Your IP :
* Bitrix Framework
* @package bitrix
* @subpackage main
* @copyright 2001-2013 Bitrix
class CComponentEngine
public $cacheSalt = '';
private $component = null;
private $greedyParts = array();
private $resolveCallback = false;
* Constructor.
* <p>Takes component as parameter and initializing the object.</p>
* @param CBitrixComponent $component
function __construct($component = null)
if ($component instanceof CBitrixComponent)
$this->component = $component;
* Returns associated component.
* @return CBitrixComponent
public function getComponent()
return $this->component;
* Marks one of the page templates parts as greedy (may contain "/" separator).
* @param string $part
* @return void
public function addGreedyPart($part)
$part = trim($part, " \t\n\r#");
if ($part != "")
$this->greedyParts[$part] = preg_quote($part, "'");
* Registers callback with will be called on page indetermination.
* @param callback $resolveCallback
* @return void
public function setResolveCallback($resolveCallback)
if (is_callable($resolveCallback))
$this->resolveCallback = $resolveCallback;
* Checks if component name is valid.
* <p>Component name consists of namespace part, separator and name. Example: bitrix:news.list</p>
* @param string $componentName
* @return bool
public static function checkComponentName($componentName)
return ($componentName <> '' && preg_match("#^([A-Za-z0-9_.-]+:)?([A-Za-z0-9_-]+\\.)*([A-Za-z0-9_-]+)$#i", $componentName));
* Makes filesystem relative path out of com name.
* @param string $componentName
* @return string
public static function makeComponentPath($componentName)
return "";
return "/".str_replace(":", "/", $componentName);
* Checks if page template has templates in it.
* @param string $pageTemplate
* @return bool
public function hasNoVariables($pageTemplate)
return strpos($pageTemplate, "#") === false;
* Checks if page template.has greedy templates it it.
* @param string $pageTemplate
* @return bool
public function hasGreedyParts($pageTemplate)
if (
&& preg_match("'#(?:".implode("|", $this->greedyParts).")#'", $pageTemplate)
return true;
return false;
* Sorts templates for inspection.
* <p>First will be templates without any variables. Then templates without greedy parts. Then greedy ones.</p>
* @param array[string]string $arUrlTemplates
* @param bool &$bHasGreedyPartsInTemplates
* @return array[string]string
protected function sortUrlTemplates($arUrlTemplates, &$bHasGreedyPartsInTemplates)
$resultNoHash = array();
$resultWithHash = array();
$resultWithGreedy = array();
foreach ($arUrlTemplates as $pageID => $pageTemplate)
$pos = strpos($pageTemplate, "?");
if ($pos !== false)
$pageTemplate = substr($pageTemplate, 0, $pos);
if ($this->hasNoVariables($pageTemplate))
$resultNoHash[$pageID] = $pageTemplate;
elseif ($this->hasGreedyParts($pageTemplate))
$resultWithGreedy[$pageID] = $pageTemplate;
$resultWithHash[$pageID] = $pageTemplate;
$bHasGreedyPartsInTemplates = !empty($resultWithGreedy);
return array_merge($resultNoHash, $resultWithHash, $resultWithGreedy);
* Checks if page template matches current URL.
* <p>In case of succsessful match fills in parsed variables.</p>
* @param string $pageTemplate
* @param string $currentPageUrl
* @param array[string]string &$arVariables
* @return bool
protected function __checkPath4Template($pageTemplate, $currentPageUrl, &$arVariables)
if (!empty($this->greedyParts))
$pageTemplateReg = preg_replace("'#(?:".implode("|", $this->greedyParts).")#'", "(.+?)", $pageTemplate);
$pageTemplateReg = preg_replace("'#[^#]+?#'", "([^/]+?)", $pageTemplateReg);
$pageTemplateReg = preg_replace("'#[^#]+?#'", "([^/]+?)", $pageTemplate);
if (substr($pageTemplateReg, -1, 1) == "/")
$pageTemplateReg .= "index\\.php";
$arValues = array();
if (preg_match("'^".$pageTemplateReg."$'", $currentPageUrl, $arValues))
$arMatches = array();
if (preg_match_all("'#([^#]+?)#'", $pageTemplate, $arMatches))
for ($i = 0, $cnt = count($arMatches[1]); $i < $cnt; $i++)
$arVariables[$arMatches[1][$i]] = $arValues[$i + 1];
return true;
return false;
* Finds match between requestURL and on of the url templates.
* @param string $folder404
* @param array[string]string $arUrlTemplates
* @param array[string]string &$arVariables
* @param string|bool $requestURL
* @return string
public static function parseComponentPath($folder404, $arUrlTemplates, &$arVariables, $requestURL = false)
$engine = new CComponentEngine();
return $engine->guessComponentPath($folder404, $arUrlTemplates, $arVariables, $requestURL);
* Finds match between requestURL and on of the url templates.
* <p>Lets using the engine object and greedy templates.</p>
* @param string $folder404
* @param array[string]string $arUrlTemplates
* @param array[string]string &$arVariables
* @param string|bool $requestURL
* @return string
public function guessComponentPath($folder404, $arUrlTemplates, &$arVariables, $requestURL = false)
if (!isset($arVariables) || !is_array($arVariables))
$arVariables = array();
if ($requestURL === false)
$requestURL = Bitrix\Main\Context::getCurrent()->getRequest()->getRequestedPage();
$folder404 = str_replace("\\", "/", $folder404);
if ($folder404 != "/")
$folder404 = "/".trim($folder404, "/ \t\n\r\0\x0B")."/";
//SEF base URL must match curent URL (several components on the same page)
if(strpos($requestURL, $folder404) !== 0)
return false;
$currentPageUrl = substr($requestURL, strlen($folder404));
$this->cacheSalt = md5($currentPageUrl);
$pageCandidates = array();
$arUrlTemplates = $this->sortUrlTemplates($arUrlTemplates, $bHasGreedyPartsInTemplates);
if (
&& is_callable($this->resolveCallback)
foreach ($arUrlTemplates as $pageID => $pageTemplate)
$arVariablesTmp = $arVariables;
if ($this->__CheckPath4Template($pageTemplate, $currentPageUrl, $arVariablesTmp))
if ($this->hasNoVariables($pageTemplate))
$arVariables = $arVariablesTmp;
return $pageID;
$pageCandidates[$pageID] = $arVariablesTmp;
foreach ($arUrlTemplates as $pageID => $pageTemplate)
if ($this->__CheckPath4Template($pageTemplate, $currentPageUrl, $arVariables))
return $pageID;
if (!empty($pageCandidates) && is_callable($this->resolveCallback))
return call_user_func_array($this->resolveCallback, array($this, $pageCandidates, &$arVariables));
return false;
* Initializes component variables from $_REQUEST based on component page selected.
* @param string $componentPage
* @param array[string]string $arComponentVariables
* @param array[string]string $arVariableAliases
* @param array[string]string &$arVariables
* @return void
public static function initComponentVariables($componentPage, $arComponentVariables, $arVariableAliases, &$arVariables)
if (!isset($arVariables) || !is_array($arVariables))
$arVariables = array();
if ($componentPage)
if (array_key_exists($componentPage, $arVariableAliases) && is_array($arVariableAliases[$componentPage]))
foreach ($arVariableAliases[$componentPage] as $variableName => $aliasName)
if (!array_key_exists($variableName, $arVariables))
$arVariables[$variableName] = $_REQUEST[$aliasName];
foreach ($arVariableAliases as $variableName => $aliasName)
if (!array_key_exists($variableName, $arVariables))
if (is_string($aliasName) && array_key_exists($aliasName, $_REQUEST))
$arVariables[$variableName] = $_REQUEST[$aliasName];
for ($i = 0, $cnt = count($arComponentVariables); $i < $cnt; $i++)
if (!array_key_exists($arComponentVariables[$i], $arVariables)
&& array_key_exists($arComponentVariables[$i], $_REQUEST))
$arVariables[$arComponentVariables[$i]] = $_REQUEST[$arComponentVariables[$i]];
* Prepares templates based on default and provided.
* @param array[string]string $arDefaultUrlTemplates
* @param array[string]string $arCustomUrlTemplates
* @return array[string]string
public static function makeComponentUrlTemplates($arDefaultUrlTemplates, $arCustomUrlTemplates)
if (!is_array($arCustomUrlTemplates))
$arCustomUrlTemplates = array();
return array_merge($arDefaultUrlTemplates, $arCustomUrlTemplates);
* Prepares variables based on default and provided.
* @param array[string]string $arDefaultVariableAliases
* @param array[string]string $arCustomVariableAliases
* @return array[string]string
public static function makeComponentVariableAliases($arDefaultVariableAliases, $arCustomVariableAliases)
if (!is_array($arCustomVariableAliases))
$arCustomVariableAliases = array();
return array_merge($arDefaultVariableAliases, $arCustomVariableAliases);
* Replaces templates in provided string based on parameters
* @param string $template
* @param array[string]string $arParams
* @return string
public static function makePathFromTemplate($template, $arParams = array())
$arPatterns = array("#SITE_DIR#", "#SITE#", "#SERVER_NAME#");
$arReplace = array(SITE_DIR, SITE_ID, SITE_SERVER_NAME);
foreach ($arParams as $key => $value)
$arPatterns[] = "#".$key."#";
$arReplace[] = $value;
return str_replace($arPatterns, $arReplace, $template);