Your IP :
// Some methods of this class is in the editor_php.js/editor_aspx.js
function BXNode(parent)
this.oParent = parent;
this.iLevel = 0;
parent.arNodes[parent.arNodes.length] = this;
this.iLevel = parent.iLevel+1;
this.arNodes = [];
this.arAttributes = {};
this.type = null;
this.text = "";
BXNode.prototype = {
GetHTML: function(bFormatted)
var id = this.arAttributes["id"];
if (id)
var bxTag = this.pParser.pMainObj.GetBxTag(id);
case 'img':
if (!bxTag.params)
return '';
// width, height
w = this.arStyle.width || this.arAttributes.width || '',
h = this.arStyle.height || this.arAttributes.height || '';
if (~w.indexOf('%'))
w = parseInt(w) + '%';
if (~h.indexOf('%'))
h = parseInt(h) + '%';
if (w && !isNaN(w))
bxTag.params.width = w;
if (h && !isNaN(h))
bxTag.params.height = h;
bxTag.params['class'] = this.arAttributes['class'] ||'';
bxTag.params['align'] = this.arAttributes['align'] ||'';
var i, res = '<img ';
for (i in bxTag.params)
if (bxTag.params[i])
if (this.pParser.isPhpAttribute(bxTag.params[i]))
res += i + '="' + bxTag.params[i] + '" ';
res += i + '="' + BX.util.htmlspecialchars(bxTag.params[i]) + '" ';
res += ' />';
return res;
case 'a':
if (!bxTag.params)
return '';
bxTag.params['class'] = this.arAttributes['class'] ||'';
var i, res = '<a ';
for (i in bxTag.params)
if (bxTag.params[i] && i != 'noindex')
if (this.pParser.isPhpAttribute(bxTag.params[i]))
res += i + '="' + bxTag.params[i] + '" ';
else if (i == 'href')
res += i + '="' + bxTag.params[i] + '" ';
res += i + '="' + BX.util.htmlspecialchars(bxTag.params[i]) + '" ';
res += '>';
for(i = 0; i < this.arNodes.length; i++)
res += this.arNodes[i].GetHTML(bFormatted);
res += '</a>';
if (bxTag.params.noindex)
res = '<noindex>' + res + '</noindex>';
return res;
case 'php':
var pMainObj = this.pParser.pMainObj;
if (pMainObj.bDotNet || (pMainObj.limit_php_access && pMainObj.pComponent2Taskbar))
return bxTag.params.value;
case 'noscript':
case 'noindex':
var res = "", i;
for(i = 0; i < this.arNodes.length; i++)
res += this.arNodes[i].GetHTML(bFormatted);
return "<" + bxTag.tag + ">" + res + "</" + bxTag.tag + ">";
case 'break':
return '<BREAK />';
case 'break_page':
return '<div style="page-break-after: always"><span style="display: none"> </span></div>';
case 'hr':
if (!BX.browser.IsIE() && bxTag.params && bxTag.params.value)
return bxTag.params.value;
case 'flash':
if (!bxTag.params)
return '';
var i, res = '<embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http:/' + '/" ';
for (i in bxTag.params)
if (bxTag.params[i])
res += i + '="' + bxTag.params[i] + '" ';
res += '></embed>';
return res;
case 'cursor':
return '#BXCURSOR#';
var customRes = this.CustomUnParse();
if (customRes)
return customRes;
// Symbols
if (this.pParser.arSym[bxTag.tag])
return this.pParser.arSym[bxTag.tag][0];
// comments, script
if (bxTag.params && bxTag.params.value)
return '\n' + bxTag.params.value + '\n';
return '';
var f;
this.bDontUseSpecialchars = false;
for (var i = 0, l = arNodeUnParsers.length; i < l; i++)
f = arNodeUnParsers[i];
if (f && typeof(f) == 'function')
f(this, this.pParser.pMainObj);
res = this.GetHTMLLeft();
var bNewLine = false;
var sIndent = '';
if(bFormatted && this.type != 'text')
if(reBlockElements.test(this.text) && !(this.oParent && this.oParent.text && this.oParent.text.toLowerCase() == 'pre'))
for(var j = 0; j < this.iLevel - 3; j++)
sIndent += " ";
bNewLine = true;
res = "\r\n" + sIndent + res;
for(var i=0; i< this.arNodes.length; i++)
res += this.arNodes[i].GetHTML(bFormatted);
res += this.GetHTMLRight();
res += "\r\n" + (sIndent=='' ? '' : sIndent.substr(2));
return res;
//}catch(e){_alert("Error BXNode.prototype.GetHTML : \n type = "+this.type+"\ntext = "+this.text);}
CustomUnParse: function(res)
if (!res)
res = false;
var fUnParser, i, l;
for (i = 0, l = arBXTaskbars.length; i < l; i++)
fUnParser = window[arBXTaskbars[i].name].prototype.UnParseElement;
if (fUnParser)
for (var j = 0; j < arUnParsers.length; j++)
fUnParser = arUnParsers[j];
if (fUnParser)
res = fUnParser(this, this.pParser.pMainObj);
if (res !== false)
return res;
IsPairNode: function()
return (this.text.substr(0, 1) != 'h' && this.text != 'br' && this.text != 'img' && this.text != 'input');
GetHTMLLeft: function()
if(this.type == 'text')
return this.bDontUseSpecialchars ? this.text : bxhtmlspecialchars(this.text);
var atrVal, attrName, res;
if(this.type == 'element')
res = "<"+this.text;
for(attrName in this.arAttributes)
atrVal = this.arAttributes[attrName];
if(attrName.substring(0,4).toLowerCase() == '_moz')
if(this.text.toUpperCase()=='BR' && attrName.toLowerCase() == 'type' && atrVal == '_moz')
if(attrName == 'style')
if (atrVal.length > 0 && atrVal.indexOf('-moz') != -1)
atrVal = BX.util.trim(atrVal.replace(/-moz.*?;/ig, '')); // Kill -moz* styles from firefox
if (this.text == 'td')
// Kill border-image: none; styles from firefox for <td>
atrVal = BX.util.trim(atrVal.replace(/border-image:\s*none;/ig, '')); //
// kill border-color: for ie
atrVal = BX.util.trim(atrVal.replace(/border-bottom-color:\s*;?/ig, ''));
atrVal = BX.util.trim(atrVal.replace(/border-top-color:\s*;?/ig, ''));
atrVal = BX.util.trim(atrVal.replace(/border-right-color:\s*;?/ig, ''));
atrVal = BX.util.trim(atrVal.replace(/border-left-color:\s*;?/ig, ''));
if(atrVal.length <= 0)
res += ' ' + attrName + '="' + (this.bDontUseSpecialchars ? atrVal : bxhtmlspecialchars(atrVal)) + '"';
if(this.arNodes.length <= 0 && !this.IsPairNode())
return res+" />";
return res+">";
return "";
GetHTMLRight: function()
if(this.type == 'element' && (this.arNodes.length>0 || this.IsPairNode()))
return "</"+this.text+">";
return "";
// Some methods of this class is in the editor_php.js/editor_aspx.js
function BXParser(pMainObj)
this.pMainObj = pMainObj;
this.arSym = {'bxshy' : ['­', '-'], 'bxnbsp' : [' ', ' ']};
this.systemCSS = "img.bxed-anchor{background-image: url(" + global_iconkit_path + ")!important; background-position: -260px 0!important; height: 20px!important; width: 20px!important;}\n" +
"span.bxed-noscript{color: #0000a0!important; padding: 2px!important; font-style:italic!important; font-size: 90%!important;}\n" +
"span.bxed-noindex{color: #004000!important; padding: 2px!important; font-style:italic!important; font-size: 90%!important;}\n" +
"img.bxed-flash{border: 1px solid #B6B6B8!important; background: url(" + image_path + "/flash.gif) #E2DFDA center center no-repeat !important;}\n" +
"img.bxed-hr{padding: 2px!important; width: 100%!important; height: 2px!important;}\n";
BXParser.prototype = {
_RecursiveParse: function (oParentNode, oBXNode)
case 9:
oBXNode.type = 'document';
case 1:
if(oParentNode.__bxID && oParentNode.__bxID == this.__bxID)
oParentNode.__bxID = this.__bxID;
if(oParentNode.tagName.length<=0 || oParentNode.tagName.substring(0, 1)=="/")
oBXNode.type = 'element';
oBXNode.text = oParentNode.tagName.toLowerCase();
var j, attr = oParentNode.attributes, l = attr.length ;
for(j = 0; j < l; j++)
if(attr[j].specified || (oBXNode.text == "input" && attr[j].nodeName.toLowerCase()=="value"))
var attrName = attr[j].nodeName.toLowerCase();
if(attrName == '__bxid')
oBXNode.arAttributes[attrName] =;
else if(attrName=="src" || attrName=="href" || attrName=="width" || attrName=="height")
oBXNode.arAttributes[attrName] = oParentNode.getAttribute(attrName, 2);
oBXNode.arAttributes[attrName] = attr[j].nodeValue;
if (
oBXNode.arStyle =;
case 3:
oBXNode.type = 'text';
var res = oParentNode.nodeValue;
if(!(oBXNode.oParent && oBXNode.oParent.text && oBXNode.oParent.text.toLowerCase() == 'pre'))
res = res.replace(/\n+/g, ' ');
res = res.replace(/ +/g, ' ');
oBXNode.text = res;
var arChilds = oParentNode.childNodes;
var oNode, oBXChildNode;
for(var i = 0; i < arChilds.length; i++)
oNode = arChilds[i];
oBXChildNode = new BXNode(oBXNode);
oBXChildNode.pParser = this;
this._RecursiveParse(oNode, oBXChildNode);
Parse: function ()
// Limit Component Access: if it's not first parsing and all components was converted to html
if (!this.pMainObj.bDotNet && lca && this.pMainObj.pComponent2Taskbar && _$arComponents !== false && _$LCAContentParser_execed)
_$arComponents = {};
_$compLength = 0;
this.arNodeParams = {};
this.__bxID = parseInt(Math.random() * 100000) + 1;
this.pNode = new BXNode(null);
this.pNode.pParser = this;
this._RecursiveParse(this.pMainObj.pEditorDocument, this.pNode);
GetHTML: function (bFormatted)
return this.pNode.GetHTML(bFormatted);
SystemParse: function(sContent)
var _this = this;
this.strStyleNodes = this.systemCSS;
sContent = this.ClearFromHBF(sContent);
sContent = sContent.replace(/(<td[^>]*>)\s*(<\/td>)/ig, "$1<br _moz_editor_bogus_node='on'>$2");
//TODO: at the beginning of the parsing - replace <? ?> for something, at the end unparse it back. For easier regexps.
// Image
sContent = sContent.replace(/<img([\s\S]*?(?:.*?[^\?%]{1})??)>/ig,
function(str, s1)
var arParams = _this.GetAttributesList(s1), i , val, res = "", bPhp = false;
if (arParams &&
var oTag = _this.pMainObj.GetBxTag(;
if (oTag.tag)
return str;
res = "<img id=\"" + _this.pMainObj.SetBxTag(false, {tag: 'img', params: arParams}) + "\" ";
for (i in arParams)
if (typeof arParams[i] == 'string' && i != 'id')
if (i == 'src' && window.SITE_TEMPLATE_PATH )
var len = SITE_TEMPLATE_PATH.length;
var src = arParams[i];
if (arParams[i].indexOf('SITE_TEMPLATE_PATH') != -1)
src = src.replace(/<\?=\s*SITE_TEMPLATE_PATH;?\s*\?>/i, SITE_TEMPLATE_PATH);
src = src.replace(/<\?\s*echo\s*SITE_TEMPLATE_PATH;?\s*\?>/i, SITE_TEMPLATE_PATH);
res += 'src="' + src + '" ';
bPhp = _this.isPhpAttribute(arParams[i]);
if (!bPhp) // No php in attribute
res += i + '="' + BX.util.htmlspecialchars(arParams[i]) + '" ';
res += " />";
return res;
// Link
sContent = sContent.replace(/(<noindex>)*?<a(\s[\s\S]*?(?:.*?[^\?%\/]{1})??)(>([\s\S]*?)<\/a>)(<\/noindex>)*/ig,
function(str, s0, s1, s2, innerHtml, s3)
var arParams = _this.GetAttributesList(s1), i , res, bPhp = false;
if (s0 && s3 && s0.toLowerCase().indexOf('noindex') != -1 && s3.toLowerCase().indexOf('noindex') != -1)
arParams.noindex = true;
arParams.rel = "nofollow";
// It's anchor
if ( && (BX.util.trim(innerHtml) == ""))
return str;
res = "<a id=\"" + _this.pMainObj.SetBxTag(false, {tag: 'a', params: arParams}) + "\" ";
for (i in arParams)
if (typeof arParams[i] == 'string' && i != 'id' && i != 'noindex')
bPhp = _this.isPhpAttribute(arParams[i]);
if (i == 'href') // Php in href
if (bPhp)
res += 'href="bx_bogus_href" ';
res += 'href="' + arParams[i] + '" ';
else if (!bPhp) // No php in attribute
res += i + '="' + BX.util.htmlspecialchars(arParams[i]) + '" ';
res += s2;
return res;
// APP - Advanced PHP parcer
if (!this.pMainObj.bDotNet && this.pMainObj.bUseAPP)
sContent = this.pMainObj.APP_Parse(sContent);
if (this.pMainObj.bDotNet && this.pMainObj.bUseAAP)
sContent = this.pMainObj.AAP_Parse(sContent);
//Parse content as string...
sContent = this.CustomParse(sContent);
if (!this.pMainObj.bDotNet)
sContent = this.pMainObj.SystemParse_ex(sContent);
sContent = sContent.replace(/<break \/>/ig, "<img src=\"" + image_path + "/break_tag.gif\" id=\"" + this.pMainObj.SetBxTag(false, {tag: 'break'}) + "\"/>");
// Flash parsing
sContent = sContent.replace(/<embed([^>]+?)(?:>(?:\s|\S)*?<\/embed)?(?:\/?)?>/ig, function(sContent, s1){return _this.UnparseFlash(sContent, s1);});
if (BX.browser.IsIE())
sContent = sContent.replace(/<area([^>]*?>[^>]*?)<\/area>/ig, "<bxarea$1</bxarea>");
sContent = sContent.replace(/<area([^>]*?>[^>]*?)>/ig, "<bxarea$1>");
sContent = sContent.replace(/<noindex[^>]*?>([\s\S]*?)<\/noindex>/ig, "<span class=\"bxed-noindex\" id=\"" + this.pMainObj.SetBxTag(false, {tag: 'noindex'}) + "\">$1</span>");
sContent = sContent.replace(/<hr([^>]*)>/ig, function(sContent, params)
return '<img class="bxed-hr" src="' + image_path + '/break_page.gif" id="' + _this.pMainObj.SetBxTag(false, {tag: "hr", params: {value : sContent}}) + '"/>';
sContent = sContent.replace(/<noscript[^>]*?>([\s\S]*?)<\/noscript>/ig, "<span class=\"bxed-noscript\" id=\"" + this.pMainObj.SetBxTag(false, {tag: 'noscript'}) + "\">$1</span>");
sContent = sContent.replace(/<style[\s\S]*?>([\s\S]*?)<\/style>/gi, function(sContent, s1){return _this.UnparseStyleNode(sContent, s1)});
sContent = sContent.replace(/<script[\s\S]*?\/script>/gi, function(sContent){return '<img id="' + _this.pMainObj.SetBxTag(false, {tag: "script", params: {value : sContent}}) + '" src="' + image_path + '/script.gif" />';});
sContent = sContent.replace(/<!--[\s\S]*?-->/ig, function(sContent){return '<img id="' + _this.pMainObj.SetBxTag(false, {tag: "comments", params: {value : sContent}}) + '" src="' + image_path + '/comments.gif" />';});
sContent = sContent.replace(/<a\s([\s\S]*?)>\s*?<\/a>/ig, function(sContent, s1){return _this.UnparseAnchors(sContent, s1);});
sContent = sContent.replace(/<a(\s[\s\S]*?)\/>/ig, function(sContent, s1){return _this.UnparseAnchors(sContent, s1);});
//sContent = sContent.replace(/<a(\s[\s\S]*?)(?:>\s*?<\/a)?(?:\/?)?>/ig, function(sContent, s1){return _this.UnparseAnchors(sContent, s1);});
sContent = this.SymbolsParse(sContent);
if (this.strStyleNodes.length > 0)
setTimeout(function(){_this.AppendCSS(_this.strStyleNodes);}, 300);
sContent = sContent.replace(/#BXCURSOR#/ig, '<a href="#" id="' + this.pMainObj.lastCursorId + '">|</a>');
return sContent;
GetAttributesList: function(str)
str = " " + str + " ";
var arParams = {}, arPHP = [], bPhp = false, _this = this;
// 1. Replace PHP by #BXPHP#
str = str.replace(/<\?.*?\?>/ig, function(s)
return "#BXPHP" + (arPHP.length - 1) + "#";
// 2.0 Parse params - without quotes
str = str.replace(/([^\w]??\s)(\w+?)=([^\s\'"]+?)\s/ig, function(s, b0, b1, b2)
b2 = b2.replace(/#BXPHP(\d+)#/ig, function(s, num){return arPHP[num] || s;});
arParams[b1.toLowerCase()] = _this.isPhpAttribute(b2) ? b2 : BX.util.htmlspecialcharsback(b2);
return b0;
// 2.1 Parse params
str = str.replace(/([^\w]??\s)(\w+?)\s*=\s*("|\')([^\3]*?)\3/ig, function(s, b0, b1, b2, b3)
// 3. Replace PHP back
b3 = b3.replace(/#BXPHP(\d+)#/ig, function(s, num){return arPHP[num] || s;});
arParams[b1.toLowerCase()] = _this.isPhpAttribute(b3) ? b3 : BX.util.htmlspecialcharsback(b3);
return b0;
return arParams;
isPhpAttribute: function(str)
if (typeof str == 'number' || typeof str == 'object')
return false;
return str.indexOf("<?") != -1 || str.indexOf("?>") != -1 || (str.indexOf("#PHP") != -1 && this.pMainObj.limit_php_access);
SystemUnParse: function(sContent)
if (BX.browser.IsIE())
sContent = sContent.replace(/<bxarea([^>]*?>[^>]*?)<\/bxarea>/ig, "<area$1</area>");
sContent = sContent.replace(/<bxarea([^>]*?>[^>]*?)>/ig, "<area$1>");
// APP - Advanced PHP parcer, AAP - Advanced Aspx Parser
if (!this.pMainObj.bDotNet && this.pMainObj.bUseAPP)
sContent = this.pMainObj.APP_Unparse(sContent);
if (this.pMainObj.bDotNet && this.pMainObj.bUseAAP)
sContent = this.pMainObj.AAP_Unparse(sContent);
//Replace entities
sContent = this.HTMLEntitiesReplace(sContent);
sContent = this.CustomContentUnParse(sContent);
return sContent;
UnparseAnchors: function(sContent, s1)
if (s1.indexOf("bxid_") != -1)
return sContent;
if(sContent.toLowerCase().indexOf("href") > 0)
return sContent;
var id = this.pMainObj.SetBxTag(false, {tag: "anchor", params: {value : sContent}});
return '<img id="' + id + '" src="' + one_gif_src + '" class="bxed-anchor" />';
UnparseFlash: function(sContent, s1)
if (s1.indexOf('.swf') === false || s1.indexOf('flash') === false) // not a flash
return str;
s1 = s1.replace(/[\r\n]+/ig, ' ');
s1 = s1.replace(/\s+/ig, ' ');
s1 = s1.trim();
arParams = {},
w, h, style, id;
s1 = s1.replace(/([^\w]??)(\w+?)\s*=\s*("|\')([^\3]+?)\3/ig, function(s, b0, b1, b2, b3){arParams[b1] = b3; return b0;});
w = (parseInt(arParams.width) || 50) + 'px';
h = (parseInt(arParams.height) || 25) + 'px';
style = 'width: ' + w + '; height: ' + h + ';';
return '<img id="' + this.pMainObj.SetBxTag(false, {tag: "flash", params: arParams}) + '" class="bxed-flash" style="' + style + '" src="' + one_gif_src + '"/>';
GetAnchorName: function(html, newName)
if (newName)
return html.replace(/([\s\S]*?name\s*=\s*("|'))([\s\S]*?)(\2[\s\S]*?(?:>\s*?<\/a)?(?:\/?)?>)/ig, "$1" + newName + "$4");
return html.replace(/([\s\S]*?name\s*=\s*("|'))([\s\S]*?)(\2[\s\S]*?(?:>\s*?<\/a)?(?:\/?))?>/ig, "$3");
UnparseStyleNode: function(sContent, s1)
if (typeof s1 == 'string' && s1.length > 0)
this.strStyleNodes += s1 + "\n";
var id = this.pMainObj.SetBxTag(false, {tag: "style", params: {value : sContent}});
return '<img id="' + id + '" src="' + image_path + '/style.gif" />';
GetHBF: function(sContent, bContentWithHBF)
sContent = sContent.replace(/(^[\s\S]*?)(<body.*?>)/i, "");
this.pMainObj._head = RegExp.$1;
this.pMainObj._body = RegExp.$2;
sContent = sContent.replace(/(<\/body>[\s\S]*?$)/i, "");
this.pMainObj._footer = RegExp.$1;
if (!bContentWithHBF)
return sContent;
return this.AppendHBF(sContent, true);
ClearHBF: function()
this.pMainObj._head = this.pMainObj._body = this.pMainObj._footer = '';
AppendHBF: function(sContent, bDontClear)
if (!bDontClear)
sContent = this.ClearFromHBF(sContent);
return this.pMainObj._head + this.pMainObj._body + sContent + this.pMainObj._footer;
ClearFromHBF: function(sContent)
sContent = sContent.replace(/^[\s\S]*?<body.*?>/i, "");
sContent = sContent.replace(/<\/body>[\s\S]*?$/i, "");
return sContent;
CustomParse: function(str)
var str1, i, l;
for (i = 0, l = arContentParsers.length; i < l; i++)
str1 = arContentParsers[i](str, this.pMainObj);
if (str1 !== false && str1 !== null)
str = str1;
}catch(e){_alert('ERROR: '+e.message+'\n'+'BXParser.prototype.CustomParse'+'\n'+'Type: ';}
return str;
CustomContentUnParse: function(str)
var str1, i, l;
for (i = 0, l = arContentUnParsers.length; i < l; i++)
if (str1 = arContentUnParsers[i](str, this.pMainObj))
str = str1;
}catch(e){_alert('ERROR: '+e.message+'\n'+'BXParser.prototype.CustomContentUnParse'+'\n'+'Type: ';}
return str;
HTMLEntitiesReplace: function (str)
var lEn = this.pMainObj.arEntities.length;
for(var i_ = 0; i_ < lEn; i_++)
str = str.replace(this.pMainObj.arEntities_h[i_], this.pMainObj.arEntities[i_], 'g');
return str;
DOMHandle: function()
for (var i = 0, l = arDOMHandlers.length; i < l; i++)
}catch(e){_alert('ERROR: '+e.message+'\n'+'BXParser.prototype.DOMHandle'+'\n'+'Type: ';}
AppendCSS : function(styles)
styles = styles.trim();
if (styles.length <= 0)
return false;
pDoc = this.pMainObj.pEditorDocument,
pHeads = pDoc.getElementsByTagName("HEAD");
if(pHeads.length != 1)
return false;
setTimeout(function(){pDoc.styleSheets[0].cssText += styles;}, 5);
var xStyle = pDoc.createElement("STYLE");
return true;
SymbolsParse: function(sContent)
for (var s in this.arSym)
if (typeof this.arSym[s] == 'object')
sContent = sContent.replace(new RegExp(this.arSym[s][0], 'ig'), "<span id='" + this.pMainObj.SetBxTag(false, {tag: s}) + "'>" + this.arSym[s][1] + "</span>");
return sContent;