value to status of show log message on display.
* @param bool $showOnDisplay Value.
* @return $this
public function setShowOnDisplay($showOnDisplay)
$this->showOnDisplay = $showOnDisplay;
return $this;
* Sets user id who can use class Diag. If set null then everybody can use it.
* @param int $exclusiveUserId Id of user.
* @return $this
public function setExclusiveUserId($exclusiveUserId)
$this->exclusiveUserId = $exclusiveUserId;
return $this;
* Activate log.
* @return $this
public function activate()
$this->enableLog = true;
return $this;
* Deactivate log.
* @return $this
public function deactivate()
$this->enableLog = false;
return $this;
* Collects debug info.
* @param mixed $uniqueId Id of segment.
* @return void
public function collectDebugInfo($uniqueId)
if ($this->enableLog !== true || ($this->exclusiveUserId !== null && $this->getUser()->getId() != $this->exclusiveUserId))
array_push($this->stackSql, array($uniqueId, 0, array()));
list($prevLabel, $prevLabelCount, $prevSqlTrackerQueries) = array_pop($this->stackSql);
list($countQueries, $sqlTrackerQueries) = $this->getDebugInfoSql();
array_push($this->stackSql, array($prevLabel, $countQueries + $prevLabelCount, array_merge($prevSqlTrackerQueries, $sqlTrackerQueries)));
array_push($this->stackSql, array($uniqueId, 0, array()));
array_push($this->stackMemory, array($uniqueId, memory_get_usage(true)));
private function getDebugInfoSql()
if ($tracker = $this->connection->getTracker())
$sqlTrackerQueries = $tracker->getQueries();
return array(count($sqlTrackerQueries), $sqlTrackerQueries);
return array(0, array());
* Logs debug info.
* @param mixed $uniqueId Id of segment.
* @param null $label Label for human.
* @throws SystemException
* @return void
public function logDebugInfo($uniqueId, $label = null)
if($label === null)
$label = $uniqueId;
if ($this->enableLog !== true || ($this->exclusiveUserId !== null && $this->getUser()->getId() != $this->exclusiveUserId))
$timeLabels = Debug::getTimeLabels();
$debugData = array(
"Time: {$timeLabels[$uniqueId]['time']}"
list($prevLabel, $prevLabelCount, $prevSqlTrackerQueries) = array_pop($this->stackSql);
list($countQueries, $sqlTrackerQueries) = $this->getDebugInfoSql();
if($countQueries === null)
$sqlTrackerQueries = array();
$debugData[] = 'Sql tracker has not been found.';
if($prevLabel === $uniqueId)
$countQueries += $prevLabelCount;
$sqlTrackerQueries = array_merge($prevSqlTrackerQueries, $sqlTrackerQueries);
$debugData[] = 'Count sql: ' . $countQueries;
/** @var SqlTrackerQuery[] $sqlTrackerQueries */
foreach($sqlTrackerQueries as $query)
$debugData[] = array(
list($prevLabel, $prevMemoryStart) = array_pop($this->stackMemory);
if($prevLabel === $uniqueId)
$debugData[] = 'Memory start: ' . \CFile::FormatSize($prevMemoryStart);
$debugData[] = 'Memory diff: ' . \CFile::FormatSize(memory_get_usage(true) - $prevMemoryStart);
$debugData[] = 'Memory amount: ' . \CFile::FormatSize(memory_get_usage(true));
$debugData[] = 'Memory peak usage: ' . \CFile::FormatSize(memory_get_peak_usage(true));
array_unshift($debugData, "Label: {$label}");
* Logs data in common log (@see AddMessage2Log).
* @param mixed $data Mixed data to log.
* @return void
public function log($data)
$this->showOnDisplay && var_dump($data);
AddMessage2Log(var_export($data, true), 'vote', 0);
private function reformatBackTrace(array $backtrace)
$functionStack = $filesStack = '';
foreach($backtrace as $b)
if(strlen($functionStack) > 0)
$functionStack .= " < ";
$functionStack .= $b["class"] . "::";
$functionStack .= $b["function"];
$filesStack .= "\t" . $b["file"] . ":" . $b["line"] . "\n";
return $functionStack . "\n" . $filesStack;
* @return array|bool|\CAllUser|\CUser
private function getUser()
global $USER;
return $USER;