Your IP :
if(!defined("CACHED_b_iblock_type")) define("CACHED_b_iblock_type", 36000);
if(!defined("CACHED_b_iblock")) define("CACHED_b_iblock", 36000);
if(!defined("CACHED_b_iblock_bucket_size")) define("CACHED_b_iblock_bucket_size", 20);
if(!defined("CACHED_b_iblock_property_enum")) define("CACHED_b_iblock_property_enum", 36000);
if(!defined("CACHED_b_iblock_property_enum_bucket_size")) define("CACHED_b_iblock_property_enum_bucket_size", 100);
/** @global string $DBType */
global $DBType;
$arClasses = array(
"iblock" => "install/index.php",
"CIBlockPropertyResult" => "classes/general/iblockpropresult.php",
"CIBlockResult" => "classes/general/iblockresult.php",
"_CIBElement" => "classes/general/iblock_element.php",
"CIBlockType" => "classes/general/iblocktype.php",
"CAllIBlock" => "classes/general/iblock.php",
"CIBlock" => "classes/".$DBType."/iblock.php",
"CAllIBlockSection" => "classes/general/iblocksection.php",
"CIBlockSection" => "classes/".$DBType."/iblocksection.php",
"CAllIBlockProperty" => "classes/general/iblockproperty.php",
"CIBlockPropertyEnum" => "classes/general/iblockpropertyenum.php",
"CIBlockProperty" => "classes/".$DBType."/iblockproperty.php",
"CAllIBlockElement" => "classes/general/iblockelement.php",
"CIBlockElement" => "classes/".$DBType."/iblockelement.php",
"CAllIBlockRSS" => "classes/general/iblockrss.php",
"CIBlockRSS" => "classes/".$DBType."/iblockrss.php",
"CIBlockPropertyDateTime" => "classes/general/prop_datetime.php",
"CIBlockPropertyDate" => "classes/general/prop_date.php",
"CIBlockPropertyXmlID" => "classes/general/prop_xmlid.php",
"CIBlockPropertyFileMan" => "classes/general/prop_fileman.php",
"CIBlockPropertyHTML" => "classes/general/prop_html.php",
"CIBlockPropertyElementList" => "classes/general/prop_element_list.php",
"CCMLResult" => "classes/general/cmlresult.php",
"CIBlockXMLFile" => "classes/".$DBType."/cml2.php",
"CIBlockCMLImport" => "classes/general/cml2.php",
"CIBlockCMLExport" => "classes/general/cml2.php",
"CIBlockFindTools" => "classes/general/comp_findtools.php",
"CIBlockPriceTools" => "classes/general/comp_pricetools.php",
"CIBlockParameters" => "classes/general/comp_parameters.php",
"CIBlockFormatProperties" => "classes/general/comp_formatprops.php",
"CIBlockSequence" => "classes/".$DBType."/iblocksequence.php",
"CIBlockPropertySequence" => "classes/general/prop_seq.php",
"CIBlockPropertyElementAutoComplete" => "classes/general/prop_element_auto.php",
"CIBlockPropertySKU" => "classes/general/prop_element_sku.php",
"CIBlockPropertySectionAutoComplete" => "classes/general/prop_section_auto.php",
"CAllIBlockOffersTmp" => "classes/general/iblockoffers.php",
"CIBlockOffersTmp" => "classes/".$DBType."/iblockoffers.php",
"CEventIblock" => "classes/general/iblock_event_list.php",
"CRatingsComponentsIBlock" => "classes/general/ratings_components.php",
"CIBlockRights" => "classes/general/iblock_rights.php",
"CIBlockSectionRights" => "classes/general/iblock_rights.php",
"CIBlockElementRights" => "classes/general/iblock_rights.php",
"CIBlockRightsStorage" => "classes/general/iblock_rights.php",
"CIBlockPropertyTools" => "classes/general/iblockproptools.php",
"CIBlockSectionPropertyLink" => "classes/general/section_property.php",
'\Bitrix\Iblock\ElementTable' => "lib/element.php",
'\Bitrix\Iblock\IblockTable' => "lib/iblock.php",
'\Bitrix\Iblock\IblockFieldTable' => "lib/iblockfield.php",
'\Bitrix\Iblock\IblockGroupTable' => "lib/iblockgroup.php",
'\Bitrix\Iblock\IblockMessageTable' => "lib/iblockmessage.php",
'\Bitrix\Iblock\IblockRssTable' => "lib/iblockrss.php",
'\Bitrix\Iblock\IblockSiteTable' => "lib/iblocksite.php",
'\Bitrix\Iblock\InheritedPropertyTable' => "lib/inheritedproperty.php",
'\Bitrix\Iblock\PropertyTable' => "lib/property.php",
'\Bitrix\Iblock\PropertyEnumerationTable' => "lib/propertyenumeration.php",
'\Bitrix\Iblock\SectionTable' => "lib/section.php",
'\Bitrix\Iblock\SectionElementTable' => "lib/sectionelement.php",
'\Bitrix\Iblock\SectionPropertyTable' => "lib/sectionproperty.php",
'\Bitrix\Iblock\SequenceTable' => "lib/sequence.php",
'\Bitrix\Iblock\SiteTable' => "lib/site.php",
'\Bitrix\Iblock\TypeTable' => "lib/type.php",
'\Bitrix\Iblock\TypeLanguageTable' => "lib/typelanguage.php",
'\Bitrix\Iblock\BizprocType\UserTypeProperty' => "lib/bizproctype/usertypeproperty.php",
'\Bitrix\Iblock\BizprocType\ECrm' => "lib/bizproctype/ecrm.php",
'\Bitrix\Iblock\BizprocType\Money' => "lib/bizproctype/money.php",
'\Bitrix\Iblock\BizprocType\UserTypePropertyDiskFile' => "lib/bizproctype/usertypepropertydiskfile.php",
'\Bitrix\Iblock\BizprocType\UserTypePropertyElist' => "lib/bizproctype/usertypepropertyelist.php",
'\Bitrix\Iblock\BizprocType\UserTypePropertyEmployee' => "lib/bizproctype/usertypepropertyemployee.php",
'\Bitrix\Iblock\BizprocType\UserTypePropertyHtml' => "lib/bizproctype/usertypepropertyhtml.php",
'\Bitrix\Iblock\Component\Base' => "lib/component/base.php",
'\Bitrix\Iblock\Component\Element' => "lib/component/element.php",
'\Bitrix\Iblock\Component\ElementList' => "lib/component/elementlist.php",
'\Bitrix\Iblock\Component\Filters' => "lib/component/filters.php",
'\Bitrix\Iblock\Component\Tools' => "lib/component/tools.php",
'\Bitrix\Iblock\Helpers\Admin\Property' => "lib/helpers/admin/property.php",
'\Bitrix\Iblock\Helpers\Filter\Property' => "lib/helpers/filter/property.php",
'\Bitrix\Iblock\InheritedProperty\BaseTemplate' => "lib/inheritedproperty/basetemplate.php",
'\Bitrix\Iblock\InheritedProperty\BaseValues' => "lib/inheritedproperty/basevalues.php",
'\Bitrix\Iblock\InheritedProperty\ElementTemplates' => "lib/inheritedproperty/elementtemplates.php",
'\Bitrix\Iblock\InheritedProperty\ElementValues' => "lib/inheritedproperty/elementvalues.php",
'\Bitrix\Iblock\InheritedProperty\IblockTemplates' => "lib/inheritedproperty/iblocktemplates.php",
'\Bitrix\Iblock\InheritedProperty\IblockValues' => "lib/inheritedproperty/iblockvalues.php",
'\Bitrix\Iblock\InheritedProperty\SectionTemplates' => "lib/inheritedproperty/sectiontemplates.php",
'\Bitrix\Iblock\InheritedProperty\SectionValues' => "lib/inheritedproperty/sectionvalues.php",
'\Bitrix\Iblock\Model\Section' => "lib/model/section.php",
'\Bitrix\Iblock\PropertyIndex\Dictionary' => "lib/propertyindex/dictionary.php",
'\Bitrix\Iblock\PropertyIndex\Element' => "lib/propertyindex/element.php",
'\Bitrix\Iblock\PropertyIndex\Facet' => "lib/propertyindex/facet.php",
'\Bitrix\Iblock\PropertyIndex\Indexer' => "lib/propertyindex/indexer.php",
'\Bitrix\Iblock\PropertyIndex\Manager' => "lib/propertyindex/manager.php",
'\Bitrix\Iblock\PropertyIndex\QueryBuilder' => "lib/propertyindex/querybuilder.php",
'\Bitrix\Iblock\PropertyIndex\Storage' => "lib/propertyindex/storage.php",
'\Bitrix\Iblock\Template\Engine' => "lib/template/engine.php",
'\Bitrix\Iblock\Template\NodeRoot' => "lib/template/engine.php",
'\Bitrix\Iblock\Template\NodeText' => "lib/template/engine.php",
'\Bitrix\Iblock\Template\NodeEntityField' => "lib/template/engine.php",
'\Bitrix\Iblock\Template\NodeFunction' => "lib/template/engine.php",
'\Bitrix\Iblock\Template\Helper' => "lib/template/helper.php",
'\Bitrix\Iblock\Template\Entity\Base' => "lib/template/entity/base.php",
'\Bitrix\Iblock\Template\Entity\LazyValueLoader' => "lib/template/entity/base.php",
'\Bitrix\Iblock\Template\Entity\CatalogStore' => "lib/template/entity/catalogstore.php",
'\Bitrix\Iblock\Template\Entity\Element' => "lib/template/entity/element.php",
'\Bitrix\Iblock\Template\Entity\ElementCatalog' => "lib/template/entity/elementcatalog.php",
'\Bitrix\Iblock\Template\Entity\ElementCatalogMeasure' => "lib/template/entity/elementcatalog.php",
'\Bitrix\Iblock\Template\Entity\ElementCatalogStoreList' => "lib/template/entity/elementcatalog.php",
'\Bitrix\Iblock\Template\Entity\ElementPrice' => "lib/template/entity/elementprice.php",
'\Bitrix\Iblock\Template\Entity\ElementProperty' => "lib/template/entity/elementproperty.php",
'\Bitrix\Iblock\Template\Entity\ElementPropertyUserField' => "lib/template/entity/elementproperty.php",
'\Bitrix\Iblock\Template\Entity\ElementPropertyEnum' => "lib/template/entity/elementproperty.php",
'\Bitrix\Iblock\Template\Entity\ElementPropertyElement' => "lib/template/entity/elementproperty.php",
'\Bitrix\Iblock\Template\Entity\ElementPropertySection' => "lib/template/entity/elementproperty.php",
'\Bitrix\Iblock\Template\Entity\ElementSku' => "lib/template/entity/elementsku.php",
'\Bitrix\Iblock\Template\Entity\ElementSkuPrice' => "lib/template/entity/elementskuprice.php",
'\Bitrix\Iblock\Template\Entity\ElementSkuProperty' => "lib/template/entity/elementskuproperty.php",
'\Bitrix\Iblock\Template\Entity\Iblock' => "lib/template/entity/iblock.php",
'\Bitrix\Iblock\Template\Entity\Section' => "lib/template/entity/section.php",
'\Bitrix\Iblock\Template\Entity\SectionPath' => "lib/template/entity/sectionpath.php",
'\Bitrix\Iblock\Template\Entity\SectionProperty' => "lib/template/entity/sectionproperty.php",
'\Bitrix\Iblock\Template\Functions\Fabric' => "lib/template/functions/fabric.php",
'\Bitrix\Iblock\Template\Functions\FunctionBase' => "lib/template/functions/fabric.php",
'\Bitrix\Iblock\Template\Functions\FunctionUpper' => "lib/template/functions/fabric.php",
'\Bitrix\Iblock\Template\Functions\FunctionLower' => "lib/template/functions/fabric.php",
'\Bitrix\Iblock\Template\Functions\FunctionTranslit' => "lib/template/functions/fabric.php",
'\Bitrix\Iblock\Template\Functions\FunctionConcat' => "lib/template/functions/fabric.php",
'\Bitrix\Iblock\Template\Functions\FunctionLimit' => "lib/template/functions/fabric.php",
'\Bitrix\Iblock\Template\Functions\FunctionContrast' => "lib/template/functions/fabric.php",
'\Bitrix\Iblock\Template\Functions\FunctionMin' => "lib/template/functions/fabric.php",
'\Bitrix\Iblock\Template\Functions\FunctionMax' => "lib/template/functions/fabric.php",
'\Bitrix\Iblock\Template\Functions\FunctionDistinct' => "lib/template/functions/fabric.php",
'\Bitrix\Iblock\SenderEventHandler' => "lib/senderconnector.php",
'\Bitrix\Iblock\SenderConnectorIblock' => "lib/senderconnector.php",
if (\Bitrix\Main\ModuleManager::isModuleInstalled('bizproc'))
$arClasses["CIBlockDocument"] = "classes/general/iblockdocument.php";
\Bitrix\Main\Loader::registerAutoLoadClasses("iblock", $arClasses);
* Returns list of the information blocks of specified $type linked to the current site
* including ELEMENT_CNT column which presents currently active elements.
* @param string $type Information blocks type to get blocks from.
* @param array|string|int $arTypesInc Information block ID or CODE or array of IDs or CODEs to get.
* @param array|string|int $arTypesExc Information block ID or CODE or array of IDs or CODEs to exclude.
* @param array $arOrder Order in which blocks will be returned.
* @param int $cnt Maximum count of iblocks to be returned.
* @return CIBlockResult
* @deprecated No longer used by internal code and not recommended.
function GetIBlockListWithCnt($type, $arTypesInc = array(), $arTypesExc = array(), $arOrder = array("sort" => "asc"), $cnt = 0)
return GetIBlockListLang(SITE_ID, $type, $arTypesInc, $arTypesExc, $arOrder, $cnt, true);
* Returns list of the information blocks of specified $type linked to the current site
* @param string $type Information blocks type to get blocks from.
* @param array|string|int $arTypesInc Information block ID or CODE or array of IDs or CODEs to get.
* @param array|string|int $arTypesExc Information block ID or CODE or array of IDs or CODEs to exclude.
* @param array $arOrder Order in which blocks will be returned.
* @param int $cnt Maximum count of iblocks to be returned.
* @return CIBlockResult
* @deprecated No longer used by internal code and not recommended.
function GetIBlockList($type, $arTypesInc = array(), $arTypesExc = array(), $arOrder = array("sort" => "asc"), $cnt = 0)
return GetIBlockListLang(SITE_ID, $type, $arTypesInc, $arTypesExc, $arOrder, $cnt);
* Returns list of the information blocks of specified $type linked to the specified site
* @param string $lang Site identifier blocks linked to.
* @param string $type Information blocks type to get blocks from.
* @param array|string|int $arTypesInc Information block ID or CODE or array of IDs or CODEs to get.
* @param array|string|int $arTypesExc Information block ID or CODE or array of IDs or CODEs to exclude.
* @param array $arOrder Order in which blocks will be returned.
* @param int $cnt Maximum count of iblocks to be returned.
* @param bool $bCountActive
* @return CIBlockResult
* @deprecated No longer used by internal code and not recommended.
function GetIBlockListLang($lang, $type, $arTypesInc = array(), $arTypesExc = array(), $arOrder = array("SORT" => "ASC"), $cnt = 0, $bCountActive = false)
$arIDsInc = array();
$arCODEsInc = array();
if (is_array($arTypesInc))
foreach ($arTypesInc as $i)
if (intval($i) > 0)
$arIDsInc[] = $i;
$arCODEsInc[] = $i;
elseif (intval($arTypesInc) > 0)
$arIDsInc[] = $arTypesInc;
$arCODEsInc[] = $arTypesInc;
$arIDsExc = array();
$arCODEsExc = array();
if (is_array($arTypesExc))
foreach ($arTypesExc as $i)
if (intval($i) > 0)
$arIDsExc[] = $i;
$arCODEsExc[] = $i;
elseif (intval($arTypesExc) > 0)
$arIDsExc[] = $arTypesExc;
$arCODEsExc[] = $arTypesExc;
$res = CIBlock::GetList($arOrder, array(
"type" => $type,
"LID" => $lang,
"ACTIVE" => "Y",
"CNT_ACTIVE" => $bCountActive? "Y": "N",
"ID" => $arIDsInc,
"CODE" => $arCODEsInc,
"!ID" => $arIDsExc,
"!CODE" => $arCODEsExc,
), $bCountActive);
$dbr = new CIBlockResult($res);
if ($cnt > 0)
return $dbr;
* Returns an array with Information block fields or false if none found.
* iblock have to be linked to the current site.
* @param int $ID Numeric identifier of the iblock
* @param string $type Type of iblock restrict search to.
* @return array
function GetIBlock($ID, $type = "")
return GetIBlockLang(SITE_ID, $ID, $type);
* Returns an array with Information block fields or false if none found.
* iblock have to be linked to the current site.
* @param string $lang Site identifier block linked to.
* @param int $ID Numeric identifier of the iblock
* @param string $type Type of iblock restrict search to.
* @return array
function GetIBlockLang($lang, $ID, $type="")
$res = CIBlock::GetList(array(), array(
"ID" => intval($ID),
"TYPE" => $type,
"LID" => $lang,
"ACTIVE" => "Y",
if ($res)
$res = new CIBlockResult($res);
return $res->GetNext();
return false;
* Returns a list of the currently active elements of specified information blocks.
* Checks permissions by default.
* @param string $type Information blocks type to get blocks from.
* @param array|string|int $arTypesInc Information block ID or CODE or array of IDs or CODEs to get.
* @param array|string|int $arTypesExc Information block ID or CODE or array of IDs or CODEs to exclude.
* @param array $arOrder Order in which elements will be returned.
* @param int $cnt Maximum count of elements to be returned.
* @param array $arFilter Filter to be applied
* @param array $arSelect Fields to return (all if empty or not supplied)
* @param bool $arGroupBy Fields to group by (none grouping by default), overwrites $arSelect
* @return CIBlockResult
* @deprecated No longer used by internal code and not recommended.
function GetIBlockElementListEx($type, $arTypesInc = array(), $arTypesExc = array(), $arOrder = array("sort"=>"asc"), $cnt = 0, $arFilter = array(), $arSelect = array(), $arGroupBy = false)
return GetIBlockElementListExLang(SITE_ID, $type, $arTypesInc, $arTypesExc, $arOrder, $cnt, $arFilter, $arSelect, $arGroupBy);
* Returns count of the currently active elements of specified information blocks.
* Checks permissions by default.
* @param string $type Information blocks type to get blocks from.
* @param array|string|int $arTypesInc Information block ID or CODE or array of IDs or CODEs to get.
* @param array|string|int $arTypesExc Information block ID or CODE or array of IDs or CODEs to exclude.
* @param array $arOrder Order in which elements will be returned.
* @param int $cnt Maximum count of elements to be returned.
* @param array $arFilter Filter to be applied
* @return int
* @deprecated No longer used by internal code and not recommended.
function GetIBlockElementCountEx($type, $arTypesInc = array(), $arTypesExc = array(), $arOrder = array("sort"=>"asc"), $cnt = 0, $arFilter = array())
return GetIBlockElementListExLang(SITE_ID, $type, $arTypesInc, $arTypesExc, $arOrder, 0, $arFilter, false, array());
* Returns count of the currently active elements of specified information blocks.
* Checks permissions by default.
* @param string $lang Site identifier blocks linked to.
* @param string $type Information blocks type to get blocks from.
* @param array|string|int $arTypesInc Information block ID or CODE or array of IDs or CODEs to get.
* @param array|string|int $arTypesExc Information block ID or CODE or array of IDs or CODEs to exclude.
* @param array $arOrder Order in which elements will be returned.
* @param int $cnt Maximum count of elements to be returned.
* @param array $arFilter Filter to be applied
* @return int
* @deprecated No longer used by internal code and not recommended.
function GetIBlockElementCountExLang($lang, $type, $arTypesInc = array(), $arTypesExc = array(), $arOrder = array("sort"=>"asc"), $cnt = 0, $arFilter = array())
return GetIBlockElementListExLang($lang, $type, $arTypesInc, $arTypesExc, $arOrder, 0, $arFilter, false, array());
* Returns a list of the currently active elements of specified information blocks.
* Checks permissions by default.
* @param string $lang Site identifier blocks linked to.
* @param string $type Information blocks type to get blocks from.
* @param array|string|int $arTypesInc Information block ID or CODE or array of IDs or CODEs to get.
* @param array|string|int $arTypesExc Information block ID or CODE or array of IDs or CODEs to exclude.
* @param array $arOrder Order in which elements will be returned.
* @param int $cnt Maximum count of elements to be returned.
* @param array $arFilter Filter to be applied
* @param array $arSelect Fields to return (all if empty or not supplied)
* @param bool $arGroupBy Fields to group by (none grouping by default), overwrites $arSelect
* @return CIBlockResult|int
* @deprecated No longer used by internal code and not recommended.
function GetIBlockElementListExLang($lang, $type, $arTypesInc = array(), $arTypesExc = array(), $arOrder = array("sort"=>"asc"), $cnt = 0, $arFilter = array(), $arSelect = array(), $arGroupBy = false)
$filter = _GetIBlockElementListExLang_tmp($lang, $type, $arTypesInc, $arTypesExc, $arOrder, $cnt, $arFilter);
$arNavParams = $cnt; //array("nPageSize"=>$cnt, "bShowAll"=>false);
elseif($cnt > 0)
$arNavParams = array("nTopCount"=>$cnt);
$arNavParams = false;
return CIBlockElement::GetList($arOrder, $filter, $arGroupBy, $arNavParams, $arSelect);
* Makes filter for CIBlockElement::GetList. Internal function
* @param string $lang Site identifier blocks linked to.
* @param string $type Information blocks type to get blocks from.
* @param array|string|int $arTypesInc Information block ID or CODE or array of IDs or CODEs to get.
* @param array|string|int $arTypesExc Information block ID or CODE or array of IDs or CODEs to exclude.
* @param array $arOrder Order in which elements will be returned.
* @param int $cnt Maximum count of elements to be returned.
* @param array $arFilter Filter to be applied
* @param array $arSelect Fields to return (all if empty or not supplied)
* @return array
* @deprecated No longer used by internal code and not recommended.
function _GetIBlockElementListExLang_tmp($lang, $type, $arTypesInc = array(), $arTypesExc = array(), $arOrder = array("sort" => "asc"), $cnt = 0, $arFilter = array(), $arSelect = array())
$arIDsInc = array();
$arCODEsInc = array();
if (is_array($arTypesInc))
foreach ($arTypesInc as $i)
if (intval($i) > 0)
$arIDsInc[] = $i;
$arCODEsInc[] = $i;
elseif (intval($arTypesInc) > 0)
$arIDsInc[] = $arTypesInc;
elseif ($arTypesInc !== false)
$arCODEsInc[] = $arTypesInc;
$arIDsExc = array();
$arCODEsExc = array();
if (is_array($arTypesExc))
foreach ($arTypesExc as $i)
if (intval($i) > 0)
$arIDsExc[] = $i;
$arCODEsExc[] = $i;
elseif (intval($arTypesExc) > 0)
$arIDsExc[] = $arTypesExc;
elseif ($arTypesInc !== false)
$arCODEsExc[] = $arTypesExc;
$filter = array(
"IBLOCK_ID" => $arIDsInc,
"IBLOCK_LID" => $lang,
"!IBLOCK_ID" => $arIDsExc,
"!IBLOCK_CODE" => $arCODEsExc,
"ACTIVE" => "Y",
if ($type != false && strlen($type) > 0)
$filter["IBLOCK_TYPE"] = $type;
if (is_array($arFilter) && count($arFilter) > 0)
$filter = array_merge($filter, $arFilter);
return $filter;
* Returns number of active elements for given iblock.
* @param int $IBLOCK Information block ID.
* @param bool $SECTION_ID Section ID.
* @param array $arOrder Has no meaning here.
* @param int $cnt Not used.
* @return int
* @deprecated No longer used by internal code and not recommended.
function GetIBlockElementCount($IBLOCK, $SECTION_ID = false, $arOrder = array("sort"=>"asc"), $cnt = 0)
$filter = array(
"IBLOCK_ID" => intval($IBLOCK),
"ACTIVE" => "Y",
if ($SECTION_ID !== false)
$filter["SECTION_ID"] = intval($SECTION_ID);
return CIBlockElement::GetList($arOrder, $filter, true);
* Return the list of the elements.
* @param int $IBLOCK Information block ID.
* @param bool $SECTION_ID Section ID.
* @param array $arOrder Has no meaning here.
* @param int $cnt
* @param array $arFilter
* @param array $arSelect
* @return CIBlockResult
* @deprecated No longer used by internal code and not recommended.
function GetIBlockElementList($IBLOCK, $SECTION_ID = false, $arOrder = array("sort"=>"asc"), $cnt = 0, $arFilter = array(), $arSelect = array())
$filter = array(
"IBLOCK_ID" => intval($IBLOCK),
"ACTIVE" => "Y",
if ($SECTION_ID !== false)
if (is_array($arFilter) && !empty($arFilter))
$filter = array_merge($filter, $arFilter);
$dbr = CIBlockElement::GetList($arOrder, $filter, false, false, $arSelect);
if ($cnt > 0)
return $dbr;
* Returns an array with element fields and PROPERTIES key containing element property values.
* false when element not active or not exists.
* @param int $ID Identifier of the elements to be returned.
* @param string $TYPE Information block type identifier to filter elements with.
* @return array|bool
* @deprecated No longer used by internal code and not recommended.
function GetIBlockElement($ID, $TYPE = "")
$filter = array(
"ID" => intval($ID),
"ACTIVE" => "Y",
if ($TYPE != "")
$filter["IBLOCK_TYPE"] = $TYPE;
$iblockElement = CIBlockElement::GetList(array(), $filter);
if($obIBlockElement = $iblockElement->GetNextElement())
$arIBlockElement = $obIBlockElement->GetFields();
if ($arIBlock = GetIBlock($arIBlockElement["IBLOCK_ID"], $TYPE))
$arIBlockElement["IBLOCK_ID"] = $arIBlock["ID"];
$arIBlockElement["IBLOCK_NAME"] = $arIBlock["NAME"];
$arIBlockElement["~IBLOCK_NAME"] = $arIBlock["~NAME"];
$arIBlockElement["PROPERTIES"] = $obIBlockElement->GetProperties();
return $arIBlockElement;
return false;
* Returns list of sections of specified iblock including ELEMENT_CNT column.
* @param int $IBLOCK
* @param bool|int $SECT_ID
* @param array $arOrder
* @param int $cnt
* @param array $arFilter
* @return CIBlockResult
* @deprecated No longer used by internal code and not recommended.
function GetIBlockSectionListWithCnt($IBLOCK, $SECT_ID = false, $arOrder = array("left_margin"=>"asc"), $cnt = 0, $arFilter = array())
$filter = array(
"IBLOCK_ID" => intval($IBLOCK),
"ACTIVE" => "Y",
"CNT_ACTIVE" => "Y",
if ($SECT_ID !== false)
$filter["SECTION_ID"] = intval($SECT_ID);
if (is_array($arFilter) && !empty($arFilter))
$filter = array_merge($filter, $arFilter);
$dbr = CIBlockSection::GetList($arOrder, $filter, true);
if($cnt > 0)
return $dbr;
* Returns list of sections of specified iblock.
* @param int $IBLOCK
* @param bool|int $SECT_ID
* @param array $arOrder
* @param int $cnt
* @param array $arFilter
* @return CIBlockResult
* @deprecated No longer used by internal code and not recommended.
function GetIBlockSectionList($IBLOCK, $SECT_ID = false, $arOrder = array("left_margin"=>"asc"), $cnt = 0, $arFilter = array())
$filter = array(
"IBLOCK_ID" => intval($IBLOCK),
"ACTIVE" => "Y",
if ($SECT_ID !== false)
$filter["SECTION_ID"] = intval($SECT_ID);
if(is_array($arFilter) && !empty($arFilter))
$filter = array_merge($filter, $arFilter);
$dbr = CIBlockSection::GetList($arOrder, $filter);
if ($cnt > 0)
return $dbr;
* Returns an array with section fields if found. Else returns false.
* @param int $ID
* @param string $TYPE
* @return array|bool
* @deprecated No longer used by internal code and not recommended.
function GetIBlockSection($ID, $TYPE = "")
$ID = intval($ID);
if($ID > 0)
$iblockSection = CIBlockSection::GetList(array(), array(
"ID" => $ID,
"ACTIVE" => "Y",
if($arIBlockSection = $iblockSection->GetNext())
if($arIBlock = GetIBlock($arIBlockSection["IBLOCK_ID"], $TYPE))
$arIBlockSection["IBLOCK_ID"] = $arIBlock["ID"];
$arIBlockSection["IBLOCK_NAME"] = $arIBlock["NAME"];
return $arIBlockSection;
return false;
* Returns path to the section.
* @param int $IBLOCK_ID
* @param int $SECTION_ID
* @return CIBlockResult
* @deprecated No longer used by internal code and not recommended.
function GetIBlockSectionPath($IBLOCK_ID, $SECTION_ID)
return CIBlockSection::GetNavChain($IBLOCK_ID, $SECTION_ID);
* Converts xml string into recursive array
* @param string $data
* @return array
* @deprecated No longer used by internal code and not recommended.
function xmlize_rss($data)
$data = trim($data);
$values = $index = $array = array();
$parser = xml_parser_create();
xml_parser_set_option($parser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, 0);
xml_parser_set_option($parser, XML_OPTION_SKIP_WHITE, 1);
xml_parse_into_struct($parser, $data, $values, $index);
$i = 0;
$tagName = $values[$i]['tag'];
if (isset($values[$i]['attributes']))
$array[$tagName]['@'] = $values[$i]['attributes'];
$array[$tagName]['@'] = array();
$array[$tagName]["#"] = xml_depth_rss($values, $i);
return $array;
* Helper function for xmlize_rss
* @param array $values
* @param int $i
* @return array
* @deprecated No longer used by internal code and not recommended.
function xml_depth_rss($values, &$i)
$children = array();
if (isset($values[$i]['value']))
array_push($children, $values[$i]['value']);
while (++$i < count($values))
switch ($values[$i]['type'])
case 'open':
if (isset($values[$i]['tag']))
$tagName = $values[$i]['tag'];
$tagName = '';
if (isset($children[$tagName]))
$size = sizeof($children[$tagName]);
$size = 0;
if (isset($values[$i]['attributes']))
$children[$tagName][$size]['@'] = $values[$i]["attributes"];
$children[$tagName][$size]['#'] = xml_depth_rss($values, $i);
case 'cdata':
array_push($children, $values[$i]['value']);
case 'complete':
$tagName = $values[$i]['tag'];
$size = sizeof($children[$tagName]);
$size = 0;
$children[$tagName][$size]["#"] = $values[$i]['value'];
$children[$tagName][$size]["#"] = '';
if (isset($values[$i]['attributes']))
$children[$tagName][$size]['@'] = $values[$i]['attributes'];
case 'close':
return $children;
return $children;
* Returns html presenting a control of two drop boxes to choose iblock iblock from.
* @param int $IBLOCK_ID Selected iblock
* @param string $strTypeName Name of the iblock type select
* @param string $strIBlockName Name of the iblock name select
* @param bool|array $arFilter Additional filter for iblock list
* @param string $onChangeType Additional JS handler for type select
* @param string $onChangeIBlock Additional JS handler for iblock select
* @param string $strAddType Additional html inserted into type select
* @param string $strAddIBlock Additional html inserted into iblock select
* @return string
function GetIBlockDropDownListEx($IBLOCK_ID, $strTypeName, $strIBlockName, $arFilter = false, $onChangeType = '', $onChangeIBlock = '', $strAddType = '', $strAddIBlock = '')
$html = '';
static $arTypesAll = array();
static $arTypes = array();
static $arIBlocks = array();
$arFilter = array();
if (!array_key_exists('MIN_PERMISSION',$arFilter) || trim($arFilter['MIN_PERMISSION']) == '')
$arFilter["MIN_PERMISSION"] = "W";
$filterId = md5(serialize($arFilter));
$arTypes[$filterId] = array(0 => GetMessage("IBLOCK_CHOOSE_IBLOCK_TYPE"));
$arIBlocks[$filterId] = array(0 => array(''=>GetMessage("IBLOCK_CHOOSE_IBLOCK")));
$rsIBlocks = CIBlock::GetList(array("IBLOCK_TYPE" => "ASC", "NAME" => "ASC"), $arFilter);
while($arIBlock = $rsIBlocks->Fetch())
if(!array_key_exists($tmpIBLOCK_TYPE_ID, $arTypesAll))
$arType = CIBlockType::GetByIDLang($tmpIBLOCK_TYPE_ID, LANG);
$arTypesAll[$arType["~ID"]] = $arType["~NAME"]." [".$arType["~ID"]."]";
if(!array_key_exists($tmpIBLOCK_TYPE_ID, $arTypes[$filterId]))
$arTypes[$filterId][$tmpIBLOCK_TYPE_ID] = $arTypesAll[$tmpIBLOCK_TYPE_ID];
$arIBlocks[$filterId][$tmpIBLOCK_TYPE_ID] = array(0 => GetMessage("IBLOCK_CHOOSE_IBLOCK"));
$arIBlocks[$filterId][$tmpIBLOCK_TYPE_ID][$arIBlock["ID"]] = $arIBlock["NAME"]." [".$arIBlock["ID"]."]";
$html .= '
<script type="text/javascript">
function OnType_'.$filterId.'_Changed(typeSelect, iblockSelectID)
var arIBlocks = '.CUtil::PhpToJSObject($arIBlocks[$filterId]).';
var iblockSelect = BX(iblockSelectID);
for(var i=iblockSelect.length-1; i >= 0; i--)
for(var j in arIBlocks[typeSelect.value])
var newOption = new Option(arIBlocks[typeSelect.value][j], j, false, false);
$IBLOCK_TYPE = false;
if($IBLOCK_ID > 0)
foreach($arIBlocks[$filterId] as $iblock_type_id => $iblocks)
if(array_key_exists($IBLOCK_ID, $iblocks))
$IBLOCK_TYPE = $iblock_type_id;
$htmlTypeName = htmlspecialcharsbx($strTypeName);
$htmlIBlockName = htmlspecialcharsbx($strIBlockName);
$onChangeType = 'OnType_'.$filterId.'_Changed(this, \''.CUtil::JSEscape($strIBlockName).'\');'.$onChangeType.';';
$onChangeIBlock = trim($onChangeIBlock);
$html .= '<select name="'.$htmlTypeName.'" id="'.$htmlTypeName.'" onchange="'.htmlspecialcharsbx($onChangeType).'" '.$strAddType.'>'."\n";
foreach($arTypes[$filterId] as $key => $value)
if($IBLOCK_TYPE === false)
$IBLOCK_TYPE = $key;
$html .= '<option value="'.htmlspecialcharsbx($key).'"'.($IBLOCK_TYPE===$key? ' selected': '').'>'.htmlspecialcharsEx($value).'</option>'."\n";
$html .= "</select>\n";
$html .= " \n";
$html .= '<select name="'.$htmlIBlockName.'" id="'.$htmlIBlockName.'"'.($onChangeIBlock != ''? ' onchange="'.htmlspecialcharsbx($onChangeIBlock).'"': '').' '.$strAddIBlock.'>'."\n";
foreach($arIBlocks[$filterId][$IBLOCK_TYPE] as $key => $value)
$html .= '<option value="'.htmlspecialcharsbx($key).'"'.($IBLOCK_ID==$key? ' selected': '').'>'.htmlspecialcharsEx($value).'</option>'."\n";
$html .= "</select>\n";
return $html;
* Returns html presenting a control of two drop boxes to choose iblock iblock from.
* All iblock permission check to be at least W
* @param int $IBLOCK_ID Selected iblock
* @param string $strTypeName Name of the iblock type select
* @param string $strIBlockName Name of the iblock name select
* @param bool|array $arFilter Additional filter for iblock list
* @param string $strAddType Additional html inserted into type select
* @param string $strAddIBlock Additional html inserted into iblock select
* @return string
function GetIBlockDropDownList($IBLOCK_ID, $strTypeName, $strIBlockName, $arFilter = false, $strAddType = '', $strAddIBlock = '')
$arFilter = array();
$arFilter["MIN_PERMISSION"] = "W";
return GetIBlockDropDownListEx($IBLOCK_ID, $strTypeName, $strIBlockName, $arFilter, '', '', $strAddType, $strAddIBlock);
* Imports an xml file into iblock. File may be an .tar.gz archive.
* @param string $file_name Name of the file to import
* @param string $iblock_type IBlock type ID to import iblock to
* @param string|array $site_id ID of the site or array of IDs to bind iblock to
* @param string $section_action What to do with sections missed in the file. D - delete or A - deactivate.
* @param string $element_action What to do with elements missed in the file. D - delete or A - deactivate.
* @param bool $use_crc Whenever to use CRC check for optimizi=ation or force an update
* @param bool $preview If true when use iblock settings to generate preview pictures from detail.
* @param bool $sync If true uses alternative set of tables in order not to interfere with other import processes
* @param bool $return_last_error If true will return string with error description in case of failure
* @param bool $return_iblock_id If true will return iblock identifier (int) in case of success
* @return bool|int|string
function ImportXMLFile($file_name, $iblock_type="-", $site_id='', $section_action="D", $element_action="D", $use_crc=false, $preview=false, $sync=false, $return_last_error=false, $return_iblock_id=false)
/** @global CMain $APPLICATION */
$ABS_FILE_NAME = false;
&& is_file($file_name)
&& (
substr($file_name, -4) === ".xml"
|| substr($file_name, -7) === ".tar.gz"
$ABS_FILE_NAME = $file_name;
$filename = trim(str_replace("\\", "/", trim($file_name)), "/");
$FILE_NAME = rel2abs($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"], "/".$filename);
if((strlen($FILE_NAME) > 1) && ($FILE_NAME === "/".$filename) && ($APPLICATION->GetFileAccessPermission($FILE_NAME) >= "W"))
return GetMessage("IBLOCK_XML2_FILE_ERROR");
$WORK_DIR_NAME = substr($ABS_FILE_NAME, 0, strrpos($ABS_FILE_NAME, "/")+1);
if(substr($ABS_FILE_NAME, -7) == ".tar.gz")
$obArchiver = new CArchiver($ABS_FILE_NAME);
$strError = "";
$arErrors = $obArchiver->GetErrors();
foreach($arErrors as $error)
$strError .= $error[1]."<br>";
if($strError != "")
return $strError;
return GetMessage("IBLOCK_XML2_FILE_ERROR");
$IMP_FILE_NAME = substr($ABS_FILE_NAME, 0, -7).".xml";
$fp = fopen($IMP_FILE_NAME, "rb");
return GetMessage("IBLOCK_XML2_FILE_ERROR");
$table_name = "b_xml_tree_sync";
$table_name = "b_xml_tree";
$NS = array("STEP"=>0);
$obCatalog = new CIBlockCMLImport;
$obCatalog->Init($NS, $WORK_DIR_NAME, $use_crc, $preview, false, false, false, $table_name);
$obCatalog->ReadXMLToDatabase($fp, $NS, 0, 1024);
$xml_root = $obCatalog->GetSessionRoot();
$bUpdateIBlock = false;
$obCatalog->ReadXMLToDatabase($fp, $NS, 0, 1024);
return GetMessage("IBLOCK_XML2_INDEX_ERROR");
$xml_root = 1;
$bUpdateIBlock = true;
$result = $obCatalog->ImportMetaData($xml_root, $iblock_type, $site_id, $bUpdateIBlock);
if($result !== true)
return GetMessage("IBLOCK_XML2_METADATA_ERROR").implode("\n", $result);
$obCatalog = new CIBlockCMLImport;
$obCatalog->Init($NS, $WORK_DIR_NAME, $use_crc, $preview, false, false, false, $table_name);
$SECTION_MAP = false;
$PRICES_MAP = false;
$obCatalog->ReadCatalogData($SECTION_MAP, $PRICES_MAP);
$obCatalog->ImportElements(time(), 0);
$obCatalog->DeactivateElement($element_action, time(), 0);
return $obCatalog->LAST_ERROR;
if ($return_iblock_id)
return intval($NS["IBLOCK_ID"]);
return true;