Your IP :
This is an addendum to README.TESTING with additional information
specific to server-tests.php.
server-tests.php is backward compatible with tests developed for
the original run-tests.php script. server-tests is *not* used by
'make test'. server-tests was developed to provide support for
testing PHP under it's primary environment, HTTP, and can run the
PHP tests under any of the SAPI modules that are direct executables,
or are accessible via HTTP.
[New features]
* Command line interface:
You can run 'php server-tests.php -h' to get all the possible options.
* Configuration file:
the -c argument will allow you to use a configuration file. This is
handy if you are testing multiple environments and need various options
depending on the environment.
see server-tests-config.php for details.
* CGI Emulation:
Will emulate a CGI environment when testing with the cgi sapi executable.
* HTTP testing:
can be configured to run test scripts through an HTTP server running
on localhost. localhost is required since either the web server must
alias a directory to the php source directory, or the test scripts
must be copied to a directory under the web server
(see config options TEST_WEB_BASE_URL, TEST_BASE_PATH, and TEST_WEB_EXT)
* New sections supported for test files (see below)
When running tests over http, tests that require ini settings different that what
the web server runs under will be skipped. Since the test harness defines a number
of ini settings by default, the web server may require special configuration to
make testing work.
[Example Usage]
Some (but not all!) examples of usage:
1. run tests from the php source directory
php server-tests.php -p /path/to/php-cli
2. run tests using cgi emulation
php server-tests.php -p /path/to/php-cgi
3. run tests over http, copying test files into document root
php server-tests.php -w -u http://localhost/test -m /path/to/htdocs/test
4. run tests over http, php sources have been aliased in web server
php server-tests.php -w -u http://localhost/test
5. run tests using configuration file
php server-tests.php -c /path/to/server-tests-config.php
6. run tests using configuration file, but overriding some settings:
(config file must be first)
php server-tests.php -c /path/to/server-tests-config.php -w -t 3 -d /path/to/testdir
NOTE: configuration as described in README.TESTING still works.
[New Test Sections]
In addition to the traditional test sections
(see, several new sections are available
under server-tests.
This is not a new section, but not multipart posts are supported for testing
file uploads, or other types of POST data.
This section takes no value. It merely provides a simple marker for tests
that MUST be run as CGI, even if there is no --POST-- or --GET-- sections
in the test file.
Not used for anything, just a section for documenting the test
This section get's eval()'d to help build an environment for the
execution of the test. This can be used to change environment
vars that are used for CGI emulation, or simply to set env vars
for cli testing. A full example looks like:
return <<<END
Some variables are made easily available for use in this section, they
$filename full native path to file, will become PATH_TRANSLATED
$filepath =dirname($filename)
$scriptname this is what will become SCRIPT_NAME unless you override it
$docroot the equivalent of DOCUMENT_ROOT under Apache
$cwd the directory that the test is being initiated from
$this->conf all server-tests configuration vars
$this->env all environment variables that will get passed to the test
This section is also eval'd, and is similar in nature to --ENV--. However,
this section is used to build the url used in an HTTP request. Valid values
to set in this section would include:
SCRIPT_NAME The initial part of the request url
PATH_INFO The pathinfo part of a request url
FRAGMENT The fragment section of a url (after #)
QUERY_STRING The query part of a url (after ?)
return <<<END
This section is also eval'd. It is used to provide additional headers sent
in an HTTP request, such as content type for multipart posts, cookies, etc.
return <<<END
Content-Type=multipart/form-data; boundary=---------------------------240723202011929
This section can be used to define what headers are required to be
received back from a request, and is checked in addition to the
regular expect sections. For example:
Status: 404