Your IP :
;(function() {
"use strict";
var isArray = BX.Landing.Utils.isArray;
* Implements base interface for works with media services
* @param {string} url
* @param {object} [settings]
* @property {RegExp} matcher - Service URl matcher. Should be implements in child
* @property {string|function} embedURL - Embed URL mask. You can use group ids as placeholders $0, $1, ... Should be implements in child
* @property {int} idPlace - Group id from matcher. Should be implements in child
* @property {object} params - Available service URL params. Should be implements in child
* @throws {TypeError}
* @constructor
BX.Landing.MediaService.BaseMediaService = function(url, settings)
if (typeof url !== "string")
throw new TypeError("URL not a string");
this.url = encodeURI(url);
this.settings = settings || {};
this.matcher = new RegExp("//");
this.embedURL = "";
this.idPlace = 0;
this.type = "iframe";
this.params = {};
BX.Landing.MediaService.BaseMediaService.prototype = {
* Gets media id
* @return {?(string|number)}
getMediaId: function()
return this.url.match(this.matcher)[this.idPlace];
* Gets user settings from settings form
* @return {object}
getUserSettings: function()
var result = {};
var form = this.getSettingsForm();
if (form)
result = form.fields.fetchValues();
Object.keys(result).forEach(function(key) {
if (isArray(result[key]))
result[key] = encodeURIComponent(result[key].join(", "));
return result;
getSettings: function()
return BX.util.objectMerge(
* Gets embed URL
* @return {string}
getEmbedURL: function()
var result = this.embedURL;
var matchedUrl = this.url.match(this.matcher);
if (typeof this.embedURL === "string")
.forEach(function(value, index) {
result = result.replace(new RegExp("\\$" + index, "g"), value);
var params = BX.util.objectMerge(
result = BX.util.add_url_param(result, params);
if (typeof this.embedURL === "function")
result = this.embedURL(matchedUrl);
return result;
* Gets embed Element
* @return {HTMLIFrameElement}
getEmbedElement: function()
return BX.create("iframe", {
attrs: {
src: this.getEmbedURL(),
frameborder: "0",
gesture: "media",
allow: "encrypted-media",
allowfullscreen: true
* Gets URL preview object
* @return {Promise<Object, Object>}
getURLPreview: function()
return BX.Landing.Utils.getURLPreview(this.url);
* Gets URL preview HTMLElement
* @return {Promise<HTMLElement>}
getURLPreviewElement: function()
return this.getURLPreview()
.then(function(preview) {
var description = preview.DESCRIPTION;
var title = preview.TITLE;
if ((title.length + description.length) > 120)
if (title.length > 120)
description = "";
title = title.slice(0, 120) + "..."
else if ((title.length + description.length) > 120)
description = description.slice(0, description.length - ((title.length + description.length) - 120)) + "...";
return BX.create("div", {
props: {className: "landing-ui-mediaservice-url-preview"},
children: [
BX.create("div", {
props: {className: "landing-ui-mediaservice-url-preview-image"},
attrs: {
style: "background-image: url(\""+preview.IMAGE+"\")"
BX.create("div", {
props: {className: "landing-ui-mediaservice-url-preview-text"},
children: [
BX.create("div", {
props: {className: "landing-ui-mediaservice-url-preview-text-title"},
text: title
BX.create("div", {
props: {className: "landing-ui-mediaservice-url-preview-text-description"},
text: description
* Gets settings form
* @return {BX.Landing.UI.Form.BaseForm}
getSettingsForm: function()
return null;