Your IP :
Current Path : /opt/webdir/lib/ |
Current File : //opt/webdir/lib/ |
# main class for manage in the ansible pool
package Pool;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Moose;
use File::Basename qw( dirname basename );
use File::Spec::Functions;
use File::Path qw(remove_tree);
use Data::Dumper;
use Sys::Hostname;
use bxNetwork;
use bxNetworkNode;
use bxDaemon;
use Output;
use bxInventory qw( get_from_yaml save_to_yaml);
# main ansible config dir, all hosts and groups file definitions saved here
has 'ansible_dir', is => 'ro', default => '/etc/ansible';
has 'bitrix_dir', is => 'ro', default => '/opt/webdir';
has 'ansible_conf', is => 'ro', lazy => 1, builder => 'set_ansible_conf';
has 'bitrix_conf', is => 'ro', lazy => 1, builder => 'set_bitrix_conf';
has 'debug', is => 'ro', lazy => 1, default => 0;
has 'logfile', is => 'ro', default => '/opt/webdir/logs/pool_manage.debug';
has 'bitrix_type', is => 'ro', default => 'general';
sub esc_chars {
my $str = shift;
$str =~ s/([;<>\*\|`&\$!#\(\)\[\]\{\}:'"\\ ])/\\$1/g;
return $str;
# set default config directories
sub set_ansible_conf {
my $self = shift;
my $ansible_base = $self->ansible_dir;
my $ansibleConfigOpt = {
base => $ansible_base,
main => catfile( $ansible_base, "ansible.cfg" ),
hosts => catfile( $ansible_base, "hosts" ),
sshkeys => catfile( $ansible_base, ".ssh" ),
group_vars => catfile( $ansible_base, "group_vars" ),
host_vars => catfile( $ansible_base, "host_vars" ),
library => catfile( $ansible_base, "library" ),
playbook => "/usr/bin/ansible-playbook",
ansible => "/usr/bin/ansible",
client_conf => catfile( $ansible_base, "ansible-roles" ),
return $ansibleConfigOpt;
sub set_bitrix_conf {
my $self = shift;
my $bitrix_base = $self->bitrix_dir;
my $bitrixConfigOpt = {
base => $bitrix_base,
logs => catfile( $bitrix_base, 'logs' ),
aHostsTemplate => catfile( $bitrix_base, 'templates', 'ansible' ),
aHostsGroups => [
'hosts', 'mgmt', 'web', 'sphinx',
'memcached', 'mysql', 'push', 'transformer'
aHostsDefault => 'hosts',
aHostsPrefix => 'bitrix',
return $bitrixConfigOpt;
sub generate_random {
my $self = shift;
my $len = shift;
if ( not defined $len ) { $len = 10 }
my @alphanum = ( 'A' .. 'Z', 'a' .. 'z', 0 .. 9 );
my $random =
join( '', map( $alphanum[ rand($#alphanum) ], ( 1 .. $len ) ) );
return $random;
sub generate_host_id {
my $self = shift;
my $tm = time;
my $random = $self->generate_random;
return $tm . "_" . $random;
sub generate_host_password {
my $self = shift;
my $host = shift;
return $host . "_" . $self->generate_random;
sub get_ansible_inventory {
my ($self) = @_;
my %ansible_inventory;
my $ansible_conf = $self->ansible_conf;
my $bitrix_conf = $self->bitrix_conf;
my $message_p = ( caller(0) )[3];
my $message_t = __PACKAGE__;
my $debug = $self->debug;
my $logOutput = Output->new( error => 0, logfile => $self->logfile );
# get info from config file
open( my $ch, '<', $ansible_conf->{'hosts'} )
or return Output->new(
'error' => '1',
'message' => "$message_p: Config file "
. $ansible_conf->{'hosts'}
. " does not exist"
my ( $section_name, $is_pool_group );
my $server_cnt = 0;
while (<$ch>) {
next if (/^$/);
next if (/^#/);
# section found
if (/^\[([^\]]+)\]/) {
$section_name = $1;
if ( $section_name =~ /^$bitrix_conf->{'aHostsPrefix'}\-(\S+)$/ ) {
$section_name = $1;
$is_pool_group = 1;
else {
$is_pool_group = 0;
next if ( $is_pool_group == 0 );
# option found
if (/^([^\]\[\s]+)\s+(.+)$/) {
my $server = $1; # vm1
my $server_opt = $2; # ansible_ssh_host=
my $server_type = "ssh"; # default connection type
my $server_ip = ""; # default IP address
# [bitrix-hosts]
# vm03.ksh.bx ansible_ssh_host=
# vm04.ksh.bx ansible_connection=local ansible_ssh_host=
if ( $server_opt =~ /ansible_connection\s*=\s*(\S+)/ ) {
$server_type = $1;
if ( $server_opt =~ /ansible_ssh_host\s*=\s*(\S+)/ ) {
$server_ip = $1;
# get host connection settings from hosts group
# and personal settings from host_vars
if ( $section_name =~ /^$bitrix_conf->{'aHostsDefault'}$/ ) {
$ansible_inventory{$server} = {
'ip' => $server_ip,
'connection' => $server_type,
'roles' => {}
my $server_file =
catfile( $ansible_conf->{'host_vars'}, $server );
my $get_host_vars = get_from_yaml($server_file);
if ( $get_host_vars->is_error ) {
#return $get_host_vars;
$ansible_inventory{$server}->{host_vars} = {};
$ansible_inventory{$server}->{hostname} = $server;
$ansible_inventory{$server}->{host_vars_file} = "";
my $host_vars = $get_host_vars->data->[1];
$ansible_inventory{$server}->{host_vars} = $host_vars;
$ansible_inventory{$server}->{host_vars_file} = $server_file;
$ansible_inventory{$server}->{hostname} =
( $host_vars->{bx_host} ) ? $host_vars->{bx_host} : $server;
$ansible_inventory{$server}->{host_id} = $host_vars->{host_id};
if ( ( defined $host_vars->{bx_host} )
&& ( $host_vars->{bx_host} ne $server ) )
$ansible_inventory{aliases}->{ $host_vars->{bx_host} } =
elsif ( $section_name =~
/^(mysql|memcached|sphinx|push|web|mgmt|transformer)$/ )
my $group = $1;
$ansible_inventory{$server}->{groups}->{$group} = 1;
close $ch;
if ( $server_cnt == 0 ) {
return Output->new(
error => 2,
message => "$message_p: Not found records in ansible config "
. $ansible_conf->{'hosts'},
foreach my $server ( keys %ansible_inventory ) {
next if ( $server eq "aliases" );
#print Dumper($ansible_inventory{$server}->{host_vars});
#if (grep (/^mysql$/, @{$ansible_inventory->{$server}->{groups}} )){
if ( exists $ansible_inventory{$server}->{groups}->{mysql} ) {
$ansible_inventory{$server}->{roles}->{mysql} = {
type => (
? $ansible_inventory{$server}->{host_vars}
: "slave",
id => (
) ? $ansible_inventory{$server}->{host_vars}->{mysql_serverid}
: 1,
#if (grep (/^memcached$/, @{$ansible_inventory->{$server}->{groups}} )){
if ( exists $ansible_inventory{$server}->{groups}->{memcached} ) {
if ( $ansible_inventory{$server}->{host_vars}->{memcached_socket} )
->{memcached_socket} =
else {
->{memcached_port} =
( $ansible_inventory{$server}->{host_vars}->{memcached_port} )
? $ansible_inventory{$server}->{host_vars}->{memcached_port}
: 11211;
( $ansible_inventory{$server}->{host_vars}->{memcached_size} )
? $ansible_inventory{$server}->{host_vars}->{memcached_size}
: 64;
# searchd
if ( exists $ansible_inventory{$server}->{groups}->{sphinx} ) {
$ansible_inventory{$server}->{roles}->{sphinx} = {
sphinx_general_listen => (
? $ansible_inventory{$server}->{host_vars}
: 9312,
sphinx_mysqlproto_listen => (
? $ansible_inventory{$server}->{host_vars}
: 9306,
if ( exists $ansible_inventory{$server}->{groups}->{web} ) {
$ansible_inventory{$server}->{roles}->{web} = {};
if ( exists $ansible_inventory{$server}->{groups}->{push} ) {
$ansible_inventory{$server}->{roles}->{push} = {};
if ( exists $ansible_inventory{$server}->{groups}->{mgmt} ) {
$ansible_inventory{$server}->{roles}->{mgmt} = {};
if ( exists $ansible_inventory{$server}->{groups}->{transformer} ) {
#$ansible_inventory{$server}->{roles}->{transformer} = {};
$ansible_inventory{$server}->{roles}->{transformer} = {
transformer_dir => (
? $ansible_inventory{$server}->{host_vars}->{transformer_dir}
: "",
transformer_site => (
? $ansible_inventory{$server}->{host_vars}->{transformer_site}
: "",
return Output->new(
error => 0,
data => [ "inventory", \%ansible_inventory ],
# get information about current configuration of ansible pool
sub get_ansible_data {
my ( $self, $host ) = @_;
# initilize data
my $ansible_conf = $self->ansible_conf;
my $bitrix_conf = $self->bitrix_conf;
my $message_p = ( caller(0) )[3];
my $message_t = __PACKAGE__;
my $debug = $self->debug;
my $logOutput = Output->new( error => 0, logfile => $self->logfile );
my $get_ansible_inventory = $self->get_ansible_inventory();
return $get_ansible_inventory if ( $get_ansible_inventory->is_error );
my $ansible_pool_data = $get_ansible_inventory->data->[1];
delete $ansible_pool_data->{aliases}
if ( exists $ansible_pool_data->{aliases} );
if ( defined $host ) {
foreach my $s ( keys %$ansible_pool_data ) {
next if ( $host eq $s );
next if ( $host eq $ansible_pool_data->{$s}->{ip} );
next if ( $host eq $ansible_pool_data->{$s}->{hostname} );
delete $ansible_pool_data->{$s};
return Output->new(
'error' => 0,
data => [ 'hosts', $ansible_pool_data ]
sub get_inventory_hostname {
my ( $self, $host ) = @_;
if ( not defined $host ) {
return Output->new(
error => 1,
message => "Option host is mandatory option",
# initilize data
my $ansible_conf = $self->ansible_conf;
my $bitrix_conf = $self->bitrix_conf;
my $message_p = ( caller(0) )[3];
my $message_t = __PACKAGE__;
my $debug = $self->debug;
my $logOutput = Output->new( error => 0, logfile => $self->logfile );
my $get_ansible_inventory = $self->get_ansible_inventory();
return $get_ansible_inventory if ( $get_ansible_inventory->is_error );
my $ansible_pool_data = $get_ansible_inventory->data->[1];
delete $ansible_pool_data->{aliases}
if ( exists $ansible_pool_data->{aliases} );
if ( defined $host ) {
foreach my $s ( keys %$ansible_pool_data ) {
if ( ( $host eq $s )
|| ( $host eq $ansible_pool_data->{$s}->{ip} )
|| ( $host eq $ansible_pool_data->{$s}->{hostname} ) )
return Output->new(
error => 0,
data => [ 'ident', $s ],
return Output->new(
'error' => 1,
'message' => "Cannot find host=$host in the pool."
sub get_inventory_hostname_at_group {
my ( $self, $group ) = @_;
if ( not defined $group ) {
return Output->new(
error => 1,
message => "Option group is mandatory option",
# initilize data
my $ansible_conf = $self->ansible_conf;
my $bitrix_conf = $self->bitrix_conf;
my $message_p = ( caller(0) )[3];
my $message_t = __PACKAGE__;
my $debug = $self->debug;
my $logOutput = Output->new( error => 0, logfile => $self->logfile );
my $get_ansible_inventory = $self->get_ansible_inventory();
return $get_ansible_inventory if ( $get_ansible_inventory->is_error );
my $ansible_pool_data = $get_ansible_inventory->data->[1];
delete $ansible_pool_data->{aliases}
if ( exists $ansible_pool_data->{aliases} );
foreach my $s ( keys %$ansible_pool_data ) {
next if ( exists $ansible_pool_data->{$s}->{roles}->{$group} );
delete $ansible_pool_data->{$s};
return Output->new(
'error' => 0,
data => [ 'hosts', $ansible_pool_data ]
# create config file from template
# usage on initial setup
# replace only IP address and HostName by local values
sub create_conf_from_template {
my $template = shift; # template file
my $dest = shift; # destination file
my $master_info =
shift; # hash with master info{ netaddr, host, interface, netname }
my $bitrix_type = shift;
if ( not defined $bitrix_type ) {
$bitrix_type = "general";
my $message_p = ( caller(0) )[3];
my $message_t = __PACKAGE__;
my $po = Pool->new();
my $debug = $po->debug;
my $logOutput = Output->new( error => 0, logfile => $po->logfile );
if ( $bitrix_type ne "general" ) {
if ( -f $template . "_" . $bitrix_type ) {
$template .= "_" . $bitrix_type;
my $netaddr_type = 'ipv4';
if ( $master_info->{'netaddr'} !~ /^[\d\.]+$/ ) { $netaddr_type = 'fqdn'; }
# if template not exists - nothing to do
( -f $template )
or return Output->new(
error => 0,
message => "$message_p: not found template. nothing to do!"
# replace
open( my $th, '<', "$template" )
or return Output->new(
error => 1,
message => "$message_p: cannot open $template: $!"
open( my $dh, '>', "$dest" )
or return Output->new(
error => 1,
message => "$message_p: cannot open $dest: $!"
while (<$th>) {
print $dh $_;
close $th;
close $dh;
# set permission
chmod 0640, $dest;
return Output->new(
error => 0,
message => "$message_p: replace in $dest complete"
# test ansible clien file
sub test_ansible_client_file {
my $self = shift;
my $message_p = ( caller(0) )[3];
my $message_t = __PACKAGE__;
my $debug = $self->debug;
my $logOutput = Output->new( error => 0, logfile => $self->logfile );
# get ansible config options
my $ansible_conf = $self->ansible_conf;
# test if host already in the pool
if ( -f $ansible_conf->{'client_conf'} ) {
if ($debug) {
$logOutput->log_data( "$message_p: Found client config "
. $ansible_conf->{'client_conf'} );
open( my $ch, '<', $ansible_conf->{'client_conf'} )
or return Output->new(
error => 2,
message => "$message_p: Found client "
. $ansible_conf->{'client_conf'}
. ", cannot open it: $!",
my $local_name = undef;
my @local_groups = ();
while (<$ch>) {
next if (/^#/);
next if (/^$/);
if (/^hostname\s*=\s*(\S+)$/) {
$local_name = $1;
if (/^groups\s*=(.+)$/) {
my $groups = $1;
$groups =~ s/^\s+//;
$groups =~ s/\s+$//;
@local_groups = split( /\s+/, $groups );
close $ch;
if ( defined $local_name ) {
if ( grep ( /^bitrix-mgmt$/, @local_groups ) ) {
return Output->new(
error => 1,
message =>
"$message_p: Bitrix pool already exists in hosts file"
else {
return Output->new(
error => 1,
message =>
"$message_p: Host $local_name is configured as a client"
else {
return Output->new(
error => 0,
message => "$message_p: file "
. $ansible_conf->{'client_conf'}
. "doesn't contain pool info",
else {
if ($debug) {
$logOutput->log_data( "$message_p: not found config client "
. $ansible_conf->{'client_conf'} );
return Output->new(
error => 0,
message => "$message_p: not found config client "
. $ansible_conf->{'client_conf'},
# create pool ssh keys and save it for local usage in root directory
sub create_pool_ssh_keys {
my $self = shift;
my $hostname = shift;
my $message_p = ( caller(0) )[3];
my $message_t = __PACKAGE__;
my $confData = $self->get_ansible_data();
my $debug = $self->debug;
my $logOutput = Output->new( error => 0, logfile => $self->logfile );
$hostname = Pool::esc_chars($hostname);
# create directory for ssh keys: /etc/ansible/.ssh
my $ansible_conf = $self->ansible_conf;
if ( !-d $ansible_conf->{'sshkeys'} ) {
mkdir $ansible_conf->{'sshkeys'}
or return Output->new(
error => 2,
message => "$message_p: Cannot create directory "
. $ansible_conf->{'sshkeys'}
chmod 0700, $ansible_conf->{'sshkeys'};
if ($debug) { $logOutput->log_data("$message_p: create ssh key dir"); }
# create ssh key file
my $random = $self->generate_random;
my $sshkey_sec = catfile( $ansible_conf->{'sshkeys'}, "$random.bxkey" );
my $sshkey_pub = catfile( $ansible_conf->{'sshkeys'}, "$" );
if ( -f $sshkey_sec ) { unlink $sshkey_sec; }
if ( -f $sshkey_pub ) { unlink $sshkey_pub; }
if ($debug) { $logOutput->log_data("$message_p: defined ssh key path"); }
# ssh generate via ssh-keygen (system):
my $ssh_keygen_cmd =
qq|ssh-keygen -t rsa -N "" -f $sshkey_sec -C "ANSIBLE_KEY_$hostname" >/dev/null 2>&1|;
system($ssh_keygen_cmd ) == 0
or return Output->new(
error => 3,
message => "$message_p: Cannot generate sshkey for bitrix pool."
if ($debug) {
$logOutput->log_data("$message_p: generate key $sshkey_sec");
# save public key info to variable
open( my $sp, '<', $sshkey_pub )
or return Output->new(
error => 1,
message => "$message_p: cannot open $sshkey_pub: $!",
my $key_info = "";
while (<$sp>) { $key_info .= $_; }
close $sp;
# install key to local server, on current server
my $ssh_dir = "/root/.ssh";
if ( !-d $ssh_dir ) {
mkdir $ssh_dir;
chmod 0700, $ssh_dir;
my $ssh_auth = catfile( $ssh_dir, "authorized_keys" );
open( my $sa, '>>', $ssh_auth )
or return Output->new(
error => 1,
message => "$message_p: cannot open $ssh_auth: $!",
print $sa $key_info;
close $sa;
if ($debug) {
"$message_p: update $ssh_auth by new key $sshkey_pub on localhost");
return Output->new(
error => 0,
data => [ 'sshkey', $sshkey_sec, $sshkey_pub ],
# save ssh security key to ansible.cfg and set display_skipped_hosts to False
sub update_ansible_main_config {
my $self = shift;
my $sshkey_sec = shift;
my $message_p = ( caller(0) )[3];
my $message_t = __PACKAGE__;
my $confData = $self->get_ansible_data();
my $debug = $self->debug;
my $logOutput = Output->new( error => 0, logfile => $self->logfile );
my $display_skipped_hosts = 'False';
# replace current ansible private key by new one
# /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg
my $ansible_conf = $self->ansible_conf;
my $work_conf = $ansible_conf->{'main'};
my $temp_conf = $ansible_conf->{'main'} . ".tmp";
open( my $tmph, '>', $temp_conf )
or return Output->new(
error => 4,
message => "$message_p: Cannot open temporary $temp_conf: $!"
open( my $workh, '<', $work_conf )
or return Output->new(
error => 4,
message => "$message_p: Cannot open config $work_conf: $!"
my %updates = (
private_key_file => [ $sshkey_sec, 0 ],
display_skipped_hosts => [ $display_skipped_hosts, 0 ],
my $new_key_is_set = 0;
my $display_skipped_hosts_is_set = 0;
while (<$workh>) {
my $line = $_;
if ( $line =~ /^#?\s*(\S+)\s*=\s+(\S+)/ ) {
my $config_key = $1;
my $config_value = $2;
if ( grep /^$config_key$/, keys %updates ) {
$updates{$config_key}->[1] = 1;
$line = "$config_key = " . $updates{$config_key}->[0] . "\n";
if ($debug) {
"$message_p: replace $config_key, was $config_value set to "
. $updates{$config_key}->[0] );
print $tmph $line, "\n";
close $tmph;
close $workh;
# test if all updates complete
foreach my $key ( keys %updates ) {
if ( $updates{$key}->[1] == 0 ) {
return Output->new(
error => 5,
message => "Cannot replace $key value in $work_conf",
# delete old config, recreate new one
unlink $work_conf;
rename $temp_conf,
or return Output->new(
error => 6,
message => "$message_p: Cannot replace work config $work_conf"
if ($debug) {
"$message_p: update $work_conf by new private_key_file");
return Output->new(
error => 0,
message => "update $work_conf",
data => [ 'updated', $work_conf ],
sub forget_host {
my ( $self, $host ) = @_;
my $message_p = ( caller(0) )[3];
my $message_t = __PACKAGE__;
my $logOutput = Output->new(
error => 0,
logfile => $self->logfile,
debug => $self->debug
my $get_host_ident = $self->get_inventory_hostname($host);
return $get_host_ident if ( $get_host_ident->is_error );
my $host_ident = $get_host_ident->data->[1];
"$message_p: delete server=$host_ident from the config files");
my $host_file = catfile( $self->ansible_conf->{'host_vars'}, $host_ident );
my $hosts_file = $self->{ansible_conf}->{'hosts'};
my $parse_yaml = get_from_yaml($host_file);
return $parse_yaml if ( $parse_yaml->is_error );
my $f_opts = {
common_manage => 'forget',
forget_bx_hostname => $parse_yaml->data->[1]->{bx_hostname},
forget_bx_netaddr => $parse_yaml->data->[1]->{bx_netaddr},
forget_bx_host => ( $parse_yaml->data->[1]->{bx_host} )
? $parse_yaml->data->[1]->{bx_host}
: $parse_yaml->data->[1]->{bx_hostname},
my %w_objs;
# delete records from inventory hosts file
my $tmp_hosts_file = $hosts_file . ".tmp";
open( my $hf, '<', $hosts_file )
or return Output->new(
error => 1,
message => "Cannot open $hosts_file:$!",
open( my $thf, '>', $tmp_hosts_file )
or return Output->new(
error => 1,
message => "Cannot open $tmp_hosts_file:$!",
my $deleted_str = 0;
while ( my $line = <$hf> ) {
$line =~ s/^\s+//;
$line =~ s/\s+$//;
if ( $line =~ /^$host_ident\s+/ ) {
print $thf "$line\n";
close $thf;
close $hf;
if ($deleted_str) {
unlink $hosts_file;
rename $tmp_hosts_file, $hosts_file;
else {
$w_objs{$hosts_file} = "Not found record $host_ident in file";
# delete host_vars file
unlink $host_file or $w_objs{$host_file} = "$!";
# run ansible common script (update iptables and othe configs)
my $cmd_play = $self->ansible_conf->{'playbook'};
my $cmd_conf = catfile( $self->ansible_conf->{'base'}, "common.yml" );
# run as daemon in background
my $dh = bxDaemon->new( task_cmd => qq($cmd_play $cmd_conf) );
my $created_process = $dh->startAnsibleProcess( 'common', $f_opts );
return Output->new(
error => 0,
message => "Deleting $host_ident configuration files is completed",
data => [ $message_p, { 'warnings' => \%w_objs } ]
sub change_hostname {
my ( $self, $host, $hostname ) = @_;
my $message_p = ( caller(0) )[3];
my $message_t = __PACKAGE__;
my $logOutput = Output->new(
error => 0,
logfile => $self->logfile,
debug => $self->debug
my $get_host_ident = $self->get_inventory_hostname($host);
return $get_host_ident if ( $get_host_ident->is_error );
my $host_ident = $get_host_ident->data->[1];
"$message_p: change hostname for server=$host_ident from the config files"
my $host_file = catfile( $self->ansible_conf->{'host_vars'}, $host_ident );
my $get_host_info = get_from_yaml($host_file);
if ( $get_host_info->is_error ) {
return $get_host_info;
my $host_info = $get_host_info->data->[1];
$host_info->{bx_host} = $hostname;
my $save_host_info = save_to_yaml( $host_info, $host_file );
if ( $save_host_info->is_error ) {
return $save_host_info;
# run ansible common script (update iptables and othe configs)
my $cmd_play = $self->ansible_conf->{'playbook'};
my $cmd_conf = catfile( $self->ansible_conf->{'base'}, "common.yml" );
# run as daemon in background
my $dh = bxDaemon->new( task_cmd => qq($cmd_play $cmd_conf) );
my $created_process = $dh->startProcess('common');
return $created_process;
# delete pool
sub delete_pool {
my $self = shift;
my $message_p = ( caller(0) )[3];
my $message_t = __PACKAGE__;
my $logOutput = Output->new(
error => 0,
logfile => $self->logfile,
debug => $self->debug
$logOutput->log_data("$message_p: delete config files for pool");
# run ansible common script (update iptables and othe configs)
my $cmd_play = $self->ansible_conf->{'playbook'};
my $cmd_conf = catfile( $self->ansible_conf->{'base'}, "delete_pool.yml" );
# run as daemon in background
my $dh = bxDaemon->new( task_cmd => qq($cmd_play $cmd_conf) );
my $created_process = $dh->startProcess('delete_pool');
return $created_process;
# create new pool with default ansible configuration:
# create ssh-key and groups definition in config file
sub create_new_pool {
my ( $self, $req_hostname, $req_interface, $req_ip ) = @_;
my $message_p = ( caller(0) )[3];
my $message_t = __PACKAGE__;
my $confData = $self->get_ansible_data();
my $debug = $self->debug;
my $bitrix_type = $self->bitrix_type;
my $logOutput = Output->new( error => 0, logfile => $self->logfile );
# create pool options for first node
#print "Input options: req_hostname=$req_hostname req_interface=$req_interface\n";
if ( not defined $req_hostname ) { $req_hostname = hostname; }
if ( not defined $req_interface ) { $req_interface = 'any'; }
if ( not defined $req_ip ) { $req_ip = 'any'; }
my $net = bxNetworkNode->new(
manager_interface => $req_interface,
manager_hostname => $req_hostname,
manager_ipaddress => $req_ip,
debug => $debug,
my $net_option = $net->create_network_options();
if ( $net_option->is_error ) { return $net_option; }
my $master_data = $net_option->get_data->[1];
my $host_id = $self->generate_host_id;
my $host_pass = $self->generate_host_password( $master_data->{'ident'} );
my %master_host = (
host => $master_data->{'ident'},
netaddr => $master_data->{'netaddr'},
interface => $master_data->{'interface'},
netname => $master_data->{'fqdn'},
host_id => $host_id,
host_pass => $host_pass,
if ($debug) {
"$message_p: start create pool; host="
. $master_host{'host'}
. " netaddr="
. $master_host{'netaddr'} . " int="
. $master_host{'interface'},
# pool already exists
if ( $confData->is_error == 0 ) {
return Output->new(
error => 1,
message => "$message_p: Bitrix pool already exists in hosts file"
# test client config exist
my $test_client = $self->test_ansible_client_file;
if ( $test_client->is_error ) { return $test_client; }
# create ssh keys
my $get_sshkeys = $self->create_pool_ssh_keys( $master_host{'host'} );
if ( $get_sshkeys->is_error ) { return $get_sshkeys; }
my $sshkey_sec = $get_sshkeys->get_data->[1];
# update ansible config
my $update_main_conf = $self->update_ansible_main_config($sshkey_sec);
if ( $update_main_conf->is_error ) { return $update_main_conf; }
my $work_conf = $update_main_conf->get_data->[1];
### fill out hosts and group information with default data
my $ansible_conf = $self->ansible_conf;
# update host interface if subinterface found
$master_host{'interface'} =~ s/^([^:]+):.+$/$1/;
# hosts file
my $hosts_template =
catfile( $self->bitrix_conf->{'aHostsTemplate'}, "hosts" );
my $hosts_dest = $ansible_conf->{'hosts'};
my $replace_hosts =
create_conf_from_template( $hosts_template, $hosts_dest, \%master_host,
$bitrix_type );
if ( $replace_hosts->is_error ) { return $replace_hosts; }
if ($debug) {
$logOutput->log_data("$message_p: create new config $hosts_dest");
# group_vars
my $roles = $self->bitrix_conf->{'aHostsGroups'};
my $template_dir = $self->bitrix_conf->{'aHostsTemplate'};
my $prefix = $self->bitrix_conf->{'aHostsPrefix'};
my $group_vars_dir = $self->ansible_conf->{'group_vars'};
if ( !-d $group_vars_dir ) { mkdir $group_vars_dir, 0750 }
foreach my $group_name (@$roles) {
my $group_template =
catfile( $template_dir, $prefix . "-" . $group_name );
my $group_dest =
catfile( $group_vars_dir, $prefix . "-" . $group_name . ".yml" );
my $replace_groups = create_conf_from_template( $group_template,
$group_dest, \%master_host, $bitrix_type );
if ( $replace_groups->is_error ) { return $replace_groups; }
if ($debug) {
"$message_p: create new config $group_dest; with group default options"
# host_vars
my $host_vars_dir = $self->ansible_conf->{'host_vars'};
my $host_template = catfile( $template_dir, 'localhost' );
my $host_dest = catfile( $host_vars_dir, $master_host{'host'} );
if ( !-d $host_vars_dir ) { mkdir $host_vars_dir, 0750 }
my $replace_host =
create_conf_from_template( $host_template, $host_dest, \%master_host,
$bitrix_type );
if ($debug) {
"$message_p: create config $host_dest; deafult master host settings"
if ( $replace_host->is_error ) { return $replace_host; }
# run common playbook
# set network, time
# run monitor playbook with new option setings
my $cmd_play = $ansible_conf->{'playbook'};
my $cmd_conf = catfile( $ansible_conf->{'base'}, "common.yml" );
# run as daemon in background
my $dh = bxDaemon->new( task_cmd => qq($cmd_play $cmd_conf) );
my $created_process = $dh->startProcess('common');
my ($task_id) =
grep { !/^task_name$/ } keys %{ $created_process->{data}->[1] };
my $task_pid = $created_process->{$task_id}->{pid};
my $task_status = $created_process->{$task_id}->{status};
if ($debug) {
"$message_p: configure common options on master server "
. $master_host{'host'} );
# output info
my $output_message = "Created manager configuration for";
$output_message .= " identifier=" . $master_host{'host'};
$output_message .= " interface=" . $master_host{'interface'};
$output_message .= " netaddress=" . $master_host{'netaddr'} . "\\n";
$output_message .= "Created sshkey - $sshkey_sec\\n";
$output_message .= "Update config file $work_conf\\n";
$output_message .= "Created pool configuration in $hosts_dest\\n";
$output_message .= "Run configuration pool job task_id=$task_id\\n";
$output_message .= "All operations complete\\n";
return Output->new(
error => 0,
message => $output_message,
data => [ "sshkey", "$sshkey_sec" ]
# get path to ssh key
sub get_ssh_key {
my $self = shift;
my $message_p = "BX_KEY_VIEW";
my $ansData = $self->ansible_conf;
my $ansMainConf = $ansData->{'main'};
# search key in the config file
open( my $ch, '<', $ansMainConf )
or return Output->new(
error => 1,
message => "$message_p: Cannot open main config $ansMainConf: $!"
my $ansSshKey = "";
while (<$ch>) {
if (/private_key_file\s*=\s*(\S+)/) { $ansSshKey = $1; }
close $ch;
if ( !$ansSshKey ) {
return Output->new(
error => 2,
message =>
"$message_p: Not found private_key_file derictive in config $ansMainConf"
my $ansSshKeyPub = $ansSshKey . ".pub";
if ( !-f $ansSshKey ) {
return Output->new(
error => 3,
message =>
"$message_p: Record private_key_file found in the config, but private key does not exist in FS"
if ( !-f $ansSshKeyPub ) {
return Output->new(
error => 3,
message =>
"$message_p: Record private_key_file found in the config, but public key does not exist in FS"
return Output->new( data => [ 'sshkey', $ansSshKey ] );
## update group information
# updated files in /etc/ansible/group_vars
# options = { group => groupname, opt1 => val1, opt2 => undef }
# opt2 - will be deleted, opt1 - updated|added
sub update_group_vars {
my ( $self, $options ) = @_;
my $message_p = ( caller(0) )[3];
my $message_t = __PACKAGE__;
my $debug = $self->debug;
my $logOutput = Output->new( error => 0, logfile => $self->logfile );
my $bxData = $self->bitrix_conf;
my $ansData = $self->ansible_conf;
#print "bxPool: ".print Dumper($options);
if ( not defined $options->{"group"} ) {
return Output->new(
error => 1,
message => "$message_p: group name is mandatory option"
my $group = $options->{'group'};
$group =~ s/^["']//;
$group =~ s/['"]$//;
my $group_vars_path = catfile( $ansData->{'group_vars'},
$bxData->{'aHostsPrefix'} . '-' . $group . '.yml' );
my $group_vars_temp = $group_vars_path . ".tmp";
if ( !-f $group_vars_path ) {
return Output->new(
error => 1,
message => "$message_p: not found group_vars in $group_vars_path"
"$message_p: start update inventory group=$group inventory file=$group_vars_path"
# get current data from yaml
my $get_inventory = get_from_yaml($group_vars_path);
if ( $get_inventory->is_error ) {
return $get_inventory;
my $inventory_data = $get_inventory->data->[1];
#print Dumper($inventory_data);
# create conf data for update
my $updates = 0;
my $deletes = 0;
my $made_updates = 0;
my $made_deletes = 0;
foreach my $key ( keys %$options ) {
# skip handler options
next if ( $key =~ /^(group|state)$/ );
# convert password_file to value which will be saved in the inventory
if ( $key =~ /^(\S+_password)_file$/ ) {
my $inventory_key = $1;
open( my $h, '<', $options->{$key} )
or return Output->new(
error => 1,
message => "$message_p: cannot open file=" . $options->{$key},
my $value = <$h>;
close $h;
if ( ( defined $inventory_data->{$inventory_key} )
&& ( $inventory_data->{$inventory_key} eq $value ) )
$inventory_data->{$inventory_key} = $value;
else {
# key=value
if ( defined $options->{$key} ) {
if ( defined $inventory_data->{$key} ) {
if ( $inventory_data->{$key} ne $options->{$key} ) {
$inventory_data->{$key} = $options->{$key};
else {
$inventory_data->{$key} = $options->{$key};
# key
else {
if ( defined $inventory_data->{$key} ) {
delete $inventory_data->{$key};
$logOutput->log_data("$message_p: found updates=$updates deletes=$deletes");
# update values or create new
my $save_inventory = save_to_yaml( $inventory_data, $group_vars_temp );
if ( $save_inventory->is_error ) {
return $save_inventory;
# rewrite origin file
unlink $group_vars_path;
rename $group_vars_temp, $group_vars_path;
chmod 0640, $group_vars_path;
return Output->new(
error => 0,
message => "$message_p: "
. "File=$group_vars_path is modified; updates=$updates deletes=$deletes",
data => [
updates => $updates,
deletes => $deletes,
file => $group_vars_path
# get current status of monitoring; enable or disable
sub monitorStatus {
my $self = shift;
my $message_p = "BX_MONITOR";
my $ansData = $self->ansible_conf;
my $bxData = $self->bitrix_conf;
#print "ansData => ",Dumper($ansData);
#print "bxData => ",Dumper($bxData);
my $monitoring_opt = {
'monitoring_status' => '',
'monitoring_server' => '',
'monitoring_file' => 0,
'monitoring_server_netaddr' => '',
# config file that contains monitoring information: /etc/ansible/group_vars/bitrix-hosts
my $cfg_file = catfile( $ansData->{'group_vars'},
$bxData->{'aHostsPrefix'} . '-' . $bxData->{'aHostsDefault'} . '.yml' );
if ( !-f $cfg_file ) {
return Output->new(
error => 0,
data => [ 'monitor', $monitoring_opt ]
open( my $ch, '<', $cfg_file )
or return Output->new(
error => 1,
message => "$message_p: Cannot open $cfg_file"
$monitoring_opt->{'monitoring_file'} = $cfg_file;
while (<$ch>) {
next if (/^#/);
next if (/^$/);
if (
$monitoring_opt->{$1} = $2;
close $ch;
# if status wanted
return Output->new( error => 0, data => [ 'monitor', $monitoring_opt ] );
# change config file for monitoring
# run playbook monitor.yml
sub monitorEnable {
my ( $self, $opts ) = @_;
my $ansData = $self->ansible_conf;
# run monitor playbook with new option setings
my $cmd_play = $ansData->{'playbook'};
my $cmd_conf = catfile( $ansData->{'base'}, "monitor.yml" );
my $cmd_opts = { 'monitoring_status' => 'enable' };
# update ansible playbook options by optionals
foreach my $o ( keys %$opts ) {
if ( defined $opts->{$o} ) {
$cmd_opts->{$o} = $opts->{$o};
# run as daemon in background
my $dh = bxDaemon->new(
debug => $self->debug,
task_cmd => qq($cmd_play $cmd_conf)
my $created_process = $dh->startAnsibleProcess( 'monitor', $cmd_opts );
return $created_process;
# update monitoring configuration for new host
sub monitorUpdate {
my $self = shift;
# get current status of monitoring
my $monitor = $self->monitorStatus;
if ( $monitor->is_error ) {
return Output->new( error => 1, message => "Cannot read config file" );
my $monitor_status = $monitor->get_data;
# current monitoring options
my $mon_file = $monitor_status->[1]->{'monitoring_file'};
my $mon_flag = $monitor_status->[1]->{'monitoring_status'};
my $mon_mgmt = $monitor_status->[1]->{'monitoring_server'};
my $ansData = $self->ansible_conf;
my $bxData = $self->bitrix_conf;
# existen or not file with default value for group bitrix-hosts
if ( !$mon_file ) {
return Output->new(
error => 1,
message => "Monitoring does not enable"
# run monitor playbook with new option setings
my $cmd_play = $ansData->{'playbook'};
my $cmd_conf = catfile( $ansData->{'base'}, "monitor.yml" );
my $cmd_opts = { 'monitoring_status' => 'update' };
# run as daemon in background
my $dh = bxDaemon->new(
debug => $self->debug,
task_cmd => qq($cmd_play $cmd_conf)
my $created_process = $dh->startAnsibleProcess( 'monitor', $cmd_opts );
return $created_process;
# change config file for monitoring
# run playbook monitor.yml
sub monitorDisable {
my $self = shift;
# get current status of monitoring
my $monitor = $self->monitorStatus;
if ( $monitor->is_error ) {
return Output->new( error => 1, message => "Cannot read config file" );
my $monitor_status = $monitor->get_data;
# current monitoring options
my $mon_file = $monitor_status->[1]->{'monitoring_file'};
my $mon_flag = $monitor_status->[1]->{'monitoring_status'};
my $mon_mgmt = $monitor_status->[1]->{'monitoring_server'};
my $ansData = $self->ansible_conf;
my $bxData = $self->bitrix_conf;
# existen or not file with default value for group bitrix-hosts
if ( !$mon_file ) {
return Output->new(
error => 1,
message => "Monitoring does not enable"
# if
if ( $mon_flag =~ /^enable$/ ) {
# run monitor playbook with new option setings
my $cmd_play = $ansData->{'playbook'};
my $cmd_conf = catfile( $ansData->{'base'}, "monitor.yml" );
my $cmd_opts = { 'monitoring_status' => 'disable' };
# run as daemon in background
my $dh = bxDaemon->new(
debug => $self->debug,
task_cmd => qq($cmd_play $cmd_conf)
my $created_process = $dh->startAnsibleProcess( 'monitor', $cmd_opts );
return $created_process;
else {
return Output->new(
error => 0,
message => "Monitoring already disable for pool",
data => $monitor_status
sub update_pool {
my ( $self, $host, $type ) = @_;
if ( not defined $type ) {
$type = "bx_update";
my ($host_ident);
if ( defined $host ) {
my $get_host_ident = $self->get_inventory_hostname($host);
return $get_host_ident if ( $get_host_ident->is_error );
$host_ident = $get_host_ident->data->[1];
# initilize data
my $ansData = $self->ansible_conf;
my $message_p = ( caller(0) )[3];
my $message_t = __PACKAGE__;
my $cmd_play = $ansData->{'playbook'};
my $cmd_conf = catfile( $ansData->{'base'}, "common.yml" );
my $cmd_opts = { 'common_manage' => 'version' };
if ( $type eq "bx_upgrade" ) {
$cmd_opts->{common_manage} = "update_packages";
if ( defined $host_ident ) {
$cmd_opts->{'common_server'} = $host_ident;
my $dh = bxDaemon->new(
debug => $self->debug,
task_cmd => qq($cmd_play $cmd_conf)
my $created_process = $dh->startAnsibleProcess( 'update', $cmd_opts );
return $created_process;
sub reboot_server {
my ( $self, $host ) = @_;
my $message_p = ( caller(0) )[3];
my $message_t = __PACKAGE__;
my $get_host_ident = $self->get_inventory_hostname($host);
return $get_host_ident if ( $get_host_ident->is_error );
my $host_ident = $get_host_ident->data->[1];
# initilize data
my $ansData = $self->ansible_conf;
my $cmd_play = $ansData->{'playbook'};
my $cmd_conf = catfile( $ansData->{'base'}, "common.yml" );
my $cmd_opts = {
'common_manage' => 'reboot',
'common_server' => $host_ident
my $dh = bxDaemon->new(
debug => $self->debug,
task_cmd => qq($cmd_play $cmd_conf)
my $created_process = $dh->startAnsibleProcess( 'reboot', $cmd_opts );
return $created_process;
sub timezone_in_the_pool {
my $self = shift;
my $tz = shift; # timezone, default: Europe/Moscow
my $tz_php = shift; # update php settings or not
my $message_p = ( caller(0) )[3];
my $message_t = __PACKAGE__;
if ( not defined $tz_php ) {
$tz_php = 1;
my $update_str = 'update';
if ( $tz_php == 0 ) { $update_str = 'not_update'; }
if ( not defined $tz ) {
$tz = 'Europe/Moscow';
# initilize data
my $ansData = $self->ansible_conf;
my $cmd_play = $ansData->{'playbook'};
my $cmd_conf = catfile( $ansData->{'base'}, "configure_timezone.yml" );
my $cmd_opts = {
'timezone_string' => $tz,
'timezone_php_update' => $update_str
my $dh = bxDaemon->new(
debug => $self->debug,
task_cmd => qq($cmd_play $cmd_conf)
my $created_process = $dh->startAnsibleProcess( 'configure_tz', $cmd_opts );
return $created_process;
sub password_on_server {
my ( $self, $host, $user, $password ) = @_;
my $message_p = ( caller(0) )[3];
my $message_t = __PACKAGE__;
if ( ( not defined $host )
|| ( not defined $user )
|| ( not defined $password ) )
return Output->new(
error => 1,
message => "$message_p: host, user, password is mandatory",
my $get_host_ident = $self->get_inventory_hostname($host);
return $get_host_ident if ( $get_host_ident->is_error );
my $host_ident = $get_host_ident->data->[1];
# create file for chpasswd
my $tmp_dir = "/opt/webdir/keys";
if ( !-d $tmp_dir ) {
mkdir $tmp_dir;
chmod 0700, $tmp_dir;
my $tmp_file = catfile( $tmp_dir, "source_passwd" );
open( my $th, '>', $tmp_file )
or return Output->new(
error => 1,
message => "$message_p: Cannot open $tmp_file: $!",
print $th "$user:$password";
close $th;
# initilize data
my $ansData = $self->ansible_conf;
my $cmd_play = $ansData->{'playbook'};
my $cmd_conf = catfile( $ansData->{'base'}, "common.yml" );
my $cmd_opts = {
'common_manage' => 'password',
'common_server' => $host_ident,
'common_file' => $tmp_file,
'common_user' => $user
my $dh = bxDaemon->new(
debug => $self->debug,
task_cmd => qq($cmd_play $cmd_conf)
my $created_process = $dh->startAnsibleProcess( 'password', $cmd_opts );
return $created_process;
sub deleteSSHFinger {
my $self = shift;
my $old_ip = shift; # old
my $new_ip = shift;
$old_ip = Pool::esc_chars($old_ip);
$new_ip = Pool::esc_chars($new_ip);
my $cmd = qq(ssh-keygen -R $old_ip >/dev/null 2>&1);
system($cmd) == 0
or return Output->new(
error => 1,
message => "cmd \`ssh-keygen -R $old_ip\` return error: $!",
# get new rsa key
my $cmd_gen =
qq(ssh-keyscan -t rsa $new_ip >> /root/.ssh/known_hosts 2>/dev/null);
system($cmd_gen) == 0
or return Output->new(
error => 1,
message => "cmd \`ssh-keyscan -t rsa $new_ip\` return error: $!",
return Output->new(
error => 0,
message => "known_hosts updated",
sub replaceIPAddress {
my $self = shift;
my $old_value = shift;
my $new_value = shift;
my $config = shift;
my $message_p = ( caller(0) )[3];
my $message_t = __PACKAGE__;
$old_value =~ s/\./\\\./g;
my $tmp_config = $config . ".tmp";
open( my $tmp, '>', "$tmp_config" )
or return Output->new(
error => 1,
message => "$message_p: Cannot open $tmp_config: $!",
open( my $cfg, '<', "$config" )
or return Output->new(
error => 1,
message => "$message_p: Cannot open $config: $!",
while (<$cfg>) {
print $tmp $_;
close $cfg;
close $tmp;
unlink $config;
rename $tmp_config, $config;
chmod 0640, $config;
return Output->new(
error => 0,
message => "$message_p: $config updated\n"
sub update_network {
my ( $self, $host, $new_ip ) = @_;
my $message_p = ( caller(0) )[3];
my $message_t = __PACKAGE__;
my $debug = $self->debug;
my $logOutput = Output->new(
error => 0,
logfile => $self->logfile,
debug => $self->debug,
my $get_host_ident = $self->get_inventory_hostname($host);
return $get_host_ident if ( $get_host_ident->is_error );
my $host_ident = $get_host_ident->data->[1];
if ( not defined $new_ip ) {
return Output->new(
error => 1,
message => "New IP is mandatory option",
"$message_p: change ipaddress for server=$host_ident from the config files"
# get current ip address
my $current_ip = undef;
my $get_all_hosts = $self->get_ansible_data();
if ( $get_all_hosts->is_error ) { return $get_all_hosts }
my $data_all_hosts = $get_all_hosts->get_data->[1];
# found host by host_id
foreach my $ident ( keys %$data_all_hosts ) {
if ( $ident eq $host_ident ) {
$current_ip = $data_all_hosts->{$ident}->{'ip'};
if ( !$current_ip ) {
return Output->new(
error => 1,
message => "$message_p: not found host host_id=$host_ident"
"$message_p: ident=$host_ident old_ip=$current_ip new_ip=$new_ip");
# have to update all group settings and personal host settings and hosts file
# after that start common task + monitor task
my $ansible_conf = $self->ansible_conf;
my $bitrix_conf = $self->bitrix_conf;
my @updated_files = (
catfile( $ansible_conf->{'host_vars'}, $host_ident ),
foreach my $role ( @{ $bitrix_conf->{'aHostsGroups'} } ) {
my $fp = catfile( $ansible_conf->{'group_vars'},
$bitrix_conf->{'aHostsPrefix'} . '-' . $role . '.yml' );
if ( -f $fp ) {
push @updated_files, $fp;
# update files
#print "$current_ip, $new_ip\n";
foreach my $cfg (@updated_files) {
my $update_file = $self->replaceIPAddress( $current_ip, $new_ip, $cfg );
if ( $update_file->is_error ) { return $update_file; }
# update ssh keygen
my $update_known_hosts = $self->deleteSSHFinger( $current_ip, $new_ip );
# start ansible common play
my $cmd_play = $ansible_conf->{'playbook'};
my $cmd_conf = catfile( $ansible_conf->{'base'}, "monitor.yml" );
my $dh = bxDaemon->new( task_cmd => qq($cmd_play $cmd_conf) );
my $created_process = $dh->startProcess( "network_" . $host_ident );
return $created_process;
#return Output->new(error=>0, message => "123");
# by unique host_id
sub UpdateHostNetwork {
my ( $self, $host_id, $new_ip ) = @_;
my $message_p = ( caller(0) )[3];
my $message_t = __PACKAGE__;
my $debug = $self->debug;
my $logOutput = Output->new(
error => 0,
logfile => $self->logfile,
debug => $self->debug,
if ( not defined $host_id ) {
return Output->new(
error => 1,
message => "Host identifier is mandatory option",
if ( not defined $new_ip ) {
return Output->new(
error => 1,
message => "New IP is mandatory option",
"$message_p: change ipaddress for host_id=$host_id from the config files"
# get current ip address
my $current_ip = undef;
my $host_ident = undef;
my $get_all_hosts = $self->get_ansible_data();
if ( $get_all_hosts->is_error ) { return $get_all_hosts }
my $data_all_hosts = $get_all_hosts->get_data->[1];
# found host by host_id
foreach my $ident ( keys %$data_all_hosts ) {
if ( $data_all_hosts->{$ident}->{host_id} eq $host_id ) {
$current_ip = $data_all_hosts->{$ident}->{'ip'};
$host_ident = $ident;
if ( !$current_ip ) {
return Output->new(
error => 1,
message => "$message_p: not found host host_id=$host_id"
"$message_p: ident=$host_ident old_ip=$current_ip new_ip=$new_ip");
return $self->update_network( $host_ident, $new_ip );
sub TestHostNetwork {
my $self = shift;
my $log = shift;
my $message_p = ( caller(0) )[3];
my $message_t = __PACKAGE__;
my $debug = $self->debug;
my $logOutput = Output->new( error => 0, logfile => $self->logfile );
if ( !$log ) {
return Output->new(
error => 1,
message => "$message_p: path to log file is mandatory",
if ($debug) {
$logOutput->log_data("$message_p: parse log=$log");
my %updates;
my $updates_count = 0;
open( my $lh, '<', $log )
or return Output->new(
error => 1,
message => "$message_p: Cannot open $log: $!",
while (<$lh>) {
# - 1402045968_VzleKSTLPM [06/Jun/2014:13:24:56 +0400 - -] 200 "GET /change?client_ip= HTTP/1.1" 0 "-" "Updater/www2" "-"
next if (/^$/);
if (/^([\d\.]+)\s+\S+\s+(\S+)\s+\[[^\]]+\]\s+(\d+)\s+"([^"]+)"/) {
my $remote_address = $1;
my $host_id = $2;
my $code = $3;
my $request = $4;
my ( $type, $uri, $proto ) = split( /\s+/, $request );
my $client_ip = "";
if ( $uri =~ m:^/change\?client_ip=([\d\.]+)$: ) {
$client_ip = $1;
#print "$remote_address:$host_id:$code:$client_ip\n";
if ( $code == 200 && $client_ip !~ /^$/ ) {
$updates{$host_id} = $remote_address;
close $lh;
if ( $updates_count > 0 ) {
foreach my $host_id ( keys %updates ) {
my $update_host =
$self->UpdateHostNetwork( $host_id, $updates{$host_id} );
if ( $update_host->is_error ) { return $update_host; }
else {
return Output->new(
error => 0,
message => "$message_p: Not found request for network update",
unlink $log;
my $nginx_cmd = "/sbin/service nginx reload 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null";
system($nginx_cmd) == 0
or return Output->new(
error => 1,
message => "$message_p: Cannot reload nginx service",
my $update_servers = join( ', ', keys %updates );
return Output->new(
error => 0,
message => "$message_p: Updated $update_servers",
sub beta_version {
my $self = shift;
my $type = shift;
$type = "disable" if ( not defined $type );
my $message_p = ( caller(0) )[3];
my $message_t = __PACKAGE__;
# initilize data
my $ansData = $self->ansible_conf;
my $cmd_play = $ansData->{'playbook'};
my $cmd_conf = catfile( $ansData->{'base'}, "beta_version.yml" );
my $cmd_opts = { 'beta_version' => $type };
my $dh = bxDaemon->new(
debug => $self->debug,
task_cmd => qq($cmd_play $cmd_conf)
my $created_process = $dh->startAnsibleProcess( 'beta_version', $cmd_opts );
return $created_process;