Your IP :
$wsdescs = array();
$wswraps = array();
$componentContext = array();
class CWebServiceDesc
var $wsname; // webservice name
var $wsclassname; // webservice class wrapper (i-face implementor) name
var $wsdlauto; // boolean, automatic generating wsdl
var $wstargetns; // target namespace
var $wsendpoint;
* Return info about $reflect method, class, para,
* For method:
* classname=>method
* must contain array(
* "name" => string,
* "documentation" => "Description"
* "input" => array(..),
* "output" => array(..)
* )
* Input in method: list of para's.
* array(
* "name" => "type",
* ...
* )
* Output in method:
* 1) "simpleType" => "type"
* 2) "complexType" => array[] of structModuleSoapRetData declared by output array.
* */
var $classes; // class methods for soap
* On next two, syntax same as for $classes, but:
var $structTypes; // complex assoc array data types.
var $classTypes; // complex class data struct. when soaped. must be unserialized to class.
////////////////////// registrating
var $_wsdlci; // wsdlcreator instance class
var $_soapsi; // soap server instance class
class IWebService
// May be called by Event to collect CWebServiceDesc on configuring WS.Server
function GetWebServiceDesc() {}
//function TestComponent() {}
* Web Service methods must have ws prefix in there names and
* they have to be serviced by ReflectService function to generate
* valid wsdl code, binding and other.
* Example:
* wsGetUserInfo();
* */
class CWebService
function SetComponentContext($arParams)
if (is_array($arParams))
$GLOBALS["componentContext"] = $arParams;
function GetComponentContext($arParams)
if (is_array($GLOBALS["componentContext"]))
return $GLOBALS["componentContext"];
return false;
function SOAPServerProcessRequest($wsname)
if (!isset($GLOBALS["wsdescs"][$wsname]) or
!$GLOBALS["wsdescs"][$wsname] or
return false;
return $GLOBALS["wsdescs"][$wsname]->_soapsi->ProcessRequest();
function RegisterWebService($className /*IWebService implementor*/)
$ifce =& CWebService::GetInterface($className);
if (!is_object($ifce)) return false;
$wsHandler = $ifce->GetWebServiceDesc();
if (!$wsHandler or
or !$wsHandler->wsname
or !$wsHandler->wsclassname
or !$wsHandler->wstargetns
or !$wsHandler->wsendpoint
or !is_array($wsHandler->classes)
or !is_array($wsHandler->structTypes)
or !is_array($wsHandler->classTypes))
return false;
if (isset($GLOBALS["wsdescs"][$wsHandler->wsname]))
return false;
$wsHandler->_wsdlci = new CWSDLCreator(
if (count($wsHandler->structTypes))
foreach ($wsHandler->structTypes as $pname => $vars)
$wsHandler->_wsdlci->AddComplexDataType($pname, $vars);
if (count($wsHandler->classTypes))
foreach ($wsHandler->classTypes as $pname => $vars)
$wsHandler->_wsdlci->AddComplexDataType($pname, $vars);
$wsHandler->_soapsi = new CSOAPServer();
$soapr = new CWSSOAPResponser();
foreach ($wsHandler->structTypes as $cTypeN => $desc)
$tdesc = $desc;
$tdesc["serialize"] = "assoc";
array($cTypeN => $tdesc)
foreach ($wsHandler->classTypes as $cTypeN => $desc)
$tdesc = $desc;
$tdesc["serialize"] = "class";
array($cTypeN => $tdesc)
foreach ($wsHandler->classes as $classws => $methods)
foreach ($methods as $method => $param)
if (isset($param["httpauth"]))
$httprequired = $param["httpauth"];
if ($httprequired!="Y")
$httprequired = "N";
$input = array(); if (is_array($param["input"]))
$input = $param["input"];
$output = array(); if (is_array($param["output"]))
$output = $param["output"];
"input" => $input,
"output" => $output,
"myclassname" => $classws,
"request" => $method,
"response" => $method."Response",
"httpauth" => $httprequired
$GLOBALS["wsdescs"][$wsHandler->wsname] = &$wsHandler;
$GLOBALS["wswraps"][$wsHandler->wsname] = &$ifce;
return true;
function GetSOAPServerRequest($wsname)
if (isset($GLOBALS["wsdescs"][$wsname]) and
return $GLOBALS["wsdescs"][$wsname]->_soapsi->GetRequestData();
return false;
function GetSOAPServerResponse($wsname)
if (isset($GLOBALS["wsdescs"][$wsname]))
return $GLOBALS["wsdescs"][$wsname]->_soapsi->GetResponseData();
return false;
function MethodRequireHTTPAuth($class, $method)
global $USER;
if (!$USER->IsAuthorized())
return false;
return true;
function TestComponent($wsname)
if (isset($GLOBALS["wsdescs"][$wsname]))
$ifce =& CWebService::GetInterface($GLOBALS["wsdescs"][$wsname]->wsclassname);
if (!is_object($ifce)) return false;
return false;
function GetWSDL($wsname)
if (!isset($GLOBALS["wsdescs"][$wsname]) or
!$GLOBALS["wsdescs"][$wsname] or
return false;
return $GLOBALS["wsdescs"][$wsname]->_wsdlci->getWSDL();
function GetDefaultEndpoint()
return ($APPLICATION->IsHTTPS() ? "https" : "http")."://".$_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"].
function GetDefaultTargetNS()
return ($APPLICATION->IsHTTPS() ? "https" : "http")."://".$_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]."/";
function &GetWebServiceDeclaration($className)
if (isset($GLOBALS["wsdescs"][$className])) return $GLOBALS["wsdescs"][$className];
$ifce =& CWebService::GetInterface($className);
if (!is_object($ifce)) return false;
return $ifce->GetWebServiceDesc();
function &GetInterface($className)
if (isset($GLOBALS["wswraps"][$className])) return $GLOBALS["wswraps"][$className];
if (!class_exists($className)) return 0;
//AddMessage2Log(mydump(class_exists($className, true)));
$ifce = new $className;
if (!is_subclass_of($ifce, "IWebService")) return 0;
return $ifce;