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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2007 Edgewall Software
# All rights reserved.
# This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
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"""Several classes and functions that help with integrating and using Babel
in applications.
.. note: the code in this module is not used by Babel itself
from datetime import date, datetime, time
import gettext
from babel.core import Locale
from babel.dates import format_date, format_datetime, format_time, LC_TIME
from babel.numbers import format_number, format_decimal, format_currency, \
format_percent, format_scientific, LC_NUMERIC
from babel.util import set, UTC
__all__ = ['Format', 'LazyProxy', 'Translations']
__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext en'
class Format(object):
"""Wrapper class providing the various date and number formatting functions
bound to a specific locale and time-zone.
>>> fmt = Format('en_US', UTC)
>>>, 4, 1))
u'Apr 1, 2007'
>>> fmt.decimal(1.2345)
def __init__(self, locale, tzinfo=None):
"""Initialize the formatter.
:param locale: the locale identifier or `Locale` instance
:param tzinfo: the time-zone info (a `tzinfo` instance or `None`)
self.locale = Locale.parse(locale)
self.tzinfo = tzinfo
def date(self, date=None, format='medium'):
"""Return a date formatted according to the given pattern.
>>> fmt = Format('en_US')
>>>, 4, 1))
u'Apr 1, 2007'
:see: `babel.dates.format_date`
return format_date(date, format, locale=self.locale)
def datetime(self, datetime=None, format='medium'):
"""Return a date and time formatted according to the given pattern.
>>> from pytz import timezone
>>> fmt = Format('en_US', tzinfo=timezone('US/Eastern'))
>>> fmt.datetime(datetime(2007, 4, 1, 15, 30))
u'Apr 1, 2007 11:30:00 AM'
:see: `babel.dates.format_datetime`
return format_datetime(datetime, format, tzinfo=self.tzinfo,
def time(self, time=None, format='medium'):
"""Return a time formatted according to the given pattern.
>>> from pytz import timezone
>>> fmt = Format('en_US', tzinfo=timezone('US/Eastern'))
>>> fmt.time(datetime(2007, 4, 1, 15, 30))
u'11:30:00 AM'
:see: `babel.dates.format_time`
return format_time(time, format, tzinfo=self.tzinfo, locale=self.locale)
def number(self, number):
"""Return an integer number formatted for the locale.
>>> fmt = Format('en_US')
>>> fmt.number(1099)
:see: `babel.numbers.format_number`
return format_number(number, locale=self.locale)
def decimal(self, number, format=None):
"""Return a decimal number formatted for the locale.
>>> fmt = Format('en_US')
>>> fmt.decimal(1.2345)
:see: `babel.numbers.format_decimal`
return format_decimal(number, format, locale=self.locale)
def currency(self, number, currency):
"""Return a number in the given currency formatted for the locale.
:see: `babel.numbers.format_currency`
return format_currency(number, currency, locale=self.locale)
def percent(self, number, format=None):
"""Return a number formatted as percentage for the locale.
>>> fmt = Format('en_US')
>>> fmt.percent(0.34)
:see: `babel.numbers.format_percent`
return format_percent(number, format, locale=self.locale)
def scientific(self, number):
"""Return a number formatted using scientific notation for the locale.
:see: `babel.numbers.format_scientific`
return format_scientific(number, locale=self.locale)
class LazyProxy(object):
"""Class for proxy objects that delegate to a specified function to evaluate
the actual object.
>>> def greeting(name='world'):
... return 'Hello, %s!' % name
>>> lazy_greeting = LazyProxy(greeting, name='Joe')
>>> print lazy_greeting
Hello, Joe!
>>> u' ' + lazy_greeting
u' Hello, Joe!'
>>> u'(%s)' % lazy_greeting
u'(Hello, Joe!)'
This can be used, for example, to implement lazy translation functions that
delay the actual translation until the string is actually used. The
rationale for such behavior is that the locale of the user may not always
be available. In web applications, you only know the locale when processing
a request.
The proxy implementation attempts to be as complete as possible, so that
the lazy objects should mostly work as expected, for example for sorting:
>>> greetings = [
... LazyProxy(greeting, 'world'),
... LazyProxy(greeting, 'Joe'),
... LazyProxy(greeting, 'universe'),
... ]
>>> greetings.sort()
>>> for greeting in greetings:
... print greeting
Hello, Joe!
Hello, universe!
Hello, world!
__slots__ = ['_func', '_args', '_kwargs', '_value']
def __init__(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
# Avoid triggering our own __setattr__ implementation
object.__setattr__(self, '_func', func)
object.__setattr__(self, '_args', args)
object.__setattr__(self, '_kwargs', kwargs)
object.__setattr__(self, '_value', None)
def value(self):
if self._value is None:
value = self._func(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
object.__setattr__(self, '_value', value)
return self._value
value = property(value)
def __contains__(self, key):
return key in self.value
def __nonzero__(self):
return bool(self.value)
def __dir__(self):
return dir(self.value)
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self.value)
def __len__(self):
return len(self.value)
def __str__(self):
return str(self.value)
def __unicode__(self):
return unicode(self.value)
def __add__(self, other):
return self.value + other
def __radd__(self, other):
return other + self.value
def __mod__(self, other):
return self.value % other
def __rmod__(self, other):
return other % self.value
def __mul__(self, other):
return self.value * other
def __rmul__(self, other):
return other * self.value
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.value(*args, **kwargs)
def __lt__(self, other):
return self.value < other
def __le__(self, other):
return self.value <= other
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.value == other
def __ne__(self, other):
return self.value != other
def __gt__(self, other):
return self.value > other
def __ge__(self, other):
return self.value >= other
def __delattr__(self, name):
delattr(self.value, name)
def __getattr__(self, name):
return getattr(self.value, name)
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
setattr(self.value, name, value)
def __delitem__(self, key):
del self.value[key]
def __getitem__(self, key):
return self.value[key]
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
self.value[key] = value
class Translations(gettext.GNUTranslations, object):
"""An extended translation catalog class."""
DEFAULT_DOMAIN = 'messages'
def __init__(self, fileobj=None, domain=DEFAULT_DOMAIN):
"""Initialize the translations catalog.
:param fileobj: the file-like object the translation should be read
gettext.GNUTranslations.__init__(self, fp=fileobj)
self.files = filter(None, [getattr(fileobj, 'name', None)])
self.domain = domain
self._domains = {}
def load(cls, dirname=None, locales=None, domain=DEFAULT_DOMAIN):
"""Load translations from the given directory.
:param dirname: the directory containing the ``MO`` files
:param locales: the list of locales in order of preference (items in
this list can be either `Locale` objects or locale
:param domain: the message domain
:return: the loaded catalog, or a ``NullTranslations`` instance if no
matching translations were found
:rtype: `Translations`
if locales is not None:
if not isinstance(locales, (list, tuple)):
locales = [locales]
locales = [str(locale) for locale in locales]
if not domain:
domain = cls.DEFAULT_DOMAIN
filename = gettext.find(domain, dirname, locales)
if not filename:
return gettext.NullTranslations()
return cls(fileobj=open(filename, 'rb'), domain=domain)
load = classmethod(load)
def __repr__(self):
return '<%s: "%s">' % (type(self).__name__,
def add(self, translations, merge=True):
"""Add the given translations to the catalog.
If the domain of the translations is different than that of the
current catalog, they are added as a catalog that is only accessible
by the various ``d*gettext`` functions.
:param translations: the `Translations` instance with the messages to
:param merge: whether translations for message domains that have
already been added should be merged with the existing
:return: the `Translations` instance (``self``) so that `merge` calls
can be easily chained
:rtype: `Translations`
domain = getattr(translations, 'domain', self.DEFAULT_DOMAIN)
if merge and domain == self.domain:
return self.merge(translations)
existing = self._domains.get(domain)
if merge and existing is not None:
self._domains[domain] = translations
return self
def merge(self, translations):
"""Merge the given translations into the catalog.
Message translations in the specified catalog override any messages
with the same identifier in the existing catalog.
:param translations: the `Translations` instance with the messages to
:return: the `Translations` instance (``self``) so that `merge` calls
can be easily chained
:rtype: `Translations`
if isinstance(translations, gettext.GNUTranslations):
if isinstance(translations, Translations):
return self
def dgettext(self, domain, message):
"""Like ``gettext()``, but look the message up in the specified
return self._domains.get(domain, self).gettext(message)
def ldgettext(self, domain, message):
"""Like ``lgettext()``, but look the message up in the specified
return self._domains.get(domain, self).lgettext(message)
def dugettext(self, domain, message):
"""Like ``ugettext()``, but look the message up in the specified
return self._domains.get(domain, self).ugettext(message)
def dngettext(self, domain, singular, plural, num):
"""Like ``ngettext()``, but look the message up in the specified
return self._domains.get(domain, self).ngettext(singular, plural, num)
def ldngettext(self, domain, singular, plural, num):
"""Like ``lngettext()``, but look the message up in the specified
return self._domains.get(domain, self).lngettext(singular, plural, num)
def dungettext(self, domain, singular, plural, num):
"""Like ``ungettext()`` but look the message up in the specified
return self._domains.get(domain, self).ungettext(singular, plural, num)