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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2011 Red Hat, Inc
# Copyright (c) 2010 Seth Vidal
# kitchen is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# kitchen is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with kitchen; if not, see <>
# Authors:
# James Antill
# Toshio Kuratomi <>
# Seth Vidal
# Portions of this code taken from yum/ and yum/
Miscellaneous functions for manipulating text
Collection of text functions that don't fit in another category.
import htmlentitydefs
import itertools
import re
import chardet
except ImportError:
chardet = None
# We need to access b_() for localizing our strings but we'll end up with
# a circular import if we import it directly.
import kitchen as k
from kitchen.pycompat24 import sets
from kitchen.text.exceptions import ControlCharError
# Define a threshold for chardet confidence. If we fall below this we decode
# byte strings we're guessing about as latin1
# ASCII control codes that are illegal in xml 1.0
_CONTROL_CODES = frozenset(range(0, 8) + [11, 12] + range(14, 32))
_CONTROL_CHARS = frozenset(itertools.imap(unichr, _CONTROL_CODES))
_ENTITY_RE = re.compile(r'(?s)<[^>]*>|&#?\w+;')
def guess_encoding(byte_string, disable_chardet=False):
'''Try to guess the encoding of a byte :class:`str`
:arg byte_string: byte :class:`str` to guess the encoding of
:kwarg disable_chardet: If this is True, we never attempt to use
:mod:`chardet` to guess the encoding. This is useful if you need to
have reproducibility whether :mod:`chardet` is installed or not.
Default: :data:`False`.
:raises TypeError: if :attr:`byte_string` is not a byte :class:`str` type
:returns: string containing a guess at the encoding of
:attr:`byte_string`. This is appropriate to pass as the encoding
argument when encoding and decoding unicode strings.
We start by attempting to decode the byte :class:`str` as :term:`UTF-8`.
If this succeeds we tell the world it's :term:`UTF-8` text. If it doesn't
and :mod:`chardet` is installed on the system and :attr:`disable_chardet`
is False this function will use it to try detecting the encoding of
:attr:`byte_string`. If it is not installed or :mod:`chardet` cannot
determine the encoding with a high enough confidence then we rather
arbitrarily claim that it is ``latin-1``. Since ``latin-1`` will encode
to every byte, decoding from ``latin-1`` to :class:`unicode` will not
cause :exc:`UnicodeErrors` although the output might be mangled.
if not isinstance(byte_string, str):
raise TypeError(k.b_('byte_string must be a byte string (str)'))
input_encoding = 'utf-8'
unicode(byte_string, input_encoding, 'strict')
except UnicodeDecodeError:
input_encoding = None
if not input_encoding and chardet and not disable_chardet:
detection_info = chardet.detect(byte_string)
if detection_info['confidence'] >= _CHARDET_THRESHHOLD:
input_encoding = detection_info['encoding']
if not input_encoding:
input_encoding = 'latin-1'
return input_encoding
def str_eq(str1, str2, encoding='utf-8', errors='replace'):
'''Compare two stringsi, converting to byte :class:`str` if one is
:arg str1: First string to compare
:arg str2: Second string to compare
:kwarg encoding: If we need to convert one string into a byte :class:`str`
to compare, the encoding to use. Default is :term:`utf-8`.
:kwarg errors: What to do if we encounter errors when encoding the string.
See the :func:`kitchen.text.converters.to_bytes` documentation for
possible values. The default is ``replace``.
This function prevents :exc:`UnicodeError` (python-2.4 or less) and
:exc:`UnicodeWarning` (python 2.5 and higher) when we compare
a :class:`unicode` string to a byte :class:`str`. The errors normally
arise because the conversion is done to :term:`ASCII`. This function
lets you convert to :term:`utf-8` or another encoding instead.
.. note::
When we need to convert one of the strings from :class:`unicode` in
order to compare them we convert the :class:`unicode` string into
a byte :class:`str`. That means that strings can compare differently
if you use different encodings for each.
Note that ``str1 == str2`` is faster than this function if you can accept
the following limitations:
* Limited to python-2.5+ (otherwise a :exc:`UnicodeDecodeError` may be
* Will generate a :exc:`UnicodeWarning` if non-:term:`ASCII` byte
:class:`str` is compared to :class:`unicode` string.
return (not str1 < str2) and (not str1 > str2)
except UnicodeError:
if isinstance(str1, unicode):
str1 = str1.encode(encoding, errors)
str2 = str2.encode(encoding, errors)
if str1 == str2:
return True
return False
def process_control_chars(string, strategy='replace'):
'''Look for and transform :term:`control characters` in a string
:arg string: string to search for and transform :term:`control characters`
:kwarg strategy: XML does not allow :term:`ASCII` :term:`control
characters`. When we encounter those we need to know what to do.
Valid options are:
:replace: (default) Replace the :term:`control characters`
with ``"?"``
:ignore: Remove the characters altogether from the output
:strict: Raise a :exc:`~kitchen.text.exceptions.ControlCharError` when
we encounter a control character
:raises TypeError: if :attr:`string` is not a unicode string.
:raises ValueError: if the strategy is not one of replace, ignore, or
:raises kitchen.text.exceptions.ControlCharError: if the strategy is
``strict`` and a :term:`control character` is present in the
:returns: :class:`unicode` string with no :term:`control characters` in
if not isinstance(string, unicode):
raise TypeError(k.b_('process_control_char must have a unicode type as'
' the first argument.'))
if strategy == 'ignore':
control_table = dict(zip(_CONTROL_CODES, [None] * len(_CONTROL_CODES)))
elif strategy == 'replace':
control_table = dict(zip(_CONTROL_CODES, [u'?'] * len(_CONTROL_CODES)))
elif strategy == 'strict':
control_table = None
# Test that there are no control codes present
data = frozenset(string)
if [c for c in _CONTROL_CHARS if c in data]:
raise ControlCharError(k.b_('ASCII control code present in string'
' input'))
raise ValueError(k.b_('The strategy argument to process_control_chars'
' must be one of ignore, replace, or strict'))
if control_table:
string = string.translate(control_table)
return string
# Originally written by Fredrik Lundh (January 15, 2003) and placed in the
# public domain::
# Unless otherwise noted, source code can be be used freely. Examples, test
# scripts and other short code fragments can be considered as being in the
# public domain.
def html_entities_unescape(string):
'''Substitute unicode characters for HTML entities
:arg string: :class:`unicode` string to substitute out html entities
:raises TypeError: if something other than a :class:`unicode` string is
:rtype: :class:`unicode` string
:returns: The plain text without html entities
def fixup(match):
string =
if string[:1] == u"<":
return "" # ignore tags
if string[:2] == u"&#":
if string[:3] == u"&#x":
return unichr(int(string[3:-1], 16))
return unichr(int(string[2:-1]))
except ValueError:
# If the value is outside the unicode codepoint range, leave
# it in the output as is
elif string[:1] == u"&":
entity = htmlentitydefs.entitydefs.get(string[1:-1].encode('utf-8'))
if entity:
if entity[:2] == "&#":
return unichr(int(entity[2:-1]))
except ValueError:
# If the value is outside the unicode codepoint range,
# leave it in the output as is
return unicode(entity, "iso-8859-1")
return string # leave as is
if not isinstance(string, unicode):
raise TypeError(k.b_('html_entities_unescape must have a unicode type'
' for its first argument'))
return re.sub(_ENTITY_RE, fixup, string)
def byte_string_valid_xml(byte_string, encoding='utf-8'):
'''Check that a byte :class:`str` would be valid in xml
:arg byte_string: Byte :class:`str` to check
:arg encoding: Encoding of the xml file. Default: :term:`UTF-8`
:returns: :data:`True` if the string is valid. :data:`False` if it would
be invalid in the xml file
In some cases you'll have a whole bunch of byte strings and rather than
transforming them to :class:`unicode` and back to byte :class:`str` for
output to xml, you will just want to make sure they work with the xml file
you're constructing. This function will help you do that. Example::
processed_array = []
if byte_string_valid_xml(string, 'utf-8'):
processed_array.append(guess_bytes_to_xml(string, encoding='utf-8'))
if not isinstance(byte_string, str):
# Not a byte string
return False
u_string = unicode(byte_string, encoding)
except UnicodeError:
# Not encoded with the xml file's encoding
return False
data = frozenset(u_string)
if data.intersection(_CONTROL_CHARS):
# Contains control codes
return False
# The byte string is compatible with this xml file
return True
def byte_string_valid_encoding(byte_string, encoding='utf-8'):
'''Detect if a byte :class:`str` is valid in a specific encoding
:arg byte_string: Byte :class:`str` to test for bytes not valid in this
:kwarg encoding: encoding to test against. Defaults to :term:`UTF-8`.
:returns: :data:`True` if there are no invalid :term:`UTF-8` characters.
:data:`False` if an invalid character is detected.
.. note::
This function checks whether the byte :class:`str` is valid in the
specified encoding. It **does not** detect whether the byte
:class:`str` actually was encoded in that encoding. If you want that
sort of functionality, you probably want to use
:func:`~kitchen.text.misc.guess_encoding` instead.
unicode(byte_string, encoding)
except UnicodeError:
# Not encoded with the xml file's encoding
return False
# byte string is valid in this encoding
return True
__all__ = ('byte_string_valid_encoding', 'byte_string_valid_xml',
'guess_encoding', 'html_entities_unescape', 'process_control_chars',