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Revision history for Perl extension YAML-Tiny
1.51 Sun 11 Mar 2012
- The fix described in 1.48 was incorrect. Removing an additional
if $@ to fix it properly.
- Make the Scalar::Util version check resistant to bugs caused by
development versions.
1.50 Thu 23 Jun 2011
- Major bug fix, all code that writes arbitrary data should upgrade.
- Simple scalars with no whitespace but ending in a colon like ABC: were
not being quoted, which results in the parser confusing it with a
mapping key and crashing.
1.49 Tue 8 Mar 2011
- No functional changes.
- Don't depend on the YAML modules in RELEASE_TESTING, as it can
pollute the advisory META.yml.
1.48 Tue 1 Feb 2011
- Fix to the refaddr compatibility where Scalar::Util is installed
but is older than 1.18.
1.47 Mon 31 Jan 2011
- No functional changes
- Only depend on the YAML implementations when we are release testing
1.46 Thu 16 Dec 2010
- No functional changes
- Moving to a production release now CPAN Testers is green again
1.45_02 Tue 7 Dec 2010
- Adding experimental support for exception->errstr conversion
- Updating test suite yaml_error to not expect exceptions
1.45_01 Tue 7 Dec 2010
- Added support for trailing line comments (INGY)
- Added checks for some characters that are illegal or reserved
in plain scalars (INGY)
- Minor cleaning up of some out of date POD (ADAMK)
- Updated AUTOMATED_TESTING dependencies to new versions (ADAMK)
1.44 Sun 8 Aug 2010
- No functional changes, upgrading is not required
- Minor tweaks to Makefile.PL
- Minor cleanup around the refaddr emulation code
1.43 Sat 10 Jul 2010
- No functional changes, upgrading is not required
- Don't import Carp 'croak' any more, saving a few K
1.42 Fri 25 Jun 2010
- No functional changes, upgrading is not required
- Clarified documation to explain that YAML::Tiny escapes "bool"
keywords when it writes them as strings so that YAML parsers in
other languages won't get confused, but this does not mean that
YAML::Tiny actually supports boolean types itself.
- Added an extra test case for boolean keyword escaping.
- YAML::Perl comparison tests were loading the file back in with by mistake. Corrected this and added an additional case
that YAML::Perl doesn't support that I wasn't catching.
- Author tests updated and moved into xt/
- Updated the versions of the other YAML parsers we test ourselves
against to the most recent versions of each.
1.41 Fri 11 Dec 2009
- Fixes a performance bug reported by Apocalypse.
Single line double-quoted strings longer than 32,000ish characters
resulted in the regular expression engine crashing due to
excessive recursion. Changed to a different regex that will most
likely only crash after 32,000 ESCAPED characters. If I could use
negative look-behind assertions (I can't because I need 5.004)
this whole issue would be MUCH simpler to fix.
1.40 Fri 31 Jul 2009
- Dear Ruby Community.
Thank you so much for your bug report to the "Ruby Talk" mailing list
regarding the lack of true/false support in Perl YAML modules.
This flaw has now been resolved, around 2 hours after we
were made aware of it. Next time, we recommend you report these bugs
to the people who can actually fix your problem.
1.39 Thu 21 May 2009
- Even though utf8 starts at 5.7+ there's no is_utf till
5.8.1 so skip in the tests if needed (ADAMK)
1.38 Sat 16 May 2009
- Moving the test suite style closer to Parse::CPAN::Meta
- Changed exceptions closer to Parse::CPAN::Meta
- Fixed Changes file date for 1.37 :)
1.37 Sat 16 May 2009
- Call $self->_error instead of $class->_error when we can
- Refactoring away some of the code other people have been
contributing lately that most certainly NOT ::Tiny style.
- Avoid the need to do '' escaping by moving it to "'"
- Added comparative testing with YAML::Perl
1.36 Wed 7 Jan 2009
- Fixing missing feature reported by H.Merijn Brand
1.35 Wed 17 Dec 2008
- Production release for changes in 1.34_01
- No other changes
1.34_01 Wed 19 Nov 2008
- Improving sub-classability by passing the indent level through
to the ->_write_scalar method.
1.33 Thu 24 Jul 2008
- Export Load and Dump functions by default.
1.32 Wed 14 May 2008
- Adding a test to check for correct exceptions
- ONLY do comparative tests when the modules to compare to are current.
(Prevents false failures in some cases)
1.31 Thu 8 May 2008
- Emergency bugfix release
1.30 Sun 4 May 2008
- Better error reporting of unsupported features
- Heavily bump automated testing deps to remove false errors
1.29 Sat 12 Apr 2008
- CPAN Testers passes ok, moving to production version
1.28_01 Sat 5 Apr 2008
- Adding support for document terminators
(To support YAML embedded in TAP streams)
1.27 Mon 31 Mar 2008
- Skip 04_scalar.t if no
- Implement YAML compatibility + tests for LoadFile
- Remove the LICENSE key from Makefile.PL
(Which failed on some CPAN Testers setups)
1.26 Thu 20 Mar 2008
- Added extra test cases to validate RT bugs that were fixed
previous, but not closed at the time.
- Always quote when serialising anything that starts with a non-word
- YAML::Tiny::Load is now fully compatible with in scalar
context (returns the LAST parsed document).
1.25 Mon 14 Jan 2008
- Wrote the specification section
1.24_01 Fri 11 Jan 2008
- Adding additional test cases
- Adding support for YAML header for META.yml
- Adding support for YAML header for YAML 1.0
- Adding support for YAML header for YAML 1.1
1.23 Thu 10 Jan 2008
- Identical to 1.22_01
- CPAN Testers results positive, pushing to production version
1.22_01 Wed 9 Jan 2008
- Correcting handling of single quote escaping
- Adding protection for infinite loops caused by circular
references during serializing.
- Confirmed support for toolbar.yml sample
1.21 Thu 6 Dec 2007
- Fixing support for unprintable characters
1.20 Mon 19 Nov 2007
- Correcting class name in @EXPORT_OK declaration
(Demetrios Biskinis)
1.19 Fri 16 Nov 2007
- Removing the invalid perl dep
1.18 Mon 5 Nov 2007
- Adding a new test file
1.17 Thu 1 Nov 2007
- Updating from Module::Install to the tinier ExtUtils::MakeMaker
1.16 Mon 22 Oct 2007
- Updating to newer AUTOMATED_TESTING tests
1.15 Sat 25 Aug 2007
- Incremental release to include an updated version of 99_author.t
- Replace a few CODE INCOMPLETE errors with real errors
(those parts of the module are now complete)
1.14 Thu 16 Aug 2007
- Adding support for empty reference documents
1.13 Mon 9 Jul 2007
- Adding a test case for support of multi-byte characters
1.12 Tue 5 Jun 2007
- Adding support for open hash/array at EOF
1.11 Tue 5 Jun 2007
- Forgot to string trailing whitespace in a few cases
- 'hashkey: This was mistaken as a hash entry, not a string'
- Adding explicit tests from #yaml for single quote escaping
1.10 Tue 5 Jun 2007
- Adding support for null hash/arrays
1.09 Mon 21 May 2007
- Fixing a bug in the trivial scalar case
1.08 Wed 16 May 2007
- Adding support for |- trimming multiline scalars
1.07 Tue 15 May 2007
- Adding support for whitespace after document headers
1.06 Mon 14 May 2007
- Bug fix to support an additional variant of null hashes
1.05 Wed 2 May 2007
- Bug fix to allow support for keys with spaces
- Bug fix to allow empty comments
1.04 Wed 21 Feb 2007
- Adding support for LoadFile, DumpFile, freeze and thaw
1.03 Sun 14 Jan 2007
- Removing the forward-looking part of the preamble
1.02 Sun 14 Jan 2007
- Fixing exporting
1.01 Sun 14 Jan 2007
- Removed the ugly bold warning
1.00 Sun 14 Jan 2007
- What the hell, I'm as close as is needed I think
0.90 Sat 13 Jan 2007
- Adding support for inline multi-lines
0.11 Mon 25 Sep 2006
- Fixed bug in regex that detects unheadered ARRAY|HASH
0.10 Thu 24 Aug 2006
- Added double-quote support, making YAML::Tiny a lot more usable
- Added Load and Dump for compatibility
- Added tests for verifying compatibility with YAML::Syck
0.06 Sun 9 Jul 2006
- Added more tests
0.05 Sat 8 Jul 2006
- Added support for nested inline hashes (parse only)
- Added support for naked undef array and hash entries
- Can now handle sample Plagger configs from Miyagawa-san's talk
- Can now handle vanilla.yml from Perl::Dist::Vanilla
0.04 Sat 8 Jul 2006
- Added support for implicit document start for array/hash types
- Added support for colons in hash keys
- Added support for simple single quotes
- Can now handle our own META.yml file
0.03 Sat 8 Jul 2006
- Got all of the trivial test cases to pass
- Good enough for an initial usable release, but still expected to fail a lot
0.02 Thu 26 Apr 2006
- Added support for a single root-level hash
- Correcting POD bugs
0.01 Wed 26 Apr 2006
- Initial version
- Handles only document headers and non-wrapping scalar documents