Your IP :
// jQuery Mobile Zoom by Denis Korovkin
$.fn.mobilezoom = function(options) {
var settings = $.extend({
backbutton: 'Вернуться',
marginbetween: 30
}, options );
var touches = [];
var zoomStartTouches = [];
var zoomStarted = false;
var zoomStartDistance = false;
var zoomStartSize = false;
var moveStarted = false;
var moveStartPosition = false;
var next = false;
var prev = false;
var animating = false;
/* If many elements — do for each */
if(this.length > 1){
return this;
/* If no elements — exit */
if(this.length == 0){
return this;
/* If already initialized — exit */
if('.mobilezoom__element')) return this;
/* If is gallery — get other elements */
var gallery = $('*[data-gallery="'+'gallery') +'"]');
var current = this;
/* Handle click event */
this.on('click', function(e){
return false;
function showImage(element){
element = $(element);
var url;
url = element.attr('src');
} else {
url = element.attr('href');
$('body').append('<div class="mobilezoom__holder"><div class="mobilezoom__topbar"><div class="mobilezoom__backbutton">'+settings.backbutton+'</div></div><div class="mobilezoom__image"><img src="'+ url +'" /></div></div>');
window.mobileZoomGallery = gallery;
window.mobileZoomCurrent = element;
$('.mobilezoom__backbutton').on('click', function(e){
$('.mobilezoom__holder').on('click', function(e){
function showNext(element){
element = $(element);
var url;
url = element.attr('src');
} else {
url = element.attr('href');
$('.mobilezoom__holder').append('<div class="mobilezoom__next-image"><img src="'+ url +'" /></div>');
function setPosition(){
var width = $('.mobilezoom__next-image').find('img').width();
var height = $('.mobilezoom__next-image').find('img').height();
var naturalWidth = $('.mobilezoom__next-image').find('img').get(0).naturalWidth;
var naturalHeight = $('.mobilezoom__next-image').find('img').get(0).naturalHeight;
if(naturalWidth > 0){
$('.mobilezoom__next-image').data('nwidth', naturalWidth).data('nheight', naturalHeight);
'left': ($('.mobilezoom__holder').width() + 20) + 'px',
'top': (($('.mobilezoom__holder').height() - height) / 2) + 'px',
'position': 'absolute'
} else {
$('.mobilezoom__next-image').find('img').on('load', setPosition);
function showPrev(element){
element = $(element);
var url;
url = element.attr('src');
} else {
url = element.attr('href');
$('.mobilezoom__holder').append('<div class="mobilezoom__prev-image"><img src="'+ url +'" /></div>');
function setPosition(){
var width = $('.mobilezoom__prev-image').find('img').width();
var height = $('.mobilezoom__prev-image').find('img').height();
var naturalWidth = $('.mobilezoom__prev-image').find('img').get(0).naturalWidth;
var naturalHeight = $('.mobilezoom__prev-image').find('img').get(0).naturalHeight;
if(naturalWidth > 0){
$('.mobilezoom__prev-image').data('nwidth', naturalWidth).data('nheight', naturalHeight);
'left': (- $('.mobilezoom__holder').width() - settings.marginbetween) + 'px',
'top': (($('.mobilezoom__holder').height() - height) / 2) + 'px',
'position': 'absolute'
} else {
$('.mobilezoom__prev-image').find('img').on('load', setPosition);
function prepareNext(){
var gallery = window.mobileZoomGallery;
var current = window.mobileZoomCurrent;
if(!gallery) {
var current_index = gallery.index(current);
if(current_index < gallery.length - 1){
next = gallery.eq(current_index + 1);
} else {
next = false;
if(current_index > 0){
prev = gallery.eq(current_index - 1);
} else {
prev = false;
function defaultImagePosition(){
var width = $('.mobilezoom__image').find('img').width();
var height = $('.mobilezoom__image').find('img').height();
var naturalWidth = $('.mobilezoom__image').find('img').get(0).naturalWidth;
var naturalHeight = $('.mobilezoom__image').find('img').get(0).naturalHeight;
if(naturalWidth > 0){
$('.mobilezoom__image').data('nwidth', naturalWidth).data('nheight', naturalHeight);
'left': 0,
'top': (($('.mobilezoom__holder').height() - height) / 2) + 'px'
} else {
$('.mobilezoom__image').find('img').on('load', defaultImagePosition);
function initTouchEvents(){
if($('body').is('.mobilezoom__ready')) return;
touches[0] = {x: false, y: false};
touches[1] = {x: false, y: false};
touches[99] = {x: false, y: false}; // that's middle point
$(document).on('touchstart', function(e){
touches[0] = {x: e.originalEvent.touches[0].clientX, y: e.originalEvent.touches[0].clientY};
touches[99] = touches[0];
if(e.originalEvent.touches.length > 1){
touches[1] = {x: e.originalEvent.touches[1].clientX, y: e.originalEvent.touches[1].clientY};
touches[99] = {
x: (touches[0].x + touches[1].x) / 2,
y: (touches[0].y + touches[1].y) / 2
} else {
touches[1] = {x: false, y: false};
$(document).on('touchend', function(e){
if(e.originalEvent.touches.length == 0){
touches[0] = {x: false, y: false};
touches[1] = {x: false, y: false};
touches[99] = {x: false, y: false};
zoomStarted = false;
moveStarted = false;
$(document).on('touchmove', function(e){
var previous = $.extend({}, touches);
var zoomDelta = 0;
if(animating) return;
moveStartPosition = {
x: $('.mobilezoom__image').position().left,
y: $('.mobilezoom__image').position().top
moveStarted = true;
touches[0] = {x: e.originalEvent.touches[0].clientX, y: e.originalEvent.touches[0].clientY};
touches[99] = touches[0];
if(e.originalEvent.touches.length > 1){
touches[1] = {x: e.originalEvent.touches[1].clientX, y: e.originalEvent.touches[1].clientY};
touches[99] = {
x: (touches[0].x + touches[1].x) / 2,
y: (touches[0].y + touches[1].y) / 2
zoomStarted = true;
zoomStartTouches = $.extend({}, touches);
zoomStartDistance = getZoomDistance();
zoomStartSize = {
width: $('.mobilezoom__image').width(),
height: $('.mobilezoom__image').height(),
aspect: $('.mobilezoom__image').data('nwidth') / $('.mobilezoom__image').data('nheight')
} else {
zoomDelta = getZoomDistance() - zoomStartDistance;
} else {
moveStartPosition = {
x: $('.mobilezoom__image').position().left,
y: $('.mobilezoom__image').position().top
previous = $.extend({}, touches); // prevent jumping
touches[1] = {x: false, y: false};
zoomStarted = false;
var positionDeltaX = touches[99].x - previous[99].x;
var positionDeltaY = touches[99].y - previous[99].y;
if(zoomStarted) {
var zoomDeltaX = touches[99].x - zoomStartTouches[99].x;
var zoomDeltaY = touches[99].y - zoomStartTouches[99].y;
zoomImage(zoomDelta, zoomDeltaX, zoomDeltaY);
} else {
moveImage(positionDeltaX, positionDeltaY);
return false;
function getZoomDistance(){
if(touches[1].x != false){
return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(touches[0].x - touches[1].x, 2) + Math.pow(touches[0].y - touches[1].y, 2));
} else {
return false;
function moveImage(x, y){
var left = $('.mobilezoom__image').position().left;
var top = $('.mobilezoom__image').position().top;
'left': (left + x) + 'px',
if($('.mobilezoom__image').height() > $('.mobilezoom__holder').height()){
'top': (top + y) + 'px'
'left': ((left + x) + $('.mobilezoom__image').width() + settings.marginbetween) + 'px'
'left': ((left + x) - $('.mobilezoom__prev-image').width() - settings.marginbetween) + 'px'
if($('.mobilezoom__next-image').length == 1 && $('.mobilezoom__next-image').position().left <= $('.mobilezoom__holder').width() / 1.5){
if($('.mobilezoom__prev-image').length == 1 && $('.mobilezoom__prev-image').position().left >= - $('.mobilezoom__holder').width() / 1.5){
function zoomImage(distance, x, y){
var xdelta = distance;
var ydelta = distance / zoomStartSize.aspect;
if(zoomStartSize.aspect < 1){
ydelta = distance;
xdelta = distance * zoomStartSize.aspect;
// Tweaking
'width': (zoomStartSize.width + xdelta) + 'px',
'height': (zoomStartSize.height + ydelta) + 'px',
'left': (moveStartPosition.x - xdelta/2 + x) + 'px',
'top': (moveStartPosition.y - ydelta/2 + y) + 'px'
function switchToNext(){
moveStarted = false;
animating = true;
var left = $('.mobilezoom__next-image').position().left;
$('.mobilezoom__next-image').animate({left: 0}, 500);
$('.mobilezoom__image').animate({left: '-=' + left}, 500, function(){
window.mobileZoomCurrent = getNext();
animating = false;
function getNext(){
return window.mobileZoomGallery.eq(window.mobileZoomGallery.index(window.mobileZoomCurrent) + 1);
function getPrev(){
return window.mobileZoomGallery.eq(window.mobileZoomGallery.index(window.mobileZoomCurrent) - 1);
function switchToPrev(){
moveStarted = false;
animating = true;
var left = $('.mobilezoom__prev-image').position().left;
$('.mobilezoom__prev-image').animate({left: 0}, 500);
$('.mobilezoom__image').animate({left: '+=' + (0-left)}, 500, function(){
window.mobileZoomCurrent = getPrev();
animating = false;
function fitBounds(){
var width = $('.mobilezoom__image').width();
var height = $('.mobilezoom__image').height();
var nwidth = $('.mobilezoom__image').data('nwidth');
var nheight = $('.mobilezoom__image').data('nheight');
var x = $('.mobilezoom__image').position().left;
var y = $('.mobilezoom__image').position().top;
var cwidth = $('.mobilezoom__holder').width();
var cheight = $('.mobilezoom__holder').height();
var aspect = nwidth/nheight;
var caspect = cwidth/cheight;
var maxZoom = 1;
if(width < cwidth && height < cheight){
// To small. Fit to window.
if(aspect > caspect){
'width': cwidth + 'px',
'height': (cwidth / aspect) + 'px',
'left': 0,
'top': ((cheight - cwidth / aspect) / 2) + 'px'
}, 300);
} else {
'height': cheight + 'px',
'width': (cheight * aspect) + 'px',
'top': 0,
'left': ((cwidth - cheight * aspect) / 2) + 'px'
}, 300);
} else {
// Fit to bounds
if(width >= cwidth) {
var xnew;
if(x > 0) xnew = 0;
if(x + width < cwidth) xnew = cwidth - width;
} else {
var xnew = (cwidth - width) / 2;
if(height >= cheight) {
var ynew;
if(y > 0) ynew = 0;
if(y + height < cheight) ynew = cheight - height;
} else {
var ynew = (cheight - height) / 2;
if(x != xnew || y != ynew){
$('.mobilezoom__image').animate({'top': ynew + 'px', 'left': xnew + 'px'}, 300);
$('.mobilezoom__next-image').animate({'left': (cwidth + settings.marginbetween) + 'px'}, 300);
$('.mobilezoom__prev-image').animate({'left': (-cwidth - settings.marginbetween) + 'px'}, 300);
if(width > nwidth * maxZoom || height > nheight * maxZoom){
// Too big. Zooming to maxZoom
'width': nwidth * maxZoom + 'px',
'height': nheight * maxZoom + 'px',
'left': "+=" + (width - nwidth * maxZoom)/2,
'top': "+=" + (height - nheight * maxZoom)/2
}, 300);