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Kerberos Version 5, Release 1.15
Release Notes
The MIT Kerberos Team
Copyright and Other Notices
Copyright (C) 1985-2017 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
and its contributors. All rights reserved.
Please see the file named NOTICE for additional notices.
Unified documentation for Kerberos V5 is available in both HTML and
PDF formats. The table of contents of the HTML format documentation
is at doc/html/index.html, and the PDF format documentation is in the
doc/pdf directory.
Additionally, you may find copies of the HTML format documentation
online at
for the most recent supported release, or at
for the release under development.
More information about Kerberos may be found at
and at the MIT Kerberos Consortium web site
Building and Installing Kerberos 5
Build documentation is in doc/html/build/index.html or
The installation guide is in doc/html/admin/install.html or
If you are attempting to build under Windows, please see the
src/windows/README file.
Reporting Bugs
Please report any problems/bugs/comments by sending email to
You may view bug reports by visiting
and using the "Guest Login" button. Please note that the web
interface to our bug database is read-only for guests, and the primary
way to interact with our bug database is via email.
DES transition
The Data Encryption Standard (DES) is widely recognized as weak. The
krb5-1.7 release contains measures to encourage sites to migrate away
from using single-DES cryptosystems. Among these is a configuration
variable that enables "weak" enctypes, which defaults to "false"
beginning with krb5-1.8.
Major changes in 1.15.1 (2017-03-01)
This is a bug fix release.
* Allow KDB modules to determine how the e_data field of principal
fields is freed
* Fix udp_preference_limit when the KDC location is configured with
SRV records
* Fix KDC and kadmind startup on some IPv4-only systems
* Fix the processing of PKINIT certificate matching rules which have
two components and no explicit relation
* Improve documentation
krb5-1.15.1 changes by ticket ID
7940 PKINIT docs only work for one-component client principals
8523 Add krbPwdPolicy attributes to kerberos.ldif
8524 Add caveats to krbtgt change documentation
8525 Fix error handling in PKINIT decode_data()
8530 KDC/kadmind explicit wildcard listener addresses do not use pktinfo
8531 KDC/kadmind may fail to start on IPv4-only systems
8532 Fix GSSAPI authind attribute name in docs
8538 Need a way to free KDB module e_data
8540 Document default realm and login authorization
8552 Add GSSAPI S4U documentation
8553 Fix PKINIT two-component matching rule parsing
8554 udp_preference_limit fails with SRV records
Major changes in 1.15 (2016-12-01)
Administrator experience:
* Improve support for multihomed Kerberos servers by adding options
for specifying restricted listening addresses for the KDC and
* Add support to kadmin for remote extraction of current keys without
changing them (requires a special kadmin permission that is excluded
from the wildcard permission), with the exception of highly
protected keys.
* Add a lockdown_keys principal attribute to prevent retrieval of the
principal's keys (old or new) via the kadmin protocol. In newly
created databases, this attribute is set on the krbtgt and kadmin
* Restore recursive dump capability for DB2 back end, so sites can
more easily recover from database corruption resulting from power
failure events.
* Add DNS auto-discovery of KDC and kpasswd servers from URI records,
in addition to SRV records. URI records can convey TCP and UDP
servers and master KDC status in a single DNS lookup, and can also
point to HTTPS proxy servers.
* Add support for password history to the LDAP back end.
* Add support for principal renaming to the LDAP back end.
* Use the getrandom system call on supported Linux kernels to avoid
blocking problems when getting entropy from the operating system.
* In the PKINIT client, use the correct DigestInfo encoding for PKCS
#1 signatures, so that some especially strict smart cards will work.
Code quality:
* Clean up numerous compilation warnings.
* Remove various infrequently built modules, including some preauth
modules that were not built by default.
Developer experience:
* Add support for building with OpenSSL 1.1.
* Use SHA-256 instead of MD5 for (non-cryptographic) hashing of
authenticators in the replay cache. This helps sites that must
build with FIPS 140 conformant libraries that lack MD5.
* Eliminate util/reconf and allow the use of autoreconf alone to
regenerate the configure script.
Protocol evolution:
* Add support for the AES-SHA2 enctypes, which allows sites to conform
to Suite B crypto requirements.
krb5-1.15 changes by ticket ID
1093 KDC could use feature to limit listening interfaces
5889 password history doesn't work with LDAP KDB
6666 some non-default plugin directories don't build in 1.8 branch
7852 kadmin.local's ktadd -norandkey does not handle multiple kvnos
in the KDB
7985 Add krb5_get_init_creds_opt_set_pac_request
8065 Renaming principals with LDAP KDB deletes the principal
8277 iprop can choose wrong realm
8278 Add krb5_expand_hostname() API
8280 Fix impersonate_name to work with interposers
8295 kdb5_ldap_stash_service_password() stash file logic needs tweaking
8297 test fails
8298 Audit Test fails when system has IPV6 address
8299 Remove util/reconf
8329 Only run in maintainer mode
8344 Create KDC and kadmind log files with mode 0640
8345 Remove nss libk5crypto implementation
8348 Remove workaround when binding to udp addresses and pktinfo
isn't supported by the system
8353 Replace MD5 use in rcache with SHA-256
8354 Only store latest keys in key history entry
8355 Add kadm5_setkey_principal_4 RPC to kadmin
8364 Add get_principal_keys RPC to kadmin
8365 Add the ability to lock down principal keys
8366 Increase initial DNS buffer size
8368 Remove hdb KDB module
8371 Improve libkadm5 client RPC thread safety
8372 Use cached S4U2Proxy tickets in GSSAPI
8374 Interoperate with incomplete SPNEGO responses
8375 Allow zero cksumtype in krb5_k_verify_checksum()
8379 Add auth indicator handling to libkdb_ldap
8381 Don't fall back to master on password read error
8386 Add KDC pre-send and post-receive KDC hooks
8388 Remove port 750 from the KDC default ports
8389 Make profile includedir accept all *.conf files
8391 Add kinit long option support for all platforms
8393 Password Expiration "Never" Inconsistently Applied
8394 Add debug message filtering to krb5_klog_syslog
8396 Skip password prompt when running ksu as root
8398 Add libk5crypto support for OpenSSL 1.1.0
8399 Unconstify some krb5 GSS OIDs
8403 kinit documentation page
8404 Remove non-DFSG documentation
8405 Work around python-ldap bug in kerberos.ldif
8412 Link correct VS2015 C libraries for debug builds
8414 Use library malloc for principal, policy entries
8418 Add libkdb function to specialize principal's salt
8419 Do not indicate deprecated GSS mechanisms
8423 Add SPNEGO special case for NTLMSSP+MechListMIC
8425 Add auth-indicator authdata module
8426 test_check_allowed_to_delegate() should free unparsed princ output
8428 Minimize timing leaks in PKINIT decryption
8429 Fix Makefile for paths containing '+' character
8434 Fix memory leak in old gssrpc authentication
8436 Update libev sources to 4.22
8446 Fix leak in key change operations
8451 Add hints for -A flag to kdestroy
8456 Add the kprop-port option to kadmind
8462 Better handle failures to resolve client keytab
8464 Set prompt type for OTP preauth prompt
8465 Improve bad password inference in kinit
8466 Rename k5-queue.h macros
8471 Change KDC error for encrypted timestamp preauth
8476 Restore recursive dump functionality
8478 usability improvements for bttest
8488 Stop generating doc/CHANGES
8490 Add aes-sha2 enctype support
8494 Add krb5_db_register_keytab()
8496 Add KDC discovery from URI records
8498 Potential memory leak in prepare_error_as()
8499 Use getrandom system call on recent Linux kernels
8500 Document krb5_kt_next_entry() requirement
8502 ret_boolean in profile_get_boolean() should be krb5_boolean *
instead of int *
8504 Properly handle EOF condition on libkrad sockets
8506 PKINIT fails with PKCS#11 middlware that implements PKCS#1 V2.1
8507 Suggest unlocked iteration for mkey rollover
8508 Clarify krb5_kt_resolve() API documentation
8509 Leak in krb5_cccol_have_content with truncated ccache
8510 Update features list for 1.15
8512 Fix detection of libaceclnt for securid_sam2
8513 Add doxygen comments for RFC 8009, RFC 4757
8514 Make zap() more reliable
8516 Fix declaration without type in t_shs3.c
8520 Relicense ccapi/common/win/OldCC/autolock.hxx
8521 Allow slapd path configuration in
Past Sponsors of the MIT Kerberos Consortium:
Carnegie Mellon University
Centrify Corporation
Columbia University
Cornell University
The Department of Defense of the United States of America (DoD)
Fidelity Investments
Iowa State University
Michigan State University
MITRE Corporation
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration
of the United States of America (NASA)
Network Appliance (NetApp)
Nippon Telephone and Telegraph (NTT)
US Government Office of the National Coordinator for Health
Information Technology (ONC)
Pennsylvania State University
Red Hat
Stanford University
TeamF1, Inc.
The University of Alaska
The University of Michigan
The University of Pennsylvania
Past and present members of the Kerberos Team at MIT:
Danilo Almeida
Jeffrey Altman
Justin Anderson
Richard Basch
Mitch Berger
Jay Berkenbilt
Andrew Boardman
Bill Bryant
Steve Buckley
Joe Calzaretta
John Carr
Mark Colan
Don Davis
Sarah Day
Alexandra Ellwood
Carlos Garay
Dan Geer
Nancy Gilman
Matt Hancher
Thomas Hardjono
Sam Hartman
Paul Hill
Marc Horowitz
Eva Jacobus
Miroslav Jurisic
Barry Jaspan
Benjamin Kaduk
Geoffrey King
Kevin Koch
John Kohl
HaoQi Li
Jonathan Lin
Peter Litwack
Scott McGuire
Steve Miller
Kevin Mitchell
Cliff Neuman
Paul Park
Ezra Peisach
Chris Provenzano
Ken Raeburn
Jon Rochlis
Jeff Schiller
Jen Selby
Robert Silk
Bill Sommerfeld
Jennifer Steiner
Ralph Swick
Brad Thompson
Harry Tsai
Zhanna Tsitkova
Ted Ts'o
Marshall Vale
Tom Yu
The following external contributors have provided code, patches, bug
reports, suggestions, and valuable resources:
Ian Abbott
Brandon Allbery
Russell Allbery
Brian Almeida
Michael B Allen
Heinz-Ado Arnolds
Derek Atkins
Mark Bannister
David Bantz
Alex Baule
David Benjamin
Thomas Bernard
Adam Bernstein
Arlene Berry
Jeff Blaine
Radoslav Bodo
Sumit Bose
Emmanuel Bouillon
Philip Brown
Michael Calmer
Andrea Campi
Julien Chaffraix
Ravi Channavajhala
Srinivas Cheruku
Leonardo Chiquitto
Seemant Choudhary
Howard Chu
Andrea Cirulli
Christopher D. Clausen
Kevin Coffman
Simon Cooper
Sylvain Cortes
Ian Crowther
Arran Cudbard-Bell
Jeff D'Angelo
Nalin Dahyabhai
Mark Davies
Dennis Davis
Alex Dehnert
Mark Deneen
Günther Deschner
John Devitofranceschi
Roland Dowdeswell
Viktor Dukhovni
Jason Edgecombe
Mark Eichin
Shawn M. Emery
Douglas E. Engert
Peter Eriksson
Juha Erkkilä
Gilles Espinasse
Ronni Feldt
Bill Fellows
JC Ferguson
Remi Ferrand
Paul Fertser
William Fiveash
Jacques Florent
Ákos Frohner
Sebastian Galiano
Marcus Granado
Scott Grizzard
Helmut Grohne
Steve Grubb
Philip Guenther
Dominic Hargreaves
Robbie Harwood
Jakob Haufe
Matthieu Hautreux
Jochen Hein
Paul B. Henson
Jeff Hodges
Christopher Hogan
Love Hörnquist Åstrand
Ken Hornstein
Henry B. Hotz
Luke Howard
Jakub Hrozek
Shumon Huque
Jeffrey Hutzelman
Wyllys Ingersoll
Holger Isenberg
Spencer Jackson
Diogenes S. Jesus
Pavel Jindra
Brian Johannesmeyer
Joel Johnson
Anders Kaseorg
W. Trevor King
Patrik Kis
Mikkel Kruse
Reinhard Kugler
Tomas Kuthan
Pierre Labastie
Volker Lendecke
Jan iankko Lieskovsky
Todd Lipcon
Oliver Loch
Kevin Longfellow
Jon Looney
Nuno Lopes
Ryan Lynch
Roland Mainz
Andrei Maslennikov
Michael Mattioli
Nathaniel McCallum
Greg McClement
Cameron Meadors
Alexey Melnikov
Franklyn Mendez
Markus Moeller
Kyle Moffett
Paul Moore
Keiichi Mori
Michael Morony
Zbysek Mraz
Edward Murrell
Nikos Nikoleris
Felipe Ortega
Michael Osipov
Andrej Ota
Dmitri Pal
Javier Palacios
Tom Parker
Ezra Peisach
Zoran Pericic
W. Michael Petullo
Mark Phalan
Brett Randall
Jonathan Reams
Jonathan Reed
Robert Relyea
Martin Rex
Jason Rogers
Matt Rogers
Nate Rosenblum
Solly Ross
Mike Roszkowski
Guillaume Rousse
Andreas Schneider
Tom Shaw
Jim Shi
Peter Shoults
Simo Sorce
Michael Spang
Michael Ströder
Bjørn Tore Sund
Joe Travaglini
Tim Uglow
Rathor Vipin
Denis Vlasenko
Jorgen Wahlsten
Stef Walter
Max (Weijun) Wang
John Washington
Stef Walter
Xi Wang
Kevin Wasserman
Margaret Wasserman
Marcus Watts
Andreas Wiese
Simon Wilkinson
Nicolas Williams
Ross Wilper
Augustin Wolf
David Woodhouse
Tsu-Phong Wu
Xu Qiang
Neng Xue
Zhaomo Yang
Nickolai Zeldovich
Hanz van Zijst
Gertjan Zwartjes
The above is not an exhaustive list; many others have contributed in
various ways to the MIT Kerberos development effort over the years.
Other acknowledgments (for bug reports and patches) are in the
doc/CHANGES file.