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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
  contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
  this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
  The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
  (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
  the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at

  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  limitations under the License.

     DTD for the Model MBeans Configuration File

     To support validation of your configuration file, include the following
     DOCTYPE element at the beginning (after the "xml" declaration):

     <!DOCTYPE mbeans-descriptors PUBLIC
      "-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Model MBeans Configuration File"

<!-- ========== Defined Types ============================================= -->

<!-- A "Boolean" is the string representation of a boolean (true or false)
<!ENTITY % Boolean "(true|false|yes|no)">

<!-- A "ClassName" is the fully qualified name of a Java class that is
     instantiated to provide the functionality of the enclosing element.
<!ENTITY % ClassName "CDATA">

<!-- A "MethodName" is the name of a constructor or method, which must
     be legal according to the syntax requirements of the Java language.
<!ENTITY % MethodName "CDATA">

<!-- A "VariableName" is the name of a variable or parameter, which must
     be legal according to the syntax requirements of the Java language.
<!ENTITY % VariableName "CDATA">

<!-- ========== Element Definitions ======================================= -->

<!-- The "mbeans-descriptors" element is the root of the configuration file
     hierarchy, and contains nested elements for all of the other
     configuration settings.  Remaining element definitions are listed
     in alphabetical order.
<!ELEMENT mbeans-descriptors (mbean*)>
<!ATTLIST mbeans-descriptors id          ID             #IMPLIED>

<!-- The "attribute" element describes a JavaBeans property of an MBean.
     The following attributes are supported:

     description      Human-readable description of this attribute.

     displayName      Display name of this attribute.

     getMethod        Name of the property getter method, if it does
                      not follow standard JavaBeans naming patterns.

     is               Boolean value indicating whether or not this
                      attribute is a boolean with an "is" getter method.
                      By default, this is set to "false".

     name             Name of this JavaBeans property, conforming to
                      standard naming design patterns.

     readable         Boolean value indicating whether or not this
                      attribute is readable by management applications.
                      By default, this is set to "true".

     setMethod        Name of the property setter method, if it does
                      not follow standard JavaBeans naming patterns.

     type             Fully qualified Java class name of this attribute.

     writeable        Boolean value indicating whether or not this
                      attribute is writeable by management applications.
                      By default, this is set to "true".
<!ELEMENT attribute (descriptor?)>
<!ATTLIST attribute         id           ID             #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST attribute         description  CDATA          #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST attribute         displayName  CDATA          #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST attribute         getMethod    %MethodName;   #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST attribute         is           %Boolean;      #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST attribute         name         %VariableName; #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST attribute         readable     %Boolean;      #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST attribute         setMethod    %MethodName;   #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST attribute         type         %ClassName;    #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST attribute         writeable    %Boolean;      #IMPLIED>

<!-- The "constructor" element describes a public constructor for the
     underlying actual class.  It may contain nested "parameter" elements
     for the various arguments to this constructor.  The following attributes
     are supported:

     displayName      Display name of this constructor.

     name             Name of this constructor (by Java convention, this must
                      be the same as the base class name).
<!ELEMENT constructor (descriptor?, parameter*)>
<!ATTLIST constructor       id           ID             #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST constructor       displayName  CDATA          #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST constructor       name         %VariableName; #IMPLIED>

<!-- The "descriptor" element groups a set of descriptor fields whose
     values will be included in the Descriptor for the corresponding
     metadata info classes.
<!ELEMENT descriptor (field*)>
<!ATTLIST descriptor        id           ID             #IMPLIED>

<!-- The "field" element represents a single name/value pair that will
     be included in the Descriptor corresponding to our enclosing
     "descriptor" element.  The following attributes are supported:

     name             Field name of the field to be included

     value            Field value of the field to be included
                      (will be stored as a String)
<!ATTLIST field             id           ID             #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST field             name         CDATA          #REQUIRED>
<!ATTLIST field             value        CDATA          #REQUIRED>

<!-- The "mbean" element describes a particular JMX ModelMBean implementation,
     including the information necessary to construct the corresponding
     ModelMBeanInfo structures.  The following attributes are supported:

     className        Fully qualified Java class name of the ModelMBean
                      implementation class.  If not specified, the standard
                      implementation provided by JMX will be utilized.

     description      Human-readable description of this managed bean.

     domain           The JMX MBeanServer domain in which the ModelMBean
                      created by this managed bean should be registered,
                      when creating its ObjectName.

     group            Optional name of a "grouping classification" that can
                      be used to select groups of similar MBean implementation

     name             Unique name of this MBean (normally corresponds to the
                      base class name of the corresponding server component).

     type             Fully qualified Java class name of the underlying
                      managed resource implementation class.
<!ELEMENT mbean (descriptor?, attribute*, constructor*, notification*, operation*)>
<!ATTLIST mbean             id           ID             #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST mbean             className    %ClassName;    #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST mbean             description  CDATA          #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST mbean             domain       CDATA          #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST mbean             group        CDATA          #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST mbean             name         %MethodName;   #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST mbean             type         %ClassName;    #IMPLIED>

<!-- The "notification" element describes the notification types that are
     generated by a particular managed bean.  The following attributes
     are supported:

     description      Human-readable description of these notification events.

     name             Name of this set of notification event types.
<!ELEMENT notification (descriptor?, notification-type*)>
<!ATTLIST notification      id           ID             #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST notification      description  CDATA          #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST notification      name         %VariableName; #IMPLIED>

<!-- The nested content of the "notification-type" element is the event string
     of an event that can be emitted by this MBean.
<!ELEMENT notification-type (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST notification-type id           ID             #IMPLIED>

<!-- The "operation" element describes a the signature of a public method
     that is accessible to management applications.  The following attributes
     are supported:

     description      Human-readable description of this operation.

     impact           Indication of the impact of this method:
                      ACTION (write like), ACTION-INFO (write+read like)
                      INFO (read like), or UNKNOWN.

     name             Name of this public method.

     returnType       Fully qualified Java class name of the return
                      type of this method.
<!ELEMENT operation   (descriptor?, parameter*)>
<!ATTLIST operation         id           ID             #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST operation         description  CDATA          #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST operation         impact       CDATA          #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST operation         name         %VariableName; #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST operation         returnType   %ClassName;    #IMPLIED>

<!-- The "parameter" element describes a single argument that will be passed
     to a constructor or operation.  The following attributes are supported:

     description      Human-readable description of this parameter.

     name             Java language name of this parameter.

     type             Fully qualified Java class name of this parameter.
<!ELEMENT parameter EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST parameter         id           ID             #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST parameter         description  CDATA          #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST parameter         name         %VariableName; #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST parameter         type         %ClassName;    #IMPLIED>