Your IP :
Current Path : /opt/webdir/bin/ |
Current File : //opt/webdir/bin/bx-sites |
# get information about current site(s) configuration
use strict;
use warnings;
use lib "/opt/webdir/lib";
use Output;
use Pool;
use bxSite;
use bxSites;
use Data::Dumper;
use Getopt::Long;
use File::Basename qw( dirname basename );
# program options
my $prog_name = basename $0;
my $prog_dir = dirname $0;
my $o_action = "status"; # type of action that script must do.
# status - information about site(s) that live on this system
my $o_format = 'plain'; # format of stdout message
my $o_site = undef; # site short name
my $o_hiden = 0; # hiden or not password value
my $o_verbose = 1;
my $o_help = undef;
my $o_dbname =
undef; # site_db|dbname - usage while search sites with the same databases
my $o_kernel_site = undef; # main site for created linked site
my $o_kernel_root = undef; # kernel directory
my $o_charset = undef; # site charset
my $o_user = undef; # site_dbuser
my $o_pass = undef; # site_dbpass
my $o_type = 'link'; # site_type
my $o_root = undef; # site_dir
my $o_enable = 0;
my $o_disable = 0;
my $o_hostname = undef; # hostname for web cluster
my $o_filters = undef;
# cron defaults ( run one per week)
my $o_min = '10';
my $o_hour = '23';
my $o_day = '*';
my $o_month = '*';
my $o_wday = '6';
# NTLM settings
my $o_ntlm_domain = undef;
my $o_ntlm_full_domain = undef;
my $o_ntlm_ads = undef;
my $o_ntlm_login = 'Administrator';
my $o_ntlm_password = undef;
my $o_ntlm_host = undef;
# cron service options
my $o_service = undef;
my $o_enable_cron = undef;
my $o_push = 0;
my (
$o_SMTPHost, $o_SMTPPort, $o_SMTPUser,
$o_SMTPPassword, $o_EmailAddress, $o_SMTPTLS,
$o_SMTPAuth, $o_password_file, $o_tmpdir,
$o_fstype, $o_extension, $o_dns,
$o_private_key, $o_certificate_chain, $o_certificate,
# get command line options
my $result_option = GetOptions(
'v' => \$o_verbose,
'verbose' => \$o_verbose,
'h' => \$o_help,
'help' => \$o_help,
"a:s" => \$o_action,
'action:s' => \$o_action,
"s:s" => \$o_site,
'site:s' => \$o_site,
'hiden' => \$o_hiden,
"o:s" => \$o_format,
'output:s' => \$o_format,
'd:s' => \$o_dbname,
'database:s' => \$o_dbname,
'u:s' => \$o_user,
'user:s' => \$o_user,
'p:s' => \$o_pass,
'password:s' => \$o_pass,
't:s' => \$o_type,
'type:s' => \$o_type,
'r:s' => \$o_root,
'root:s' => \$o_root,
'H:s' => \$o_hostname,
'hostname:s' => \$o_hostname,
'smtphost:s' => \$o_SMTPHost,
'smtpport:s' => \$o_SMTPPort,
'smtpuser:s' => \$o_SMTPUser,
'password:s' => \$o_SMTPPassword,
'smtptls' => \$o_SMTPTLS,
'smtpauth:s' => \$o_SMTPAuth,
'email:s' => \$o_EmailAddress,
'disable' => \$o_disable,
'enable' => \$o_enable,
'minute:s' => \$o_min,
'hour:s' => \$o_hour,
'day:s' => \$o_day,
'month:s' => \$o_month,
'weekday:s' => \$o_wday,
'ntlm_domain:s' => \$o_ntlm_domain,
'ntlm_fqdn:s' => \$o_ntlm_full_domain,
'ntlm_ads:s' => \$o_ntlm_ads,
'ntlm_login:s' => \$o_ntlm_login,
'ntlm_password:s' => \$o_ntlm_password,
'ntlm_host:s' => \$o_ntlm_host,
'filters:s' => \$o_filters,
'service:s' => \$o_service,
'kernel_site:s' => \$o_kernel_site,
'kernel_root:s' => \$o_kernel_root,
'charset:s' => \$o_charset,
'cron' => \$o_enable_cron,
'password_file:s' => \$o_password_file,
'tmpdir:s' => \$o_tmpdir,
'fstype:s' => \$o_fstype,
'extension:s' => \$o_extension,
'dns:s' => \$o_dns,
'private_key:s' => \$o_private_key,
'certificate:s' => \$o_certificate,
'certificate_chain:s' => \$o_certificate_chain,
'nodejspush' => \$o_push,
'domains:s' => \$o_domains,
) or unknown_arg();
# help message
if ($o_help) { print_help( $prog_name, 0 ) }
# formt output
if ( $o_format !~ /^(json|plain|te?xt)$/ ) { print_help( $prog_name, 1 ); }
if ( $o_format =~ /^te?xt$/ ) { $o_format = "plain" }
if ( $o_enable == 1 && $o_disable == 1 ) { print_help( $prog_name, 1 ); }
if ( $o_min =~ /^any$/ ) {
$o_min = '*';
if ( $o_hour =~ /^any$/ ) {
$o_hour = '*';
if ( $o_day =~ /^any$/ ) {
$o_day = '*';
if ( $o_month =~ /^any$/ ) {
$o_month = '*';
if ( $o_wday =~ /^any$/ ) {
$o_wday = '*';
# process request
my $bx = bxSite->new(
site_name => $o_site,
site_dir => $o_root,
debug => $o_verbose
my $sites = undef;
# get list all sites (you can apply filter for search)
if ( $o_action =~ /^status$/ ) {
$sites = $bx->statusSite();
# create my_cnf file with connection info for site database
# create password files for ansible lookup
elsif ( $o_action =~ /^(my_cnf|password_file)$/ ) {
$sites = $bx->my_connect( $o_action, $o_tmpdir );
# get list of all sites
elsif ( $o_action =~ /^(list)$/ ) {
my $filters = {};
# dbname options
if ($o_dbname) {
$filters->{'DBName'} = $o_dbname;
if ($o_filters) {
my @o_filters = split( /\s+/, $o_filters );
foreach my $f (@o_filters) {
my ( $k, $v ) = split( '=', $f );
$filters->{$k} = $v;
my $bxSites = bxSites->new( filters => $filters );
$sites = $bxSites->listSite();
# testing configuration of sites for enable cluster features
elsif ( $o_action =~ /^extension_(enable|disable)$/ ) {
my $bxSites = bxSites->new();
$sites = $bxSites->php_extension( $o_extension, $1 );
elsif ( $o_action =~ /^cluster_test$/ ) {
my $bxSites = bxSites->new();
$sites = $bxSites->testClusterConfig();
# create site
elsif ( $o_action =~ /^create$/ ) {
my $bxSites = bxSites->new();
my $site_options = {
ServerName => $o_site,
SiteInstall => $o_type,
DocumentRoot => $o_root,
DBName => $o_dbname,
DBLogin => $o_user,
DBPassword => $o_pass,
SiteKernelName => $o_kernel_site,
SiteKernelDir => $o_kernel_root,
SiteCharset => $o_charset,
CronTask => $o_enable_cron,
DBPasswordFile => $o_password_file,
NodeJSPush => $o_push,
$sites = $bxSites->CreateSite($site_options);
# delete site
elsif ( $o_action =~ /^delete$/ ) {
my $bxSites = bxSites->new();
my $site_options = {
ServerName => $o_site,
SiteInstall => $o_type,
DocumentRoot => $o_root,
$sites = $bxSites->DeleteSite($site_options);
# get status of host in the domain
elsif ( $o_action =~ /^ntlm_status$/ ) {
my $bxSites = bxSites->new( debug => $o_verbose );
$sites = $bxSites->getNTLMServerStatus();
# enable NTML options for sites
elsif ( $o_action =~ /^ntlm$/ ) {
my $bxSites = bxSites->new( debug => $o_verbose );
$sites =
$bxSites->changeNTLMForSite( $o_ntlm_domain, $o_ntlm_full_domain,
$o_ntlm_ads, $o_ntlm_login, $o_ntlm_host, $o_dbname, $o_password_file );
elsif ( $o_action =~ /^ntlm_update$/ ) {
my $bxSites = bxSites->new( debug => $o_verbose );
$sites = $bxSites->updateNTLMForSite( $o_dbname, );
# add new host to web group, or delete host from it
elsif ( $o_action =~ /^(create_web|delete_web|web[12])$/ ) {
my $bxSites = bxSites->new( debug => $o_verbose );
$sites =
$bxSites->changeHostForWebCluster( $o_hostname, $o_action, $o_fstype );
elsif ( $o_action =~ /^(push_configure_nodejs|push_remove_nodjs)$/ ) {
my $bxSites = bxSites->new( debug => $o_verbose );
$sites = $bxSites->configurePushServer( $o_hostname, $o_action );
elsif ( $o_action eq "configure_transformer" ){
my $bxSites = bxSites->new( debug => $o_verbose );
my $opts = {
web_site_name => $o_site,
web_site_dir => $o_root,
transformer_host => $o_hostname,
transformer_domains => $o_domains,
$sites = $bxSites->configureTransformer($opts);
elsif ( $o_action eq "remove_transformer" ){
my $bxSites = bxSites->new( debug => $o_verbose );
my $opts = {
web_site_name => $o_site,
web_site_dir => $o_root,
transformer_host => $o_hostname,
$sites = $bxSites->removeTransformer($opts);
elsif ( $o_action =~ /^(configure_le)$/ ) {
my $bxSites = bxSites->new( debug => $o_verbose );
my $opts = {
site_names => $o_site,
dns => $o_dns,
email => $o_EmailAddress,
$sites = $bxSites->configureLE($opts);
elsif ( $o_action =~ /^(configure_cert)$/ ) {
my $bxSites = bxSites->new( debug => $o_verbose );
my $opts = {
private_key => $o_private_key,
certificate => $o_certificate,
site_names => $o_site,
if ( defined $o_certificate_chain ) {
$opts->{certificate_chain} = $o_certificate_chain;
$sites = $bxSites->configureCert($opts);
elsif ( $o_action eq "reset_cert" ) {
my $bxSites = bxSites->new( debug => $o_verbose );
my $opts = { site_names => $o_site, };
$sites = $bxSites->resetCert($opts);
}elsif ( $o_action eq "cert_status" ) {
my $bxSites = bxSites->new( debug => $o_verbose );
my $opts = { cert => $o_certificate };
$sites = $bxSites->statusCerts( $opts );
elsif ( $o_action =~ /^backup$/ ) {
my $filters = {};
if ($o_dbname) {
$filters->{'DBName'} = $o_dbname;
my $bxSites = bxSites->new( filters => $filters, debug => $o_verbose );
if ($o_dbname) {
if ( $o_disable == 0 && $o_enable == 1 ) {
$sites =
$bxSites->enableBackupForDB( $o_dbname, $o_min, $o_hour, $o_day,
$o_month, $o_wday );
elsif ( $o_enable == 0 && $o_disable == 1 ) {
$sites = $bxSites->disableBackupForDB($o_dbname);
else {
$sites = Output->new(
error => 1,
message =>
"You must define enable|disable flag for action=$o_action",
else {
$sites = Output->new(
error => 1,
message => "You must define dbname for this operation",
# enable email on the site
elsif ( $o_action =~ /^email$/ ) {
my $email_options;
if ( $o_SMTPHost && $o_EmailAddress && $o_site ) {
my $opts = {
SMTPHost => $o_SMTPHost,
EmailAddress => $o_EmailAddress,
SMTPPort => ($o_SMTPPort) ? $o_SMTPPort : 25,
SMTPTLS => ($o_SMTPTLS) ? 'on' : 'off',
SMTPAuth => ($o_SMTPAuth) ? $o_SMTPAuth : 'auto',
SMTPUser => $o_SMTPUser,
SMTPPassword => $o_SMTPPassword,
SMTPPasswordFile => $o_password_file,
# update site options
$sites = $bx->createEmailForSite($opts);
else {
$sites = Output->new(
error => 1,
message => "Options SMTPHost= EmailAddress= are mandatory",
elsif ( $o_action =~ /^composite$/ ) {
if ($o_site) {
if ( $o_disable == 1 && $o_enable == 0 ) {
$sites = $bx->manageNginxComposite("disable");
elsif ( $o_enable == 1 && $o_disable == 0 ) {
$sites = $bx->manageNginxComposite("enable");
else {
$sites = Output->new(
error => 1,
message =>
"You must define enable|disable flag for action=$o_action",
else {
$sites = Output->new(
error => 1,
message => "You must define sitename for this operation",
elsif ( $o_action =~ /^cron$/ ) {
if ($o_site) {
if ( $o_disable == 1 && $o_enable == 0 ) {
$sites = $bx->disableCronForSite();
elsif ( $o_enable == 1 && $o_disable == 0 ) {
$sites = $bx->enableCronForSite();
else {
$sites = Output->new(
error => 1,
message =>
"You must define enable|disable flag for action=$o_action",
else {
$sites = Output->new(
error => 1,
message => "You must define sitename for this operation",
elsif ( $o_action =~ /^(proxy_ignore_client_abort)$/ ) {
$sites = $bx->siteOptions( $1, ($o_enable) ? "on" : "off", );
elsif ( $o_action =~ /^(nginx_custom_site_settings|dbconn_temp_files)$/ ) {
my $bxSites = bxSites->new( debug => $o_verbose );
$sites = $bxSites->siteCustomSettings( $1, ($o_enable) ? "on" : "off" );
elsif ( $o_action =~ /^https$/ ) {
if ($o_site) {
if ( $o_disable == 1 && $o_enable == 0 ) {
$sites = $bx->disableSSLForSite();
elsif ( $o_enable == 1 && $o_disable == 0 ) {
$sites = $bx->enableSSLForSite();
else {
$sites = Output->new(
error => 1,
message =>
"You must define enable|disable flag for action=$o_action",
else {
$sites = Output->new(
error => 1,
message => "You must define define sitename for this operation",
elsif ( $o_action =~ /^service$/ ) {
if ( $o_disable == 0 && $o_enable == 1 ) {
$sites = $bx->enableCronService($o_service);
elsif ( $o_enable == 0 && $o_disable == 1 ) {
$sites = $bx->disableCronService($o_service);
else {
$sites = Output->new(
error => 1,
message =>
"You must define enable|disable flag for action=$o_action",
else {
$sites = Output->new(
error => 1,
message => "Unknown action option. PLease use -h for help message."
#print Dumper( $sites );
$sites->print( $o_format, $o_hiden );
# print usage
sub print_usage {
my $prog = shift;
print "Usage: $prog [-vh] [-a status] \n";
# help message
sub print_help {
my $prog = shift;
my $exit = shift;
print <<EOT;
-h|--help - show this message
-v|--verbose - enable verbose mode.
-a|--action - site(s) management actions: status, email, cron, https, create, delete, web
-s|--site - site name (default_name is 'default')
-d|--dbname - dbname for site(s)
-t|--type - site type, kernel or link (default type is link)
-u|--user - create mysql login for site access
-p|--password - create logins's password fro site
-r|--root - basename of rootdir for site
-H|--hostname - add|remove host from web cluster
--smtphost - smtp host for email
--smtpport - smtp port on server ( default: 25 )
--smtpuser - login user for smtp connection
--password - password user for smtp connection
--smtptls - enable or disable TLS for smtp connection ( default: off )
--email - sender address for site
--enable - enable options
--disable - disable options
--minute - munites when task run ( can be \*, 0-60 )
--hour - hours (0-23)
--day - month day (1-31)
--month - month (1-12)
--weekday - week day (1-7)
--ntlm_domain - netbios domain name (ex. TEST)
--ntlm_fqdn - full domain name (ex. TEST.EXAMPLE.ORG)
--ntlm_ads - domain password server (ex. DC1.TEST.EXAMPLE.ORG)
--ntlm_login - domain admin user (default: Administrator)
--ntlm_password - password for domain user
--kernel_root - path to directory with kernel site
--kernel_site - kernel site name (optional)
* get information about site(s) that live on the system
$prog -o json
* get information about defined site name
$prog -o json -a status -s alice
* get information about all site with th same kernel
$prog -o json -a list -d sitemanager0
* create email settings for site
$prog -o json -a email \\
--smtpuser='ivan\' --password=XXXXXXXXXX \\
--email='ivan\' --smtptls -s alice
* disable|enable cron tasks for site
$prog -o json -a cron -s alice --disable
$prog -o json -a cron -s alice --enable
* disable|enable https for site
$prog -o json -a https -s alice --disable
$prog -o json -a https -s alice --enable
* create site (kernel)
$prog -o json -a create -s alice.bx -t kernel -d alicedb -u aliceuser -p XXXXXXXX -r alice
$prog -o json -a create -s alice.bx -t kernel
* create site (link), that linked to extternal kernel in /home/bitrix/share
$prog -o json -a create -s alice.bx -r alice
* create external kernel directory structure and database
$prog -o json -a create -s share --kernel_root /home/bitrix/share
* delete site (link or kernel)
$prog -o json -a delete -s alice.bx
* add host to web group ( create web cluster configuration if second host )
$prog -o json -a web -H vm1 --enable
* remove host from web group
$prog -o json -a web -H vm2 --disable
* create backup for kernel ( backup all sites and db)
$prog -o json -a backup -d sitemanager0 --enable \\
--minute=10 --hour=23 --day='*' --month='*' --weekday=7
* delete backup for kernel ( backup all sites and db)
$prog -o json -a backup -d sitemanager0 --disable
* add host to domain and enable NTLM auth on default site
$prog -o json -a ntlm \\
--ntlm_domain=TEST --ntlm_fqdn=TEST.EXAMPLE.ORG --ntlm_ads=DC1.TEST.EXAMPLE.ORG \\
--ntlm_login=admin --ntlm_password=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX --database=sitemanager0
* update site settings for NTLM usage
$prog -o json -a ntlm_update --database=sitemanager0
* get status host in the domain
$prog -o json -a ntlm_status
* disable|enable restart xmppd or smtpd service by the cron
$prog -o json -a service --service=xmptd --enable --site=default
* enable|disable usage composite cache by the nginx service
$prog -o json -a composite --enable --site=default
$prog -o json -a composite --disable --site=default