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Current File : //home/bitrix/ext_www/

 * Global Colors Definition
 * The idea there is defining and fixing all global colors used on the website, without context
 * If you have to use #CC9D49 to your style sheet, use @orange
 * You have to change a previous color set to @darkGray1 to something else doesn't exist, do not change the static color definition
 * please create a dedicated color variable with a contextual name, like: @menuAnchorOrange for example
 * Last but not least: you have to use directly white or black without referencing it to a variable. Do not use hexa code or rgb code for
 * these two colors
 * Static colors definitions
 * Variable colors definitions
 *     RESET                                   *
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 * fontSizer - convert a font size in em by using the body font-size as a "yardstick"
 * magic number "16" is the browserFontSize in pixels. This is habitually the default font size
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 * @return {em} returns the wanted font size in em
 * placeHolderCustomizer - change properties of the placeholder.
 * This mixin shall be applied on the input element it should fit
 * @source :
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 * filters
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/* see top for background */
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Greek language CSS uppercase and small caps text-transform is not correctly implement in IE.
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