Your IP :
package bxInventory;
# 1. fill out information about pool status
# 2. update/delete information for hosts groups and pool itself
use Moose;
use Moose::Exporter;
use File::Basename qw( dirname basename );
use File::Spec::Functions;
use Sys::Hostname;
use Data::Dumper;
use Output;
use JSON;
use YAML::XS qw(DumpFile LoadFile);
use SSHAuthUser;
use bxNetworkNode;
Moose::Exporter->setup_import_methods( as_is =>
[ 'get_from_yaml', 'generate_password', 'save_to_yaml', 'generate_tmp' ],
# ident short name host in config files
has 'status', is => 'ro', lazy => 1, builder => 'get_pool_status';
has 'ansible_dir', is => 'ro', default => '/etc/ansible';
has 'bitrix_dir', is => 'ro', default => '/opt/webdir';
has 'ansible_options', is => 'ro', lazy => 1, builder => 'get_ansible_options';
has 'bitrix_options', is => 'ro', lazy => 1, builder => 'get_bitrix_options';
has 'debug', is => 'ro', lazy => 1, default => 0;
has 'logfile', is => 'ro', default => '/opt/webdir/logs/config_pool.debug';
# possible pool statuses
our %POOL_STATUS = (
0 => "POOL_EXIST",
255 => "ERROR",
# status for ansible-roles file which defines client options
0 => 'EXIST',
1 => 'NOT_EXIST',
255 => 'ERROR',
# save temporary file in it
our $TMP_DIR = "/tmp";
our $CACHE_DIR = '/opt/webdir/tmp';
sub get_pool_status_types {
my $self = shift;
return \%POOL_STATUS;
sub get_ansible_options {
my $self = shift;
my $ansible_dir = $self->ansible_dir;
my $ansible_files = {
base => $ansible_dir,
main => catfile( $ansible_dir, "ansible.cfg" ),
hosts => catfile( $ansible_dir, "hosts" ),
sshkeys => catfile( $ansible_dir, ".ssh" ),
group_vars => catfile( $ansible_dir, "group_vars" ),
host_vars => catfile( $ansible_dir, "host_vars" ),
library => catfile( $ansible_dir, "library" ),
playbook => "/usr/bin/ansible-playbook",
ansible => "/usr/bin/ansible",
client_conf => catfile( $ansible_dir, "ansible-roles" ),
return $ansible_files;
# ansible client options
sub get_bitrix_options {
my $self = shift;
my $bitrix_dir = $self->bitrix_dir;
# default options for bitrix
my $bitrix_options = {
base => $bitrix_dir,
logs => catfile( $bitrix_dir, 'logs' ),
aHostsTemplate => catfile( $bitrix_dir, 'templates', 'ansible' ),
aHostsRoles => [ 'mgmt', 'mysql', 'web', 'memcached', 'sphinx', 'transformer' ],
aHostsDefaultRole => 'hosts',
aHostsPrefix => 'bitrix',
# create full group name, aka bitrix-mysql
foreach my $r ( @{ $bitrix_options->{'aHostsRoles'} } ) {
if ( not defined $bitrix_options->{'aHostsGroups'} ) {
$bitrix_options->{'aHostsGroups'}->[0] =
$bitrix_options->{'aHostsPrefix'} . '-' . $r;
else {
push @{ $bitrix_options->{'aHostsGroups'} },
$bitrix_options->{'aHostsPrefix'} . '-' . $r;
# create full host group name
$bitrix_options->{'aHostsDefaultGroup'} =
$bitrix_options->{'aHostsPrefix'} . '-'
. $bitrix_options->{'aHostsDefaultRole'};
return $bitrix_options;
# generate random number with defined length
sub generate_random {
my $self = shift;
my $len = shift;
if ( not defined $len ) { $len = 10 }
my @alphanum = ( 'A' .. 'Z', 'a' .. 'z', 0 .. 9 );
my $random =
join( '', map( $alphanum[ rand($#alphanum) ], ( 1 .. $len ) ) );
return $random;
sub generate_password {
my $password = '';
my @chars = (
"A" .. "Z",
"a" .. "z",
"1" .. "9",
'?', '!', '@', '&', '-', '_', '+', '@', '%', '(', ')', '{', '}',
'}', '[', ']', '=',
$password .= $chars[ rand @chars ] for 1 .. 15;
return $password;
sub generate_tmp {
my ( $prefix, $tmpdir ) = @_;
if ( not defined $tmpdir ) {
$tmpdir = $CACHE_DIR;
$prefix = "site" if ( not defined $prefix );
mkdir $tmpdir, 0700 if ( !-d $tmpdir );
my $tmp = File::Temp->new(
TEMPLATE => "." . $prefix . "XXXXXXXX",
UNLINK => 0,
DIR => $tmpdir,
chmod 0600, $tmp->filename;
return $tmp->filename;
# generate host id
sub generate_host_id {
my $self = shift;
my $tm = time;
my $random = $self->generate_random;
return $tm . "_" . $random;
# generate host password
sub generate_host_password {
my $self = shift;
my $host = shift;
return $host . "_" . $self->generate_random;
# pasre main config and found ssh key
sub ssh_key {
my $ansible_config = shift;
my $ssh_key_status = {
status => 1,
status_message => 'NOT_FOUND',
private => '',
public => '',
my $ah = undef;
unless ( open( $ah, '<', $ansible_config ) ) {
$ssh_key_status->{'status_message'} = "Cannot open $ansible_config: $!";
return { 'ssh_key' => $ssh_key_status };
while ( my $line = <$ah> ) {
chomp $line;
$line =~ s/^\s+//;
$line =~ s/\s+$//;
next if ( $line =~ /^#/ );
next if ( $line =~ /^$/ );
if ( $line =~ /^private_key_file\s*=\s*(\S+)/ ) {
$ssh_key_status->{'private'} = $1;
close $ah;
if ( $ssh_key_status->{'private'} =~ /^$/ ) {
$ssh_key_status->{'status_message'} =
"Not found private_key_file option in $ansible_config";
return $ssh_key_status;
$ssh_key_status->{'public'} = $ssh_key_status->{'private'} . '.pub';
foreach my $type ( 'public', 'private' ) {
if ( !-f $ssh_key_status->{$type} ) {
$ssh_key_status->{'status_message'} =
$type . " key doesn't exist" . $ssh_key_status->{$type};
return $ssh_key_status;
$ssh_key_status->{'status'} = 0;
$ssh_key_status->{'status_message'} = 'FOUND';
return $ssh_key_status;
# return ssh key
sub get_ssh_key {
my $self = shift;
my $message_p = ( caller(0) )[3];
my $message_t = 'Pool';
# get pool status
my $pool_status = $self->status;
if ( $pool_status->{'status'} ) {
return Output->new(
error => $pool_status->{'status'},
message => $pool_status->{'status_message'}
if ( $pool_status->{'ssh_key'}->{'status'} ) {
return Output->new(
error => 1,
message => "$message_p: "
. $pool_status->{'ssh_key'}->{'status_message'},
return Output->new(
error => 0,
data => [ 'sshkey', $pool_status->{'ssh_key'}->{'private'} ],
sub save_to_yaml {
my ( $options, $file ) = @_;
# workaround about numbers
foreach my $k ( keys %$options ) {
if ( $options->{$k} =~ /^\d+$/ ) {
$options->{$k} = $options->{$k} - 0;
#print Dumper($options);
my $message_p = ( caller(0) )[3];
if ( -f $file ) { unlink $file; }
my $yaml = undef;
eval { $yaml = DumpFile( $file, $options ); };
if ($@) {
return Output->new(
error => 1,
message => "$message_p: $@",
chmod 0640, $file;
return Output->new( error => 0, );
sub get_from_yaml {
my ($file) = @_;
my $message_p = ( caller(0) )[3];
if ( !-f $file ) {
return Output->new(
error => 1,
message => "$message_p: Not found $file",
my $yaml_options = undef;
eval { $yaml_options = LoadFile($file); };
if ($@) {
return Output->new(
error => 1,
message => "$message_p: $@",
return Output->new(
error => 0,
data => [ 'options', $yaml_options ],
# generate hostname
sub generate_inventory_hostname {
my $self = shift;
my $pool_status = $self->status;
my $base_name = "server";
my $base_id = 1;
my $inventory_hostname = undef;
until ($inventory_hostname) {
my $tested_name = $base_name . $base_id;
if ( grep !/^$tested_name$/, keys %{ $pool_status->{'params'} } ) {
$inventory_hostname = $tested_name;
else {
return $inventory_hostname;
# create hostname and othe options if it not defined by user
sub test_network_options {
my ( $self, $host_options ) = @_;
my $message_p = ( caller(0) )[3];
my $message_t = __PACKAGE__;
my $pool_status = $self->status;
( $host_options->{'netaddr'} || $host_options->{'inventory_hostname'} )
or return Output->new(
error => 1,
message => "$message_p: options must exist: hostname or netaddress",
my $ipv4_regexp = '^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$';
my $lo_regexp =
# localhost regexp
if ( defined $host_options->{'inventory_hostname'}
&& $host_options->{'inventory_hostname'} =~ /^$lo_regexp$/ )
return Output->new(
error => 1,
message => "$message_p: Could not use "
. $host_options->{'inventory_hostname'}
. " in inventory",
if ( defined $host_options->{'netaddr'}
&& $host_options->{'netaddr'} =~ /^$lo_regexp$/ )
return Output->new(
error => 1,
message => "$message_p: Could not use "
. $host_options->{'netaddr'}
. " in inventory",
# defined only one options: netaddr or inventory_hostname
# netaddr = test.bx
my $tested_ipaddress = undef;
my $tested_fqdn = undef;
if ( defined $host_options->{'netaddr'}
&& not defined $host_options->{'inventory_hostname'} )
if ( $host_options->{'netaddr'} =~ /$ipv4_regexp/ ) {
$tested_ipaddress = $host_options->{'netaddr'};
else {
$tested_fqdn = $host_options->{'netaddr'};
# hostname = only name, not ip address
elsif ( defined $host_options->{'inventory_hostname'}
&& not defined $host_options->{'netaddr'} )
if ( $host_options->{'inventory_hostname'} =~ /$ipv4_regexp/ ) {
$tested_ipaddress = $host_options->{'inventory_hostname'};
else {
$tested_fqdn = $host_options->{'inventory_hostname'};
# both options presend and them have the same values
else {
if ( $host_options->{'inventory_hostname'} =~
/^$host_options->{'netaddr'}$/ )
# fill like ip address
if ( $host_options->{'inventory_hostname'} =~ /$ipv4_regexp/ ) {
$tested_ipaddress = $host_options->{'inventory_hostname'};
else {
$tested_fqdn = $host_options->{'inventory_hostname'};
# create options for case if one of the options exists
# if ip address present in input args
if ( defined $tested_ipaddress && not defined $tested_fqdn ) {
my $bxNetwork = bxNetwork->new( netaddr => $tested_ipaddress );
my $inventory_hostname = $bxNetwork->ptr_lookup($tested_ipaddress);
# not found PTR record for ip address
if ( $inventory_hostname =~ /^$/ ) {
# create it
$inventory_hostname = $self->generate_inventory_hostname();
$host_options->{'inventory_hostname'} = $inventory_hostname;
$host_options->{'netaddr'} = $tested_ipaddress;
# if fqdn present in input args
elsif ( defined $tested_fqdn && not defined $tested_ipaddress ) {
my $bxNetwork = bxNetwork->new( netaddr => $tested_fqdn );
my $netaddr = $bxNetwork->a_lookup($tested_fqdn);
# not found A record for hostname
if ( $netaddr =~ /^$/ ) {
return Output->new(
error => 1,
message =>
"$message_p: not found ip address for inventory_hostname="
. $tested_fqdn,
$host_options->{'inventory_hostname'} = $tested_fqdn;
$host_options->{'netaddr'} = $netaddr;
# if both options present in input args and have different values
else {
# if netaddress doesn't contain ip address
if ( $host_options->{'netaddr'} !~ /$ipv4_regexp/ ) {
my $bxNetwork =
bxNetwork->new( netaddr => $host_options->{'netaddr'} );
my $netaddr = $bxNetwork->a_lookup( $host_options->{'netaddr'} );
if ( $netaddr =~ /^$/ ) {
return Output->new(
error => 1,
message => "$message_p: not found ip for net address="
. $host_options->{'netaddr'},
#$host_options->{'inventory_hostname'} = $host_options->{'netaddr'};
$host_options->{'netaddr'} = $netaddr;
return Output->new(
error => 0,
data => [ 'host', $host_options ],
# test input inventory_hostname and ip_address
# Note: test converted options!!!! netaddr is ipaddress (not fqdn name)
sub test_host_inpool {
my ( $self, $host_options ) = @_;
my $message_p = ( caller(0) )[3];
my $message_t = __PACKAGE__;
my $pool_status = $self->status;
( $host_options->{'netaddr'} && $host_options->{'inventory_hostname'} )
or return Output->new(
error => 1,
message => "$message_p: options must exist: hostname and netaddress",
my $pool = $self->status;
my $inventory_hostname = $host_options->{'inventory_hostname'};
my $netaddr = $host_options->{'netaddr'};
my $netaddr_regexp = $netaddr;
$netaddr_regexp =~ s|\.|\\.|;
# test if that name already exist in the pool
if ( grep /^$inventory_hostname$/, keys %{ $pool_status->{'params'} } ) {
return Output->new(
error => 1,
message => "$message_p: inventory hostname="
. $inventory_hostname
. " exist in the pool",
## test if that IP already exist in the pool
foreach my $ident ( keys %{ $pool_status->{'params'} } ) {
if ( $pool_status->{'params'}->{$ident}->{'ip'} =~ /^$netaddr_regexp$/ )
return Output->new(
error => 1,
message => "$message_p: inventory hostname="
. $ident
. " with ip="
. $netaddr
. " exist in the pool",
return Output->new( error => 0 );
# update simple config file by new value: riplace or add new
# key = value
# comment char #
sub update_config_file {
my ( $self, $config_file, $config_options ) = @_;
my $message_p = ( caller(0) )[3];
my $message_t = __PACKAGE__;
# create replace config_options with flag that indicates complete update for options or not
my $replace_options = {};
foreach my $k ( keys %$config_options ) {
$replace_options->{$k} = [ $config_options->{$k}, 0 ];
# create temporary file name
# ex. /tmp/253fd257sD_ansible.cfg
my $replace_random = $self->generate_random();
my $replace_config =
catfile( $TMP_DIR, $replace_random . '_' . basename($config_file) );
# start fill out replace_config file
open( my $ch, '<', $config_file )
or return Output->new(
error => 1,
message => "$message_p: Could not open $config_file: $!",
open( my $rh, '>', $replace_config )
or return Output->new(
error => 1,
message => "$message_p: Could not open $replace_config: $!",
# process config file and save updated keys in new one
while ( my $config_line = <$ch> ) {
chomp $config_line;
$config_line =~ s/^\s+//;
$config_line =~ s/\s+$//;
# found key = val
if ( $config_line =~ /^([^#\s]+)\s*=\s*(.+)$/ ) {
my $key = $1;
my $val = $2;
if ( grep /^$key$/, keys %$replace_options ) {
$replace_options->{$key}->[1] = 1;
$config_line = "$key = " . $replace_options->{$key}->[0];
print $rh $config_line, "\n";
close $ch;
# process replaced options, found that don't changed by pasring origin and add it to new one
foreach my $key ( keys %$replace_options ) {
if ( !$replace_options->{$key}->[1] ) {
print $rh "$key = " . $replace_options->{$key}->[0] . "\n";
$replace_options->{$key}->[1] = 1;
close $rh;
# replace old file by new version
unlink $config_file
or return Output->new(
error => 1,
message => "$message_p: Could not unlink $config_file: $!",
rename $replace_config,
or return Output->new(
error => 1,
message =>
"$message_p: Could not replace $config_file by $replace_config",
unlink $replace_config;
return Output->new(
error => 0,
message => "Update config $config_file",
data => [ 'updated', $config_file ],
# create config file by template
sub create_hosts_file {
my ( $self, $manager_options ) = @_;
my $message_p = ( caller(0) )[3];
my $message_t = __PACKAGE__;
my $hosts_file = $self->ansible_options->{'hosts'};
open( my $hh, '>', $hosts_file )
or Output->new(
error => 1,
message => "$message_p: Could not open $hosts_file: $1 ",
# create host string
# ex. server1 ansible_connection=local ansible_ssh_host=
my $host_str = $manager_options->{'inventory_hostname'};
foreach my $opt ( grep /^ansible_/, keys %$manager_options ) {
$host_str .= " $opt=" . $manager_options->{$opt};
# fill out group with host
my $default_group = $self->bitrix_options->{'aHostsDefaultGroup'};
my $roles = $self->bitrix_options->{'aHostsRoles'};
my $prefix = $self->bitrix_options->{'aHostsPrefix'};
# bitrix-hosts
print $hh qq|[$default_group]\n|;
print $hh qq|$host_str\n\n|;
# additional group
foreach my $role (@$roles) {
print $hh qq|[$prefix-$role]\n|;
if ( grep /^$role$/, @{ $manager_options->{'roles'} } ) {
print $hh qq|$host_str\n\n|;
else {
print $hh qq|\n|;
close $hh;
chmod 0640, $hosts_file;
return Output->new(
error => 0,
message => "$message_p: create $hosts_file"
# add hosts to hosts file
sub add_host_to_hosts {
my ( $self, $host_options ) = @_;
my $message_p = ( caller(0) )[3];
my $message_t = __PACKAGE__;
my $hosts_file = $self->ansible_options->{'hosts'};
my $default_group = $self->bitrix_options->{'aHostsDefaultGroup'};
my $prefix = $self->bitrix_options->{'aHostsPrefix'};
my $replace_random = $self->generate_random();
my $replace_hosts =
catfile( $TMP_DIR, $replace_random . '_' . basename($hosts_file) );
# start fill out replace_config file
open( my $hh, '<', $hosts_file )
or return Output->new(
error => 1,
message => "$message_p: Could not open $hosts_file: $!",
open( my $rh, '>', $replace_hosts )
or return Output->new(
error => 1,
message => "$message_p: Could not open $replace_hosts: $!",
# create host string for hosts file
my $host_str = $host_options->{'inventory_hostname'};
foreach my $opt ( grep /^ansible_/, keys %$host_options ) {
$host_str .= " $opt=" . $host_options->{$opt};
$host_str .= "\n";
my $specific_roles = keys %{ $host_options->{'roles'} };
while ( my $line = <$hh> ) {
print $rh $line;
# add inventory_hostname to bitrix-hosts group
if ( ( $line !~ /^#/ ) && ( $line =~ /\[$default_group\]/ ) ) {
print $rh $host_str;
# if user defined roles we can add host to specific group
if ( ($specific_roles)
&& ( $line !~ /^#/ )
&& ( $line =~ /\[${prefix}-(\S+)\]/ ) )
if ( grep /^$1$/, keys %{ $host_options->{'roles'} } ) {
print $rh $host_str;
close $rh;
close $hh;
unlink $hosts_file
or return Output->new(
error => 1,
message => "$message_p: Could not unlink $hosts_file: $!",
rename $replace_hosts,
or return Output->new(
error => 1,
message =>
"$message_p: Could not replace $hosts_file by $replace_hosts",
unlink $replace_hosts;
chmod 0640, $hosts_file;
return Output->new(
error => 0,
message => "Update hosts $hosts_file",
data => [ 'updated', $hosts_file ],
# create group_vars files
sub create_group_vars {
my ( $self, $manager_options ) = @_;
my $message_p = ( caller(0) )[3];
my $message_t = __PACKAGE__;
# create default configs
my $group_vars_dir = $self->ansible_options->{'group_vars'};
if ( !-d $group_vars_dir ) {
mkdir $group_vars_dir,
or return Output->new(
error => 1,
message =>
"$message_p: Could not create directory $group_vars_dir: $!"
my $password = '';
# present options which should be in configurations files
my %group_vars_options = (
'bitrix-mysql' => {
mysql_logs => '/var/log/mysql',
mysql_enable_logs => 1,
mysql_enable_slow => 3,
mysql_max_binlog_size => '100M',
mysql_expire_logs_days => 5,
mysql_configs => '/etc/mysql/conf.d',
master_server => $manager_options->{'inventory_hostname'},
master_server_netaddr => $manager_options->{'ansible_ssh_host'},
mysql_host => 'localhost',
mysql_port => '3306',
mysql_socket => '/var/lib/mysqld/mysqld.sock',
mysql_last_id => 1,
cluster_login => 'bx_clusteruser',
replica_login => 'bx_repluser',
super_login => 'bx_super',
mysql_login => 'root',
mysql_password => $password,
'bitrix-hosts' => {
iface => '{{ ansible_default_ipv4.interface }}',
ifaddr => '{{ ansible_default_ipv4.address }}',
monitoring_status => 'disable',
monitoring_server_netaddr => $manager_options->{'ansible_ssh_host'},
monitoring_server => $manager_options->{'inventory_hostname'},
cluster_web_configure => 'disable',
cluster_web_server => $manager_options->{'inventory_hostname'},
cluster_web_netaddr => $manager_options->{'ansible_ssh_host'},
iptables_configure => 'enable',
'bitrix-web' => {
cluster_mysql_configure => 'disable',
web_mysql_login => 'root',
web_mysql_password => $password,
web_mysql_server => 'localhost',
web_mysql_port => 3306,
web_mysql_socket => '/var/lib/mysqld/mysqld.sock',
cluster_web_configure => 'disable',
cluster_web_server => $manager_options->{'inventory_hostname'},
cluster_web_netaddr => $manager_options->{'ansible_ssh_host'},
# prcess manager roles and create files with default settings
foreach my $role ( @{ $manager_options->{'roles'} } ) {
if ( grep /^bitrix-$role$/, keys %group_vars_options ) {
my $config = 'bitrix-' . $role . ".yml";
my $file = catfile( $group_vars_dir, $config );
my $save_to_yaml =
save_to_yaml( $group_vars_options{$config}, $file );
if ( $save_to_yaml->is_error ) { return $save_to_yaml; }
return Output->new(
error => 0,
message => "Created files: "
. join( ', ', keys %group_vars_options ) . ' in '
. $group_vars_dir,
# create host_vars file with inventory_hostname
sub create_host_vars {
my ( $self, $host_options ) = @_;
my $message_p = ( caller(0) )[3];
my $message_t = __PACKAGE__;
# create default configs
my $host_vars_dir = $self->ansible_options->{'host_vars'};
if ( !-d $host_vars_dir ) {
mkdir $host_vars_dir,
or return Output->new(
error => 1,
message =>
"$message_p: Could not create directory $host_vars_dir: $!"
# present options which should be in configurations files
my $host_vars_options = {
host_id => $host_options->{'host_id'},
host_pass => $host_options->{'host_pass'},
bx_hostname => $host_options->{'inventory_hostname'},
bx_netaddr => $host_options->{'ansible_ssh_host'},
bx_netname => $host_options->{'netname'},
ifaddr => $host_options->{'ansible_ssh_host'},
if ( defined $host_options->{'interface'} ) {
$host_vars_options->{'iface'} = $host_options->{'interface'};
if ( grep /^mysql$/, @{ $host_options->{'roles'} } ) {
$host_vars_options->{'mysql_replication_role'} = 'master';
$host_vars_options->{'mysql_serverid'} = 1;
my $file = catfile( $host_vars_dir, $host_options->{'inventory_hostname'} );
my $save_to_yaml = save_to_yaml( $host_vars_options, $file );
if ( $save_to_yaml->is_error ) { return $save_to_yaml; }
return Output->new(
error => 0,
message => "Created $file with host settings",
# parse config file /etc/ansible/hosts
sub parse_hosts_file {
my $hosts_file = shift;
my $bitrix_options = shift;
my $message_p = ( caller(0) )[3];
my $message_t = __PACKAGE__;
my $default_status = 2; # pool configuration does not exist
my $pool_status = {
status => $default_status,
status_name => $POOL_STATUS{$default_status},
status_message => '',
params => {},
# test file
if ( !-f $hosts_file ) {
$pool_status->{'status_message'} =
'Not found records in ansible config ' . $hosts_file;
return $pool_status;
# test data in the file
my $hh = undef;
unless ( open( $hh, '<', $hosts_file ) ) {
$pool_status->{'status_message'} =
"$message_p: Could not open $hosts_file: $!";
$pool_status->{'status'} = 255;
$pool_status->{'status_name'} = $POOL_STATUS{255};
return $pool_status;
# parse config file hosts
my $group_name = "";
my $role_name = "";
my $is_bitrix_group = 0;
my @bitrix_groups = (
@{ $bitrix_options->{'aHostsGroups'} },
while ( my $line = <$hh> ) {
chomp $line;
$line =~ s/^\s+//;
$line =~ s/\s+$//;
next if ( $line =~ /^$/ );
next if ( $line =~ /^#/ );
# section found
# ex. [bitrix-hosts] or [test-group]
if ( $line =~ /^\[([^\]]+)\]/ ) {
$group_name = $1;
if ( grep /^$group_name$/, @bitrix_groups ) {
$is_bitrix_group = 1;
$role_name = $group_name;
$role_name =~ s/^$bitrix_options->{'aHostsPrefix'}\-//;
else {
$is_bitrix_group = 0;
# found definition for host instance
# exclude chars: [,] and space:
# ex. server1 ansible_connection=local ansible_ssh_host=server1.bx ansible_ssh_port=2202 ...
# or (not used in our configuration, don't care)
# ex. server1
if ( $is_bitrix_group && ( $line =~ /^([^\]\[\s]+)\s+(.+)$/ ) ) {
my $inv_server = $1; # aka server1
my @inv_server_opts =
split( /\s+/, $2 ); # aka ansible_ssh_host=server1.bx ...
# hosts group
# get connection and other options from config file for server
if ( $group_name =~ /^$bitrix_options->{'aHostsDefaultGroup'}$/ ) {
my %inv_server_opts;
# process server options
foreach my $opt (@inv_server_opts) {
my ( $inv_var, $inv_val ) = split( '=', $opt );
# delete quotes
$inv_var =~ s/^["']//;
$inv_var =~ s/["']$//;
$inv_val =~ s/^["']//;
$inv_val =~ s/["']$//;
# delete ansible prefix
$inv_var =~ s/^ansible_//;
$inv_server_opts{$inv_var} = $inv_val;
# for compatibility
# ip address in output
if ( defined $inv_server_opts{'ssh_host'} ) {
$inv_server_opts{'ip'} = $inv_server_opts{'ssh_host'};
# connection type in the output
if ( not defined $inv_server_opts{'connection'} ) {
$inv_server_opts{'connection'} = 'ssh';
$inv_server_opts{'inventory_hostname'} = $inv_server;
$pool_status->{'params'}->{$inv_server} = \%inv_server_opts;
# roles group
else {
= {};
close $hh;
# servers count in inventory config
my $server_count = keys %{ $pool_status->{'params'} };
if ($server_count) {
$pool_status->{'status'} = 0;
$pool_status->{'status_name'} = $POOL_STATUS{0};
$pool_status->{'status_message'} =
"Found bitrix-hosts records in " . $hosts_file;
else {
$pool_status->{'status_message'} =
'Not found records in ansible config ' . $hosts_file;
return $pool_status;
# parse host file, and update inventory information about host
sub parse_host_vars {
my ( $host_file, $host_info ) = @_;
my $message_p = ( caller(0) )[3];
my $message_t = __PACKAGE__;
if ( !-f $host_file ) { return $host_info; }
$host_info->{'config_file'} = $host_file;
# parse yml config file
my $get_from_yaml = get_from_yaml($host_file);
if ( $get_from_yaml->is_error ) {
$host_info->{'error'} = $get_from_yaml->message;
# get options from first document
my $co = $get_from_yaml->data->[1];
# get host_id for host
if ( defined $co->{'host_id'} ) {
$host_info->{'host_id'} = $co->{'host_id'};
# mysql options
if ( defined $host_info->{'roles'}->{'mysql'} ) {
$host_info->{'roles'}->{'mysql'}->{'type'} =
( $co->{'mysql_replication_role'} )
? $co->{'mysql_replication_role'}
: 'slave';
$host_info->{'roles'}->{'mysql'}->{'id'} =
( $co->{'mysql_serverid'} ) ? $co->{'mysql_serverid'} : 1;
# memcached options
if ( defined $host_info->{'roles'}->{'memcached'} ) {
$host_info->{'roles'}->{'memcached'}->{'memcached_port'} =
( $co->{'memcached_port'} ) ? $co->{'memcached_port'} : 11211;
$host_info->{'roles'}->{'memcached'}->{'memcached_size'} =
( $co->{'memcached_size'} ) ? $co->{'memcached_size'} : 64;
# searchd (sphinx options)
if ( defined $host_info->{'roles'}->{'sphinx'} ) {
$host_info->{'roles'}->{'sphinx'}->{'sphinx_general_listen'} =
( $co->{'sphinx_general_listen'} )
? $co->{'sphinx_general_listen'}
: 9312;
$host_info->{'roles'}->{'sphinx'}->{'sphinx_mysqlproto_listen'} =
( $co->{'sphinx_mysqlproto_listen'} )
? $co->{'sphinx_mysqlproto_listen'}
: 9306;
# transformer
if ( defined $host_info->{roles}->{transformer} ){
$host_info->{roles}->{transformer} = {
transformer_site => ( $co->{transformer_site} ) ? $co->{transformer_site} : '',
transformer_dir => ( $co->{transformer_dir} ) ? $co->{transformer_dir} : ''
return $host_info;
# parse local client file
# /etc/ansible/ansible-roles
sub parse_local {
my $local_file = shift;
my $message_p = ( caller(0) )[3];
my $local_options = {
status => 1,
status_name => $CLIENT_STATUS{1},
if ( !-f $local_file ) { return $local_options }
my $lh = undef;
unless ( open( $lh, '<', $local_file ) ) {
$local_options->{'status'} = 255;
$local_options->{'status_name'} = $CLIENT_STATUS{255};
$local_options->{'status_message'} =
"$message_p: Could not open $local_file: $!";
return $local_options;
while ( my $line = <$lh> ) {
chomp $line;
$line =~ s/^\s+//;
$line =~ s/\s+$//;
next if ( $line =~ /^#/ );
next if ( $line =~ /^$/ );
if ( $line =~ /^([^=\s]+)\s*=\s*(.+)$/ ) {
my $o_key = $1;
my $o_val = $2;
if ( $o_key =~ /^groups$/ ) {
my @o_val = split( /\s+/, $o_val );
$local_options->{$o_key} = \@o_val;
else {
$local_options->{$o_key} = $o_val;
close $lh;
my $options_count = grep !/^status$/, keys %$local_options;
if ($options_count) { $local_options->{'status'} = 0; }
return $local_options;
# parse group_vars config file
sub parse_group_vars {
my ( $group_file, $group_info ) = @_;
my $message_p = ( caller(0) )[3];
my $message_t = __PACKAGE__;
if ( !-f $group_file ) { return $group_info; }
$group_info->{'config_file'} = $group_file;
# parse yml config file
my $yaml_parser = undef;
eval { $yaml_parser = YAML::Tiny->read("$group_info"); };
if ($@) {
$group_info->{'error'} = "$message_p: $@";
return $group_info;
# get options from first document
my $co = $yaml_parser->[0];
foreach my $k ( keys %$co ) {
$group_info->{$k} = $co->{$k};
return $group_info;
# create ssh key
# save it to ssh_dir
# save public key to /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
sub create_ssh_key {
my ( $self, $ssh_dir, $inventory_hostname ) = @_;
$inventory_hostname = Pool::esc_chars($inventory_hostname);
my $message_p = ( caller(0) )[3];
my $message_t = __PACKAGE__;
my $logOutput = Output->new(
error => 0,
logfile => $self->logfile,
debug => $self->debug
$logOutput->log_data("$message_p: create ssh key for $inventory_hostname");
# create ssh directory
if ( !-d $ssh_dir ) {
$logOutput->log_data("$message_p: create ssh_dir=$ssh_dir");
mkdir $ssh_dir,
or return Output->new(
error => 1,
message => "$message_p: Could not create $ssh_dir"
# create ssh files
my $random_part = $self->generate_random;
my $sshkey_sec = catfile( $ssh_dir, "$random_part.bxkey" );
my $sshkey_pub = catfile( $ssh_dir, "$" );
unlink $sshkey_sec if ( -f $sshkey_sec );
unlink $sshkey_pub if ( -f $sshkey_pub );
my $sshkey_cmd =
qq|ssh-keygen -t rsa -N "" -f $sshkey_sec -C 'ANSIBLE_KEY_$inventory_hostname' >/dev/null 2>&1|;
system($sshkey_cmd) == 0
or return Output->new(
error => 1,
message => "$message_p: Could not create $sshkey_sec: $?",
$logOutput->log_data( "$message_p: create ssh_private=" . $sshkey_sec );
# read public key
open( my $sh, '<', $sshkey_pub )
or return Output->new(
error => 1,
message => "$message_p: Cannor read $sshkey_pub: $!",
my $sshkey_pub_str = <$sh>;
close $sh;
# save public key in /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
my $sshkey_dir = '/root/.ssh';
my $sshkey_auth = catfile( $sshkey_dir, 'authorized_keys' );
if ( !-d $sshkey_dir ) {
mkdir $sshkey_dir,
or return Output->new(
error => 1,
message => "$message_p: Could not create $sshkey_dir: $?",
open( my $ah, '>>', $sshkey_auth )
or return Output->new(
error => 1,
message => "$message_p: Could not open $sshkey_auth: $!",
print $ah $sshkey_pub_str;
close $ah;
"$message_p: save ssh_public=" . $sshkey_sec . " to $sshkey_auth" );
return Output->new(
error => 0,
data => [ 'sshkey', $sshkey_sec, $sshkey_pub ],
# get invetory information for pool
sub get_pool_status {
my $self = shift;
my $ansible_options = $self->ansible_options;
my $bitrix_options = $self->bitrix_options;
# /main inventory file: /etc/ansible/hosts
my $hosts_file = $ansible_options->{'hosts'};
# get list of hosts and its roles
my $pool_status = parse_hosts_file( $hosts_file, $bitrix_options );
if ( $pool_status->{'status'} ) { return $pool_status; } # error
# get ssh key
my $ansible_config = $ansible_options->{'main'};
my $ssh_key = ssh_key($ansible_config);
$pool_status->{'ssh_key'} = $ssh_key;
if ( $ssh_key->{'status'} ) {
$pool_status->{'status'} = 3;
$pool_status->{'status_name'} = $POOL_STATUS{3};
$pool_status->{'status_message'} = $ssh_key->{'status_message'};
# get roles informations from personal host files
foreach my $srv ( keys %{ $pool_status->{'params'} } ) {
my $host_file = catfile( $ansible_options->{'host_vars'}, $srv );
$pool_status->{'params'}->{$srv} =
parse_host_vars( $host_file, $pool_status->{'params'}->{$srv}, );
return $pool_status;
# create new pool with default ansible configuration:
# create ssh-key and groups definition in config file
# { inventory_hostname => <ident>,
# interface => <ident>,
# roles => [mgmt, mysql, web]
# }
sub create_pool {
my ( $self, $host_options ) = @_;
my $message_p = ( caller(0) )[3];
my $message_t = __PACKAGE__;
my $logOutput = Output->new(
error => 0,
logfile => $self->logfile,
debug => $self->debug
$logOutput->log_data("$message_p: start process creation of pool");
my $ansible_options = $self->ansible_options;
my $local_file = $ansible_options->{'client_conf'};
my $pool_status = $self->status;
# get client information, in pool or not
my $local_options = parse_local($local_file);
# test pool status => some error occure
if ( $pool_status->{'status'} == 255 ) {
return Output->new(
error => 1,
message => "$message_p: " . $pool_status->{'status_message'},
# default variables for manager host
if ( not defined $host_options->{'inventory_hostname'} ) {
$host_options->{'inventory_hostname'} = hostname;
if ( not defined $host_options->{'interface'} ) {
$host_options->{'interface'} = 'any';
if ( not defined $host_options->{'roles'} ) {
$host_options->{'roles'} = [ 'mgmt', 'mysql', 'web', 'hosts' ];
# system error: open file or smth else
if ( $local_options->{'status'} == 255 ) {
return Output->new(
error => 1,
message => $local_options->{'status_message'},
# found client information, test it is client or manager
if ( ( $local_options->{'status'} == 0 )
&& ( defined $local_options->{'groups'} ) )
if ( !( grep /^bitrix-mgmt$/, @{ $local_options->{'groups'} } ) ) {
return Output->new(
error => 1,
message => "$message_p: inventory_hostname="
. $host_options->{'inventory_hostname'}
. " is configured as a client; master_server="
. $local_options->{'master'},
# test host options and create additional
my $net = bxNetworkNode->new(
manager_hostname => $host_options->{'inventory_hostname'},
manager_interface => $host_options->{'interface'},
debug => $self->debug,
logfile => $self->logfile,
my $net_options = $net->create_network_options();
if ( $net_options->is_error ) { return $net_options; }
my $host_network = $net_options->get_data->[1];
# update and create some variables
$host_options->{'inventory_hostname'} = $host_network->{'ident'};
$host_options->{'interface'} = $host_network->{'interface'};
$host_options->{'netaddr'} = $host_network->{'netaddr'};
$host_options->{'netname'} = $host_network->{'fqdn'};
# main interface replacement for situation with subinterfaces
$host_options->{'main_interface'} = $host_options->{'interface'};
$host_options->{'main_interface'} =~ s/^([^:]+):.+$/$1/;
# create host_id and host_pass
$host_options->{'host_id'} = $self->generate_host_id;
$host_options->{'host_pass'} =
$self->generate_host_password( $host_network->{'ident'} );
# ansible inventory variables
$host_options->{'ansible_connection'} = 'local';
$host_options->{'ansible_ssh_host'} = $host_network->{'netaddr'};
"$message_p: manager options are inventory_hostname="
. $host_options->{'inventory_hostname'}
. " interface="
. $host_options->{'interface'}
. " netaddr="
. $host_options->{'netaddr'} );
###### start creation process for server
## 1. create ssh key
my $ssh_dir = $ansible_options->{'sshkeys'};
my $ssh_key =
$self->create_ssh_key( $ssh_dir, $host_options->{'inventory_hostname'} );
if ( $ssh_key->is_error ) { return $ssh_key; }
my $sshkey_sec = $ssh_key->get_data->[1];
my $sshkey_pub = $ssh_key->get_data->[2];
## 2. replace ssh private key in the ansible configuration /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg
my $ansible_main_config = $ansible_options->{'main'};
my $new_options = {
private_key_file => $sshkey_sec,
display_skipped_hosts => 'True',
my $update_main_config =
$self->update_config_file( $ansible_main_config, $new_options );
if ( $update_main_config->is_error ) { return $update_main_config; }
## 3. create inventory hosts file: /etc/ansible/hosts
my $create_hosts_file = $self->create_hosts_file($host_options);
if ( $create_hosts_file->is_error ) { return $create_hosts_file; }
## 4. create inventory group file: /etc/ansible/group_vars/bitrix-*
my $create_group_vars = $self->create_group_vars($host_options);
if ( $create_group_vars->is_error ) { return $create_group_vars; }
## 5. create inventory host file: /etc/ansible/host_vars/$inventory_hostname
my $create_host_vars = $self->create_host_vars($host_options);
if ( $create_host_vars->is_error ) { return $create_host_vars; }
## 6. start common playbook which configure host settings: hostname, clock and etc.
my $cmd_playbook = $ansible_options->{'playbook'};
my $etc_playbook = catfile( $ansible_options->{'base'}, 'common.yml' );
my $bxDaemon = bxDaemon->new(
task_cmd => qq($cmd_playbook $etc_playbook),
debug => $self->debug,
logfile => $self->logfile,
my $startProcess = $bxDaemon->startProcess('common');
## 7. create nice looking information about steps:
my $output_message = "Create manager configuration: ";
$output_message .=
" inventory_hostname=" . $host_options->{'inventory_hostname'};
$output_message .= " interface=" . $host_options->{'interface'};
$output_message .=
" netaddress=" . $host_options->{'ansible_ssh_host'} . "\\n";
$output_message .= " - created ssh provate key $sshkey_sec\\n";
$output_message .= " - created ansible inventory hosts "
. $ansible_options->{'hosts'} . "\\n";
$output_message .=
" - updated ansible config " . $ansible_options->{'main'} . "\\n";
$output_message .= "All operations are complete\\n";
return Output->new(
error => 0,
message => $output_message,
data => [ 'sshkey', "$sshkey_sec" ],
# add host to inventory
# save ssh key for root user on the host
# create default host configuration (inventory files)
sub add_host_to_inventory {
my ( $self, $host_options ) = @_;
my $message_p = ( caller(0) )[3];
my $message_t = __PACKAGE__;
my $pool_status = $self->status;
if ( $pool_status->{'status'} ) {
return Output->new(
error => $pool_status->{'status'},
message => $pool_status->{'status_message'},
## 1. create options if it is not defined, or defined incorrectly
my $test_network_options = $self->test_network_options($host_options);
if ( $test_network_options->is_error ) { return $test_network_options; }
$host_options = $test_network_options->data->[1];
## 2. test input options
# 1. localhost and in hostname and address
# 2. pool doesn't contain address and hostname
my $test_host_inpool = $self->test_host_inpool($host_options);
if ( $test_host_inpool->is_error ) { return $test_host_inpool; }
# 3. create additional host options
$host_options->{'host_id'} = $self->generate_host_id;
$host_options->{'host_pass'} =
$self->generate_host_password( $host_options->{'inventory_hostname'} );
$host_options->{'ansible_ssh_host'} = $host_options->{'netaddr'};
$host_options->{'netname'} = $host_options->{'inventory_hostname'};
$host_options->{'roles'} = {};
## 4. copy ssh key to host
if ( defined $host_options->{'root_password'} ) {
my $sshkey_sec = $pool_status->{'ssh_key'}->{'private'};
my $SSHAuthUser = SSHAuthUser->new(
sship => $host_options->{'netaddr'},
sshkey => $sshkey_sec,
oldpass => $host_options->{'root_password'},
my $copy_ssh_key = $SSHAuthUser->copy_ssh_key();
if ( $copy_ssh_key->is_error ) { return $SSHAuthUser; }
delete $host_options->{'root_password'};
## 5. fill out all options for host
my $add_host_to_hosts = $self->add_host_to_hosts($host_options);
if ( $add_host_to_hosts->is_error ) { return $add_host_to_hosts; }
## 6. create inventory host file: /etc/ansible/host_vars/$inventory_hostname
my $create_host_vars = $self->create_host_vars($host_options);
if ( $create_host_vars->is_error ) { return $create_host_vars; }
return Output->new(
error => 0,
message => "$message_p: create new host in inventory",
# get inventory information
# can be filtered by host option
sub get_inventory_info {
my ( $self, $filters ) = @_;
my $message_p = ( caller(0) )[3];
my $message_t = 'Pool';
# simple filters,
# ex.
# inventory_hostname => server1
# ssh_host =>
# special option:
# condition => OR|AND|NOT (default AND)
if ( not defined $filters ) {
$filters = {};
# get pool status
my $pool_status = $self->status;
if ( $pool_status->{'status'} ) {
return Output->new(
error => $pool_status->{'status'},
message => $pool_status->{'status_message'}
# filter output
my $filters_count = grep !/^condition$/, keys %$filters;
my $pool_filtered = undef;
if ($filters_count) {
my $filter_switcher =
( $filters->{'condition'} ) ? $filters->{'condition'} : 'AND';
my $filter_hosts = 0;
# process host, test it by filter
foreach my $hi ( keys %{ $pool_status->{'params'} } ) {
my $filter_match = 0;
my $host_info = $pool_status->{'params'}->{$hi};
foreach my $fk ( grep !/^condition$/, keys %$filters ) {
# plain text filters
if ( $fk !~ /^roles$/ ) {
if ( $host_info->{$fk} =~ /^($filters->{$fk})$/ ) {
# filters by role, can contain list of roles
else {
if (
grep /^($filters->{$fk})$/,
keys %{ $host_info->{'roles'} }
# all fileters must match for host
if ( ( $filter_switcher =~ /^AND$/ )
&& ( $filter_match == $filters_count ) )
$pool_filtered->{$hi} = $host_info;
# any filter must match for host
if ( ( $filter_switcher =~ /^OR$/ ) && ( $filter_match > 0 ) ) {
$pool_filtered->{$hi} = $host_info;
# no one filter must mutch
if ( ( $filter_switcher =~ /^NOT$/ ) && ( $filter_match == 0 ) ) {
$pool_filtered->{$hi} = $host_info;
if ( !$filter_hosts ) {
my $filter_text = "";
foreach my $fk ( grep !/^condition$/, keys %$filters ) {
$filter_text .= "$fk=" . $filters->{$fk} . " ";
$filter_text .= "condition=$filter_switcher";
return Output->new(
error => 3,
message => "Not found hosts with requested filter $filter_text",
else {
$pool_filtered = $pool_status->{'params'};
return Output->new(
error => 0,
data => [ 'hosts', $pool_filtered, ],
# testing current cluster configuration:
# if usage mysql cluster => exit
# else => run ansible updater for php and mysql by remi rpms
sub update_php {
my ( $self, $type, $inventory_host ) = @_;
my $message_p = ( caller(0) )[3];
my $message_t = __PACKAGE__;
if ( not defined $type ) {
$type = "bx_php_upgrade";
my $debug = $self->debug;
my $logOutput = Output->new( error => 0, logfile => $self->logfile );
my $pool_status = $self->get_pool_status();
#print Dumper($pool_status);
# 1. testing that not mysql cluster is not configured
my $pool_servers = $pool_status->{'params'};
my $mysql_count = 0;
my @mysql_servers;
foreach my $srv ( keys %$pool_servers ) {
if ( defined $pool_servers->{$srv}->{'roles'}->{'mysql'} ) {
push @mysql_servers, $srv;
if ( ( $type eq "bx_php_upgrade" ) && ( $mysql_count > 1 ) ) {
# phrase_bxInventory_1
return Output->new(
error => 1,
message => "Found multiple MySQL servers: "
. join( ',', @mysql_servers )
. ". Automatic update of the cluster configuration is disabled."
# 2. start ansible process of updating mysql and php
my $ansible_options = $self->ansible_options;
my $cmd_playbook = $ansible_options->{'playbook'};
my ( $opts, $startProcess, $etc_playbook, $type_playbook );
if ( $type =~ /^(bx_php_upgrade|bx_php_upgrade_php56)$/ ) {
$etc_playbook =
( $type eq "bx_php_upgrade_php56" )
? catfile( $ansible_options->{'base'}, 'upgrade_php.yml' )
: catfile( $ansible_options->{'base'}, 'upgrade_mysql_php.yml' );
elsif ( $type =~ /^(bx_php_upgrade_php7|bx_php_rollback_php7)$/ ) {
$etc_playbook = catfile( $ansible_options->{'base'}, 'web.yml' );
$opts =
( $type eq 'bx_php_upgrade_php7' )
? { manage_web => "upgrade_php", to_php_version => 70 }
: { manage_web => "downgrade_php", to_php_version => 56 };
elsif ( $type =~ /^bx_php_upgrade_php(70|71|72|73|74|80)$/ ) {
my $version = $1;
$etc_playbook = catfile( $ansible_options->{'base'}, 'web.yml' );
$opts = { manage_web => "upgrade_php", to_php_version => $version };
elsif ( $type =~ /^bx_php_rollback_php(70|71|72|73|74)$/ ) {
my $version = $1;
$etc_playbook = catfile( $ansible_options->{'base'}, 'web.yml' );
$opts = { manage_web => "downgrade_php", to_php_version => $version };
if ( defined $inventory_host ) {
$opts->{updated_hostname} = $inventory_host;
my $bxDaemon = bxDaemon->new(
task_cmd => qq($cmd_playbook $etc_playbook),
debug => $self->debug,
logfile => $self->logfile,
if ( not defined $opts ) {
$startProcess = $bxDaemon->startProcess($type);
else {
$startProcess = $bxDaemon->startAnsibleProcess( $type, $opts );
return $startProcess;
sub update_mysql {
my ( $self, $type, $inventory_host ) = @_;
my $message_p = ( caller(0) )[3];
my $message_t = __PACKAGE__;
if ( not defined $type ) {
$type = "bx_upgrade_mysql";
my $debug = $self->debug;
my $logOutput = Output->new( error => 0, logfile => $self->logfile );
my $pool_status = $self->get_pool_status();
#print Dumper($pool_status);
# 2. start ansible process of updating mysql and php
my $ansible_options = $self->ansible_options;
my $cmd_playbook = $ansible_options->{'playbook'};
my ( $opts, $startProcess, $etc_playbook, $type_playbook );
$etc_playbook = catfile( $ansible_options->{'base'}, 'mysql.yml' );
if ( $type eq "bx_upgrade_mysql57" ) {
$opts = { mysql_manage => "upgrade_mysql57" };
elsif ( $type eq "bx_upgrade_mysql80" ) {
$opts = { mysql_manage => "upgrade_mysql80" };
if ( defined $inventory_host ) {
$opts->{updated_hostname} = $inventory_host;
my $bxDaemon = bxDaemon->new(
task_cmd => qq($cmd_playbook $etc_playbook),
debug => $self->debug,
logfile => $self->logfile,
if ( not defined $opts ) {
$startProcess = $bxDaemon->startProcess($type);
else {
$startProcess = $bxDaemon->startAnsibleProcess( $type, $opts );
return $startProcess;