Your IP :
# manage kernel (no web interface, only kernel saved in files and database)
package bxSiteFiles;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Moose;
use File::Basename qw( dirname basename );
use File::Spec::Functions;
use Data::Dumper;
use JSON;
use DBI;
use Output;
use Pool;
use bxMysql;
use Sys::Hostname;
# basic path for site
has 'site_dir', is => 'ro', default => '/home/bitrix/www';
has 'site_conf', is => 'ro', default => 'found';
has 'site_files_options',
is => 'rw',
lazy => 1,
builder => 'get_site_files_options';
has 'dir_kernel', is => 'ro', default => 'bitrix';
has 'file_dbconn', is => 'ro', default => 'php_interface/dbconn.php';
has 'file_settings', is => 'ro', default => '.settings.php';
has 'apache', is => 'ro', default => '/etc/httpd/bx/conf';
has 'conf', is => 'ro', default => 'conf';
has 'pref', is => 'ro', default => 'bx_ext_';
has 'debug', is => 'ro', default => 0;
has 'logfile', is => 'ro', default => '/opt/webdir/logs/bxKernel.debug';
sub bx_install_options {
my $self = shift;
my $message_p = ( caller(0) )[3];
my $message_t = __PACKAGE__;
my $logOutput = Output->new(
error => 0,
logfile => $self->logfile,
debug => $self->debug
my $site_root = $self->site_dir;
my $site_conf = $self->site_conf;
my $bx_options = {
error => 0,
message => '',
SiteInstall => '',
SiteStatus => '',
DBName => '',
DBType => '',
DBLogin => '',
DBPassword => '',
DBHost => '',
DBConn => '',
SiteKernelDir => '',
"$message_p: get options from installed files in $site_root");
my $site_kernel_dir = catfile( $site_root, $self->dir_kernel );
if ( !-l $site_kernel_dir && !-d $site_kernel_dir ) {
$bx_options->{'error'} = 3;
$bx_options->{'message'} =
"$message_p: Not found $site_kernel_dir on the host";
# link or kernel install
else {
# test if configuration file exists
my $dbconn_config = catfile( $site_kernel_dir, $self->file_dbconn );
if ( !-f $dbconn_config ) {
$bx_options->{'error'} = 3;
$bx_options->{'message'} =
"$message_p: Not found config file $dbconn_config on the host";
"$message_p: Not found config file $dbconn_config");
# config found try get:
# 1. finished or not installation
# 2. DB options
else {
# LINK - status of the install
if ( -l $site_kernel_dir ) {
# link file can contain own index.php => not found file, not found data
$bx_options->{'SiteInstall'} = 'link';
my $basic_kernel_dir = readlink($site_kernel_dir);
my $kernel_dir = dirname($basic_kernel_dir);
$bx_options->{'SiteKernelDir'} = $kernel_dir;
my $bx_index_file = catfile( $site_root, 'index.php' );
if ( !-f $bx_index_file ) {
$bx_options->{'SiteStatus'} = 'not_installed';
else {
$bx_options->{'SiteStatus'} = 'finished';
# KERNEL- status of the install
else {
# if folder contains bitrixsetup => suspect that finished installation doesn't contain it
$bx_options->{'SiteInstall'} = 'kernel';
if ( $site_conf !~ /^found$/ ) {
$bx_options->{'SiteInstall'} = 'ext_kernel';
my $bx_setup_file = catfile( $site_root, 'bitrixsetup.php' );
if ( -f $bx_setup_file ) {
$bx_options->{'SiteStatus'} = 'not_installed';
else {
$bx_options->{'SiteStatus'} = 'finished';
$logOutput->log_data( "$message_p: found next options site_type="
. $bx_options->{'SiteInstall'} );
$logOutput->log_data( "$message_p: found next options status="
. $bx_options->{'SiteStatus'} );
# Get DB options from dbconn and test it
my $desired_options = 'DBName|DBType|DBLogin|DBPassword|DBHost';
my $defined_options = 'BX_TEMPORARY_FILES_DIRECTORY';
open( my $dh, '<', $dbconn_config )
or die "$message_p: Cannot open $dbconn_config: $!";
while ( my $line = <$dh> ) {
next if ( $line =~ /^$/ );
next if ( $line =~ /^#/ );
next if ( $line =~ /^;/ );
$line =~ s/^\s+//;
$line =~ s/\s+$//;
$line =~ s/\s*;$//;
if ( $line =~ /^\$($desired_options)\s*=(.+)$/ ) {
my $php_key = $1;
my $php_value = $2;
$php_value =~ s/^\s+//;
$php_value =~ s/\s+$//;
if ( $php_value =~ /^'(.*)'$/ ) {
$php_value = $1;
if ( $php_value =~ /^"(.*)"$/ ) {
$php_value = $1;
# replace escaped string from php
$php_value =~ s/\\([^\d\w\s])/$1/g;
$bx_options->{$php_key} = $php_value;
# define("BX_TEMPORARY_FILES_DIRECTORY", "/home/bitrix/.bx_temp/dbksh770/")
if ( $line =~ /define\(\"($defined_options)\",\s*\"([^\"]+)\"/ )
my $dbconn_key = $1;
my $dbconn_value = $2;
#print "$dbconn_key, $dbconn_value\n";
$bx_options->{ 'dbconn_' . $dbconn_key } = $dbconn_value;
close $dh;
# test found options or create error message
my $test_options = '';
foreach my $opt ( 'DBName', 'DBHost', 'DBLogin', 'DBPassword' ) {
if ( not defined $bx_options ) {
$test_options .= "$opt=not_defined ";
# some options is missing
if ( $test_options !~ /^$/ ) {
"$message_p: not found some mandatory options in $dbconn_config"
$logOutput->log_data("$message_p: $test_options");
$bx_options->{'error'} = 3;
$bx_options->{'message'} =
"$message_p: in $dbconn_config $test_options";
# all options found
else {
# define DBtype if not dfeined in config
if ( not defined $bx_options->{'DBType'} ) {
$bx_options->{'DBType'} = 'mysql';
if ( $bx_options->{'DBType'} !~ /^mysql$/ ) {
$bx_options->{'error'} = 3;
$bx_options->{'message'} =
"$message_p: not supported DBType="
. $bx_options->{'DBType'};
# test DB connect
else {
my $dbi_str =
. $bx_options->{'DBName'}
. ";host="
. $bx_options->{'DBHost'}
. ";port=3306";
# add socket option for mysql
if ( $bx_options->{'DBHost'} =~
/^(localhost|localhost\.localdomain|127\.0\.0\.1)$/ )
$dbi_str .= ":mysql_socket=/var/lib/mysqld/mysqld.sock";
#print $dbi_str,"\n";
#print "login: ", $bx_options->{'DBLogin'}, "\n";
#print "pass ", $bx_options->{'DBPassword'}, "\n";
my $dbh = DBI->connect(
{ PrintError => 0 },
if ( !$dbh ) {
$bx_options->{'error'} = 3;
$bx_options->{'message'} =
"$message_p: Could not connect to database: $DBI::errstr";
"$message_p: $message_p: Could not connect to database: $DBI::errstr"
$bx_options->{'DBConn'} = 'N';
else {
my $sql = 'show create database `'
. $bx_options->{'DBName'} . '`';
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
if ( $sth->execute ) {
while ( my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref() ) {
my $create_db_str = $row->{'Create Database'};
if ( $create_db_str =~ /\s+cp1251\s+/ ) {
$bx_options->{'SiteCharset'} =
elsif ( $create_db_str =~ /\s+utf8\s+/ ) {
$bx_options->{'SiteCharset'} = 'utf-8';
else {
if ( $create_db_str =~
/CHARACTER SET\s+(\S+)\s+/ )
$bx_options->{'SiteCharset'} = $1;
"$message_p: $message_p: Successfully connect to database: $dbi_str"
$bx_options->{'DBConn'} = 'Y';
return $bx_options;
# test installed or not modules cluster and scale, if not installed we can't use site in the cluster
sub bx_modules_options {
my ( $self, $db_host, $db_name, $db_user, $db_pass ) = @_;
my $message_p = ( caller(0) )[3];
my $message_t = __PACKAGE__;
my $site_root = $self->site_dir;
my $logOutput = Output->new(
error => 0,
logfile => $self->logfile,
debug => $self->debug
my $modules_options = {
'error' => 0,
'message' => '',
'module_cluster' => 'not_installed',
'module_scale' => 'not_installed',
'module_transformer' => 'not_installed',
'module_transformercontroller' => 'not_installed',
'module_main_version' => '',
'module_message' => '',
'upload_dir' => '',
"$message_p: try defined modules options in $site_root");
# main module, define version
my $version_file =
catfile( $site_root, 'bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/version.php' );
if ( -f $version_file ) {
my $main_version_cmd =
qq|php -r 'include("$version_file"); echo SM_VERSION;' 2>/dev/null|;
my ($mh);
if ( open( $mh, "$main_version_cmd |" ) ) {
$modules_options->{module_main_version} = <$mh>;
close $mh;
else {
$modules_options->{error} = 6;
$modules_options->{message} =
"$message_p: Cannot find version for main module";
# upload directory
my $upload_dir_select = qq(select VALUE from b_option
where MODULE_ID="main" and NAME="upload_dir");
# test if b_options exists on site
my @test_modules =
( 'scale', 'cluster', 'transformer', 'transformercontroller' );
my $select_modules = qq|select ID from b_module where ID IN ( |;
for my $m (@test_modules) {
$select_modules .= qq('$m',);
$select_modules =~ s/,$/\);/;
my $dbi_str = "DBI:mysql:" . $db_name . ";host=" . $db_host . ";port=3306";
if ( $db_host =~ /^(localhost|localhost\.localdomain|127\.0\.0\.1)$/ ) {
$dbi_str .= ":mysql_socket=/var/lib/mysqld/mysqld.sock";
## connect to DB
my $dbh =
DBI->connect( "$dbi_str", $db_user, $db_pass, { PrintError => 0 }, );
if ( !$dbh ) {
$modules_options->{'error'} = 5;
$modules_options->{'message'} =
"$message_p: Could not connect to database: $DBI::errstr";
"$message_p: Could not connect to database: $DBI::errstr");
return $modules_options;
"$message_p: Successfully connected to database $db_name");
# get upload directory
my $sth_u = $dbh->prepare("$upload_dir_select");
if ( ! $sth_u ){
$modules_options->{'error'} = 5;
$modules_options->{'message'} =
"$message_p: query $upload_dir_select return error " . $dbh->errstr;
"$message_p: query $upload_dir_select return error " . $dbh->errstr );
return $modules_options;
if ( $sth_u->execute ){
my $row = $sth_u->rows;
if ( $row> 0 ){
while ( my $data = $sth_u->fetchrow_hashref ) {
my $upload_dir = $data->{'VALUE'};
$modules_options->{ 'upload_dir' } =
# get defined modules by select
my $sth_t = $dbh->prepare("$select_modules");
if ( !$sth_t ) {
$modules_options->{'error'} = 5;
$modules_options->{'message'} =
"$message_p: query $select_modules return error " . $dbh->errstr;
"$message_p: query $select_modules return error " . $dbh->errstr );
return $modules_options;
# b_module is found
if ( $sth_t->execute ) {
my $row = $sth_t->rows;
if ( $row > 0 ) {
# test all modules one by one
while ( my $data = $sth_t->fetchrow_hashref ) {
my $module_name = $data->{'ID'};
$modules_options->{ 'module_' . $module_name } =
else {
$modules_options->{'module_message'} =
"$message_p: not found modules "
. join( ',', @test_modules )
. " on $site_root";
$logOutput->log_data( "$message_p: not found modules "
. join( ',', @test_modules )
. " on $site_root" );
else {
$modules_options->{'error'} = 5;
$modules_options->{'message'} =
"$message_p: query $select_modules return error " . $sth_t->errstr;
"$message_p: query $select_modules return error "
. $sth_t->errstr );
# test key in modules_options
my @module_key = grep /^module_/, keys %$modules_options;
#print join (', ', @module_key),"\n";
foreach my $k (@module_key) {
if ( $k =~ /^(module_main_version|module_message)$/ ) { next; }
if ( $modules_options->{$k} =~ /^installed$/ ) {
else {
my $m = $k;
$m =~ s/^module_//;
if ( $modules_options->{'module_message'} =~ /^$/ ) {
$modules_options->{'module_message'} = "$message_p: ";
$modules_options->{'module_message'} .=
"module $m is not installed on $site_root ";
return $modules_options;
#enable or disable nlm option on the sites
sub bx_ntlm_options {
my ( $self, $db_host, $db_name, $db_user, $db_pass ) = @_;
my $message_p = ( caller(0) )[3];
my $message_t = __PACKAGE__;
my $site_root = $self->site_dir;
my $logOutput = Output->new(
error => 0,
logfile => $self->logfile,
debug => $self->debug
my $ntlm_options = {
'error' => 0,
'message' => '',
'NTLM_bitrixvm_auth_support' => 'N',
'NTLM_use_ntlm' => 'N',
'NTLM_module' => 'N',
$logOutput->log_data("$message_p: try defined NTLM options for $site_root");
my $select =
my @options = ( 'use_ntlm', 'bitrixvm_auth_support' );
my $dbi_str = "DBI:mysql:" . $db_name . ";host=" . $db_host . ";port=3306";
# add socket option for mysql
if ( $db_host =~ /^(localhost|localhost\.localdomain|127\.0\.0\.1)$/ ) {
$dbi_str .= ":mysql_socket=/var/lib/mysqld/mysqld.sock";
my $dbh =
DBI->connect( "$dbi_str", $db_user, $db_pass, { PrintError => 0 }, );
if ( !$dbh ) {
$ntlm_options->{'error'} = 3;
$ntlm_options->{'message'} =
"$message_p: Could not connect to database: $DBI::errstr";
"$message_p: Could not connect to database: $DBI::errstr");
"$message_p: Successfully connected to database $db_name");
# test if module LDAP installed on server
my $select_module = qq(select ID from b_module where ID ='ldap');
my $sth_module = $dbh->prepare("$select_module");
if ( !$sth_module ) {
$ntlm_options->{'error'} = 6;
$ntlm_options->{'message'} =
"$message_p: query $select_module return error " . $dbh->errstr;
"$message_p: query $select_module return error " . $dbh->errstr );
return $ntlm_options;
if ( $sth_module->execute() ) {
my $module_count = $sth_module->rows;
if ( $module_count > 0 ) {
$ntlm_options->{'NTLM_module'} = 'Y';
else {
$ntlm_options->{'error'} = 6;
$ntlm_options->{'message'} =
"$message_p: query $select_module return error "
. $sth_module->errstr;
"$message_p: query $select_module return error "
. $sth_module->errstr );
return $ntlm_options;
# database can be empty
my $sth = $dbh->prepare(
if ( !$sth ) {
$ntlm_options->{'error'} = 6;
$ntlm_options->{'message'} =
"$message_p: query $select return error " . $dbh->errstr;
"$message_p: query $select return error " . $dbh->errstr );
return $ntlm_options;
# search fo options
foreach my $opt (@options) {
if ( $sth->execute($opt) ) {
my $b_options_rows = $sth->rows;
# add options to output
if ( $b_options_rows > 0 ) {
while ( my $data_s = $sth->fetchrow_hashref() ) {
my $value = $data_s->{'VALUE'};
$ntlm_options->{ "NTLM_" . $opt } = $value;
# select return error
else {
$ntlm_options->{'error'} = 6;
$ntlm_options->{'message'} =
"$message_p: query $select return error " . $sth->errstr;
"$message_p: query $select return error " . $sth->errstr );
foreach my $key ( grep /^NTLM_/, keys %$ntlm_options ) {
if ( $ntlm_options->{$key} !~ /^(N|Y)$/ ) {
$ntlm_options->{$key} = 'N';
return $ntlm_options;
# get search module options
sub bx_sphinx_options {
my ( $self, $db_host, $db_name, $db_user, $db_pass ) = @_;
my $message_p = ( caller(0) )[3];
my $message_t = __PACKAGE__;
my $site_root = $self->site_dir;
my $logOutput = Output->new(
error => 0,
logfile => $self->logfile,
debug => $self->debug
my $sphinx_options = {
'error' => 0,
'message' => '',
'SphinxConnection' => 'not_found',
'SphinxIndexName' => '',
"$message_p: try defined sphinx options for $site_root");
my $select_module_opts =
qq(select name, value from b_option where MODULE_ID = 'search';);
my $select_b_options = qq(show tables like 'b_option';);
my $dbi_str = "DBI:mysql:" . $db_name . ";host=" . $db_host . ";port=3306";
# add socket option for mysql
if ( $db_host =~ /^(localhost|localhost\.localdomain|127\.0\.0\.1)$/ ) {
$dbi_str .= ":mysql_socket=/var/lib/mysqld/mysqld.sock";
my $dbh =
DBI->connect( "$dbi_str", $db_user, $db_pass, { PrintError => 0 }, );
if ( !$dbh ) {
$sphinx_options->{'error'} = 3;
$sphinx_options->{'message'} =
"$message_p: Could not connect to database: $DBI::errstr";
"$message_p: Could not connect to database: $DBI::errstr");
else {
"$message_p: Successfully connected to database $db_name");
# database can be empty
my $sth_t = $dbh->prepare("$select_b_options");
if ( !$sth_t ) {
$sphinx_options->{'error'} = 4;
$sphinx_options->{'message'} =
"$message_p: query $select_b_options return error "
. $dbh->errstr;
"$message_p: query $select_b_options return error "
. $dbh->errstr );
else {
# b_option is found
if ( $sth_t->execute ) {
my $b_options_rows = $sth_t->rows;
if ( $b_options_rows == 0 ) {
$sphinx_options->{'error'} = 4;
$sphinx_options->{'message'} =
"$message_p: not found records in b_option table";
"$message_p: not found records in b_option table");
# get options for search module
else {
my $sth_s = $dbh->prepare("$select_module_opts");
# error
if ( !$sth_s ) {
$sphinx_options->{'error'} = 4;
$sphinx_options->{'message'} =
"$message_p: query $select_module_opts return error "
. $dbh->errstr;
"$message_p: query $select_module_opts return error "
. $dbh->errstr );
# execute
else {
if ( $sth_s->execute ) {
while ( my $data_s = $sth_s->fetchrow_hashref() ) {
my $key = $data_s->{'name'};
my $value = $data_s->{'value'};
if ( $key =~ /^sphinx_connection$/ ) {
$sphinx_options->{'SphinxConnection'} =
if ( $key =~ /^sphinx_index_name$/ ) {
$sphinx_options->{'SphinxIndexName'} =
else {
$sphinx_options->{'error'} = 4;
$sphinx_options->{'message'} =
"$message_p: query $select_module_opts return error "
. $sth_s->errstr;
"$message_p: query $select_module_opts return error "
. $sth_s->errstr );
# b_option not found
else {
$sphinx_options->{'error'} = 4;
$sphinx_options->{'message'} =
"$message_p: query $select_b_options return error "
. $sth_t->errstr;
"$message_p: query $select_b_options return error "
. $sth_t->errstr );
return $sphinx_options;
sub bx_backup_options {
my ( $self, $db_name ) = @_;
my $message_p = ( caller(0) )[3];
my $message_t = __PACKAGE__;
my $logOutput = Output->new(
error => 0,
logfile => $self->logfile,
debug => $self->debug,
"$message_p: try defined backup options for sites with $db_name");
my $backup_info = {
BackupTask => 'disable',
BackupCronFile => '',
BackupMinute => '',
BackupHour => '',
BackupDay => '',
BackupMonth => '',
BackupWeekDay => '',
BackupVersion => '',
BackupFolder => '',
my $task_backup_v5 = '/opt/webdir/bin/';
my $task_backup_v4 = '/home/bitrix/backup/scripts/';
my $task_crontab = '/etc/crontab';
# 1. main cron file
open( my $ch, $task_crontab ) or return $backup_info;
while (<$ch>) {
next if (/^$/);
next if (/^#/);
# min hour day month weekday user script site_name site_backup_folder
# new version has onw script with site_name and folder defined
if (
$backup_info->{'BackupTask'} = 'enable';
$backup_info->{'BackupCronFile'} = $task_crontab;
$backup_info->{'BackupVersion'} = 'v5';
$backup_info->{'BackupMinute'} = $1;
$backup_info->{'BackupHour'} = $2;
$backup_info->{'BackupDay'} = $3;
$backup_info->{'BackupMonth'} = $4;
$backup_info->{'BackupWeekDay'} = $5;
$backup_info->{'BackupFolder'} = $7;
# old backup definitions
# min hour day month weekday user test -f script_name
if (
$backup_info->{'BackupTask'} = 'enable';
$backup_info->{'BackupCronFile'} = $task_crontab;
$backup_info->{'BackupVersion'} = 'v4';
$backup_info->{'BackupMinute'} = $1;
$backup_info->{'BackupHour'} = $2;
$backup_info->{'BackupDay'} = $3;
$backup_info->{'BackupMonth'} = $4;
$backup_info->{'BackupWeekDay'} = $5;
$backup_info->{'BackupFolder'} = '/home/bitrix/backup/archive';
close $ch;
return $backup_info;
# convert string
sub convert_php_str {
my $str = shift;
$str =~ s/^["']//;
$str =~ s/['"]$//;
return $str;
# search composite options that hold in the config file and htaccess
sub bx_composite_options {
my $self = shift;
my $message_p = ( caller(0) )[3];
my $message_t = __PACKAGE__;
my $site_root = $self->site_dir;
$site_root =~ s:/$::;
my $logOutput = Output->new(
error => 0,
logfile => $self->logfile,
debug => $self->debug
my $composite_info = {
CompositeStatus => 'disable',
CompositeStorage => '',
CompositeDomains => [],
CompositeExcludeUri => [],
CompositeIncludeUri => [],
CompositeExcludeParams => [],
CompositeMemcachedHost => '',
CompositeMemcachedPort => '',
CompositeError => '',
# test configuration file
my $composite_config =
catfile( $site_root, "bitrix/html_pages/.config.php" );
if ( !-f $composite_config ) { return $composite_info; }
my $composite_parser = "/opt/webdir/bin/composite.php";
if ( !-f $composite_parser ) { return $composite_info; }
open( my $ch, "$composite_parser -f '$composite_config' 2>/dev/null|" )
or return $composite_info;
my $composite_json = "";
while (<$ch>) { $composite_json .= $_; }
close $ch;
my $composite_hash;
eval { $composite_hash = decode_json($composite_json); };
if ($@) {
$composite_info->{CompositeError} = $composite_json;
$composite_info->{CompositeError} =~
return $composite_info;
# process composite data
if ( not defined $composite_hash->{'COMPOSITE'} ) {
return $composite_info;
$composite_info->{'CompositeStatus'} =
( $composite_hash->{'COMPOSITE'} =~ /^Y$/i ) ? 'enable' : 'disable';
# storage type
$composite_info->{'CompositeStorage'} =
( $composite_hash->{'STORAGE'} ) ? $composite_hash->{'STORAGE'} : 'files';
# list domain where cache is enabled ($host check for site)
if ( defined $composite_hash->{'DOMAINS'} ) {
if ( ref( $composite_hash->{'DOMAINS'} ) eq 'HASH' ) {
@{ $composite_info->{'CompositeDomains'} } =
map { $composite_hash->{'DOMAINS'}->{$_} }
keys %{ $composite_hash->{'DOMAINS'} };
else {
$composite_info->{CompositeError} =
qq|Empty DOMAINS list in the composite configuration|;
$composite_info->{'CompositeStatus'} = 'disable';
return $composite_info;
# list excluded uri
if ( defined $composite_hash->{'~EXCLUDE_MASK'} ) {
@{ $composite_info->{'CompositeExcludeUri'} } =
map { convert_php_str($_) } @{ $composite_hash->{'~EXCLUDE_MASK'} };
# list included uri
if ( defined $composite_hash->{'~INCLUDE_MASK'} ) {
@{ $composite_info->{'CompositeIncludeUri'} } =
map { convert_php_str($_) } @{ $composite_hash->{'~INCLUDE_MASK'} };
# list excluded params
if ( defined $composite_hash->{'~EXCLUDE_PARAMS'} ) {
@{ $composite_info->{'CompositeExcludeParams'} } =
map { convert_php_str($_) } @{ $composite_hash->{'~EXCLUDE_PARAMS'} };
# memcached settings, only for memcached* storage
if ( ( defined $composite_hash->{'STORAGE'} )
&& ( $composite_hash->{'STORAGE'} =~ /^memcached/ ) )
$composite_info->{'CompositeMemcachedHost'} =
( $composite_hash->{'MEMCACHED_HOST'} )
? $composite_hash->{'MEMCACHED_HOST'}
: 'localhost';
$composite_info->{'CompositeMemcachedPort'} =
( $composite_hash->{'MEMCACHED_PORT'} )
? $composite_hash->{'MEMCACHED_PORT'}
: '11211';
# parse configuration file
return $composite_info;
# search crontab information
sub bx_cron_options {
my ( $self, $site_db, $site_type, $site_kernel ) = @_;
my $message_p = ( caller(0) )[3];
my $message_t = __PACKAGE__;
my $site_root = $self->site_dir;
my $site_cron_path = ( $site_type =~ /^link$/ ) ? $site_kernel : $site_root;
$site_cron_path =~ s:/$::;
my $logOutput = Output->new(
error => 0,
logfile => $self->logfile,
debug => $self->debug
my $cron_info = {
CronTask => 'disable',
CronFile => '',
CronService => {},
"$message_p: try defined cron options for kernel $site_db");
my $site_task_tool =
catfile( $site_cron_path, 'bitrix/modules/main/tools/cron_events.php' );
my $site_service_tool = "/opt/webdir/bin/";
my @cron_files = ('/etc/crontab');
if ( defined $site_db ) {
push @cron_files, catfile( "/etc/cron.d", 'bx_' . $site_db );
# try found cron task
foreach my $cron_file (@cron_files) {
$logOutput->log_data("$message_p: test $cron_file");
open( my $ch, '<', $cron_file ) or next;
while (<$ch>) {
next if (/^$/);
next if (/^#/);
if (m:$site_task_tool:) {
$cron_info->{'CronTask'} = 'enable';
$cron_info->{'CronFile'} = $cron_file;
"$message_p: found $site_task_tool in $cron_file");
# test service record
if (m:$site_service_tool\s+(smtpd|xmppd)\s+$site_root:) {
my $service = $1;
$cron_info->{'CronService'}->{$service} =
{ cron => $cron_file, util => $site_service_tool };
# test old service record, for default site
if ( ( $site_root =~ m:^/home/bitrix/www$: )
&& (m:/root/bitrix-env/ )
$cron_info->{'CronService'}->{'smtpd'} =
{ cron => $cron_file, util => '/root/bitrix-env/' };
if ( ( $site_root =~ m:^/home/bitrix/www$: )
&& (m:/root/bitrix-env/ )
$cron_info->{'CronService'}->{'xmppd'} =
{ cron => $cron_file, util => '/root/bitrix-env/' };
close $ch;
return $cron_info;
sub get_site_files_options {
my $self = shift;
my $message_p = ( caller(0) )[3];
my $message_t = __PACKAGE__;
my $site_dir = $self->site_dir;
my $logOutput = Output->new(
error => 0,
logfile => $self->logfile,
debug => $self->debug,
my $site_options = {
error => 0,
message => '',
DBHost => '',
DBLogin => '',
DBName => '',
DBPassword => '',
DBType => '',
DBConn => '',
DocumentRoot => $site_dir,
SiteInstall => '',
SiteStatus => '',
SphinxConnection => '',
SphinxIndexName => '',
module_cluster => 'not_installed',
module_scale => 'not_installed',
module_transformer => 'not_installed',
module_transformercontroller => 'not_installed',
NTLM_use_ntlm => 'N',
NTLM_bitrixvm_auth_support => 'N',
SiteKernelDir => '',
SiteKernelDB => '',
BackupCronFile => '',
BackupMinute => '',
BackupHour => '',
BackupDay => '',
BackupMonth => '',
BackupWeekDay => '',
BackupVersion => '',
BackupFolder => '',
CronTask => 'disable',
CronFile => '',
CronService => {},
CompositeStatus => 'disable',
CompositeStorage => '',
CompositeDomains => [],
CompositeExcludeUri => [],
CompositeIncludeUri => [],
CompositeExcludeParams => [],
CompositeMemcachedHost => '',
CompositeMemcachedPort => '',
### folder and config options
my $bx_install_options = $self->bx_install_options();
foreach my $install_k ( keys %$bx_install_options ) {
$site_options->{$install_k} = $bx_install_options->{$install_k};
if ( $bx_install_options->{'error'} ) {
$site_options->{'SiteStatus'} = 'error';
return $site_options;
#print Dumper($bx_install_options);
if ( $site_options->{'SiteStatus'} =~ /^finished$/ ) {
### sphinx options
my $bx_sphinx_options = $self->bx_sphinx_options(
$site_options->{'DBHost'}, $site_options->{'DBName'},
$site_options->{'DBLogin'}, $site_options->{'DBPassword'},
foreach my $sphinx_k ( keys %$bx_sphinx_options ) {
$site_options->{$sphinx_k} = $bx_sphinx_options->{$sphinx_k};
if ( $bx_sphinx_options->{'error'} ) {
$site_options->{'SiteStatus'} = 'error';
return $site_options;
#print Dumper($bx_sphinx_options);
### test if modules cluster and scale exists on the site
my $bx_modules_options = $self->bx_modules_options(
$site_options->{'DBHost'}, $site_options->{'DBName'},
$site_options->{'DBLogin'}, $site_options->{'DBPassword'},
#print Dumper($bx_modules_options);
foreach my $mod_k ( keys %$bx_modules_options ) {
$site_options->{$mod_k} = $bx_modules_options->{$mod_k};
if ( $bx_modules_options->{'error'} ) {
$site_options->{'SiteStatus'} = 'error';
#print Dumper($site_options);
#### NTLM options from DB
my $bx_ntlm_options = $self->bx_ntlm_options(
$site_options->{'DBHost'}, $site_options->{'DBName'},
$site_options->{'DBLogin'}, $site_options->{'DBPassword'},
foreach my $mod_n ( keys %$bx_ntlm_options ) {
$site_options->{$mod_n} = $bx_ntlm_options->{$mod_n};
if ( $site_options->{'SiteInstall'} !~ /^$/ ) {
##### Backup options
my $bx_backup_options =
$self->bx_backup_options( $site_options->{'DBName'}, );
foreach my $bak_k ( keys %$bx_backup_options ) {
$site_options->{$bak_k} = $bx_backup_options->{$bak_k};
##### Crontab options
my $bx_cron_options = $self->bx_cron_options(
foreach my $cron_k ( keys %$bx_cron_options ) {
$site_options->{$cron_k} = $bx_cron_options->{$cron_k};
##### Composite cache options
my $bx_composite_options = $self->bx_composite_options();
foreach my $comp_k ( keys %$bx_composite_options ) {
$site_options->{$comp_k} = $bx_composite_options->{$comp_k};
return $site_options;