Your IP :
# -*- perl -*-
#%# family=contrib
$pop{'statefile'} = "$ENV{MUNIN_PLUGSTATE}/munin-pop-log.state";
$pos = undef;
$logons = 0;
$pop{'logfile'} = '/var/log/poplog';
if (-f $pop{'logfile'} . ".0")
$pop{'rotlogfile'} = $pop{'logfile'} . ".0";
elsif (-f $pop{'logfile'} . ".1")
$pop{'rotlogfile'} = $pop{'logfile'} . ".1";
elsif (-f $pop{'logfile'} . ".01")
$pop{'rotlogfile'} = $pop{'logfile'} . ".01";
$pop{'rotlogfile'} = $pop{'logfile'} . ".0";
(-f "/etc/linpro/rrd-client.conf") and eval `cat /etc/linpro/rrd-client.conf`;
if ( $ARGV[0] and $ARGV[0] eq "config" )
print "graph_title POP logon stats\n";
print "graph_args --base 1000\n";
print "graph_vlabel logons / \${graph_period}\n";
print "logon.label logons\n";
print "logon.type DERIVE\n";
print "logon.min 0\n";
print "logon.draw LINE1\n";
exit 0;
if (! -f $pop{'logfile'} and ! -f $pop{'rotlogfile'})
print "logon.value U\n";
exit 0;
if (-f $pop{'statefile'})
open (IN, $pop{'statefile'}) or exit 4;
if (<IN> =~ /^(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)/)
($pos, $logons) = ($1, $2, $3);
close IN;
$startsize = (stat $pop{'logfile'})[7];
if (!defined $pos)
# Initial run.
$pos = $startsize;
if ($startsize < $pos)
# Log rotated
parseEximfile ($pop{'rotlogfile'}, $pos, (stat $pop{'rotlogfile'})[7]);
$pos = 0;
parsePopfile ($pop{'logfile'}, $pos, $startsize);
$pos = $startsize;
print "logons.value $logons\n";
open (OUT, ">" . $pop{'statefile'}) or exit 4;
print OUT "$pos:$logons\n";
close OUT;
sub parsePopfile
my ($fname, $start, $stop) = @_;
open (LOGFILE, $fname) or exit 3;
seek (LOGFILE, $start, 0) or exit 2;
while (tell (LOGFILE) < $stop)
my $line =<LOGFILE>;
chomp ($line);
if ($line =~ / login by/)
# vim:syntax=perl