Your IP :
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# -*- perl -*-
use strict;
use warnings;
=head1 NAME
memory - Plugin to monitor memory usage
No configuration
=head2 Warning and Critical Values
Warning and critical values can be passed in environment variables as byte
values or they can be percentages using a % sign and the value will be
calculated dynamically by the plugin. Thus, to warn on swap at 50% the
configuration is:
env.swap_warning 50%
Note that swap is calculated against the total swap amount (SwapTotal), and all
other fields are calculated against the total amount of memory (MemTotal).
=head1 AUTHORS
Original Author: Jimmy Olsen
=over 4
=item Mike Fedyk
Slab, SwapCached, PageTables, VmallocUsed, Mapped, Active, Inactive,
2.4 Rmap & 2.6
=item Juha-Matti Tapio
Input on swap_cache and VMalloc Used on 64 bit machines.
=item Nicolai Langfeldt
=head1 LICENSE
#%# family=auto
#%# capabilities=autoconf
use Munin::Plugin;
if ($ARGV[0] and $ARGV[0] eq "autoconf") {
if (-r "/proc/meminfo") {
print "yes\n";
exit 0;
} else {
print "no (/proc/meminfo not found)\n";
exit 0;
my %mems;
if ($ARGV[0] and $ARGV[0] eq "config") {
print "graph_args --base 1024 -l 0 --upper-limit ",$mems{'MemTotal'},"\n";
print "graph_vlabel Bytes\n";
print "graph_title Memory usage\n";
print "graph_category system\n";
print "graph_info This graph shows what the machine uses memory for.\n";
print "graph_order ",
"apps ";
print "page_tables " if exists $mems{'PageTables'};
print "per_cpu " if exists $mems{'Percpu'};
print "swap_cache " if exists $mems{'SwapCached'};
#print "vmalloc_used " if exists $mems{'VmallocUsed'};
print "slab " if exists $mems{'Slab'};
print "shmem " if exists $mems{'Shmem'};
print "cached ",
"buffers ",
"free ",
"swap ",
print "apps.label apps\n";
print "apps.draw AREA\n";
print " Memory used by user-space applications.\n";
print "apps.colour COLOUR0\n";
print "buffers.label buffers\n";
print "buffers.draw STACK\n";
print " Block device (e.g. harddisk) cache. ",
"Also where \"dirty\" blocks are stored until written.\n";
print "buffers.colour COLOUR5\n";
print "swap.label swap\n";
print "swap.draw STACK\n";
print " Swap space used.\n";
# Fixed color for swap: red. Otherwise the above conditional fields could
# lead to color shifts due to changes of the kernel or other environment
# situations.
print "swap.colour COLOUR7\n";
print "cached.label cache\n";
print "cached.draw STACK\n";
print " Parked file data (file content) cache.\n";
print "cached.colour COLOUR4\n";
print "free.label unused\n";
print "free.draw STACK\n";
print " Wasted memory. Memory that is not ",
"used for anything at all.\n";
print "free.colour COLOUR6\n";
if (exists $mems{'Shmem'}) {
print "shmem.label shmem\n";
print "shmem.draw STACK\n";
print " Shared Memory (SYSV SHM segments, tmpfs).\n";
print "shmem.colour COLOUR9\n";
if (exists $mems{'Slab'}) {
print "slab.label slab_cache\n";
print "slab.draw STACK\n";
print " Memory used by the kernel (major users ",
" are caches like inode, dentry, etc).\n";
print "slab.colour COLOUR3\n";
if (exists $mems{'SwapCached'}) {
print "swap_cache.label swap_cache\n";
print "swap_cache.draw STACK\n";
print " A piece of memory that keeps track of pages ",
"that have been fetched from swap but not yet been modified.\n";
print "swap_cache.colour COLOUR2\n";
if (exists $mems{'PageTables'}) {
print "page_tables.label page_tables\n";
print "page_tables.draw STACK\n";
print " Memory used to map between virtual and ",
"physical memory addresses.\n";
print "page_tables.colour COLOUR1\n";
if (exists $mems{'Percpu'}) {
print "per_cpu.label per_cpu\n";
print "per_cpu.draw STACK\n";
print " Per CPU allocations\n";
print "per_cpu.colour COLOUR20\n";
if (exists $mems{'VmallocUsed'}) {
print "vmalloc_used.label vmalloc_used\n";
# print "vmalloc_used.draw STACK\n";
print "vmalloc_used.draw LINE2\n";
print " 'VMalloc' (kernel) memory used\n";
print "vmalloc_used.colour COLOUR8\n";
if (exists $mems{'Committed_AS'}) {
print "committed.label committed\n";
print "committed.draw LINE2\n";
# Linux machines frequently overcommit - this is not a error
# condition or even worrying. But sometimes overcommit shows
# memory leaks so we want to graph it.
# print "committed.warning ", $mems{'SwapTotal'} + $mems{'MemTotal'}, "\n";
print " The amount of memory allocated to programs. ",
"Overcommitting is normal, but may indicate memory leaks.\n";
print "committed.colour COLOUR10\n";
if (exists $mems{'Mapped'}) {
print "mapped.label mapped\n";
print "mapped.draw LINE2\n";
print " All mmap()ed pages.\n";
print "mapped.colour COLOUR11\n";
if (exists $mems{'Active'}) {
print "active.label active\n";
print "active.draw LINE2\n";
print " Memory recently used. Not reclaimed unless ",
"absolutely necessary.\n";
print "active.colour COLOUR12\n";
if (exists $mems{'ActiveAnon'}) {
print "active_anon.label active_anon\n";
print "active_anon.draw LINE1\n";
print "active_anon.colour COLOUR13\n";
if (exists $mems{'ActiveCache'}) {
print "active_cache.label active_cache\n";
print "active_cache.draw LINE1\n";
print "active_cache.colour COLOUR14\n";
if (exists $mems{'Inactive'}) {
print "inactive.label inactive\n";
print "inactive.draw LINE2\n";
print " Memory not currently used.\n";
print "inactive.colour COLOUR15\n";
if (exists $mems{'Inact_dirty'}) {
print "inact_dirty.label inactive_dirty\n";
print "inact_dirty.draw LINE1\n";
print " Memory not currently used, but in need of ",
"being written to disk.\n";
print "inact_dirty.colour COLOUR16\n";
if (exists $mems{'Inact_laundry'}) {
print "inact_laundry.label inactive_laundry\n";
print "inact_laundry.draw LINE1\n";
print "inact_laundry.colour COLOUR17\n";
if (exists $mems{'Inact_clean'}) {
print "inact_clean.label inactive_clean\n";
print "inact_clean.draw LINE1\n";
print " Memory not currently used.\n";
print "inact_clean.colour COLOUR18\n";
if (exists $mems{'KSM'}) {
print "ksm_sharing.label KSM sharing\n";
print "ksm_sharing.draw LINE2\n";
print "ksm_sharing.colour FFBFFF\n";
print " Memory saved by KSM sharing\n";
print "ksm_sharing.colour COLOUR19\n";
for my $field (qw(apps buffers swap cached free slab swap_cache page_tables per_cpu vmalloc_used committed mapped active active_anon active_cache inactive inact_dirty inact_laundry inact_clean shmem)) {
my ($warning, $critical) = get_thresholds($field);
my $total = $mems{MemTotal};
$total = $mems{SwapTotal} if($field eq "swap");
$warning = adjust_threshold($warning, $total);
$critical = adjust_threshold($critical, $total);
print "$field.warning $warning\n" if defined $warning;
print "$field.critical $critical\n" if defined $critical;
exit 0;
# Any optional value needs to be initialized to zero if it's used in a calculation below
# and is has not been set by &fetch_meminfo
if (exists $mems{'Slab'}) {
print "slab.value ", $mems{'Slab'}, "\n";
} else {
$mems{'Slab'} = 0;
if (exists $mems{'SwapCached'}) {
print "swap_cache.value ", $mems{'SwapCached'}, "\n";
} else {
$mems{'SwapCached'} = 0;
if (exists $mems{'PageTables'}) {
print "page_tables.value ", $mems{'PageTables'}, "\n";
} else {
$mems{'PageTables'} = 0;
if (exists $mems{'Percpu'}) {
print "per_cpu.value ", $mems{'Percpu'}, "\n";
} else {
$mems{'Percpu'} = 0;
if (exists $mems{'VmallocUsed'}) {
print "vmalloc_used.value ", $mems{'VmallocUsed'}, "\n";
} else {
$mems{'VmallocUsed'} = 0;
# Having default values for mandatory fields, even when they are not on the system
$mems{'MemFree'} ||= 0;
$mems{'Buffers'} ||= 0;
$mems{'Cached'} ||= 0;
$mems{'Slab'} ||= 0;
$mems{'PageTables'} ||= 0;
$mems{'Percpu'} ||= 0;
$mems{'SwapCached'} ||= 0;
$mems{'SwapFree'} ||= 0;
$mems{'SwapTotal'} ||= 0;
print "apps.value ", $mems{'MemTotal'}
print "free.value ", $mems{'MemFree'}, "\n";
print "buffers.value ", $mems{'Buffers'}, "\n";
print "cached.value ", $mems{'Cached'} - (defined($mems{'Shmem'}) ? $mems{'Shmem'} : 0), "\n";
print "swap.value ", $mems{'SwapTotal'} - $mems{'SwapFree'}, "\n";
print "shmem.value ", $mems{'Shmem'}, "\n"
if exists $mems{'Shmem'};
print "committed.value ", $mems{'Committed_AS'}, "\n"
if exists $mems{'Committed_AS'};
print "mapped.value ", $mems{'Mapped'}, "\n"
if exists $mems{'Mapped'};
print "active.value ", $mems{'Active'}, "\n"
if exists $mems{'Active'};
print "active_anon.value ", $mems{'ActiveAnon'}, "\n"
if exists $mems{'ActiveAnon'};
print "active_cache.value ", $mems{'ActiveCache'}, "\n"
if exists $mems{'ActiveCache'};
print "inactive.value ", $mems{'Inactive'}, "\n"
if exists $mems{'Inactive'};
print "inact_dirty.value ", $mems{'Inact_dirty'}, "\n"
if exists $mems{'Inact_dirty'};
print "inact_laundry.value ", $mems{'Inact_laundry'}, "\n"
if exists $mems{'Inact_laundry'};
print "inact_clean.value ", $mems{'Inact_clean'}, "\n"
if exists $mems{'Inact_clean'};
print "ksm_sharing.value ", $mems{'KSM'}, "\n"
if exists $mems{'KSM'};
exit 0;
sub fetch_meminfo {
open (IN, "/proc/meminfo") ||
die "Could not open /proc/meminfo for reading: $!";
while (<IN>) {
if (/^(\w+):\s*(\d+)\s+kb/i) {
$mems{"$1"} = $2 * 1024;
close (IN);
# Only 2.6 and above has slab reported in meminfo, so read
# slabinfo if it isn't in meminfo
if (!$mems{Slab}) {
# Support 2.4 Rmap VM based kernels
if (!$mems{'Inactive'} && $mems{'Inact_dirty'} &&
$mems{'Inact_laundry'} && $mems{'Inact_clean'}) {
$mems{'Inactive'} = $mems{'Inact_dirty'} +
$mems{'Inact_laundry'} + $mems{'Inact_clean'};
sub fetch_slabinfo {
# In 2.0 there is no slabinfo file, so return if the file doesn't open
open (IN, "/proc/slabinfo") || return;
my @slabinfo;
my $tot_slab_pages = 0;
my $slab_version = <IN>;
if ($slab_version =~ /^slabinfo - version: 1.1/) {
while (<IN>) {
if (!/^slabinfo/) {
@slabinfo = split;
$tot_slab_pages += $slabinfo[5];
close (IN);
$mems{'Slab'} = $tot_slab_pages * 4096 if $tot_slab_pages gt 0;
sub fetch_ksm {
open (IN, "/sys/kernel/mm/ksm/run") || return;
my $value = <IN>;
if (defined $value) {
chomp $value;
return unless $value;
close (IN);
open (IN, "/sys/kernel/mm/ksm/pages_sharing") || return;
$value = <IN>;
if (defined $value) {
chomp $value;
$mems{'KSM'} = $value * 4096;
close (IN);