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* jquery.inputmask.bundle.js
* Copyright (c) 2010 - 2017 Robin Herbots
* Licensed under the MIT license (
* Version: 3.3.11

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        function Inputmask(alias, options, internal) {
            if (!(this instanceof Inputmask)) return new Inputmask(alias, options, internal);
            this.el = undefined, = {}, this.maskset = undefined, this.refreshValue = !1, 
            !0 !== internal && ($.isPlainObject(alias) ? options = alias : (options = options || {}).alias = alias, 
            this.opts = $.extend(!0, {}, this.defaults, options), this.noMasksCache = options && options.definitions !== undefined, 
            this.userOptions = options || {}, this.isRTL = this.opts.numericInput, resolveAlias(this.opts.alias, options, this.opts));
        function resolveAlias(aliasStr, options, opts) {
            var aliasDefinition = Inputmask.prototype.aliases[aliasStr];
            return aliasDefinition ? (aliasDefinition.alias && resolveAlias(aliasDefinition.alias, undefined, opts), 
            $.extend(!0, opts, aliasDefinition), $.extend(!0, opts, options), !0) : (null === opts.mask && (opts.mask = aliasStr), 
        function generateMaskSet(opts, nocache) {
            function generateMask(mask, metadata, opts) {
                var regexMask = !1;
                if (null !== mask && "" !== mask || ((regexMask = null !== opts.regex) ? mask = (mask = opts.regex).replace(/^(\^)(.*)(\$)$/, "$2") : (regexMask = !0, 
                mask = ".*")), 1 === mask.length && !1 === opts.greedy && 0 !== opts.repeat && (opts.placeholder = ""), 
                opts.repeat > 0 || "*" === opts.repeat || "+" === opts.repeat) {
                    var repeatStart = "*" === opts.repeat ? 0 : "+" === opts.repeat ? 1 : opts.repeat;
                    mask = opts.groupmarker.start + mask + opts.groupmarker.end + opts.quantifiermarker.start + repeatStart + "," + opts.repeat + opts.quantifiermarker.end;
                var masksetDefinition, maskdefKey = regexMask ? "regex_" + opts.regex : opts.numericInput ? mask.split("").reverse().join("") : mask;
                return Inputmask.prototype.masksCache[maskdefKey] === undefined || !0 === nocache ? (masksetDefinition = {
                    mask: mask,
                    maskToken: Inputmask.prototype.analyseMask(mask, regexMask, opts),
                    validPositions: {},
                    _buffer: undefined,
                    buffer: undefined,
                    tests: {},
                    metadata: metadata,
                    maskLength: undefined
                }, !0 !== nocache && (Inputmask.prototype.masksCache[maskdefKey] = masksetDefinition, 
                masksetDefinition = $.extend(!0, {}, Inputmask.prototype.masksCache[maskdefKey]))) : masksetDefinition = $.extend(!0, {}, Inputmask.prototype.masksCache[maskdefKey]), 
            if ($.isFunction(opts.mask) && (opts.mask = opts.mask(opts)), $.isArray(opts.mask)) {
                if (opts.mask.length > 1) {
                    opts.keepStatic = null === opts.keepStatic || opts.keepStatic;
                    var altMask = opts.groupmarker.start;
                    return $.each(opts.numericInput ? opts.mask.reverse() : opts.mask, function(ndx, msk) {
                        altMask.length > 1 && (altMask += opts.groupmarker.end + opts.alternatormarker + opts.groupmarker.start), 
                        msk.mask === undefined || $.isFunction(msk.mask) ? altMask += msk : altMask += msk.mask;
                    }), altMask += opts.groupmarker.end, generateMask(altMask, opts.mask, opts);
                opts.mask = opts.mask.pop();
            return opts.mask && opts.mask.mask !== undefined && !$.isFunction(opts.mask.mask) ? generateMask(opts.mask.mask, opts.mask, opts) : generateMask(opts.mask, opts.mask, opts);
        function maskScope(actionObj, maskset, opts) {
            function getMaskTemplate(baseOnInput, minimalPos, includeMode) {
                minimalPos = minimalPos || 0;
                var ndxIntlzr, test, testPos, maskTemplate = [], pos = 0, lvp = getLastValidPosition();
                do {
                    !0 === baseOnInput && getMaskSet().validPositions[pos] ? (test = (testPos = getMaskSet().validPositions[pos]).match, 
                    ndxIntlzr = testPos.locator.slice(), maskTemplate.push(!0 === includeMode ? testPos.input : !1 === includeMode ? test.nativeDef : getPlaceholder(pos, test))) : (test = (testPos = getTestTemplate(pos, ndxIntlzr, pos - 1)).match, 
                    ndxIntlzr = testPos.locator.slice(), (!1 === opts.jitMasking || pos < lvp || "number" == typeof opts.jitMasking && isFinite(opts.jitMasking) && opts.jitMasking > pos) && maskTemplate.push(!1 === includeMode ? test.nativeDef : getPlaceholder(pos, test))), 
                } while ((maxLength === undefined || pos < maxLength) && (null !== test.fn || "" !== test.def) || minimalPos > pos);
                return "" === maskTemplate[maskTemplate.length - 1] && maskTemplate.pop(), getMaskSet().maskLength = pos + 1, 
            function getMaskSet() {
                return maskset;
            function resetMaskSet(soft) {
                var maskset = getMaskSet();
                maskset.buffer = undefined, !0 !== soft && (maskset.validPositions = {}, maskset.p = 0);
            function getLastValidPosition(closestTo, strict, validPositions) {
                var before = -1, after = -1, valids = validPositions || getMaskSet().validPositions;
                closestTo === undefined && (closestTo = -1);
                for (var posNdx in valids) {
                    var psNdx = parseInt(posNdx);
                    valids[psNdx] && (strict || !0 !== valids[psNdx].generatedInput) && (psNdx <= closestTo && (before = psNdx), 
                    psNdx >= closestTo && (after = psNdx));
                return -1 !== before && closestTo - before > 1 || after < closestTo ? before : after;
            function stripValidPositions(start, end, nocheck, strict) {
                var i, startPos = start, positionsClone = $.extend(!0, {}, getMaskSet().validPositions), needsValidation = !1;
                for (getMaskSet().p = start, i = end - 1; i >= startPos; i--) getMaskSet().validPositions[i] !== undefined && (!0 !== nocheck && (!getMaskSet().validPositions[i].match.optionality && function(pos) {
                    var posMatch = getMaskSet().validPositions[pos];
                    if (posMatch !== undefined && null === posMatch.match.fn) {
                        var prevMatch = getMaskSet().validPositions[pos - 1], nextMatch = getMaskSet().validPositions[pos + 1];
                        return prevMatch !== undefined && nextMatch !== undefined;
                    return !1;
                }(i) || !1 === opts.canClearPosition(getMaskSet(), i, getLastValidPosition(), strict, opts)) || delete getMaskSet().validPositions[i]);
                for (resetMaskSet(!0), i = startPos + 1; i <= getLastValidPosition(); ) {
                    for (;getMaskSet().validPositions[startPos] !== undefined; ) startPos++;
                    if (i < startPos && (i = startPos + 1), getMaskSet().validPositions[i] === undefined && isMask(i)) i++; else {
                        var t = getTestTemplate(i);
                        !1 === needsValidation && positionsClone[startPos] && positionsClone[startPos].match.def === t.match.def ? (getMaskSet().validPositions[startPos] = $.extend(!0, {}, positionsClone[startPos]), 
                        getMaskSet().validPositions[startPos].input = t.input, delete getMaskSet().validPositions[i], 
                        i++) : positionCanMatchDefinition(startPos, t.match.def) ? !1 !== isValid(startPos, t.input || getPlaceholder(i), !0) && (delete getMaskSet().validPositions[i], 
                        i++, needsValidation = !0) : isMask(i) || (i++, startPos--), startPos++;
            function determineTestTemplate(tests, guessNextBest) {
                for (var testPos, testPositions = tests, lvp = getLastValidPosition(), lvTest = getMaskSet().validPositions[lvp] || getTests(0)[0], lvTestAltArr = lvTest.alternation !== undefined ? lvTest.locator[lvTest.alternation].toString().split(",") : [], ndx = 0; ndx < testPositions.length && (!((testPos = testPositions[ndx]).match && (opts.greedy && !0 !== testPos.match.optionalQuantifier || (!1 === testPos.match.optionality || !1 === testPos.match.newBlockMarker) && !0 !== testPos.match.optionalQuantifier) && (lvTest.alternation === undefined || lvTest.alternation !== testPos.alternation || testPos.locator[lvTest.alternation] !== undefined && checkAlternationMatch(testPos.locator[lvTest.alternation].toString().split(","), lvTestAltArr))) || !0 === guessNextBest && (null !== testPos.match.fn || /[0-9a-bA-Z]/.test(testPos.match.def))); ndx++) ;
                return testPos;
            function getTestTemplate(pos, ndxIntlzr, tstPs) {
                return getMaskSet().validPositions[pos] || determineTestTemplate(getTests(pos, ndxIntlzr ? ndxIntlzr.slice() : ndxIntlzr, tstPs));
            function getTest(pos) {
                return getMaskSet().validPositions[pos] ? getMaskSet().validPositions[pos] : getTests(pos)[0];
            function positionCanMatchDefinition(pos, def) {
                for (var valid = !1, tests = getTests(pos), tndx = 0; tndx < tests.length; tndx++) if (tests[tndx].match && tests[tndx].match.def === def) {
                    valid = !0;
                return valid;
            function getTests(pos, ndxIntlzr, tstPs) {
                function resolveTestFromToken(maskToken, ndxInitializer, loopNdx, quantifierRecurse) {
                    function handleMatch(match, loopNdx, quantifierRecurse) {
                        function isFirstMatch(latestMatch, tokenGroup) {
                            var firstMatch = 0 === $.inArray(latestMatch, tokenGroup.matches);
                            return firstMatch || $.each(tokenGroup.matches, function(ndx, match) {
                                if (!0 === match.isQuantifier && (firstMatch = isFirstMatch(latestMatch, tokenGroup.matches[ndx - 1]))) return !1;
                            }), firstMatch;
                        function resolveNdxInitializer(pos, alternateNdx, targetAlternation) {
                            var bestMatch, indexPos;
                            if (getMaskSet().validPositions[pos - 1] && targetAlternation && getMaskSet().tests[pos]) for (var vpAlternation = getMaskSet().validPositions[pos - 1].locator, tpAlternation = getMaskSet().tests[pos][0].locator, i = 0; i < targetAlternation; i++) if (vpAlternation[i] !== tpAlternation[i]) return vpAlternation.slice(targetAlternation + 1);
                            return (getMaskSet().tests[pos] || getMaskSet().validPositions[pos]) && $.each(getMaskSet().tests[pos] || [ getMaskSet().validPositions[pos] ], function(ndx, lmnt) {
                                var alternation = targetAlternation !== undefined ? targetAlternation : lmnt.alternation, ndxPos = lmnt.locator[alternation] !== undefined ? lmnt.locator[alternation].toString().indexOf(alternateNdx) : -1;
                                (indexPos === undefined || ndxPos < indexPos) && -1 !== ndxPos && (bestMatch = lmnt, 
                                indexPos = ndxPos);
                            }), bestMatch ? bestMatch.locator.slice((targetAlternation !== undefined ? targetAlternation : bestMatch.alternation) + 1) : targetAlternation !== undefined ? resolveNdxInitializer(pos, alternateNdx) : undefined;
                        if (testPos > 1e4) throw "Inputmask: There is probably an error in your mask definition or in the code. Create an issue on github with an example of the mask you are using. " + getMaskSet().mask;
                        if (testPos === pos && match.matches === undefined) return matches.push({
                            match: match,
                            locator: loopNdx.reverse(),
                            cd: cacheDependency
                        }), !0;
                        if (match.matches !== undefined) {
                            if (match.isGroup && quantifierRecurse !== match) {
                                if (match = handleMatch(maskToken.matches[$.inArray(match, maskToken.matches) + 1], loopNdx)) return !0;
                            } else if (match.isOptional) {
                                var optionalToken = match;
                                if (match = resolveTestFromToken(match, ndxInitializer, loopNdx, quantifierRecurse)) {
                                    if (latestMatch = matches[matches.length - 1].match, !isFirstMatch(latestMatch, optionalToken)) return !0;
                                    insertStop = !0, testPos = pos;
                            } else if (match.isAlternator) {
                                var maltMatches, alternateToken = match, malternateMatches = [], currentMatches = matches.slice(), loopNdxCnt = loopNdx.length, altIndex = ndxInitializer.length > 0 ? ndxInitializer.shift() : -1;
                                if (-1 === altIndex || "string" == typeof altIndex) {
                                    var amndx, currentPos = testPos, ndxInitializerClone = ndxInitializer.slice(), altIndexArr = [];
                                    if ("string" == typeof altIndex) altIndexArr = altIndex.split(","); else for (amndx = 0; amndx < alternateToken.matches.length; amndx++) altIndexArr.push(amndx);
                                    for (var ndx = 0; ndx < altIndexArr.length; ndx++) {
                                        if (amndx = parseInt(altIndexArr[ndx]), matches = [], ndxInitializer = resolveNdxInitializer(testPos, amndx, loopNdxCnt) || ndxInitializerClone.slice(), 
                                        !0 !== (match = handleMatch(alternateToken.matches[amndx] || maskToken.matches[amndx], [ amndx ].concat(loopNdx), quantifierRecurse) || match) && match !== undefined && altIndexArr[altIndexArr.length - 1] < alternateToken.matches.length) {
                                            var ntndx = $.inArray(match, maskToken.matches) + 1;
                                            maskToken.matches.length > ntndx && (match = handleMatch(maskToken.matches[ntndx], [ ntndx ].concat(loopNdx.slice(1, loopNdx.length)), quantifierRecurse)) && (altIndexArr.push(ntndx.toString()), 
                                            $.each(matches, function(ndx, lmnt) {
                                                lmnt.alternation = loopNdx.length - 1;
                                        maltMatches = matches.slice(), testPos = currentPos, matches = [];
                                        for (var ndx1 = 0; ndx1 < maltMatches.length; ndx1++) {
                                            var altMatch = maltMatches[ndx1], dropMatch = !1;
                                            altMatch.alternation = altMatch.alternation || loopNdxCnt;
                                            for (var ndx2 = 0; ndx2 < malternateMatches.length; ndx2++) {
                                                var altMatch2 = malternateMatches[ndx2];
                                                if ("string" != typeof altIndex || -1 !== $.inArray(altMatch.locator[altMatch.alternation].toString(), altIndexArr)) {
                                                    if (function(source, target) {
                                                        return source.match.nativeDef === target.match.nativeDef || source.match.def === target.match.nativeDef || source.match.nativeDef === target.match.def;
                                                    }(altMatch, altMatch2)) {
                                                        dropMatch = !0, altMatch.alternation === altMatch2.alternation && -1 === altMatch2.locator[altMatch2.alternation].toString().indexOf(altMatch.locator[altMatch.alternation]) && (altMatch2.locator[altMatch2.alternation] = altMatch2.locator[altMatch2.alternation] + "," + altMatch.locator[altMatch.alternation], 
                                                        altMatch2.alternation = altMatch.alternation), altMatch.match.nativeDef === altMatch2.match.def && (altMatch.locator[altMatch.alternation] = altMatch2.locator[altMatch2.alternation], 
                                                        malternateMatches.splice(malternateMatches.indexOf(altMatch2), 1, altMatch));
                                                    if (altMatch.match.def === altMatch2.match.def) {
                                                        dropMatch = !1;
                                                    if (function(source, target) {
                                                        return null === source.match.fn && null !== target.match.fn && target.match.fn.test(source.match.def, getMaskSet(), pos, !1, opts, !1);
                                                    }(altMatch, altMatch2) || function(source, target) {
                                                        return null !== source.match.fn && null !== target.match.fn && target.match.fn.test(source.match.def.replace(/[\[\]]/g, ""), getMaskSet(), pos, !1, opts, !1);
                                                    }(altMatch, altMatch2)) {
                                                        altMatch.alternation === altMatch2.alternation && -1 === altMatch.locator[altMatch.alternation].toString().indexOf(altMatch2.locator[altMatch2.alternation].toString().split("")[0]) && ( = || altMatch.locator[altMatch.alternation].toString(), 
                                                        -1 ===[altMatch.alternation].toString().split("")[0]) && ( = + "," + altMatch.locator[altMatch2.alternation].toString().split("")[0]), 
                                                        dropMatch = !0, altMatch.locator[altMatch.alternation] = altMatch2.locator[altMatch2.alternation].toString().split("")[0] + "," + altMatch.locator[altMatch.alternation], 
                                                        malternateMatches.splice(malternateMatches.indexOf(altMatch2), 0, altMatch));
                                            dropMatch || malternateMatches.push(altMatch);
                                    "string" == typeof altIndex && (malternateMatches = $.map(malternateMatches, function(lmnt, ndx) {
                                        if (isFinite(ndx)) {
                                            var alternation = lmnt.alternation, altLocArr = lmnt.locator[alternation].toString().split(",");
                                            lmnt.locator[alternation] = undefined, lmnt.alternation = undefined;
                                            for (var alndx = 0; alndx < altLocArr.length; alndx++) -1 !== $.inArray(altLocArr[alndx], altIndexArr) && (lmnt.locator[alternation] !== undefined ? (lmnt.locator[alternation] += ",", 
                                            lmnt.locator[alternation] += altLocArr[alndx]) : lmnt.locator[alternation] = parseInt(altLocArr[alndx]), 
                                            lmnt.alternation = alternation);
                                            if (lmnt.locator[alternation] !== undefined) return lmnt;
                                    })), matches = currentMatches.concat(malternateMatches), testPos = pos, insertStop = matches.length > 0, 
                                    match = malternateMatches.length > 0, ndxInitializer = ndxInitializerClone.slice();
                                } else match = handleMatch(alternateToken.matches[altIndex] || maskToken.matches[altIndex], [ altIndex ].concat(loopNdx), quantifierRecurse);
                                if (match) return !0;
                            } else if (match.isQuantifier && quantifierRecurse !== maskToken.matches[$.inArray(match, maskToken.matches) - 1]) for (var qt = match, qndx = ndxInitializer.length > 0 ? ndxInitializer.shift() : 0; qndx < (isNaN(qt.quantifier.max) ? qndx + 1 : qt.quantifier.max) && testPos <= pos; qndx++) {
                                var tokenGroup = maskToken.matches[$.inArray(qt, maskToken.matches) - 1];
                                if (match = handleMatch(tokenGroup, [ qndx ].concat(loopNdx), tokenGroup)) {
                                    if (latestMatch = matches[matches.length - 1].match, latestMatch.optionalQuantifier = qndx > qt.quantifier.min - 1, 
                                    isFirstMatch(latestMatch, tokenGroup)) {
                                        if (qndx > qt.quantifier.min - 1) {
                                            insertStop = !0, testPos = pos;
                                        return !0;
                                    return !0;
                            } else if (match = resolveTestFromToken(match, ndxInitializer, loopNdx, quantifierRecurse)) return !0;
                        } else testPos++;
                    for (var tndx = ndxInitializer.length > 0 ? ndxInitializer.shift() : 0; tndx < maskToken.matches.length; tndx++) if (!0 !== maskToken.matches[tndx].isQuantifier) {
                        var match = handleMatch(maskToken.matches[tndx], [ tndx ].concat(loopNdx), quantifierRecurse);
                        if (match && testPos === pos) return match;
                        if (testPos > pos) break;
                function filterTests(tests) {
                    if (opts.keepStatic && pos > 0 && tests.length > 1 + ("" === tests[tests.length - 1].match.def ? 1 : 0) && !0 !== tests[0].match.optionality && !0 !== tests[0].match.optionalQuantifier && null === tests[0].match.fn && !/[0-9a-bA-Z]/.test(tests[0].match.def)) {
                        if (getMaskSet().validPositions[pos - 1] === undefined) return [ determineTestTemplate(tests) ];
                        if (getMaskSet().validPositions[pos - 1].alternation === tests[0].alternation) return [ determineTestTemplate(tests) ];
                        if (getMaskSet().validPositions[pos - 1]) return [ determineTestTemplate(tests) ];
                    return tests;
                var latestMatch, maskTokens = getMaskSet().maskToken, testPos = ndxIntlzr ? tstPs : 0, ndxInitializer = ndxIntlzr ? ndxIntlzr.slice() : [ 0 ], matches = [], insertStop = !1, cacheDependency = ndxIntlzr ? ndxIntlzr.join("") : "";
                if (pos > -1) {
                    if (ndxIntlzr === undefined) {
                        for (var test, previousPos = pos - 1; (test = getMaskSet().validPositions[previousPos] || getMaskSet().tests[previousPos]) === undefined && previousPos > -1; ) previousPos--;
                        test !== undefined && previousPos > -1 && (ndxInitializer = function(tests) {
                            var locator = [];
                            return $.isArray(tests) || (tests = [ tests ]), tests.length > 0 && (tests[0].alternation === undefined ? 0 === (locator = determineTestTemplate(tests.slice()).locator.slice()).length && (locator = tests[0].locator.slice()) : $.each(tests, function(ndx, tst) {
                                if ("" !== tst.def) if (0 === locator.length) locator = tst.locator.slice(); else for (var i = 0; i < locator.length; i++) tst.locator[i] && -1 === locator[i].toString().indexOf(tst.locator[i]) && (locator[i] += "," + tst.locator[i]);
                            })), locator;
                        }(test), cacheDependency = ndxInitializer.join(""), testPos = previousPos);
                    if (getMaskSet().tests[pos] && getMaskSet().tests[pos][0].cd === cacheDependency) return filterTests(getMaskSet().tests[pos]);
                    for (var mtndx = ndxInitializer.shift(); mtndx < maskTokens.length && !(resolveTestFromToken(maskTokens[mtndx], ndxInitializer, [ mtndx ]) && testPos === pos || testPos > pos); mtndx++) ;
                return (0 === matches.length || insertStop) && matches.push({
                    match: {
                        fn: null,
                        cardinality: 0,
                        optionality: !0,
                        casing: null,
                        def: "",
                        placeholder: ""
                    locator: [],
                    cd: cacheDependency
                }), ndxIntlzr !== undefined && getMaskSet().tests[pos] ? filterTests($.extend(!0, [], matches)) : (getMaskSet().tests[pos] = $.extend(!0, [], matches), 
            function getBufferTemplate() {
                return getMaskSet()._buffer === undefined && (getMaskSet()._buffer = getMaskTemplate(!1, 1), 
                getMaskSet().buffer === undefined && (getMaskSet().buffer = getMaskSet()._buffer.slice())), 
            function getBuffer(noCache) {
                return getMaskSet().buffer !== undefined && !0 !== noCache || (getMaskSet().buffer = getMaskTemplate(!0, getLastValidPosition(), !0)), 
            function refreshFromBuffer(start, end, buffer) {
                var i, p;
                if (!0 === start) resetMaskSet(), start = 0, end = buffer.length; else for (i = start; i < end; i++) delete getMaskSet().validPositions[i];
                for (p = start, i = start; i < end; i++) if (resetMaskSet(!0), buffer[i] !== opts.skipOptionalPartCharacter) {
                    var valResult = isValid(p, buffer[i], !0, !0);
                    !1 !== valResult && (resetMaskSet(!0), p = valResult.caret !== undefined ? valResult.caret : valResult.pos + 1);
            function casing(elem, test, pos) {
                switch (opts.casing || test.casing) {
                  case "upper":
                    elem = elem.toUpperCase();

                  case "lower":
                    elem = elem.toLowerCase();

                  case "title":
                    var posBefore = getMaskSet().validPositions[pos - 1];
                    elem = 0 === pos || posBefore && posBefore.input === String.fromCharCode(Inputmask.keyCode.SPACE) ? elem.toUpperCase() : elem.toLowerCase();

                    if ($.isFunction(opts.casing)) {
                        var args =;
                        args.push(getMaskSet().validPositions), elem = opts.casing.apply(this, args);
                return elem;
            function checkAlternationMatch(altArr1, altArr2, na) {
                for (var naNdx, altArrC = opts.greedy ? altArr2 : altArr2.slice(0, 1), isMatch = !1, naArr = na !== undefined ? na.split(",") : [], i = 0; i < naArr.length; i++) -1 !== (naNdx = altArr1.indexOf(naArr[i])) && altArr1.splice(naNdx, 1);
                for (var alndx = 0; alndx < altArr1.length; alndx++) if (-1 !== $.inArray(altArr1[alndx], altArrC)) {
                    isMatch = !0;
                return isMatch;
            function isValid(pos, c, strict, fromSetValid, fromAlternate, validateOnly) {
                function isSelection(posObj) {
                    var selection = isRTL ? posObj.begin - posObj.end > 1 || posObj.begin - posObj.end == 1 : posObj.end - posObj.begin > 1 || posObj.end - posObj.begin == 1;
                    return selection && 0 === posObj.begin && posObj.end === getMaskSet().maskLength ? "full" : selection;
                function _isValid(position, c, strict) {
                    var rslt = !1;
                    return $.each(getTests(position), function(ndx, tst) {
                        for (var test = tst.match, loopend = c ? 1 : 0, chrs = "", i = test.cardinality; i > loopend; i--) chrs += getBufferElement(position - (i - 1));
                        if (c && (chrs += c), getBuffer(!0), !1 !== (rslt = null != test.fn ? test.fn.test(chrs, getMaskSet(), position, strict, opts, isSelection(pos)) : (c === test.def || c === opts.skipOptionalPartCharacter) && "" !== test.def && {
                            c: getPlaceholder(position, test, !0) || test.def,
                            pos: position
                        })) {
                            var elem = rslt.c !== undefined ? rslt.c : c;
                            elem = elem === opts.skipOptionalPartCharacter && null === test.fn ? getPlaceholder(position, test, !0) || test.def : elem;
                            var validatedPos = position, possibleModifiedBuffer = getBuffer();
                            if (rslt.remove !== undefined && ($.isArray(rslt.remove) || (rslt.remove = [ rslt.remove ]), 
                            $.each(rslt.remove.sort(function(a, b) {
                                return b - a;
                            }), function(ndx, lmnt) {
                                stripValidPositions(lmnt, lmnt + 1, !0);
                            })), rslt.insert !== undefined && ($.isArray(rslt.insert) || (rslt.insert = [ rslt.insert ]), 
                            $.each(rslt.insert.sort(function(a, b) {
                                return a - b;
                            }), function(ndx, lmnt) {
                                isValid(lmnt.pos, lmnt.c, !0, fromSetValid);
                            })), rslt.refreshFromBuffer) {
                                var refresh = rslt.refreshFromBuffer;
                                if (refreshFromBuffer(!0 === refresh ? refresh : refresh.start, refresh.end, possibleModifiedBuffer), 
                                rslt.pos === undefined && rslt.c === undefined) return rslt.pos = getLastValidPosition(), 
                                if ((validatedPos = rslt.pos !== undefined ? rslt.pos : position) !== position) return rslt = $.extend(rslt, isValid(validatedPos, elem, !0, fromSetValid)), 
                            } else if (!0 !== rslt && rslt.pos !== undefined && rslt.pos !== position && (validatedPos = rslt.pos, 
                            refreshFromBuffer(position, validatedPos, getBuffer().slice()), validatedPos !== position)) return rslt = $.extend(rslt, isValid(validatedPos, elem, !0)), 
                            return (!0 === rslt || rslt.pos !== undefined || rslt.c !== undefined) && (ndx > 0 && resetMaskSet(!0), 
                            setValidPosition(validatedPos, $.extend({}, tst, {
                                input: casing(elem, test, validatedPos)
                            }), fromSetValid, isSelection(pos)) || (rslt = !1), !1);
                    }), rslt;
                function setValidPosition(pos, validTest, fromSetValid, isSelection) {
                    if (isSelection || opts.insertMode && getMaskSet().validPositions[pos] !== undefined && fromSetValid === undefined) {
                        var i, positionsClone = $.extend(!0, {}, getMaskSet().validPositions), lvp = getLastValidPosition(undefined, !0);
                        for (i = pos; i <= lvp; i++) delete getMaskSet().validPositions[i];
                        getMaskSet().validPositions[pos] = $.extend(!0, {}, validTest);
                        var j, valid = !0, vps = getMaskSet().validPositions, needsValidation = !1, initialLength = getMaskSet().maskLength;
                        for (i = j = pos; i <= lvp; i++) {
                            var t = positionsClone[i];
                            if (t !== undefined) for (var posMatch = j; posMatch < getMaskSet().maskLength && (null === t.match.fn && vps[i] && (!0 === vps[i].match.optionalQuantifier || !0 === vps[i].match.optionality) || null != t.match.fn); ) {
                                if (posMatch++, !1 === needsValidation && positionsClone[posMatch] && positionsClone[posMatch].match.def === t.match.def) getMaskSet().validPositions[posMatch] = $.extend(!0, {}, positionsClone[posMatch]), 
                                getMaskSet().validPositions[posMatch].input = t.input, fillMissingNonMask(posMatch), 
                                j = posMatch, valid = !0; else if (positionCanMatchDefinition(posMatch, t.match.def)) {
                                    var result = isValid(posMatch, t.input, !0, !0);
                                    valid = !1 !== result, j = result.caret || result.insert ? getLastValidPosition() : posMatch, 
                                    needsValidation = !0;
                                } else if (!(valid = !0 === t.generatedInput) && posMatch >= getMaskSet().maskLength - 1) break;
                                if (getMaskSet().maskLength < initialLength && (getMaskSet().maskLength = initialLength), 
                                valid) break;
                            if (!valid) break;
                        if (!valid) return getMaskSet().validPositions = $.extend(!0, {}, positionsClone), 
                        resetMaskSet(!0), !1;
                    } else getMaskSet().validPositions[pos] = $.extend(!0, {}, validTest);
                    return resetMaskSet(!0), !0;
                function fillMissingNonMask(maskPos) {
                    for (var pndx = maskPos - 1; pndx > -1 && !getMaskSet().validPositions[pndx]; pndx--) ;
                    var testTemplate, testsFromPos;
                    for (pndx++; pndx < maskPos; pndx++) getMaskSet().validPositions[pndx] === undefined && (!1 === opts.jitMasking || opts.jitMasking > pndx) && ("" === (testsFromPos = getTests(pndx, getTestTemplate(pndx - 1).locator, pndx - 1).slice())[testsFromPos.length - 1].match.def && testsFromPos.pop(), 
                    (testTemplate = determineTestTemplate(testsFromPos)) && (testTemplate.match.def === opts.radixPointDefinitionSymbol || !isMask(pndx, !0) || $.inArray(opts.radixPoint, getBuffer()) < pndx && testTemplate.match.fn && testTemplate.match.fn.test(getPlaceholder(pndx), getMaskSet(), pndx, !1, opts)) && !1 !== (result = _isValid(pndx, getPlaceholder(pndx, testTemplate.match, !0) || (null == testTemplate.match.fn ? testTemplate.match.def : "" !== getPlaceholder(pndx) ? getPlaceholder(pndx) : getBuffer()[pndx]), !0)) && (getMaskSet().validPositions[result.pos || pndx].generatedInput = !0));
                strict = !0 === strict;
                var maskPos = pos;
                pos.begin !== undefined && (maskPos = isRTL && !isSelection(pos) ? pos.end : pos.begin);
                var result = !0, positionsClone = $.extend(!0, {}, getMaskSet().validPositions);
                if ($.isFunction(opts.preValidation) && !strict && !0 !== fromSetValid && !0 !== validateOnly && (result = opts.preValidation(getBuffer(), maskPos, c, isSelection(pos), opts)), 
                !0 === result) {
                    if (fillMissingNonMask(maskPos), isSelection(pos) && (handleRemove(undefined, Inputmask.keyCode.DELETE, pos, !0, !0), 
                    maskPos = getMaskSet().p), maskPos < getMaskSet().maskLength && (maxLength === undefined || maskPos < maxLength) && (result = _isValid(maskPos, c, strict), 
                    (!strict || !0 === fromSetValid) && !1 === result && !0 !== validateOnly)) {
                        var currentPosValid = getMaskSet().validPositions[maskPos];
                        if (!currentPosValid || null !== currentPosValid.match.fn || currentPosValid.match.def !== c && c !== opts.skipOptionalPartCharacter) {
                            if ((opts.insertMode || getMaskSet().validPositions[seekNext(maskPos)] === undefined) && !isMask(maskPos, !0)) for (var nPos = maskPos + 1, snPos = seekNext(maskPos); nPos <= snPos; nPos++) if (!1 !== (result = _isValid(nPos, c, strict))) {
                                !function(originalPos, newPos) {
                                    var vp = getMaskSet().validPositions[newPos];
                                    if (vp) for (var targetLocator = vp.locator, tll = targetLocator.length, ps = originalPos; ps < newPos; ps++) if (getMaskSet().validPositions[ps] === undefined && !isMask(ps, !0)) {
                                        var tests = getTests(ps).slice(), bestMatch = determineTestTemplate(tests, !0), equality = -1;
                                        "" === tests[tests.length - 1].match.def && tests.pop(), $.each(tests, function(ndx, tst) {
                                            for (var i = 0; i < tll; i++) {
                                                if (tst.locator[i] === undefined || !checkAlternationMatch(tst.locator[i].toString().split(","), targetLocator[i].toString().split(","), {
                                                    var targetAI = targetLocator[i], bestMatchAI = bestMatch.locator[i], tstAI = tst.locator[i];
                                                    targetAI - bestMatchAI > Math.abs(targetAI - tstAI) && (bestMatch = tst);
                                                equality < i && (equality = i, bestMatch = tst);
                                        }), (bestMatch = $.extend({}, bestMatch, {
                                            input: getPlaceholder(ps, bestMatch.match, !0) || bestMatch.match.def
                                        })).generatedInput = !0, setValidPosition(ps, bestMatch, !0), getMaskSet().validPositions[newPos] = undefined, 
                                        _isValid(newPos, vp.input, !0);
                                }(maskPos, result.pos !== undefined ? result.pos : nPos), maskPos = nPos;
                        } else result = {
                            caret: seekNext(maskPos)
                    !1 === result && opts.keepStatic && !strict && !0 !== fromAlternate && (result = function(pos, c, strict) {
                        var lastAlt, alternation, altPos, prevAltPos, i, validPos, altNdxs, decisionPos, validPsClone = $.extend(!0, {}, getMaskSet().validPositions), isValidRslt = !1, lAltPos = getLastValidPosition();
                        for (prevAltPos = getMaskSet().validPositions[lAltPos]; lAltPos >= 0; lAltPos--) if ((altPos = getMaskSet().validPositions[lAltPos]) && altPos.alternation !== undefined) {
                            if (lastAlt = lAltPos, alternation = getMaskSet().validPositions[lastAlt].alternation, 
                            prevAltPos.locator[altPos.alternation] !== altPos.locator[altPos.alternation]) break;
                            prevAltPos = altPos;
                        if (alternation !== undefined) {
                            decisionPos = parseInt(lastAlt);
                            var decisionTaker = prevAltPos.locator[prevAltPos.alternation || alternation] !== undefined ? prevAltPos.locator[prevAltPos.alternation || alternation] : altNdxs[0];
                            decisionTaker.length > 0 && (decisionTaker = decisionTaker.split(",")[0]);
                            var possibilityPos = getMaskSet().validPositions[decisionPos], prevPos = getMaskSet().validPositions[decisionPos - 1];
                            $.each(getTests(decisionPos, prevPos ? prevPos.locator : undefined, decisionPos - 1), function(ndx, test) {
                                altNdxs = test.locator[alternation] ? test.locator[alternation].toString().split(",") : [];
                                for (var mndx = 0; mndx < altNdxs.length; mndx++) {
                                    var validInputs = [], staticInputsBeforePos = 0, staticInputsBeforePosAlternate = 0, verifyValidInput = !1;
                                    if (decisionTaker < altNdxs[mndx] && ( === undefined || -1 === $.inArray(altNdxs[mndx],",")) || -1 === $.inArray(decisionTaker.toString(), altNdxs))) {
                                        getMaskSet().validPositions[decisionPos] = $.extend(!0, {}, test);
                                        var possibilities = getMaskSet().validPositions[decisionPos].locator;
                                        for (getMaskSet().validPositions[decisionPos].locator[alternation] = parseInt(altNdxs[mndx]), 
                                        null == test.match.fn ? (possibilityPos.input !== test.match.def && (verifyValidInput = !0, 
                                        !0 !== possibilityPos.generatedInput && validInputs.push(possibilityPos.input)), 
                                        staticInputsBeforePosAlternate++, getMaskSet().validPositions[decisionPos].generatedInput = !/[0-9a-bA-Z]/.test(test.match.def), 
                                        getMaskSet().validPositions[decisionPos].input = test.match.def) : getMaskSet().validPositions[decisionPos].input = possibilityPos.input, 
                                        i = decisionPos + 1; i < getLastValidPosition(undefined, !0) + 1; i++) (validPos = getMaskSet().validPositions[i]) && !0 !== validPos.generatedInput && /[0-9a-bA-Z]/.test(validPos.input) ? validInputs.push(validPos.input) : i < pos && staticInputsBeforePos++, 
                                        delete getMaskSet().validPositions[i];
                                        for (verifyValidInput && validInputs[0] === test.match.def && validInputs.shift(), 
                                        resetMaskSet(!0), isValidRslt = !0; validInputs.length > 0; ) {
                                            var input = validInputs.shift();
                                            if (input !== opts.skipOptionalPartCharacter && !(isValidRslt = isValid(getLastValidPosition(undefined, !0) + 1, input, !1, fromSetValid, !0))) break;
                                        if (isValidRslt) {
                                            getMaskSet().validPositions[decisionPos].locator = possibilities;
                                            var targetLvp = getLastValidPosition(pos) + 1;
                                            for (i = decisionPos + 1; i < getLastValidPosition() + 1; i++) ((validPos = getMaskSet().validPositions[i]) === undefined || null == validPos.match.fn) && i < pos + (staticInputsBeforePosAlternate - staticInputsBeforePos) && staticInputsBeforePosAlternate++;
                                            isValidRslt = isValid((pos += staticInputsBeforePosAlternate - staticInputsBeforePos) > targetLvp ? targetLvp : pos, c, strict, fromSetValid, !0);
                                        if (isValidRslt) return !1;
                                        resetMaskSet(), getMaskSet().validPositions = $.extend(!0, {}, validPsClone);
                        return isValidRslt;
                    }(maskPos, c, strict)), !0 === result && (result = {
                        pos: maskPos
                if ($.isFunction(opts.postValidation) && !1 !== result && !strict && !0 !== fromSetValid && !0 !== validateOnly) {
                    var postResult = opts.postValidation(getBuffer(!0), result, opts);
                    if (postResult.refreshFromBuffer && postResult.buffer) {
                        var refresh = postResult.refreshFromBuffer;
                        refreshFromBuffer(!0 === refresh ? refresh : refresh.start, refresh.end, postResult.buffer);
                    result = !0 === postResult ? result : postResult;
                return result && result.pos === undefined && (result.pos = maskPos), !1 !== result && !0 !== validateOnly || (resetMaskSet(!0), 
                getMaskSet().validPositions = $.extend(!0, {}, positionsClone)), result;
            function isMask(pos, strict) {
                var test = getTestTemplate(pos).match;
                if ("" === test.def && (test = getTest(pos).match), null != test.fn) return test.fn;
                if (!0 !== strict && pos > -1) {
                    var tests = getTests(pos);
                    return tests.length > 1 + ("" === tests[tests.length - 1].match.def ? 1 : 0);
                return !1;
            function seekNext(pos, newBlock) {
                var maskL = getMaskSet().maskLength;
                if (pos >= maskL) return maskL;
                var position = pos;
                for (getTests(maskL + 1).length > 1 && (getMaskTemplate(!0, maskL + 1, !0), maskL = getMaskSet().maskLength); ++position < maskL && (!0 === newBlock && (!0 !== getTest(position).match.newBlockMarker || !isMask(position)) || !0 !== newBlock && !isMask(position)); ) ;
                return position;
            function seekPrevious(pos, newBlock) {
                var tests, position = pos;
                if (position <= 0) return 0;
                for (;--position > 0 && (!0 === newBlock && !0 !== getTest(position).match.newBlockMarker || !0 !== newBlock && !isMask(position) && ((tests = getTests(position)).length < 2 || 2 === tests.length && "" === tests[1].match.def)); ) ;
                return position;
            function getBufferElement(position) {
                return getMaskSet().validPositions[position] === undefined ? getPlaceholder(position) : getMaskSet().validPositions[position].input;
            function writeBuffer(input, buffer, caretPos, event, triggerInputEvent) {
                if (event && $.isFunction(opts.onBeforeWrite)) {
                    var result =, event, buffer, caretPos, opts);
                    if (result) {
                        if (result.refreshFromBuffer) {
                            var refresh = result.refreshFromBuffer;
                            refreshFromBuffer(!0 === refresh ? refresh : refresh.start, refresh.end, result.buffer || buffer), 
                            buffer = getBuffer(!0);
                        caretPos !== undefined && (caretPos = result.caret !== undefined ? result.caret : caretPos);
                input !== undefined && (input.inputmask._valueSet(buffer.join("")), caretPos === undefined || event !== undefined && "blur" === event.type ? renderColorMask(input, caretPos, 0 === buffer.length) : android && event && "input" === event.type ? setTimeout(function() {
                    caret(input, caretPos);
                }, 0) : caret(input, caretPos), !0 === triggerInputEvent && (skipInputEvent = !0, 
            function getPlaceholder(pos, test, returnPL) {
                if ((test = test || getTest(pos).match).placeholder !== undefined || !0 === returnPL) return $.isFunction(test.placeholder) ? test.placeholder(opts) : test.placeholder;
                if (null === test.fn) {
                    if (pos > -1 && getMaskSet().validPositions[pos] === undefined) {
                        var prevTest, tests = getTests(pos), staticAlternations = [];
                        if (tests.length > 1 + ("" === tests[tests.length - 1].match.def ? 1 : 0)) for (var i = 0; i < tests.length; i++) if (!0 !== tests[i].match.optionality && !0 !== tests[i].match.optionalQuantifier && (null === tests[i].match.fn || prevTest === undefined || !1 !== tests[i].match.fn.test(prevTest.match.def, getMaskSet(), pos, !0, opts)) && (staticAlternations.push(tests[i]), 
                        null === tests[i].match.fn && (prevTest = tests[i]), staticAlternations.length > 1 && /[0-9a-bA-Z]/.test(staticAlternations[0].match.def))) return opts.placeholder.charAt(pos % opts.placeholder.length);
                    return test.def;
                return opts.placeholder.charAt(pos % opts.placeholder.length);
            function checkVal(input, writeOut, strict, nptvl, initiatingEvent) {
                function isTemplateMatch(ndx, charCodes) {
                    return -1 !== getBufferTemplate().slice(ndx, seekNext(ndx)).join("").indexOf(charCodes) && !isMask(ndx) && getTest(ndx).match.nativeDef === charCodes.charAt(charCodes.length - 1);
                var inputValue = nptvl.slice(), charCodes = "", initialNdx = -1, result = undefined;
                if (resetMaskSet(), strict || !0 === opts.autoUnmask) initialNdx = seekNext(initialNdx); else {
                    var staticInput = getBufferTemplate().slice(0, seekNext(-1)).join(""), matches = inputValue.join("").match(new RegExp("^" + Inputmask.escapeRegex(staticInput), "g"));
                    matches && matches.length > 0 && (inputValue.splice(0, matches.length * staticInput.length), 
                    initialNdx = seekNext(initialNdx));
                if (-1 === initialNdx ? (getMaskSet().p = seekNext(initialNdx), initialNdx = 0) : getMaskSet().p = initialNdx, 
                $.each(inputValue, function(ndx, charCode) {
                    if (charCode !== undefined) if (getMaskSet().validPositions[ndx] === undefined && inputValue[ndx] === getPlaceholder(ndx) && isMask(ndx, !0) && !1 === isValid(ndx, inputValue[ndx], !0, undefined, undefined, !0)) getMaskSet().p++; else {
                        var keypress = new $.Event("_checkval");
                        keypress.which = charCode.charCodeAt(0), charCodes += charCode;
                        var lvp = getLastValidPosition(undefined, !0), lvTest = getMaskSet().validPositions[lvp], nextTest = getTestTemplate(lvp + 1, lvTest ? lvTest.locator.slice() : undefined, lvp);
                        if (!isTemplateMatch(initialNdx, charCodes) || strict || opts.autoUnmask) {
                            var pos = strict ? ndx : null == nextTest.match.fn && nextTest.match.optionality && lvp + 1 < getMaskSet().p ? lvp + 1 : getMaskSet().p;
                            result =, keypress, !0, !1, strict, pos), 
                            initialNdx = pos + 1, charCodes = "";
                        } else result =, keypress, !0, !1, !0, lvp + 1);
                        if (!1 !== result && !strict && $.isFunction(opts.onBeforeWrite)) {
                            var origResult = result;
                            if (result =, keypress, getBuffer(), result.forwardPosition, opts), 
                            (result = $.extend(origResult, result)) && result.refreshFromBuffer) {
                                var refresh = result.refreshFromBuffer;
                                refreshFromBuffer(!0 === refresh ? refresh : refresh.start, refresh.end, result.buffer), 
                                resetMaskSet(!0), result.caret && (getMaskSet().p = result.caret, result.forwardPosition = result.caret);
                }), writeOut) {
                    var caretPos = undefined;
                    document.activeElement === input && result && (caretPos = opts.numericInput ? seekPrevious(result.forwardPosition) : result.forwardPosition), 
                    writeBuffer(input, getBuffer(), caretPos, initiatingEvent || new $.Event("checkval"), initiatingEvent && "input" === initiatingEvent.type);
            function unmaskedvalue(input) {
                if (input) {
                    if (input.inputmask === undefined) return input.value;
                    input.inputmask && input.inputmask.refreshValue &&;
                var umValue = [], vps = getMaskSet().validPositions;
                for (var pndx in vps) vps[pndx].match && null != vps[pndx].match.fn && umValue.push(vps[pndx].input);
                var unmaskedValue = 0 === umValue.length ? "" : (isRTL ? umValue.reverse() : umValue).join("");
                if ($.isFunction(opts.onUnMask)) {
                    var bufferValue = (isRTL ? getBuffer().slice().reverse() : getBuffer()).join("");
                    unmaskedValue =, bufferValue, unmaskedValue, opts);
                return unmaskedValue;
            function caret(input, begin, end, notranslate) {
                function translatePosition(pos) {
                    return !0 === notranslate || !isRTL || "number" != typeof pos || opts.greedy && "" === opts.placeholder || (pos = getBuffer().join("").length - pos), 
                var range;
                if (begin === undefined) return input.setSelectionRange ? (begin = input.selectionStart, 
                end = input.selectionEnd) : window.getSelection ? (range = window.getSelection().getRangeAt(0)).commonAncestorContainer.parentNode !== input && range.commonAncestorContainer !== input || (begin = range.startOffset, 
                end = range.endOffset) : document.selection && document.selection.createRange && (end = (begin = 0 - (range = document.selection.createRange()).duplicate().moveStart("character", -input.inputmask._valueGet().length)) + range.text.length), 
                    begin: translatePosition(begin),
                    end: translatePosition(end)
                if (begin.begin !== undefined && (end = begin.end, begin = begin.begin), "number" == typeof begin) {
                    begin = translatePosition(begin), end = "number" == typeof (end = translatePosition(end)) ? end : begin;
                    var scrollCalc = parseInt(((input.ownerDocument.defaultView || window).getComputedStyle ? (input.ownerDocument.defaultView || window).getComputedStyle(input, null) : input.currentStyle).fontSize) * end;
                    if (input.scrollLeft = scrollCalc > input.scrollWidth ? scrollCalc : 0, mobile || !1 !== opts.insertMode || begin !== end || end++, 
                    input.setSelectionRange) input.selectionStart = begin, input.selectionEnd = end; else if (window.getSelection) {
                        if (range = document.createRange(), input.firstChild === undefined || null === input.firstChild) {
                            var textNode = document.createTextNode("");
                        range.setStart(input.firstChild, begin < input.inputmask._valueGet().length ? begin : input.inputmask._valueGet().length), 
                        range.setEnd(input.firstChild, end < input.inputmask._valueGet().length ? end : input.inputmask._valueGet().length), 
                        var sel = window.getSelection();
                        sel.removeAllRanges(), sel.addRange(range);
                    } else input.createTextRange && ((range = input.createTextRange()).collapse(!0), 
                    range.moveEnd("character", end), range.moveStart("character", begin),;
                    renderColorMask(input, {
                        begin: begin,
                        end: end
            function determineLastRequiredPosition(returnDefinition) {
                var pos, testPos, buffer = getBuffer(), bl = buffer.length, lvp = getLastValidPosition(), positions = {}, lvTest = getMaskSet().validPositions[lvp], ndxIntlzr = lvTest !== undefined ? lvTest.locator.slice() : undefined;
                for (pos = lvp + 1; pos < buffer.length; pos++) ndxIntlzr = (testPos = getTestTemplate(pos, ndxIntlzr, pos - 1)).locator.slice(), 
                positions[pos] = $.extend(!0, {}, testPos);
                var lvTestAlt = lvTest && lvTest.alternation !== undefined ? lvTest.locator[lvTest.alternation] : undefined;
                for (pos = bl - 1; pos > lvp && (((testPos = positions[pos]).match.optionality || testPos.match.optionalQuantifier && testPos.match.newBlockMarker || lvTestAlt && (lvTestAlt !== positions[pos].locator[lvTest.alternation] && null != testPos.match.fn || null === testPos.match.fn && testPos.locator[lvTest.alternation] && checkAlternationMatch(testPos.locator[lvTest.alternation].toString().split(","), lvTestAlt.toString().split(",")) && "" !== getTests(pos)[0].def)) && buffer[pos] === getPlaceholder(pos, testPos.match)); pos--) bl--;
                return returnDefinition ? {
                    l: bl,
                    def: positions[bl] ? positions[bl].match : undefined
                } : bl;
            function clearOptionalTail(buffer) {
                for (var validPos, rl = determineLastRequiredPosition(), bl = buffer.length, lv = getMaskSet().validPositions[getLastValidPosition()]; rl < bl && !isMask(rl, !0) && (validPos = lv !== undefined ? getTestTemplate(rl, lv.locator.slice(""), lv) : getTest(rl)) && !0 !== validPos.match.optionality && (!0 !== validPos.match.optionalQuantifier && !0 !== validPos.match.newBlockMarker || rl + 1 === bl && "" === (lv !== undefined ? getTestTemplate(rl + 1, lv.locator.slice(""), lv) : getTest(rl + 1)).match.def); ) rl++;
                for (;(validPos = getMaskSet().validPositions[rl - 1]) && validPos && validPos.match.optionality && validPos.input === opts.skipOptionalPartCharacter; ) rl--;
                return buffer.splice(rl), buffer;
            function isComplete(buffer) {
                if ($.isFunction(opts.isComplete)) return opts.isComplete(buffer, opts);
                if ("*" === opts.repeat) return undefined;
                var complete = !1, lrp = determineLastRequiredPosition(!0), aml = seekPrevious(lrp.l);
                if (lrp.def === undefined || lrp.def.newBlockMarker || lrp.def.optionality || lrp.def.optionalQuantifier) {
                    complete = !0;
                    for (var i = 0; i <= aml; i++) {
                        var test = getTestTemplate(i).match;
                        if (null !== test.fn && getMaskSet().validPositions[i] === undefined && !0 !== test.optionality && !0 !== test.optionalQuantifier || null === test.fn && buffer[i] !== getPlaceholder(i, test)) {
                            complete = !1;
                return complete;
            function handleRemove(input, k, pos, strict, fromIsValid) {
                if ((opts.numericInput || isRTL) && (k === Inputmask.keyCode.BACKSPACE ? k = Inputmask.keyCode.DELETE : k === Inputmask.keyCode.DELETE && (k = Inputmask.keyCode.BACKSPACE), 
                isRTL)) {
                    var pend = pos.end;
                    pos.end = pos.begin, pos.begin = pend;
                k === Inputmask.keyCode.BACKSPACE && (pos.end - pos.begin < 1 || !1 === opts.insertMode) ? (pos.begin = seekPrevious(pos.begin), 
                getMaskSet().validPositions[pos.begin] !== undefined && getMaskSet().validPositions[pos.begin].input === opts.groupSeparator && pos.begin--) : k === Inputmask.keyCode.DELETE && pos.begin === pos.end && (pos.end = isMask(pos.end, !0) && getMaskSet().validPositions[pos.end] && getMaskSet().validPositions[pos.end].input !== opts.radixPoint ? pos.end + 1 : seekNext(pos.end) + 1, 
                getMaskSet().validPositions[pos.begin] !== undefined && getMaskSet().validPositions[pos.begin].input === opts.groupSeparator && pos.end++), 
                stripValidPositions(pos.begin, pos.end, !1, strict), !0 !== strict && function() {
                    if (opts.keepStatic) {
                        for (var validInputs = [], lastAlt = getLastValidPosition(-1, !0), positionsClone = $.extend(!0, {}, getMaskSet().validPositions), prevAltPos = getMaskSet().validPositions[lastAlt]; lastAlt >= 0; lastAlt--) {
                            var altPos = getMaskSet().validPositions[lastAlt];
                            if (altPos) {
                                if (!0 !== altPos.generatedInput && /[0-9a-bA-Z]/.test(altPos.input) && validInputs.push(altPos.input), 
                                delete getMaskSet().validPositions[lastAlt], altPos.alternation !== undefined && altPos.locator[altPos.alternation] !== prevAltPos.locator[altPos.alternation]) break;
                                prevAltPos = altPos;
                        if (lastAlt > -1) for (getMaskSet().p = seekNext(getLastValidPosition(-1, !0)); validInputs.length > 0; ) {
                            var keypress = new $.Event("keypress");
                            keypress.which = validInputs.pop().charCodeAt(0),, keypress, !0, !1, !1, getMaskSet().p);
                        } else getMaskSet().validPositions = $.extend(!0, {}, positionsClone);
                var lvp = getLastValidPosition(pos.begin, !0);
                if (lvp < pos.begin) getMaskSet().p = seekNext(lvp); else if (!0 !== strict && (getMaskSet().p = pos.begin, 
                !0 !== fromIsValid)) for (;getMaskSet().p < lvp && getMaskSet().validPositions[getMaskSet().p] === undefined; ) getMaskSet().p++;
            function initializeColorMask(input) {
                function findCaretPos(clientx) {
                    var caretPos, e = document.createElement("span");
                    for (var style in computedStyle) isNaN(style) && -1 !== style.indexOf("font") && ([style] = computedStyle[style]);
           = computedStyle.textTransform, = computedStyle.letterSpacing, 
           = "absolute", = "auto", = "auto", 
           = "hidden", = "nowrap", document.body.appendChild(e);
                    var itl, inputText = input.inputmask._valueGet(), previousWidth = 0;
                    for (caretPos = 0, itl = inputText.length; caretPos <= itl; caretPos++) {
                        if (e.innerHTML += inputText.charAt(caretPos) || "_", e.offsetWidth >= clientx) {
                            var offset1 = clientx - previousWidth, offset2 = e.offsetWidth - clientx;
                            e.innerHTML = inputText.charAt(caretPos), caretPos = (offset1 -= e.offsetWidth / 3) < offset2 ? caretPos - 1 : caretPos;
                        previousWidth = e.offsetWidth;
                    return document.body.removeChild(e), caretPos;
                var computedStyle = (input.ownerDocument.defaultView || window).getComputedStyle(input, null), template = document.createElement("div");
       = computedStyle.width, = computedStyle.textAlign, 
                (colorMask = document.createElement("div")).className = "im-colormask", input.parentNode.insertBefore(colorMask, input), 
                input.parentNode.removeChild(input), colorMask.appendChild(template), colorMask.appendChild(input), 
       = template.offsetLeft + "px", $(input).on("click", function(e) {
                    return caret(input, findCaretPos(e.clientX)),, [ e ]);
                }), $(input).on("keydown", function(e) {
                    e.shiftKey || !1 === opts.insertMode || setTimeout(function() {
                    }, 0);
            function renderColorMask(input, caretPos, clear) {
                function handleStatic() {
                    isStatic || null !== test.fn && testPos.input !== undefined ? isStatic && (null !== test.fn && testPos.input !== undefined || "" === test.def) && (isStatic = !1, 
                    maskTemplate += "</span>") : (isStatic = !0, maskTemplate += "<span class='im-static'>");
                function handleCaret(force) {
                    !0 !== force && pos !== caretPos.begin || document.activeElement !== input || (maskTemplate += "<span class='im-caret' style='border-right-width: 1px;border-right-style: solid;'></span>");
                var test, testPos, ndxIntlzr, maskTemplate = "", isStatic = !1, pos = 0;
                if (colorMask !== undefined) {
                    var buffer = getBuffer();
                    if (caretPos === undefined ? caretPos = caret(input) : caretPos.begin === undefined && (caretPos = {
                        begin: caretPos,
                        end: caretPos
                    }), !0 !== clear) {
                        var lvp = getLastValidPosition();
                        do {
                            handleCaret(), getMaskSet().validPositions[pos] ? (testPos = getMaskSet().validPositions[pos], 
                            test = testPos.match, ndxIntlzr = testPos.locator.slice(), handleStatic(), maskTemplate += buffer[pos]) : (testPos = getTestTemplate(pos, ndxIntlzr, pos - 1), 
                            test = testPos.match, ndxIntlzr = testPos.locator.slice(), (!1 === opts.jitMasking || pos < lvp || "number" == typeof opts.jitMasking && isFinite(opts.jitMasking) && opts.jitMasking > pos) && (handleStatic(), 
                            maskTemplate += getPlaceholder(pos, test))), pos++;
                        } while ((maxLength === undefined || pos < maxLength) && (null !== test.fn || "" !== test.def) || lvp > pos || isStatic);
                        -1 === maskTemplate.indexOf("im-caret") && handleCaret(!0), isStatic && handleStatic();
                    var template = colorMask.getElementsByTagName("div")[0];
                    template.innerHTML = maskTemplate, input.inputmask.positionColorMask(input, template);
            maskset = maskset || this.maskset, opts = opts || this.opts;
            var undoValue, $el, maxLength, colorMask, inputmask = this, el = this.el, isRTL = this.isRTL, skipKeyPressEvent = !1, skipInputEvent = !1, ignorable = !1, mouseEnter = !1, EventRuler = {
                on: function(input, eventName, eventHandler) {
                    var ev = function(e) {
                        if (this.inputmask === undefined && "FORM" !== this.nodeName) {
                            var imOpts = $.data(this, "_inputmask_opts");
                            imOpts ? new Inputmask(imOpts).mask(this) :;
                        } else {
                            if ("setvalue" === e.type || "FORM" === this.nodeName || !(this.disabled || this.readOnly && !("keydown" === e.type && e.ctrlKey && 67 === e.keyCode || !1 === opts.tabThrough && e.keyCode === Inputmask.keyCode.TAB))) {
                                switch (e.type) {
                                  case "input":
                                    if (!0 === skipInputEvent) return skipInputEvent = !1, e.preventDefault();

                                  case "keydown":
                                    skipKeyPressEvent = !1, skipInputEvent = !1;

                                  case "keypress":
                                    if (!0 === skipKeyPressEvent) return e.preventDefault();
                                    skipKeyPressEvent = !0;

                                  case "click":
                                    if (iemobile || iphone) {
                                        var that = this, args = arguments;
                                        return setTimeout(function() {
                                            eventHandler.apply(that, args);
                                        }, 0), !1;
                                var returnVal = eventHandler.apply(this, arguments);
                                return !1 === returnVal && (e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation()), returnVal;
          [eventName] =[eventName] || [],[eventName].push(ev), 
                    -1 !== $.inArray(eventName, [ "submit", "reset" ]) ? null !== input.form && $(input.form).on(eventName, ev) : $(input).on(eventName, ev);
                off: function(input, event) {
                    if (input.inputmask && {
                        var events;
                        event ? (events = [])[event] =[event] : events =, 
                        $.each(events, function(eventName, evArr) {
                            for (;evArr.length > 0; ) {
                                var ev = evArr.pop();
                                -1 !== $.inArray(eventName, [ "submit", "reset" ]) ? null !== input.form && $(input.form).off(eventName, ev) : $(input).off(eventName, ev);
            }, EventHandlers = {
                keydownEvent: function(e) {
                    var input = this, $input = $(input), k = e.keyCode, pos = caret(input);
                    if (k === Inputmask.keyCode.BACKSPACE || k === Inputmask.keyCode.DELETE || iphone && k === Inputmask.keyCode.BACKSPACE_SAFARI || e.ctrlKey && k === Inputmask.keyCode.X && !function(eventName) {
                        var el = document.createElement("input"), evName = "on" + eventName, isSupported = evName in el;
                        return isSupported || (el.setAttribute(evName, "return;"), isSupported = "function" == typeof el[evName]), 
                        el = null, isSupported;
                    }("cut")) e.preventDefault(), handleRemove(input, k, pos), writeBuffer(input, getBuffer(!0), getMaskSet().p, e, input.inputmask._valueGet() !== getBuffer().join("")), 
                    input.inputmask._valueGet() === getBufferTemplate().join("") ? $input.trigger("cleared") : !0 === isComplete(getBuffer()) && $input.trigger("complete"); else if (k === Inputmask.keyCode.END || k === Inputmask.keyCode.PAGE_DOWN) {
                        var caretPos = seekNext(getLastValidPosition());
                        opts.insertMode || caretPos !== getMaskSet().maskLength || e.shiftKey || caretPos--, 
                        caret(input, e.shiftKey ? pos.begin : caretPos, caretPos, !0);
                    } else k === Inputmask.keyCode.HOME && !e.shiftKey || k === Inputmask.keyCode.PAGE_UP ? (e.preventDefault(), 
                    caret(input, 0, e.shiftKey ? pos.begin : 0, !0)) : (opts.undoOnEscape && k === Inputmask.keyCode.ESCAPE || 90 === k && e.ctrlKey) && !0 !== e.altKey ? (checkVal(input, !0, !1, undoValue.split("")), 
                    $input.trigger("click")) : k !== Inputmask.keyCode.INSERT || e.shiftKey || e.ctrlKey ? !0 === opts.tabThrough && k === Inputmask.keyCode.TAB ? (!0 === e.shiftKey ? (null === getTest(pos.begin).match.fn && (pos.begin = seekNext(pos.begin)), 
                    pos.end = seekPrevious(pos.begin, !0), pos.begin = seekPrevious(pos.end, !0)) : (pos.begin = seekNext(pos.begin, !0), 
                    pos.end = seekNext(pos.begin, !0), pos.end < getMaskSet().maskLength && pos.end--), 
                    pos.begin < getMaskSet().maskLength && (e.preventDefault(), caret(input, pos.begin, pos.end))) : e.shiftKey || !1 === opts.insertMode && (k === Inputmask.keyCode.RIGHT ? setTimeout(function() {
                        var caretPos = caret(input);
                        caret(input, caretPos.begin);
                    }, 0) : k === Inputmask.keyCode.LEFT && setTimeout(function() {
                        var caretPos = caret(input);
                        caret(input, isRTL ? caretPos.begin + 1 : caretPos.begin - 1);
                    }, 0)) : (opts.insertMode = !opts.insertMode, caret(input, opts.insertMode || pos.begin !== getMaskSet().maskLength ? pos.begin : pos.begin - 1));
          , e, getBuffer(), caret(input).begin, opts), ignorable = -1 !== $.inArray(k, opts.ignorables);
                keypressEvent: function(e, checkval, writeOut, strict, ndx) {
                    var input = this, $input = $(input), k = e.which || e.charCode || e.keyCode;
                    if (!(!0 === checkval || e.ctrlKey && e.altKey) && (e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey || ignorable)) return k === Inputmask.keyCode.ENTER && undoValue !== getBuffer().join("") && (undoValue = getBuffer().join(""), 
                    setTimeout(function() {
                    }, 0)), !0;
                    if (k) {
                        46 === k && !1 === e.shiftKey && "" !== opts.radixPoint && (k = opts.radixPoint.charCodeAt(0));
                        var forwardPosition, pos = checkval ? {
                            begin: ndx,
                            end: ndx
                        } : caret(input), c = String.fromCharCode(k);
                        getMaskSet().writeOutBuffer = !0;
                        var valResult = isValid(pos, c, strict);
                        if (!1 !== valResult && (resetMaskSet(!0), forwardPosition = valResult.caret !== undefined ? valResult.caret : checkval ? valResult.pos + 1 : seekNext(valResult.pos), 
                        getMaskSet().p = forwardPosition), !1 !== writeOut && (setTimeout(function() {
                  , k, valResult, opts);
                        }, 0), getMaskSet().writeOutBuffer && !1 !== valResult)) {
                            var buffer = getBuffer();
                            writeBuffer(input, buffer, opts.numericInput && valResult.caret === undefined ? seekPrevious(forwardPosition) : forwardPosition, e, !0 !== checkval), 
                            !0 !== checkval && setTimeout(function() {
                                !0 === isComplete(buffer) && $input.trigger("complete");
                            }, 0);
                        if (e.preventDefault(), checkval) return !1 !== valResult && (valResult.forwardPosition = forwardPosition), 
                pasteEvent: function(e) {
                    var tempValue, input = this, ev = e.originalEvent || e, $input = $(input), inputValue = input.inputmask._valueGet(!0), caretPos = caret(input);
                    isRTL && (tempValue = caretPos.end, caretPos.end = caretPos.begin, caretPos.begin = tempValue);
                    var valueBeforeCaret = inputValue.substr(0, caretPos.begin), valueAfterCaret = inputValue.substr(caretPos.end, inputValue.length);
                    if (valueBeforeCaret === (isRTL ? getBufferTemplate().reverse() : getBufferTemplate()).slice(0, caretPos.begin).join("") && (valueBeforeCaret = ""), 
                    valueAfterCaret === (isRTL ? getBufferTemplate().reverse() : getBufferTemplate()).slice(caretPos.end).join("") && (valueAfterCaret = ""), 
                    isRTL && (tempValue = valueBeforeCaret, valueBeforeCaret = valueAfterCaret, valueAfterCaret = tempValue), 
                    window.clipboardData && window.clipboardData.getData) inputValue = valueBeforeCaret + window.clipboardData.getData("Text") + valueAfterCaret; else {
                        if (!ev.clipboardData || !ev.clipboardData.getData) return !0;
                        inputValue = valueBeforeCaret + ev.clipboardData.getData("text/plain") + valueAfterCaret;
                    var pasteValue = inputValue;
                    if ($.isFunction(opts.onBeforePaste)) {
                        if (!1 === (pasteValue =, inputValue, opts))) return e.preventDefault();
                        pasteValue || (pasteValue = inputValue);
                    return checkVal(input, !1, !1, isRTL ? pasteValue.split("").reverse() : pasteValue.toString().split("")), 
                    writeBuffer(input, getBuffer(), seekNext(getLastValidPosition()), e, undoValue !== getBuffer().join("")), 
                    !0 === isComplete(getBuffer()) && $input.trigger("complete"), e.preventDefault();
                inputFallBackEvent: function(e) {
                    var input = this, inputValue = input.inputmask._valueGet();
                    if (getBuffer().join("") !== inputValue) {
                        var caretPos = caret(input);
                        if (!1 === function(input, inputValue, caretPos) {
                            if ("." === inputValue.charAt(caretPos.begin - 1) && "" !== opts.radixPoint && ((inputValue = inputValue.split(""))[caretPos.begin - 1] = opts.radixPoint.charAt(0), 
                            inputValue = inputValue.join("")), inputValue.charAt(caretPos.begin - 1) === opts.radixPoint && inputValue.length > getBuffer().length) {
                                var keypress = new $.Event("keypress");
                                return keypress.which = opts.radixPoint.charCodeAt(0),, keypress, !0, !0, !1, caretPos.begin - 1), 
                        }(input, inputValue, caretPos)) return !1;
                        if (inputValue = inputValue.replace(new RegExp("(" + Inputmask.escapeRegex(getBufferTemplate().join("")) + ")*"), ""), 
                        !1 === function(input, inputValue, caretPos) {
                            if (iemobile) {
                                var inputChar = inputValue.replace(getBuffer().join(""), "");
                                if (1 === inputChar.length) {
                                    var keypress = new $.Event("keypress");
                                    return keypress.which = inputChar.charCodeAt(0),, keypress, !0, !0, !1, getMaskSet().validPositions[caretPos.begin - 1] ? caretPos.begin : caretPos.begin - 1), 
                        }(input, inputValue, caretPos)) return !1;
                        caretPos.begin > inputValue.length && (caret(input, inputValue.length), caretPos = caret(input));
                        var buffer = getBuffer().join(""), frontPart = inputValue.substr(0, caretPos.begin), backPart = inputValue.substr(caretPos.begin), frontBufferPart = buffer.substr(0, caretPos.begin), backBufferPart = buffer.substr(caretPos.begin), selection = caretPos, entries = "", isEntry = !1;
                        if (frontPart !== frontBufferPart) {
                            selection.begin = 0;
                            for (var fpl = (isEntry = frontPart.length >= frontBufferPart.length) ? frontPart.length : frontBufferPart.length, i = 0; frontPart.charAt(i) === frontBufferPart.charAt(i) && i < fpl; i++) selection.begin++;
                            isEntry && (entries += frontPart.slice(selection.begin, selection.end));
                        backPart !== backBufferPart && (backPart.length > backBufferPart.length ? isEntry && (selection.end = selection.begin) : backPart.length < backBufferPart.length ? selection.end += backBufferPart.length - backPart.length : backPart.charAt(0) !== backBufferPart.charAt(0) && selection.end++), 
                        writeBuffer(input, getBuffer(), selection), entries.length > 0 ? $.each(entries.split(""), function(ndx, entry) {
                            var keypress = new $.Event("keypress");
                            keypress.which = entry.charCodeAt(0), ignorable = !1,, keypress);
                        }) : (selection.begin === selection.end - 1 && caret(input, seekPrevious(selection.begin + 1), selection.end), 
                        e.keyCode = Inputmask.keyCode.DELETE,, e)), 
                setValueEvent: function(e) {
                    this.inputmask.refreshValue = !1;
                    var input = this, value = input.inputmask._valueGet(!0);
                    $.isFunction(opts.onBeforeMask) && (value =, value, opts) || value), 
                    value = value.split(""), checkVal(input, !0, !1, isRTL ? value.reverse() : value), 
                    undoValue = getBuffer().join(""), (opts.clearMaskOnLostFocus || opts.clearIncomplete) && input.inputmask._valueGet() === getBufferTemplate().join("") && input.inputmask._valueSet("");
                focusEvent: function(e) {
                    var input = this, nptValue = input.inputmask._valueGet();
                    opts.showMaskOnFocus && (!opts.showMaskOnHover || opts.showMaskOnHover && "" === nptValue) && (input.inputmask._valueGet() !== getBuffer().join("") ? writeBuffer(input, getBuffer(), seekNext(getLastValidPosition())) : !1 === mouseEnter && caret(input, seekNext(getLastValidPosition()))), 
                    !0 === opts.positionCaretOnTab && !1 === mouseEnter && "" !== nptValue && (writeBuffer(input, getBuffer(), caret(input)), 
                    EventHandlers.clickEvent.apply(input, [ e, !0 ])), undoValue = getBuffer().join("");
                mouseleaveEvent: function(e) {
                    var input = this;
                    if (mouseEnter = !1, opts.clearMaskOnLostFocus && document.activeElement !== input) {
                        var buffer = getBuffer().slice(), nptValue = input.inputmask._valueGet();
                        nptValue !== input.getAttribute("placeholder") && "" !== nptValue && (-1 === getLastValidPosition() && nptValue === getBufferTemplate().join("") ? buffer = [] : clearOptionalTail(buffer), 
                        writeBuffer(input, buffer));
                clickEvent: function(e, tabbed) {
                    function doRadixFocus(clickPos) {
                        if ("" !== opts.radixPoint) {
                            var vps = getMaskSet().validPositions;
                            if (vps[clickPos] === undefined || vps[clickPos].input === getPlaceholder(clickPos)) {
                                if (clickPos < seekNext(-1)) return !0;
                                var radixPos = $.inArray(opts.radixPoint, getBuffer());
                                if (-1 !== radixPos) {
                                    for (var vp in vps) if (radixPos < vp && vps[vp].input !== getPlaceholder(vp)) return !1;
                                    return !0;
                        return !1;
                    var input = this;
                    setTimeout(function() {
                        if (document.activeElement === input) {
                            var selectedCaret = caret(input);
                            if (tabbed && (isRTL ? selectedCaret.end = selectedCaret.begin : selectedCaret.begin = selectedCaret.end), 
                            selectedCaret.begin === selectedCaret.end) switch (opts.positionCaretOnClick) {
                              case "none":

                              case "radixFocus":
                                if (doRadixFocus(selectedCaret.begin)) {
                                    var radixPos = getBuffer().join("").indexOf(opts.radixPoint);
                                    caret(input, opts.numericInput ? seekNext(radixPos) : radixPos);

                                var clickPosition = selectedCaret.begin, lvclickPosition = getLastValidPosition(clickPosition, !0), lastPosition = seekNext(lvclickPosition);
                                if (clickPosition < lastPosition) caret(input, isMask(clickPosition, !0) || isMask(clickPosition - 1, !0) ? clickPosition : seekNext(clickPosition)); else {
                                    var lvp = getMaskSet().validPositions[lvclickPosition], tt = getTestTemplate(lastPosition, lvp ? lvp.match.locator : undefined, lvp), placeholder = getPlaceholder(lastPosition, tt.match);
                                    if ("" !== placeholder && getBuffer()[lastPosition] !== placeholder && !0 !== tt.match.optionalQuantifier && !0 !== tt.match.newBlockMarker || !isMask(lastPosition, !0) && tt.match.def === placeholder) {
                                        var newPos = seekNext(lastPosition);
                                        (clickPosition >= newPos || clickPosition === lastPosition) && (lastPosition = newPos);
                                    caret(input, lastPosition);
                    }, 0);
                dblclickEvent: function(e) {
                    var input = this;
                    setTimeout(function() {
                        caret(input, 0, seekNext(getLastValidPosition()));
                    }, 0);
                cutEvent: function(e) {
                    var input = this, $input = $(input), pos = caret(input), ev = e.originalEvent || e, clipboardData = window.clipboardData || ev.clipboardData, clipData = isRTL ? getBuffer().slice(pos.end, pos.begin) : getBuffer().slice(pos.begin, pos.end);
                    clipboardData.setData("text", isRTL ? clipData.reverse().join("") : clipData.join("")), 
                    document.execCommand && document.execCommand("copy"), handleRemove(input, Inputmask.keyCode.DELETE, pos), 
                    writeBuffer(input, getBuffer(), getMaskSet().p, e, undoValue !== getBuffer().join("")), 
                    input.inputmask._valueGet() === getBufferTemplate().join("") && $input.trigger("cleared");
                blurEvent: function(e) {
                    var $input = $(this), input = this;
                    if (input.inputmask) {
                        var nptValue = input.inputmask._valueGet(), buffer = getBuffer().slice();
                        "" !== nptValue && (opts.clearMaskOnLostFocus && (-1 === getLastValidPosition() && nptValue === getBufferTemplate().join("") ? buffer = [] : clearOptionalTail(buffer)), 
                        !1 === isComplete(buffer) && (setTimeout(function() {
                        }, 0), opts.clearIncomplete && (resetMaskSet(), buffer = opts.clearMaskOnLostFocus ? [] : getBufferTemplate().slice())), 
                        writeBuffer(input, buffer, undefined, e)), undoValue !== getBuffer().join("") && (undoValue = buffer.join(""), 
                mouseenterEvent: function(e) {
                    var input = this;
                    mouseEnter = !0, document.activeElement !== input && opts.showMaskOnHover && input.inputmask._valueGet() !== getBuffer().join("") && writeBuffer(input, getBuffer());
                submitEvent: function(e) {
                    undoValue !== getBuffer().join("") && $el.trigger("change"), opts.clearMaskOnLostFocus && -1 === getLastValidPosition() && el.inputmask._valueGet && el.inputmask._valueGet() === getBufferTemplate().join("") && el.inputmask._valueSet(""), 
                    opts.removeMaskOnSubmit && (el.inputmask._valueSet(el.inputmask.unmaskedvalue(), !0), 
                    setTimeout(function() {
                        writeBuffer(el, getBuffer());
                    }, 0));
                resetEvent: function(e) {
                    el.inputmask.refreshValue = !0, setTimeout(function() {
                    }, 0);
            Inputmask.prototype.positionColorMask = function(input, template) {
       = template.offsetLeft + "px";
            var valueBuffer;
            if (actionObj !== undefined) switch (actionObj.action) {
              case "isComplete":
                return el = actionObj.el, isComplete(getBuffer());

              case "unmaskedvalue":
                return el !== undefined && actionObj.value === undefined || (valueBuffer = actionObj.value, 
                valueBuffer = ($.isFunction(opts.onBeforeMask) ?, valueBuffer, opts) || valueBuffer : valueBuffer).split(""), 
                checkVal(undefined, !1, !1, isRTL ? valueBuffer.reverse() : valueBuffer), $.isFunction(opts.onBeforeWrite) &&, undefined, getBuffer(), 0, opts)), 

              case "mask":
                !function(elem) {
                    var isSupported = function(input, opts) {
                        var elementType = input.getAttribute("type"), isSupported = "INPUT" === input.tagName && -1 !== $.inArray(elementType, opts.supportsInputType) || input.isContentEditable || "TEXTAREA" === input.tagName;
                        if (!isSupported) if ("INPUT" === input.tagName) {
                            var el = document.createElement("input");
                            el.setAttribute("type", elementType), isSupported = "text" === el.type, el = null;
                        } else isSupported = "partial";
                        return !1 !== isSupported ? function(npt) {
                            function getter() {
                                return this.inputmask ? this.inputmask.opts.autoUnmask ? this.inputmask.unmaskedvalue() : -1 !== getLastValidPosition() || !0 !== opts.nullable ? document.activeElement === this && opts.clearMaskOnLostFocus ? (isRTL ? clearOptionalTail(getBuffer().slice()).reverse() : clearOptionalTail(getBuffer().slice())).join("") : : "" :;
                            function setter(value) {
                      , value), this.inputmask && $(this).trigger("setvalue");
                            var valueGet, valueSet;
                            if (!npt.inputmask.__valueGet) {
                                if (!0 !== opts.noValuePatching) {
                                    if (Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor) {
                                        "function" != typeof Object.getPrototypeOf && (Object.getPrototypeOf = "object" === _typeof("test".__proto__) ? function(object) {
                                            return object.__proto__;
                                        } : function(object) {
                                            return object.constructor.prototype;
                                        var valueProperty = Object.getPrototypeOf ? Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Object.getPrototypeOf(npt), "value") : undefined;
                                        valueProperty && valueProperty.get && valueProperty.set ? (valueGet = valueProperty.get, 
                                        valueSet = valueProperty.set, Object.defineProperty(npt, "value", {
                                            get: getter,
                                            set: setter,
                                            configurable: !0
                                        })) : "INPUT" !== npt.tagName && (valueGet = function() {
                                            return this.textContent;
                                        }, valueSet = function(value) {
                                            this.textContent = value;
                                        }, Object.defineProperty(npt, "value", {
                                            get: getter,
                                            set: setter,
                                            configurable: !0
                                    } else document.__lookupGetter__ && npt.__lookupGetter__("value") && (valueGet = npt.__lookupGetter__("value"), 
                                    valueSet = npt.__lookupSetter__("value"), npt.__defineGetter__("value", getter), 
                                    npt.__defineSetter__("value", setter));
                                    npt.inputmask.__valueGet = valueGet, npt.inputmask.__valueSet = valueSet;
                                npt.inputmask._valueGet = function(overruleRTL) {
                                    return isRTL && !0 !== overruleRTL ?"").reverse().join("") :;
                                }, npt.inputmask._valueSet = function(value, overruleRTL) {
                          , null === value || value === undefined ? "" : !0 !== overruleRTL && isRTL ? value.split("").reverse().join("") : value);
                                }, valueGet === undefined && (valueGet = function() {
                                    return this.value;
                                }, valueSet = function(value) {
                                    this.value = value;
                                }, function(type) {
                                    if ($.valHooks && ($.valHooks[type] === undefined || !0 !== $.valHooks[type].inputmaskpatch)) {
                                        var valhookGet = $.valHooks[type] && $.valHooks[type].get ? $.valHooks[type].get : function(elem) {
                                            return elem.value;
                                        }, valhookSet = $.valHooks[type] && $.valHooks[type].set ? $.valHooks[type].set : function(elem, value) {
                                            return elem.value = value, elem;
                                        $.valHooks[type] = {
                                            get: function(elem) {
                                                if (elem.inputmask) {
                                                    if (elem.inputmask.opts.autoUnmask) return elem.inputmask.unmaskedvalue();
                                                    var result = valhookGet(elem);
                                                    return -1 !== getLastValidPosition(undefined, undefined, elem.inputmask.maskset.validPositions) || !0 !== opts.nullable ? result : "";
                                                return valhookGet(elem);
                                            set: function(elem, value) {
                                                var result, $elem = $(elem);
                                                return result = valhookSet(elem, value), elem.inputmask && $elem.trigger("setvalue"), 
                                            inputmaskpatch: !0
                                }(npt.type), function(npt) {
                                    EventRuler.on(npt, "mouseenter", function(event) {
                                        var $input = $(this);
                                        this.inputmask._valueGet() !== getBuffer().join("") && $input.trigger("setvalue");
                        }(input) : input.inputmask = undefined, isSupported;
                    }(elem, opts);
                    if (!1 !== isSupported && (el = elem, $el = $(el), -1 === (maxLength = el !== undefined ? el.maxLength : undefined) && (maxLength = undefined), 
                    !0 === opts.colorMask && initializeColorMask(el), android && (el.hasOwnProperty("inputmode") && (el.inputmode = opts.inputmode, 
                    el.setAttribute("inputmode", opts.inputmode)), "rtfm" === opts.androidHack && (!0 !== opts.colorMask && initializeColorMask(el), 
                    el.type = "password")), !0 === isSupported && (EventRuler.on(el, "submit", EventHandlers.submitEvent), 
                    EventRuler.on(el, "reset", EventHandlers.resetEvent), EventRuler.on(el, "mouseenter", EventHandlers.mouseenterEvent), 
                    EventRuler.on(el, "blur", EventHandlers.blurEvent), EventRuler.on(el, "focus", EventHandlers.focusEvent), 
                    EventRuler.on(el, "mouseleave", EventHandlers.mouseleaveEvent), !0 !== opts.colorMask && EventRuler.on(el, "click", EventHandlers.clickEvent), 
                    EventRuler.on(el, "dblclick", EventHandlers.dblclickEvent), EventRuler.on(el, "paste", EventHandlers.pasteEvent), 
                    EventRuler.on(el, "dragdrop", EventHandlers.pasteEvent), EventRuler.on(el, "drop", EventHandlers.pasteEvent), 
                    EventRuler.on(el, "cut", EventHandlers.cutEvent), EventRuler.on(el, "complete", opts.oncomplete), 
                    EventRuler.on(el, "incomplete", opts.onincomplete), EventRuler.on(el, "cleared", opts.oncleared), 
                    android || !0 === opts.inputEventOnly ? el.removeAttribute("maxLength") : (EventRuler.on(el, "keydown", EventHandlers.keydownEvent), 
                    EventRuler.on(el, "keypress", EventHandlers.keypressEvent)), EventRuler.on(el, "compositionstart", $.noop), 
                    EventRuler.on(el, "compositionupdate", $.noop), EventRuler.on(el, "compositionend", $.noop), 
                    EventRuler.on(el, "keyup", $.noop), EventRuler.on(el, "input", EventHandlers.inputFallBackEvent), 
                    EventRuler.on(el, "beforeinput", $.noop)), EventRuler.on(el, "setvalue", EventHandlers.setValueEvent), 
                    undoValue = getBufferTemplate().join(""), "" !== el.inputmask._valueGet(!0) || !1 === opts.clearMaskOnLostFocus || document.activeElement === el)) {
                        var initialValue = $.isFunction(opts.onBeforeMask) ?, el.inputmask._valueGet(!0), opts) || el.inputmask._valueGet(!0) : el.inputmask._valueGet(!0);
                        "" !== initialValue && checkVal(el, !0, !1, isRTL ? initialValue.split("").reverse() : initialValue.split(""));
                        var buffer = getBuffer().slice();
                        undoValue = buffer.join(""), !1 === isComplete(buffer) && opts.clearIncomplete && resetMaskSet(), 
                        opts.clearMaskOnLostFocus && document.activeElement !== el && (-1 === getLastValidPosition() ? buffer = [] : clearOptionalTail(buffer)), 
                        writeBuffer(el, buffer), document.activeElement === el && caret(el, seekNext(getLastValidPosition()));

              case "format":
                return valueBuffer = ($.isFunction(opts.onBeforeMask) ?, actionObj.value, opts) || actionObj.value : actionObj.value).split(""), 
                checkVal(undefined, !0, !1, isRTL ? valueBuffer.reverse() : valueBuffer), actionObj.metadata ? {
                    value: isRTL ? getBuffer().slice().reverse().join("") : getBuffer().join(""),
                    metadata:, {
                        action: "getmetadata"
                    }, maskset, opts)
                } : isRTL ? getBuffer().slice().reverse().join("") : getBuffer().join("");

              case "isValid":
                actionObj.value ? (valueBuffer = actionObj.value.split(""), checkVal(undefined, !0, !0, isRTL ? valueBuffer.reverse() : valueBuffer)) : actionObj.value = getBuffer().join("");
                for (var buffer = getBuffer(), rl = determineLastRequiredPosition(), lmib = buffer.length - 1; lmib > rl && !isMask(lmib); lmib--) ;
                return buffer.splice(rl, lmib + 1 - rl), isComplete(buffer) && actionObj.value === getBuffer().join("");

              case "getemptymask":
                return getBufferTemplate().join("");

              case "remove":
                if (el && el.inputmask) {
                    $el = $(el), el.inputmask._valueSet(opts.autoUnmask ? unmaskedvalue(el) : el.inputmask._valueGet(!0)), 
                    Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor && Object.getPrototypeOf ? Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Object.getPrototypeOf(el), "value") && el.inputmask.__valueGet && Object.defineProperty(el, "value", {
                        get: el.inputmask.__valueGet,
                        set: el.inputmask.__valueSet,
                        configurable: !0
                    }) : document.__lookupGetter__ && el.__lookupGetter__("value") && el.inputmask.__valueGet && (el.__defineGetter__("value", el.inputmask.__valueGet), 
                    el.__defineSetter__("value", el.inputmask.__valueSet)), el.inputmask = undefined;
                return el;

              case "getmetadata":
                if ($.isArray(maskset.metadata)) {
                    var maskTarget = getMaskTemplate(!0, 0, !1).join("");
                    return $.each(maskset.metadata, function(ndx, mtdt) {
                        if (mtdt.mask === maskTarget) return maskTarget = mtdt, !1;
                    }), maskTarget;
                return maskset.metadata;
        var ua = navigator.userAgent, mobile = /mobile/i.test(ua), iemobile = /iemobile/i.test(ua), iphone = /iphone/i.test(ua) && !iemobile, android = /android/i.test(ua) && !iemobile;
        return Inputmask.prototype = {
            dataAttribute: "data-inputmask",
            defaults: {
                placeholder: "_",
                optionalmarker: {
                    start: "[",
                    end: "]"
                quantifiermarker: {
                    start: "{",
                    end: "}"
                groupmarker: {
                    start: "(",
                    end: ")"
                alternatormarker: "|",
                escapeChar: "\\",
                mask: null,
                regex: null,
                oncomplete: $.noop,
                onincomplete: $.noop,
                oncleared: $.noop,
                repeat: 0,
                greedy: !0,
                autoUnmask: !1,
                removeMaskOnSubmit: !1,
                clearMaskOnLostFocus: !0,
                insertMode: !0,
                clearIncomplete: !1,
                alias: null,
                onKeyDown: $.noop,
                onBeforeMask: null,
                onBeforePaste: function(pastedValue, opts) {
                    return $.isFunction(opts.onBeforeMask) ?, pastedValue, opts) : pastedValue;
                onBeforeWrite: null,
                onUnMask: null,
                showMaskOnFocus: !0,
                showMaskOnHover: !0,
                onKeyValidation: $.noop,
                skipOptionalPartCharacter: " ",
                numericInput: !1,
                rightAlign: !1,
                undoOnEscape: !0,
                radixPoint: "",
                radixPointDefinitionSymbol: undefined,
                groupSeparator: "",
                keepStatic: null,
                positionCaretOnTab: !0,
                tabThrough: !1,
                supportsInputType: [ "text", "tel", "password" ],
                ignorables: [ 8, 9, 13, 19, 27, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 45, 46, 93, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 0, 229 ],
                isComplete: null,
                canClearPosition: $.noop,
                preValidation: null,
                postValidation: null,
                staticDefinitionSymbol: undefined,
                jitMasking: !1,
                nullable: !0,
                inputEventOnly: !1,
                noValuePatching: !1,
                positionCaretOnClick: "lvp",
                casing: null,
                inputmode: "verbatim",
                colorMask: !1,
                androidHack: !1,
                importDataAttributes: !0
            definitions: {
                "9": {
                    validator: "[0-91-9]",
                    cardinality: 1,
                    definitionSymbol: "*"
                a: {
                    validator: "[A-Za-zА-яЁёÀ-ÿµ]",
                    cardinality: 1,
                    definitionSymbol: "*"
                "*": {
                    validator: "[0-91-9A-Za-zА-яЁёÀ-ÿµ]",
                    cardinality: 1
            aliases: {},
            masksCache: {},
            mask: function(elems) {
                function importAttributeOptions(npt, opts, userOptions, dataAttribute) {
                    if (!0 === opts.importDataAttributes) {
                        var option, dataoptions, optionData, p, importOption = function(option, optionData) {
                            null !== (optionData = optionData !== undefined ? optionData : npt.getAttribute(dataAttribute + "-" + option)) && ("string" == typeof optionData && (0 === option.indexOf("on") ? optionData = window[optionData] : "false" === optionData ? optionData = !1 : "true" === optionData && (optionData = !0)), 
                            userOptions[option] = optionData);
                        }, attrOptions = npt.getAttribute(dataAttribute);
                        if (attrOptions && "" !== attrOptions && (attrOptions = attrOptions.replace(new RegExp("'", "g"), '"'), 
                        dataoptions = JSON.parse("{" + attrOptions + "}")), dataoptions) {
                            optionData = undefined;
                            for (p in dataoptions) if ("alias" === p.toLowerCase()) {
                                optionData = dataoptions[p];
                        importOption("alias", optionData), userOptions.alias && resolveAlias(userOptions.alias, userOptions, opts);
                        for (option in opts) {
                            if (dataoptions) {
                                optionData = undefined;
                                for (p in dataoptions) if (p.toLowerCase() === option.toLowerCase()) {
                                    optionData = dataoptions[p];
                            importOption(option, optionData);
                    return $.extend(!0, opts, userOptions), ("rtl" === npt.dir || opts.rightAlign) && ( = "right"), 
                    ("rtl" === npt.dir || opts.numericInput) && (npt.dir = "ltr", npt.removeAttribute("dir"), 
                    opts.isRTL = !0), opts;
                var that = this;
                return "string" == typeof elems && (elems = document.getElementById(elems) || document.querySelectorAll(elems)), 
                elems = elems.nodeName ? [ elems ] : elems, $.each(elems, function(ndx, el) {
                    var scopedOpts = $.extend(!0, {}, that.opts);
                    importAttributeOptions(el, scopedOpts, $.extend(!0, {}, that.userOptions), that.dataAttribute);
                    var maskset = generateMaskSet(scopedOpts, that.noMasksCache);
                    maskset !== undefined && (el.inputmask !== undefined && (el.inputmask.opts.autoUnmask = !0, 
                    el.inputmask.remove()), el.inputmask = new Inputmask(undefined, undefined, !0), 
                    el.inputmask.opts = scopedOpts, el.inputmask.noMasksCache = that.noMasksCache, el.inputmask.userOptions = $.extend(!0, {}, that.userOptions), 
                    el.inputmask.isRTL = scopedOpts.isRTL || scopedOpts.numericInput, el.inputmask.el = el, 
                    el.inputmask.maskset = maskset, $.data(el, "_inputmask_opts", scopedOpts),, {
                        action: "mask"
                }), elems && elems[0] ? elems[0].inputmask || this : this;
            option: function(options, noremask) {
                return "string" == typeof options ? this.opts[options] : "object" === (void 0 === options ? "undefined" : _typeof(options)) ? ($.extend(this.userOptions, options), 
                this.el && !0 !== noremask && this.mask(this.el), this) : void 0;
            unmaskedvalue: function(value) {
                return this.maskset = this.maskset || generateMaskSet(this.opts, this.noMasksCache), 
      , {
                    action: "unmaskedvalue",
                    value: value
            remove: function() {
                return, {
                    action: "remove"
            getemptymask: function() {
                return this.maskset = this.maskset || generateMaskSet(this.opts, this.noMasksCache), 
      , {
                    action: "getemptymask"
            hasMaskedValue: function() {
                return !this.opts.autoUnmask;
            isComplete: function() {
                return this.maskset = this.maskset || generateMaskSet(this.opts, this.noMasksCache), 
      , {
                    action: "isComplete"
            getmetadata: function() {
                return this.maskset = this.maskset || generateMaskSet(this.opts, this.noMasksCache), 
      , {
                    action: "getmetadata"
            isValid: function(value) {
                return this.maskset = this.maskset || generateMaskSet(this.opts, this.noMasksCache), 
      , {
                    action: "isValid",
                    value: value
            format: function(value, metadata) {
                return this.maskset = this.maskset || generateMaskSet(this.opts, this.noMasksCache), 
      , {
                    action: "format",
                    value: value,
                    metadata: metadata
            analyseMask: function(mask, regexMask, opts) {
                function MaskToken(isGroup, isOptional, isQuantifier, isAlternator) {
                    this.matches = [], this.openGroup = isGroup || !1, this.alternatorGroup = !1, this.isGroup = isGroup || !1, 
                    this.isOptional = isOptional || !1, this.isQuantifier = isQuantifier || !1, this.isAlternator = isAlternator || !1, 
                    this.quantifier = {
                        min: 1,
                        max: 1
                function insertTestDefinition(mtoken, element, position) {
                    position = position !== undefined ? position : mtoken.matches.length;
                    var prevMatch = mtoken.matches[position - 1];
                    if (regexMask) 0 === element.indexOf("[") || escaped && /\\d|\\s|\\w]/i.test(element) || "." === element ? mtoken.matches.splice(position++, 0, {
                        fn: new RegExp(element, opts.casing ? "i" : ""),
                        cardinality: 1,
                        optionality: mtoken.isOptional,
                        newBlockMarker: prevMatch === undefined || prevMatch.def !== element,
                        casing: null,
                        def: element,
                        placeholder: undefined,
                        nativeDef: element
                    }) : (escaped && (element = element[element.length - 1]), $.each(element.split(""), function(ndx, lmnt) {
                        prevMatch = mtoken.matches[position - 1], mtoken.matches.splice(position++, 0, {
                            fn: null,
                            cardinality: 0,
                            optionality: mtoken.isOptional,
                            newBlockMarker: prevMatch === undefined || prevMatch.def !== lmnt && null !== prevMatch.fn,
                            casing: null,
                            def: opts.staticDefinitionSymbol || lmnt,
                            placeholder: opts.staticDefinitionSymbol !== undefined ? lmnt : undefined,
                            nativeDef: lmnt
                    })), escaped = !1; else {
                        var maskdef = (opts.definitions ? opts.definitions[element] : undefined) || Inputmask.prototype.definitions[element];
                        if (maskdef && !escaped) {
                            for (var prevalidators = maskdef.prevalidator, prevalidatorsL = prevalidators ? prevalidators.length : 0, i = 1; i < maskdef.cardinality; i++) {
                                var prevalidator = prevalidatorsL >= i ? prevalidators[i - 1] : [], validator = prevalidator.validator, cardinality = prevalidator.cardinality;
                                mtoken.matches.splice(position++, 0, {
                                    fn: validator ? "string" == typeof validator ? new RegExp(validator, opts.casing ? "i" : "") : new function() {
                                        this.test = validator;
                                    }() : new RegExp("."),
                                    cardinality: cardinality || 1,
                                    optionality: mtoken.isOptional,
                                    newBlockMarker: prevMatch === undefined || prevMatch.def !== (maskdef.definitionSymbol || element),
                                    casing: maskdef.casing,
                                    def: maskdef.definitionSymbol || element,
                                    placeholder: maskdef.placeholder,
                                    nativeDef: element
                                }), prevMatch = mtoken.matches[position - 1];
                            mtoken.matches.splice(position++, 0, {
                                fn: maskdef.validator ? "string" == typeof maskdef.validator ? new RegExp(maskdef.validator, opts.casing ? "i" : "") : new function() {
                                    this.test = maskdef.validator;
                                }() : new RegExp("."),
                                cardinality: maskdef.cardinality,
                                optionality: mtoken.isOptional,
                                newBlockMarker: prevMatch === undefined || prevMatch.def !== (maskdef.definitionSymbol || element),
                                casing: maskdef.casing,
                                def: maskdef.definitionSymbol || element,
                                placeholder: maskdef.placeholder,
                                nativeDef: element
                        } else mtoken.matches.splice(position++, 0, {
                            fn: null,
                            cardinality: 0,
                            optionality: mtoken.isOptional,
                            newBlockMarker: prevMatch === undefined || prevMatch.def !== element && null !== prevMatch.fn,
                            casing: null,
                            def: opts.staticDefinitionSymbol || element,
                            placeholder: opts.staticDefinitionSymbol !== undefined ? element : undefined,
                            nativeDef: element
                        }), escaped = !1;
                function verifyGroupMarker(maskToken) {
                    maskToken && maskToken.matches && $.each(maskToken.matches, function(ndx, token) {
                        var nextToken = maskToken.matches[ndx + 1];
                        (nextToken === undefined || nextToken.matches === undefined || !1 === nextToken.isQuantifier) && token && token.isGroup && (token.isGroup = !1, 
                        regexMask || (insertTestDefinition(token, opts.groupmarker.start, 0), !0 !== token.openGroup && insertTestDefinition(token, opts.groupmarker.end))), 
                function defaultCase() {
                    if (openenings.length > 0) {
                        if (currentOpeningToken = openenings[openenings.length - 1], insertTestDefinition(currentOpeningToken, m), 
                        currentOpeningToken.isAlternator) {
                            alternator = openenings.pop();
                            for (var mndx = 0; mndx < alternator.matches.length; mndx++) alternator.matches[mndx].isGroup = !1;
                            openenings.length > 0 ? (currentOpeningToken = openenings[openenings.length - 1]).matches.push(alternator) : currentToken.matches.push(alternator);
                    } else insertTestDefinition(currentToken, m);
                function reverseTokens(maskToken) {
                    maskToken.matches = maskToken.matches.reverse();
                    for (var match in maskToken.matches) if (maskToken.matches.hasOwnProperty(match)) {
                        var intMatch = parseInt(match);
                        if (maskToken.matches[match].isQuantifier && maskToken.matches[intMatch + 1] && maskToken.matches[intMatch + 1].isGroup) {
                            var qt = maskToken.matches[match];
                            maskToken.matches.splice(match, 1), maskToken.matches.splice(intMatch + 1, 0, qt);
                        maskToken.matches[match].matches !== undefined ? maskToken.matches[match] = reverseTokens(maskToken.matches[match]) : maskToken.matches[match] = function(st) {
                            return st === opts.optionalmarker.start ? st = opts.optionalmarker.end : st === opts.optionalmarker.end ? st = opts.optionalmarker.start : st === opts.groupmarker.start ? st = opts.groupmarker.end : st === opts.groupmarker.end && (st = opts.groupmarker.start), 
                    return maskToken;
                var match, m, openingToken, currentOpeningToken, alternator, lastMatch, groupToken, tokenizer = /(?:[?*+]|\{[0-9\+\*]+(?:,[0-9\+\*]*)?\})|[^.?*+^${[]()|\\]+|./g, regexTokenizer = /\[\^?]?(?:[^\\\]]+|\\[\S\s]?)*]?|\\(?:0(?:[0-3][0-7]{0,2}|[4-7][0-7]?)?|[1-9][0-9]*|x[0-9A-Fa-f]{2}|u[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}|c[A-Za-z]|[\S\s]?)|\((?:\?[:=!]?)?|(?:[?*+]|\{[0-9]+(?:,[0-9]*)?\})\??|[^.?*+^${[()|\\]+|./g, escaped = !1, currentToken = new MaskToken(), openenings = [], maskTokens = [];
                for (regexMask && (opts.optionalmarker.start = undefined, opts.optionalmarker.end = undefined); match = regexMask ? regexTokenizer.exec(mask) : tokenizer.exec(mask); ) {
                    if (m = match[0], regexMask) switch (m.charAt(0)) {
                      case "?":
                        m = "{0,1}";

                      case "+":
                      case "*":
                        m = "{" + m + "}";
                    if (escaped) defaultCase(); else switch (m.charAt(0)) {
                      case opts.escapeChar:
                        escaped = !0, regexMask && defaultCase();

                      case opts.optionalmarker.end:
                      case opts.groupmarker.end:
                        if (openingToken = openenings.pop(), openingToken.openGroup = !1, openingToken !== undefined) if (openenings.length > 0) {
                            if ((currentOpeningToken = openenings[openenings.length - 1]).matches.push(openingToken), 
                            currentOpeningToken.isAlternator) {
                                alternator = openenings.pop();
                                for (var mndx = 0; mndx < alternator.matches.length; mndx++) alternator.matches[mndx].isGroup = !1, 
                                alternator.matches[mndx].alternatorGroup = !1;
                                openenings.length > 0 ? (currentOpeningToken = openenings[openenings.length - 1]).matches.push(alternator) : currentToken.matches.push(alternator);
                        } else currentToken.matches.push(openingToken); else defaultCase();

                      case opts.optionalmarker.start:
                        openenings.push(new MaskToken(!1, !0));

                      case opts.groupmarker.start:
                        openenings.push(new MaskToken(!0));

                      case opts.quantifiermarker.start:
                        var quantifier = new MaskToken(!1, !1, !0), mq = (m = m.replace(/[{}]/g, "")).split(","), mq0 = isNaN(mq[0]) ? mq[0] : parseInt(mq[0]), mq1 = 1 === mq.length ? mq0 : isNaN(mq[1]) ? mq[1] : parseInt(mq[1]);
                        if ("*" !== mq1 && "+" !== mq1 || (mq0 = "*" === mq1 ? 0 : 1), quantifier.quantifier = {
                            min: mq0,
                            max: mq1
                        }, openenings.length > 0) {
                            var matches = openenings[openenings.length - 1].matches;
                            (match = matches.pop()).isGroup || ((groupToken = new MaskToken(!0)).matches.push(match), 
                            match = groupToken), matches.push(match), matches.push(quantifier);
                        } else (match = currentToken.matches.pop()).isGroup || (regexMask && null === match.fn && "." === match.def && (match.fn = new RegExp(match.def, opts.casing ? "i" : "")), 
                        (groupToken = new MaskToken(!0)).matches.push(match), match = groupToken), currentToken.matches.push(match), 

                      case opts.alternatormarker:
                        if (openenings.length > 0) {
                            var subToken = (currentOpeningToken = openenings[openenings.length - 1]).matches[currentOpeningToken.matches.length - 1];
                            lastMatch = currentOpeningToken.openGroup && (subToken.matches === undefined || !1 === subToken.isGroup && !1 === subToken.isAlternator) ? openenings.pop() : currentOpeningToken.matches.pop();
                        } else lastMatch = currentToken.matches.pop();
                        if (lastMatch.isAlternator) openenings.push(lastMatch); else if (lastMatch.alternatorGroup ? (alternator = openenings.pop(), 
                        lastMatch.alternatorGroup = !1) : alternator = new MaskToken(!1, !1, !1, !0), alternator.matches.push(lastMatch), 
                        openenings.push(alternator), lastMatch.openGroup) {
                            lastMatch.openGroup = !1;
                            var alternatorGroup = new MaskToken(!0);
                            alternatorGroup.alternatorGroup = !0, openenings.push(alternatorGroup);

                for (;openenings.length > 0; ) openingToken = openenings.pop(), currentToken.matches.push(openingToken);
                return currentToken.matches.length > 0 && (verifyGroupMarker(currentToken), maskTokens.push(currentToken)), 
                (opts.numericInput || opts.isRTL) && reverseTokens(maskTokens[0]), maskTokens;
        }, Inputmask.extendDefaults = function(options) {
            $.extend(!0, Inputmask.prototype.defaults, options);
        }, Inputmask.extendDefinitions = function(definition) {
            $.extend(!0, Inputmask.prototype.definitions, definition);
        }, Inputmask.extendAliases = function(alias) {
            $.extend(!0, Inputmask.prototype.aliases, alias);
        }, Inputmask.format = function(value, options, metadata) {
            return Inputmask(options).format(value, metadata);
        }, Inputmask.unmask = function(value, options) {
            return Inputmask(options).unmaskedvalue(value);
        }, Inputmask.isValid = function(value, options) {
            return Inputmask(options).isValid(value);
        }, Inputmask.remove = function(elems) {
            $.each(elems, function(ndx, el) {
                el.inputmask && el.inputmask.remove();
        }, Inputmask.escapeRegex = function(str) {
            var specials = [ "/", ".", "*", "+", "?", "|", "(", ")", "[", "]", "{", "}", "\\", "$", "^" ];
            return str.replace(new RegExp("(\\" + specials.join("|\\") + ")", "gim"), "\\$1");
        }, Inputmask.keyCode = {
            ALT: 18,
            BACKSPACE: 8,
            BACKSPACE_SAFARI: 127,
            CAPS_LOCK: 20,
            COMMA: 188,
            COMMAND: 91,
            COMMAND_LEFT: 91,
            COMMAND_RIGHT: 93,
            CONTROL: 17,
            DELETE: 46,
            DOWN: 40,
            END: 35,
            ENTER: 13,
            ESCAPE: 27,
            HOME: 36,
            INSERT: 45,
            LEFT: 37,
            MENU: 93,
            NUMPAD_ADD: 107,
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            PAGE_DOWN: 34,
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            PERIOD: 190,
            RIGHT: 39,
            SHIFT: 16,
            SPACE: 32,
            TAB: 9,
            UP: 38,
            WINDOWS: 91,
            X: 88
        }, Inputmask;
}, function(module, exports) {
    module.exports = jQuery;
}, function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
    "use strict";
    function _interopRequireDefault(obj) {
        return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : {
            default: obj
    __webpack_require__(4), __webpack_require__(9), __webpack_require__(12), __webpack_require__(13), 
    __webpack_require__(14), __webpack_require__(15);
    var _inputmask2 = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(1)), _inputmask4 = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(0)), _jquery2 = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(2));
    _inputmask4.default === _jquery2.default && __webpack_require__(16), window.Inputmask = _inputmask2.default;
}, function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
    var content = __webpack_require__(5);
    "string" == typeof content && (content = [ [ module.i, content, "" ] ]);
    var options = {
        hmr: !0
    options.transform = void 0;
    __webpack_require__(7)(content, options);
    content.locals && (module.exports = content.locals);
}, function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
    (module.exports = __webpack_require__(6)(void 0)).push([ module.i, " {\r\n    -webkit-animation: 1s blink step-end infinite;\r\n    animation: 1s blink step-end infinite;\r\n}\r\n\r\n@keyframes blink {\r\n    from, to {\r\n        border-right-color: black;\r\n    }\r\n    50% {\r\n        border-right-color: transparent;\r\n    }\r\n}\r\n\r\n@-webkit-keyframes blink {\r\n    from, to {\r\n        border-right-color: black;\r\n    }\r\n    50% {\r\n        border-right-color: transparent;\r\n    }\r\n}\r\n\r\ {\r\n    color: grey;\r\n}\r\n\r\ {\r\n    display: inline-block;\r\n    border-style: inset;\r\n    border-width: 2px;\r\n    -webkit-appearance: textfield;\r\n    -moz-appearance: textfield;\r\n    appearance: textfield;\r\n}\r\n\r\ > input {\r\n    position: absolute;\r\n    display: inline-block;\r\n    background-color: transparent;\r\n    color: transparent;\r\n    -webkit-appearance: caret;\r\n    -moz-appearance: caret;\r\n    appearance: caret;\r\n    border-style: none;\r\n    left: 0; /*calculated*/\r\n}\r\n\r\ > input:focus {\r\n    outline: none;\r\n}\r\n\r\ > input::-moz-selection{\r\n    background: none;\r\n}\r\n\r\ > input::selection{\r\n    background: none;\r\n}\r\ > input::-moz-selection{\r\n    background: none;\r\n}\r\n\r\ > div {\r\n    color: black;\r\n    display: inline-block;\r\n    width: 100px; /*calculated*/\r\n}", "" ]);
}, function(module, exports) {
    function cssWithMappingToString(item, useSourceMap) {
        var content = item[1] || "", cssMapping = item[3];
        if (!cssMapping) return content;
        if (useSourceMap && "function" == typeof btoa) {
            var sourceMapping = toComment(cssMapping), sourceURLs = {
                return "/*# sourceURL=" + cssMapping.sourceRoot + source + " */";
            return [ content ].concat(sourceURLs).concat([ sourceMapping ]).join("\n");
        return [ content ].join("\n");
    function toComment(sourceMap) {
        return "/*# " + ("sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;charset=utf-8;base64," + btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(sourceMap))))) + " */";
    module.exports = function(useSourceMap) {
        var list = [];
        return list.toString = function() {
            return {
                var content = cssWithMappingToString(item, useSourceMap);
                return item[2] ? "@media " + item[2] + "{" + content + "}" : content;
        }, list.i = function(modules, mediaQuery) {
            "string" == typeof modules && (modules = [ [ null, modules, "" ] ]);
            for (var alreadyImportedModules = {}, i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
                var id = this[i][0];
                "number" == typeof id && (alreadyImportedModules[id] = !0);
            for (i = 0; i < modules.length; i++) {
                var item = modules[i];
                "number" == typeof item[0] && alreadyImportedModules[item[0]] || (mediaQuery && !item[2] ? item[2] = mediaQuery : mediaQuery && (item[2] = "(" + item[2] + ") and (" + mediaQuery + ")"), 
        }, list;
}, function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
    function addStylesToDom(styles, options) {
        for (var i = 0; i < styles.length; i++) {
            var item = styles[i], domStyle = stylesInDom[];
            if (domStyle) {
                for (j = 0; j <; j++)[j]([j]);
                for (;j <; j++)[j], options));
            } else {
                for (var parts = [], j = 0; j <; j++) parts.push(addStyle([j], options));
                stylesInDom[] = {
                    refs: 1,
                    parts: parts
    function listToStyles(list, options) {
        for (var styles = [], newStyles = {}, i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
            var item = list[i], id = options.base ? item[0] + options.base : item[0], part = {
                css: item[1],
                media: item[2],
                sourceMap: item[3]
            newStyles[id] ? newStyles[id].parts.push(part) : styles.push(newStyles[id] = {
                id: id,
                parts: [ part ]
        return styles;
    function insertStyleElement(options, style) {
        var target = getElement(options.insertInto);
        if (!target) throw new Error("Couldn't find a style target. This probably means that the value for the 'insertInto' parameter is invalid.");
        var lastStyleElementInsertedAtTop = stylesInsertedAtTop[stylesInsertedAtTop.length - 1];
        if ("top" === options.insertAt) lastStyleElementInsertedAtTop ? lastStyleElementInsertedAtTop.nextSibling ? target.insertBefore(style, lastStyleElementInsertedAtTop.nextSibling) : target.appendChild(style) : target.insertBefore(style, target.firstChild), 
        stylesInsertedAtTop.push(style); else if ("bottom" === options.insertAt) target.appendChild(style); else {
            if ("object" != typeof options.insertAt || !options.insertAt.before) throw new Error("[Style Loader]\n\n Invalid value for parameter 'insertAt' ('options.insertAt') found.\n Must be 'top', 'bottom', or Object.\n (\n");
            var nextSibling = getElement(options.insertInto + " " + options.insertAt.before);
            target.insertBefore(style, nextSibling);
    function removeStyleElement(style) {
        if (null === style.parentNode) return !1;
        var idx = stylesInsertedAtTop.indexOf(style);
        idx >= 0 && stylesInsertedAtTop.splice(idx, 1);
    function createStyleElement(options) {
        var style = document.createElement("style");
        return options.attrs.type = "text/css", addAttrs(style, options.attrs), insertStyleElement(options, style), 
    function createLinkElement(options) {
        var link = document.createElement("link");
        return options.attrs.type = "text/css", options.attrs.rel = "stylesheet", addAttrs(link, options.attrs), 
        insertStyleElement(options, link), link;
    function addAttrs(el, attrs) {
        Object.keys(attrs).forEach(function(key) {
            el.setAttribute(key, attrs[key]);
    function addStyle(obj, options) {
        var style, update, remove, result;
        if (options.transform && obj.css) {
            if (!(result = options.transform(obj.css))) return function() {};
            obj.css = result;
        if (options.singleton) {
            var styleIndex = singletonCounter++;
            style = singleton || (singleton = createStyleElement(options)), update = applyToSingletonTag.bind(null, style, styleIndex, !1), 
            remove = applyToSingletonTag.bind(null, style, styleIndex, !0);
        } else obj.sourceMap && "function" == typeof URL && "function" == typeof URL.createObjectURL && "function" == typeof URL.revokeObjectURL && "function" == typeof Blob && "function" == typeof btoa ? (style = createLinkElement(options), 
        update = updateLink.bind(null, style, options), remove = function() {
            removeStyleElement(style), style.href && URL.revokeObjectURL(style.href);
        }) : (style = createStyleElement(options), update = applyToTag.bind(null, style), 
        remove = function() {
        return update(obj), function(newObj) {
            if (newObj) {
                if (newObj.css === obj.css && === && newObj.sourceMap === obj.sourceMap) return;
                update(obj = newObj);
            } else remove();
    function applyToSingletonTag(style, index, remove, obj) {
        var css = remove ? "" : obj.css;
        if (style.styleSheet) style.styleSheet.cssText = replaceText(index, css); else {
            var cssNode = document.createTextNode(css), childNodes = style.childNodes;
            childNodes[index] && style.removeChild(childNodes[index]), childNodes.length ? style.insertBefore(cssNode, childNodes[index]) : style.appendChild(cssNode);
    function applyToTag(style, obj) {
        var css = obj.css, media =;
        if (media && style.setAttribute("media", media), style.styleSheet) style.styleSheet.cssText = css; else {
            for (;style.firstChild; ) style.removeChild(style.firstChild);
    function updateLink(link, options, obj) {
        var css = obj.css, sourceMap = obj.sourceMap, autoFixUrls = void 0 === options.convertToAbsoluteUrls && sourceMap;
        (options.convertToAbsoluteUrls || autoFixUrls) && (css = fixUrls(css)), sourceMap && (css += "\n/*# sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;base64," + btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(sourceMap)))) + " */");
        var blob = new Blob([ css ], {
            type: "text/css"
        }), oldSrc = link.href;
        link.href = URL.createObjectURL(blob), oldSrc && URL.revokeObjectURL(oldSrc);
    var stylesInDom = {}, isOldIE = function(fn) {
        var memo;
        return function() {
            return void 0 === memo && (memo = fn.apply(this, arguments)), memo;
    }(function() {
        return window && document && document.all && !window.atob;
    }), getElement = function(fn) {
        var memo = {};
        return function(selector) {
            if (void 0 === memo[selector]) {
                var styleTarget =, selector);
                if (styleTarget instanceof window.HTMLIFrameElement) try {
                    styleTarget = styleTarget.contentDocument.head;
                } catch (e) {
                    styleTarget = null;
                memo[selector] = styleTarget;
            return memo[selector];
    }(function(target) {
        return document.querySelector(target);
    }), singleton = null, singletonCounter = 0, stylesInsertedAtTop = [], fixUrls = __webpack_require__(8);
    module.exports = function(list, options) {
        if ("undefined" != typeof DEBUG && DEBUG && "object" != typeof document) throw new Error("The style-loader cannot be used in a non-browser environment");
        (options = options || {}).attrs = "object" == typeof options.attrs ? options.attrs : {}, 
        options.singleton || (options.singleton = isOldIE()), options.insertInto || (options.insertInto = "head"), 
        options.insertAt || (options.insertAt = "bottom");
        var styles = listToStyles(list, options);
        return addStylesToDom(styles, options), function(newList) {
            for (var mayRemove = [], i = 0; i < styles.length; i++) {
                var item = styles[i];
                (domStyle = stylesInDom[]).refs--, mayRemove.push(domStyle);
            newList && addStylesToDom(listToStyles(newList, options), options);
            for (i = 0; i < mayRemove.length; i++) {
                var domStyle = mayRemove[i];
                if (0 === domStyle.refs) {
                    for (var j = 0; j <; j++)[j]();
                    delete stylesInDom[];
    var replaceText = function() {
        var textStore = [];
        return function(index, replacement) {
            return textStore[index] = replacement, textStore.filter(Boolean).join("\n");
}, function(module, exports) {
    module.exports = function(css) {
        var location = "undefined" != typeof window && window.location;
        if (!location) throw new Error("fixUrls requires window.location");
        if (!css || "string" != typeof css) return css;
        var baseUrl = location.protocol + "//" +, currentDir = baseUrl + location.pathname.replace(/\/[^\/]*$/, "/");
        return css.replace(/url\s*\(((?:[^)(]|\((?:[^)(]+|\([^)(]*\))*\))*)\)/gi, function(fullMatch, origUrl) {
            var unquotedOrigUrl = origUrl.trim().replace(/^"(.*)"$/, function(o, $1) {
                return $1;
            }).replace(/^'(.*)'$/, function(o, $1) {
                return $1;
            if (/^(#|data:|http:\/\/|https:\/\/|file:\/\/\/)/i.test(unquotedOrigUrl)) return fullMatch;
            var newUrl;
            return newUrl = 0 === unquotedOrigUrl.indexOf("//") ? unquotedOrigUrl : 0 === unquotedOrigUrl.indexOf("/") ? baseUrl + unquotedOrigUrl : currentDir + unquotedOrigUrl.replace(/^\.\//, ""), 
            "url(" + JSON.stringify(newUrl) + ")";
}, function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
    "use strict";
    "function" == typeof Symbol && Symbol.iterator;
    !function(factory) {
        __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_ARRAY__ = [ __webpack_require__(0), __webpack_require__(1) ], 
        void 0 !== (__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__ = "function" == typeof (__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_FACTORY__ = factory) ? __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_FACTORY__.apply(exports, __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_ARRAY__) : __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_FACTORY__) && (module.exports = __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__);
    }(function($, Inputmask) {
        function isLeapYear(year) {
            return isNaN(year) || 29 === new Date(year, 2, 0).getDate();
        return Inputmask.extendAliases({
            "dd/mm/yyyy": {
                mask: "1/2/y",
                placeholder: "dd/mm/yyyy",
                regex: {
                    val1pre: new RegExp("[0-3]"),
                    val1: new RegExp("0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01]"),
                    val2pre: function(separator) {
                        var escapedSeparator =, separator);
                        return new RegExp("((0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])" + escapedSeparator + "[01])");
                    val2: function(separator) {
                        var escapedSeparator =, separator);
                        return new RegExp("((0[1-9]|[12][0-9])" + escapedSeparator + "(0[1-9]|1[012]))|(30" + escapedSeparator + "(0[13-9]|1[012]))|(31" + escapedSeparator + "(0[13578]|1[02]))");
                leapday: "29/02/",
                separator: "/",
                yearrange: {
                    minyear: 1900,
                    maxyear: 2099
                isInYearRange: function(chrs, minyear, maxyear) {
                    if (isNaN(chrs)) return !1;
                    var enteredyear = parseInt(chrs.concat(minyear.toString().slice(chrs.length))), enteredyear2 = parseInt(chrs.concat(maxyear.toString().slice(chrs.length)));
                    return !isNaN(enteredyear) && (minyear <= enteredyear && enteredyear <= maxyear) || !isNaN(enteredyear2) && (minyear <= enteredyear2 && enteredyear2 <= maxyear);
                determinebaseyear: function(minyear, maxyear, hint) {
                    var currentyear = new Date().getFullYear();
                    if (minyear > currentyear) return minyear;
                    if (maxyear < currentyear) {
                        for (var maxYearPrefix = maxyear.toString().slice(0, 2), maxYearPostfix = maxyear.toString().slice(2, 4); maxyear < maxYearPrefix + hint; ) maxYearPrefix--;
                        var maxxYear = maxYearPrefix + maxYearPostfix;
                        return minyear > maxxYear ? minyear : maxxYear;
                    if (minyear <= currentyear && currentyear <= maxyear) {
                        for (var currentYearPrefix = currentyear.toString().slice(0, 2); maxyear < currentYearPrefix + hint; ) currentYearPrefix--;
                        var currentYearAndHint = currentYearPrefix + hint;
                        return currentYearAndHint < minyear ? minyear : currentYearAndHint;
                    return currentyear;
                onKeyDown: function(e, buffer, caretPos, opts) {
                    var $input = $(this);
                    if (e.ctrlKey && e.keyCode === Inputmask.keyCode.RIGHT) {
                        var today = new Date();
                        $input.val(today.getDate().toString() + (today.getMonth() + 1).toString() + today.getFullYear().toString()), 
                getFrontValue: function(mask, buffer, opts) {
                    for (var start = 0, length = 0, i = 0; i < mask.length && "2" !== mask.charAt(i); i++) {
                        var definition = opts.definitions[mask.charAt(i)];
                        definition ? (start += length, length = definition.cardinality) : length++;
                    return buffer.join("").substr(start, length);
                postValidation: function(buffer, currentResult, opts) {
                    var dayMonthValue, year, bufferStr = buffer.join("");
                    return 0 === opts.mask.indexOf("y") ? (year = bufferStr.substr(0, 4), dayMonthValue = bufferStr.substring(4, 10)) : (year = bufferStr.substring(6, 10), 
                    dayMonthValue = bufferStr.substr(0, 6)), currentResult && (dayMonthValue !== opts.leapday || isLeapYear(year));
                definitions: {
                    "1": {
                        validator: function(chrs, maskset, pos, strict, opts) {
                            var isValid = opts.regex.val1.test(chrs);
                            return strict || isValid || chrs.charAt(1) !== opts.separator && -1 === "-./".indexOf(chrs.charAt(1)) || !(isValid = opts.regex.val1.test("0" + chrs.charAt(0))) ? isValid : (maskset.buffer[pos - 1] = "0", 
                                refreshFromBuffer: {
                                    start: pos - 1,
                                    end: pos
                                pos: pos,
                                c: chrs.charAt(0)
                        cardinality: 2,
                        prevalidator: [ {
                            validator: function(chrs, maskset, pos, strict, opts) {
                                var pchrs = chrs;
                                isNaN(maskset.buffer[pos + 1]) || (pchrs += maskset.buffer[pos + 1]);
                                var isValid = 1 === pchrs.length ? opts.regex.val1pre.test(pchrs) : opts.regex.val1.test(pchrs);
                                if (isValid && maskset.validPositions[pos] && (opts.regex.val2(opts.separator).test(chrs + maskset.validPositions[pos].input) || (maskset.validPositions[pos].input = "0" === chrs ? "1" : "0")), 
                                !strict && !isValid) {
                                    if (isValid = opts.regex.val1.test(chrs + "0")) return maskset.buffer[pos] = chrs, 
                                    maskset.buffer[++pos] = "0", {
                                        pos: pos,
                                        c: "0"
                                    if (isValid = opts.regex.val1.test("0" + chrs)) return maskset.buffer[pos] = "0", 
                                    pos++, {
                                        pos: pos
                                return isValid;
                            cardinality: 1
                        } ]
                    "2": {
                        validator: function(chrs, maskset, pos, strict, opts) {
                            var frontValue = opts.getFrontValue(maskset.mask, maskset.buffer, opts);
                            -1 !== frontValue.indexOf(opts.placeholder[0]) && (frontValue = "01" + opts.separator);
                            var isValid = opts.regex.val2(opts.separator).test(frontValue + chrs);
                            return strict || isValid || chrs.charAt(1) !== opts.separator && -1 === "-./".indexOf(chrs.charAt(1)) || !(isValid = opts.regex.val2(opts.separator).test(frontValue + "0" + chrs.charAt(0))) ? isValid : (maskset.buffer[pos - 1] = "0", 
                                refreshFromBuffer: {
                                    start: pos - 1,
                                    end: pos
                                pos: pos,
                                c: chrs.charAt(0)
                        cardinality: 2,
                        prevalidator: [ {
                            validator: function(chrs, maskset, pos, strict, opts) {
                                isNaN(maskset.buffer[pos + 1]) || (chrs += maskset.buffer[pos + 1]);
                                var frontValue = opts.getFrontValue(maskset.mask, maskset.buffer, opts);
                                -1 !== frontValue.indexOf(opts.placeholder[0]) && (frontValue = "01" + opts.separator);
                                var isValid = 1 === chrs.length ? opts.regex.val2pre(opts.separator).test(frontValue + chrs) : opts.regex.val2(opts.separator).test(frontValue + chrs);
                                return isValid && maskset.validPositions[pos] && (opts.regex.val2(opts.separator).test(chrs + maskset.validPositions[pos].input) || (maskset.validPositions[pos].input = "0" === chrs ? "1" : "0")), 
                                strict || isValid || !(isValid = opts.regex.val2(opts.separator).test(frontValue + "0" + chrs)) ? isValid : (maskset.buffer[pos] = "0", 
                                pos++, {
                                    pos: pos
                            cardinality: 1
                        } ]
                    y: {
                        validator: function(chrs, maskset, pos, strict, opts) {
                            return opts.isInYearRange(chrs, opts.yearrange.minyear, opts.yearrange.maxyear);
                        cardinality: 4,
                        prevalidator: [ {
                            validator: function(chrs, maskset, pos, strict, opts) {
                                var isValid = opts.isInYearRange(chrs, opts.yearrange.minyear, opts.yearrange.maxyear);
                                if (!strict && !isValid) {
                                    var yearPrefix = opts.determinebaseyear(opts.yearrange.minyear, opts.yearrange.maxyear, chrs + "0").toString().slice(0, 1);
                                    if (isValid = opts.isInYearRange(yearPrefix + chrs, opts.yearrange.minyear, opts.yearrange.maxyear)) return maskset.buffer[pos++] = yearPrefix.charAt(0), 
                                        pos: pos
                                    if (yearPrefix = opts.determinebaseyear(opts.yearrange.minyear, opts.yearrange.maxyear, chrs + "0").toString().slice(0, 2), 
                                    isValid = opts.isInYearRange(yearPrefix + chrs, opts.yearrange.minyear, opts.yearrange.maxyear)) return maskset.buffer[pos++] = yearPrefix.charAt(0), 
                                    maskset.buffer[pos++] = yearPrefix.charAt(1), {
                                        pos: pos
                                return isValid;
                            cardinality: 1
                        }, {
                            validator: function(chrs, maskset, pos, strict, opts) {
                                var isValid = opts.isInYearRange(chrs, opts.yearrange.minyear, opts.yearrange.maxyear);
                                if (!strict && !isValid) {
                                    var yearPrefix = opts.determinebaseyear(opts.yearrange.minyear, opts.yearrange.maxyear, chrs).toString().slice(0, 2);
                                    if (isValid = opts.isInYearRange(chrs[0] + yearPrefix[1] + chrs[1], opts.yearrange.minyear, opts.yearrange.maxyear)) return maskset.buffer[pos++] = yearPrefix.charAt(1), 
                                        pos: pos
                                    if (yearPrefix = opts.determinebaseyear(opts.yearrange.minyear, opts.yearrange.maxyear, chrs).toString().slice(0, 2), 
                                    isValid = opts.isInYearRange(yearPrefix + chrs, opts.yearrange.minyear, opts.yearrange.maxyear)) return maskset.buffer[pos - 1] = yearPrefix.charAt(0), 
                                    maskset.buffer[pos++] = yearPrefix.charAt(1), maskset.buffer[pos++] = chrs.charAt(0), 
                                        refreshFromBuffer: {
                                            start: pos - 3,
                                            end: pos
                                        pos: pos
                                return isValid;
                            cardinality: 2
                        }, {
                            validator: function(chrs, maskset, pos, strict, opts) {
                                return opts.isInYearRange(chrs, opts.yearrange.minyear, opts.yearrange.maxyear);
                            cardinality: 3
                        } ]
                insertMode: !1,
                autoUnmask: !1
            "mm/dd/yyyy": {
                placeholder: "mm/dd/yyyy",
                alias: "dd/mm/yyyy",
                regex: {
                    val2pre: function(separator) {
                        var escapedSeparator =, separator);
                        return new RegExp("((0[13-9]|1[012])" + escapedSeparator + "[0-3])|(02" + escapedSeparator + "[0-2])");
                    val2: function(separator) {
                        var escapedSeparator =, separator);
                        return new RegExp("((0[1-9]|1[012])" + escapedSeparator + "(0[1-9]|[12][0-9]))|((0[13-9]|1[012])" + escapedSeparator + "30)|((0[13578]|1[02])" + escapedSeparator + "31)");
                    val1pre: new RegExp("[01]"),
                    val1: new RegExp("0[1-9]|1[012]")
                leapday: "02/29/",
                onKeyDown: function(e, buffer, caretPos, opts) {
                    var $input = $(this);
                    if (e.ctrlKey && e.keyCode === Inputmask.keyCode.RIGHT) {
                        var today = new Date();
                        $input.val((today.getMonth() + 1).toString() + today.getDate().toString() + today.getFullYear().toString()), 
            "yyyy/mm/dd": {
                mask: "y/1/2",
                placeholder: "yyyy/mm/dd",
                alias: "mm/dd/yyyy",
                leapday: "/02/29",
                onKeyDown: function(e, buffer, caretPos, opts) {
                    var $input = $(this);
                    if (e.ctrlKey && e.keyCode === Inputmask.keyCode.RIGHT) {
                        var today = new Date();
                        $input.val(today.getFullYear().toString() + (today.getMonth() + 1).toString() + today.getDate().toString()), 
            "": {
                mask: "1.2.y",
                placeholder: "",
                leapday: "29.02.",
                separator: ".",
                alias: "dd/mm/yyyy"
            "dd-mm-yyyy": {
                mask: "1-2-y",
                placeholder: "dd-mm-yyyy",
                leapday: "29-02-",
                separator: "-",
                alias: "dd/mm/yyyy"
            "mm.dd.yyyy": {
                mask: "1.2.y",
                placeholder: "mm.dd.yyyy",
                leapday: "02.29.",
                separator: ".",
                alias: "mm/dd/yyyy"
            "mm-dd-yyyy": {
                mask: "1-2-y",
                placeholder: "mm-dd-yyyy",
                leapday: "02-29-",
                separator: "-",
                alias: "mm/dd/yyyy"
            "": {
                mask: "y.1.2",
                placeholder: "",
                leapday: ".02.29",
                separator: ".",
                alias: "yyyy/mm/dd"
            "yyyy-mm-dd": {
                mask: "y-1-2",
                placeholder: "yyyy-mm-dd",
                leapday: "-02-29",
                separator: "-",
                alias: "yyyy/mm/dd"
            datetime: {
                mask: "1/2/y h:s",
                placeholder: "dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm",
                alias: "dd/mm/yyyy",
                regex: {
                    hrspre: new RegExp("[012]"),
                    hrs24: new RegExp("2[0-4]|1[3-9]"),
                    hrs: new RegExp("[01][0-9]|2[0-4]"),
                    ampm: new RegExp("^[a|p|A|P][m|M]"),
                    mspre: new RegExp("[0-5]"),
                    ms: new RegExp("[0-5][0-9]")
                timeseparator: ":",
                hourFormat: "24",
                definitions: {
                    h: {
                        validator: function(chrs, maskset, pos, strict, opts) {
                            if ("24" === opts.hourFormat && 24 === parseInt(chrs, 10)) return maskset.buffer[pos - 1] = "0", 
                            maskset.buffer[pos] = "0", {
                                refreshFromBuffer: {
                                    start: pos - 1,
                                    end: pos
                                c: "0"
                            var isValid = opts.regex.hrs.test(chrs);
                            if (!strict && !isValid && (chrs.charAt(1) === opts.timeseparator || -1 !== "-.:".indexOf(chrs.charAt(1))) && (isValid = opts.regex.hrs.test("0" + chrs.charAt(0)))) return maskset.buffer[pos - 1] = "0", 
                            maskset.buffer[pos] = chrs.charAt(0), pos++, {
                                refreshFromBuffer: {
                                    start: pos - 2,
                                    end: pos
                                pos: pos,
                                c: opts.timeseparator
                            if (isValid && "24" !== opts.hourFormat && opts.regex.hrs24.test(chrs)) {
                                var tmp = parseInt(chrs, 10);
                                return 24 === tmp ? (maskset.buffer[pos + 5] = "a", maskset.buffer[pos + 6] = "m") : (maskset.buffer[pos + 5] = "p", 
                                maskset.buffer[pos + 6] = "m"), (tmp -= 12) < 10 ? (maskset.buffer[pos] = tmp.toString(), 
                                maskset.buffer[pos - 1] = "0") : (maskset.buffer[pos] = tmp.toString().charAt(1), 
                                maskset.buffer[pos - 1] = tmp.toString().charAt(0)), {
                                    refreshFromBuffer: {
                                        start: pos - 1,
                                        end: pos + 6
                                    c: maskset.buffer[pos]
                            return isValid;
                        cardinality: 2,
                        prevalidator: [ {
                            validator: function(chrs, maskset, pos, strict, opts) {
                                var isValid = opts.regex.hrspre.test(chrs);
                                return strict || isValid || !(isValid = opts.regex.hrs.test("0" + chrs)) ? isValid : (maskset.buffer[pos] = "0", 
                                pos++, {
                                    pos: pos
                            cardinality: 1
                        } ]
                    s: {
                        validator: "[0-5][0-9]",
                        cardinality: 2,
                        prevalidator: [ {
                            validator: function(chrs, maskset, pos, strict, opts) {
                                var isValid = opts.regex.mspre.test(chrs);
                                return strict || isValid || !(isValid ="0" + chrs)) ? isValid : (maskset.buffer[pos] = "0", 
                                pos++, {
                                    pos: pos
                            cardinality: 1
                        } ]
                    t: {
                        validator: function(chrs, maskset, pos, strict, opts) {
                            return opts.regex.ampm.test(chrs + "m");
                        casing: "lower",
                        cardinality: 1
                insertMode: !1,
                autoUnmask: !1
            datetime12: {
                mask: "1/2/y h:s t\\m",
                placeholder: "dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm xm",
                alias: "datetime",
                hourFormat: "12"
            "mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm xm": {
                mask: "1/2/y h:s t\\m",
                placeholder: "mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm xm",
                alias: "datetime12",
                regex: {
                    val2pre: function(separator) {
                        var escapedSeparator =, separator);
                        return new RegExp("((0[13-9]|1[012])" + escapedSeparator + "[0-3])|(02" + escapedSeparator + "[0-2])");
                    val2: function(separator) {
                        var escapedSeparator =, separator);
                        return new RegExp("((0[1-9]|1[012])" + escapedSeparator + "(0[1-9]|[12][0-9]))|((0[13-9]|1[012])" + escapedSeparator + "30)|((0[13578]|1[02])" + escapedSeparator + "31)");
                    val1pre: new RegExp("[01]"),
                    val1: new RegExp("0[1-9]|1[012]")
                leapday: "02/29/",
                onKeyDown: function(e, buffer, caretPos, opts) {
                    var $input = $(this);
                    if (e.ctrlKey && e.keyCode === Inputmask.keyCode.RIGHT) {
                        var today = new Date();
                        $input.val((today.getMonth() + 1).toString() + today.getDate().toString() + today.getFullYear().toString()), 
            "hh:mm t": {
                mask: "h:s t\\m",
                placeholder: "hh:mm xm",
                alias: "datetime",
                hourFormat: "12"
            "h:s t": {
                mask: "h:s t\\m",
                placeholder: "hh:mm xm",
                alias: "datetime",
                hourFormat: "12"
            "hh:mm:ss": {
                mask: "h:s:s",
                placeholder: "hh:mm:ss",
                alias: "datetime",
                autoUnmask: !1
            "hh:mm": {
                mask: "h:s",
                placeholder: "hh:mm",
                alias: "datetime",
                autoUnmask: !1
            date: {
                alias: "dd/mm/yyyy"
            "mm/yyyy": {
                mask: "1/y",
                placeholder: "mm/yyyy",
                leapday: "donotuse",
                separator: "/",
                alias: "mm/dd/yyyy"
            shamsi: {
                regex: {
                    val2pre: function(separator) {
                        var escapedSeparator =, separator);
                        return new RegExp("((0[1-9]|1[012])" + escapedSeparator + "[0-3])");
                    val2: function(separator) {
                        var escapedSeparator =, separator);
                        return new RegExp("((0[1-9]|1[012])" + escapedSeparator + "(0[1-9]|[12][0-9]))|((0[1-9]|1[012])" + escapedSeparator + "30)|((0[1-6])" + escapedSeparator + "31)");
                    val1pre: new RegExp("[01]"),
                    val1: new RegExp("0[1-9]|1[012]")
                yearrange: {
                    minyear: 1300,
                    maxyear: 1499
                mask: "y/1/2",
                leapday: "/12/30",
                placeholder: "yyyy/mm/dd",
                alias: "mm/dd/yyyy",
                clearIncomplete: !0
            "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss": {
                mask: "y-1-2 h:s:s",
                placeholder: "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss",
                alias: "datetime",
                separator: "-",
                leapday: "-02-29",
                regex: {
                    val2pre: function(separator) {
                        var escapedSeparator =, separator);
                        return new RegExp("((0[13-9]|1[012])" + escapedSeparator + "[0-3])|(02" + escapedSeparator + "[0-2])");
                    val2: function(separator) {
                        var escapedSeparator =, separator);
                        return new RegExp("((0[1-9]|1[012])" + escapedSeparator + "(0[1-9]|[12][0-9]))|((0[13-9]|1[012])" + escapedSeparator + "30)|((0[13578]|1[02])" + escapedSeparator + "31)");
                    val1pre: new RegExp("[01]"),
                    val1: new RegExp("0[1-9]|1[012]")
                onKeyDown: function(e, buffer, caretPos, opts) {}
        }), Inputmask;
}, function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
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    "function" == typeof Symbol && Symbol.iterator;
    void 0 !== (__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__ = function() {
        return window;
    }.call(exports, __webpack_require__, exports, module)) && (module.exports = __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__);
}, function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
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        return document;
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}, function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
    "use strict";
    "function" == typeof Symbol && Symbol.iterator;
    !function(factory) {
        __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_ARRAY__ = [ __webpack_require__(0), __webpack_require__(1) ], 
        void 0 !== (__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__ = "function" == typeof (__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_FACTORY__ = factory) ? __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_FACTORY__.apply(exports, __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_ARRAY__) : __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_FACTORY__) && (module.exports = __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__);
    }(function($, Inputmask) {
        return Inputmask.extendDefinitions({
            A: {
                validator: "[A-Za-zА-яЁёÀ-ÿµ]",
                cardinality: 1,
                casing: "upper"
            "&": {
                validator: "[0-9A-Za-zА-яЁёÀ-ÿµ]",
                cardinality: 1,
                casing: "upper"
            "#": {
                validator: "[0-9A-Fa-f]",
                cardinality: 1,
                casing: "upper"
        }), Inputmask.extendAliases({
            url: {
                definitions: {
                    i: {
                        validator: ".",
                        cardinality: 1
                mask: "(\\http://)|(\\http\\s://)|(ftp://)|(ftp\\s://)i{+}",
                insertMode: !1,
                autoUnmask: !1,
                inputmode: "url"
            ip: {
                mask: "i[i[i]].i[i[i]].i[i[i]].i[i[i]]",
                definitions: {
                    i: {
                        validator: function(chrs, maskset, pos, strict, opts) {
                            return pos - 1 > -1 && "." !== maskset.buffer[pos - 1] ? (chrs = maskset.buffer[pos - 1] + chrs, 
                            chrs = pos - 2 > -1 && "." !== maskset.buffer[pos - 2] ? maskset.buffer[pos - 2] + chrs : "0" + chrs) : chrs = "00" + chrs, 
                            new RegExp("25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01][0-9][0-9]").test(chrs);
                        cardinality: 1
                onUnMask: function(maskedValue, unmaskedValue, opts) {
                    return maskedValue;
                inputmode: "numeric"
            email: {
                mask: "*{1,64}[.*{1,64}][.*{1,64}][.*{1,63}]@-{1,63}.-{1,63}[.-{1,63}][.-{1,63}]",
                greedy: !1,
                onBeforePaste: function(pastedValue, opts) {
                    return (pastedValue = pastedValue.toLowerCase()).replace("mailto:", "");
                definitions: {
                    "*": {
                        validator: "[0-9A-Za-z!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]",
                        cardinality: 1,
                        casing: "lower"
                    "-": {
                        validator: "[0-9A-Za-z-]",
                        cardinality: 1,
                        casing: "lower"
                onUnMask: function(maskedValue, unmaskedValue, opts) {
                    return maskedValue;
                inputmode: "email"
            mac: {
                mask: "##:##:##:##:##:##"
            vin: {
                mask: "V{13}9{4}",
                definitions: {
                    V: {
                        validator: "[A-HJ-NPR-Za-hj-npr-z\\d]",
                        cardinality: 1,
                        casing: "upper"
                clearIncomplete: !0,
                autoUnmask: !0
        }), Inputmask;
}, function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
    "use strict";
    "function" == typeof Symbol && Symbol.iterator;
    !function(factory) {
        __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_ARRAY__ = [ __webpack_require__(0), __webpack_require__(1) ], 
        void 0 !== (__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__ = "function" == typeof (__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_FACTORY__ = factory) ? __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_FACTORY__.apply(exports, __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_ARRAY__) : __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_FACTORY__) && (module.exports = __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__);
    }(function($, Inputmask, undefined) {
        function autoEscape(txt, opts) {
            for (var escapedTxt = "", i = 0; i < txt.length; i++) Inputmask.prototype.definitions[txt.charAt(i)] || opts.definitions[txt.charAt(i)] || opts.optionalmarker.start === txt.charAt(i) || opts.optionalmarker.end === txt.charAt(i) || opts.quantifiermarker.start === txt.charAt(i) || opts.quantifiermarker.end === txt.charAt(i) || opts.groupmarker.start === txt.charAt(i) || opts.groupmarker.end === txt.charAt(i) || opts.alternatormarker === txt.charAt(i) ? escapedTxt += "\\" + txt.charAt(i) : escapedTxt += txt.charAt(i);
            return escapedTxt;
        return Inputmask.extendAliases({
            numeric: {
                mask: function(opts) {
                    if (0 !== opts.repeat && isNaN(opts.integerDigits) && (opts.integerDigits = opts.repeat), 
                    opts.repeat = 0, opts.groupSeparator === opts.radixPoint && ("." === opts.radixPoint ? opts.groupSeparator = "," : "," === opts.radixPoint ? opts.groupSeparator = "." : opts.groupSeparator = ""), 
                    " " === opts.groupSeparator && (opts.skipOptionalPartCharacter = undefined), opts.autoGroup = opts.autoGroup && "" !== opts.groupSeparator, 
                    opts.autoGroup && ("string" == typeof opts.groupSize && isFinite(opts.groupSize) && (opts.groupSize = parseInt(opts.groupSize)), 
                    isFinite(opts.integerDigits))) {
                        var seps = Math.floor(opts.integerDigits / opts.groupSize), mod = opts.integerDigits % opts.groupSize;
                        opts.integerDigits = parseInt(opts.integerDigits) + (0 === mod ? seps - 1 : seps), 
                        opts.integerDigits < 1 && (opts.integerDigits = "*");
                    opts.placeholder.length > 1 && (opts.placeholder = opts.placeholder.charAt(0)), 
                    "radixFocus" === opts.positionCaretOnClick && "" === opts.placeholder && !1 === opts.integerOptional && (opts.positionCaretOnClick = "lvp"), 
                    opts.definitions[";"] = opts.definitions["~"], opts.definitions[";"].definitionSymbol = "~", 
                    !0 === opts.numericInput && (opts.positionCaretOnClick = "radixFocus" === opts.positionCaretOnClick ? "lvp" : opts.positionCaretOnClick, 
                    opts.digitsOptional = !1, isNaN(opts.digits) && (opts.digits = 2), opts.decimalProtect = !1);
                    var mask = "[+]";
                    if (mask += autoEscape(opts.prefix, opts), !0 === opts.integerOptional ? mask += "~{1," + opts.integerDigits + "}" : mask += "~{" + opts.integerDigits + "}", 
                    opts.digits !== undefined) {
                        opts.radixPointDefinitionSymbol = opts.decimalProtect ? ":" : opts.radixPoint;
                        var dq = opts.digits.toString().split(",");
                        isFinite(dq[0] && dq[1] && isFinite(dq[1])) ? mask += opts.radixPointDefinitionSymbol + ";{" + opts.digits + "}" : (isNaN(opts.digits) || parseInt(opts.digits) > 0) && (opts.digitsOptional ? mask += "[" + opts.radixPointDefinitionSymbol + ";{1," + opts.digits + "}]" : mask += opts.radixPointDefinitionSymbol + ";{" + opts.digits + "}");
                    return mask += autoEscape(opts.suffix, opts), mask += "[-]", opts.greedy = !1, mask;
                placeholder: "",
                greedy: !1,
                digits: "*",
                digitsOptional: !0,
                enforceDigitsOnBlur: !1,
                radixPoint: ".",
                positionCaretOnClick: "radixFocus",
                groupSize: 3,
                groupSeparator: "",
                autoGroup: !1,
                allowMinus: !0,
                negationSymbol: {
                    front: "-",
                    back: ""
                integerDigits: "+",
                integerOptional: !0,
                prefix: "",
                suffix: "",
                rightAlign: !0,
                decimalProtect: !0,
                min: null,
                max: null,
                step: 1,
                insertMode: !0,
                autoUnmask: !1,
                unmaskAsNumber: !1,
                inputmode: "numeric",
                preValidation: function(buffer, pos, c, isSelection, opts) {
                    if ("-" === c || c === opts.negationSymbol.front) return !0 === opts.allowMinus && (opts.isNegative = opts.isNegative === undefined || !opts.isNegative, 
                    "" === buffer.join("") || {
                        caret: pos,
                        dopost: !0
                    if (!1 === isSelection && c === opts.radixPoint && opts.digits !== undefined && (isNaN(opts.digits) || parseInt(opts.digits) > 0)) {
                        var radixPos = $.inArray(opts.radixPoint, buffer);
                        if (-1 !== radixPos) return !0 === opts.numericInput ? pos === radixPos : {
                            caret: radixPos + 1
                    return !0;
                postValidation: function(buffer, currentResult, opts) {
                    var suffix = opts.suffix.split(""), prefix = opts.prefix.split("");
                    if (currentResult.pos === undefined && currentResult.caret !== undefined && !0 !== currentResult.dopost) return currentResult;
                    var caretPos = currentResult.caret !== undefined ? currentResult.caret : currentResult.pos, maskedValue = buffer.slice();
                    opts.numericInput && (caretPos = maskedValue.length - caretPos - 1, maskedValue = maskedValue.reverse());
                    var charAtPos = maskedValue[caretPos];
                    if (charAtPos === opts.groupSeparator && (charAtPos = maskedValue[caretPos += 1]), 
                    caretPos === maskedValue.length - opts.suffix.length - 1 && charAtPos === opts.radixPoint) return currentResult;
                    charAtPos !== undefined && charAtPos !== opts.radixPoint && charAtPos !== opts.negationSymbol.front && charAtPos !== opts.negationSymbol.back && (maskedValue[caretPos] = "?", 
                    opts.prefix.length > 0 && caretPos >= (!1 === opts.isNegative ? 1 : 0) && caretPos < opts.prefix.length - 1 + (!1 === opts.isNegative ? 1 : 0) ? prefix[caretPos - (!1 === opts.isNegative ? 1 : 0)] = "?" : opts.suffix.length > 0 && caretPos >= maskedValue.length - opts.suffix.length - (!1 === opts.isNegative ? 1 : 0) && (suffix[caretPos - (maskedValue.length - opts.suffix.length - (!1 === opts.isNegative ? 1 : 0))] = "?")), 
                    prefix = prefix.join(""), suffix = suffix.join("");
                    var processValue = maskedValue.join("").replace(prefix, "");
                    if (processValue = processValue.replace(suffix, ""), processValue = processValue.replace(new RegExp(Inputmask.escapeRegex(opts.groupSeparator), "g"), ""), 
                    processValue = processValue.replace(new RegExp("[-" + Inputmask.escapeRegex(opts.negationSymbol.front) + "]", "g"), ""), 
                    processValue = processValue.replace(new RegExp(Inputmask.escapeRegex(opts.negationSymbol.back) + "$"), ""), 
                    isNaN(opts.placeholder) && (processValue = processValue.replace(new RegExp(Inputmask.escapeRegex(opts.placeholder), "g"), "")), 
                    processValue.length > 1 && 1 !== processValue.indexOf(opts.radixPoint) && ("0" === charAtPos && (processValue = processValue.replace(/^\?/g, "")), 
                    processValue = processValue.replace(/^0/g, "")), processValue.charAt(0) === opts.radixPoint && "" !== opts.radixPoint && !0 !== opts.numericInput && (processValue = "0" + processValue), 
                    "" !== processValue) {
                        if (processValue = processValue.split(""), (!opts.digitsOptional || opts.enforceDigitsOnBlur && "blur" === currentResult.event) && isFinite(opts.digits)) {
                            var radixPosition = $.inArray(opts.radixPoint, processValue), rpb = $.inArray(opts.radixPoint, maskedValue);
                            -1 === radixPosition && (processValue.push(opts.radixPoint), radixPosition = processValue.length - 1);
                            for (var i = 1; i <= opts.digits; i++) opts.digitsOptional && (!opts.enforceDigitsOnBlur || "blur" !== currentResult.event) || processValue[radixPosition + i] !== undefined && processValue[radixPosition + i] !== opts.placeholder.charAt(0) ? -1 !== rpb && maskedValue[rpb + i] !== undefined && (processValue[radixPosition + i] = processValue[radixPosition + i] || maskedValue[rpb + i]) : processValue[radixPosition + i] = currentResult.placeholder || opts.placeholder.charAt(0);
                        if (!0 !== opts.autoGroup || "" === opts.groupSeparator || charAtPos === opts.radixPoint && currentResult.pos === undefined && !currentResult.dopost) processValue = processValue.join(""); else {
                            var addRadix = processValue[processValue.length - 1] === opts.radixPoint && currentResult.c === opts.radixPoint;
                            processValue = Inputmask(function(buffer, opts) {
                                var postMask = "";
                                if (postMask += "(" + opts.groupSeparator + "*{" + opts.groupSize + "}){*}", "" !== opts.radixPoint) {
                                    var radixSplit = buffer.join("").split(opts.radixPoint);
                                    radixSplit[1] && (postMask += opts.radixPoint + "*{" + radixSplit[1].match(/^\d*\??\d*/)[0].length + "}");
                                return postMask;
                            }(processValue, opts), {
                                numericInput: !0,
                                jitMasking: !0,
                                definitions: {
                                    "*": {
                                        validator: "[0-9?]",
                                        cardinality: 1
                            }).format(processValue.join("")), addRadix && (processValue += opts.radixPoint), 
                            processValue.charAt(0) === opts.groupSeparator && processValue.substr(1);
                    if (opts.isNegative && "blur" === currentResult.event && (opts.isNegative = "0" !== processValue), 
                    processValue = prefix + processValue, processValue += suffix, opts.isNegative && (processValue = opts.negationSymbol.front + processValue, 
                    processValue += opts.negationSymbol.back), processValue = processValue.split(""), 
                    charAtPos !== undefined) if (charAtPos !== opts.radixPoint && charAtPos !== opts.negationSymbol.front && charAtPos !== opts.negationSymbol.back) (caretPos = $.inArray("?", processValue)) > -1 ? processValue[caretPos] = charAtPos : caretPos = currentResult.caret || 0; else if (charAtPos === opts.radixPoint || charAtPos === opts.negationSymbol.front || charAtPos === opts.negationSymbol.back) {
                        var newCaretPos = $.inArray(charAtPos, processValue);
                        -1 !== newCaretPos && (caretPos = newCaretPos);
                    opts.numericInput && (caretPos = processValue.length - caretPos - 1, processValue = processValue.reverse());
                    var rslt = {
                        caret: charAtPos === undefined || currentResult.pos !== undefined ? caretPos + (opts.numericInput ? -1 : 1) : caretPos,
                        buffer: processValue,
                        refreshFromBuffer: currentResult.dopost || buffer.join("") !== processValue.join("")
                    return rslt.refreshFromBuffer ? rslt : currentResult;
                onBeforeWrite: function(e, buffer, caretPos, opts) {
                    if (e) switch (e.type) {
                      case "keydown":
                        return opts.postValidation(buffer, {
                            caret: caretPos,
                            dopost: !0
                        }, opts);

                      case "blur":
                      case "checkval":
                        var unmasked;
                        if (function(opts) {
                            opts.parseMinMaxOptions === undefined && (null !== opts.min && (opts.min = opts.min.toString().replace(new RegExp(Inputmask.escapeRegex(opts.groupSeparator), "g"), ""), 
                            "," === opts.radixPoint && (opts.min = opts.min.replace(opts.radixPoint, ".")), 
                            opts.min = isFinite(opts.min) ? parseFloat(opts.min) : NaN, isNaN(opts.min) && (opts.min = Number.MIN_VALUE)), 
                            null !== opts.max && (opts.max = opts.max.toString().replace(new RegExp(Inputmask.escapeRegex(opts.groupSeparator), "g"), ""), 
                            "," === opts.radixPoint && (opts.max = opts.max.replace(opts.radixPoint, ".")), 
                            opts.max = isFinite(opts.max) ? parseFloat(opts.max) : NaN, isNaN(opts.max) && (opts.max = Number.MAX_VALUE)), 
                            opts.parseMinMaxOptions = "done");
                        }(opts), null !== opts.min || null !== opts.max) {
                            if (unmasked = opts.onUnMask(buffer.join(""), undefined, $.extend({}, opts, {
                                unmaskAsNumber: !0
                            })), null !== opts.min && unmasked < opts.min) return opts.isNegative = opts.min < 0, 
                            opts.postValidation(opts.min.toString().replace(".", opts.radixPoint).split(""), {
                                caret: caretPos,
                                dopost: !0,
                                placeholder: "0"
                            }, opts);
                            if (null !== opts.max && unmasked > opts.max) return opts.isNegative = opts.max < 0, 
                            opts.postValidation(opts.max.toString().replace(".", opts.radixPoint).split(""), {
                                caret: caretPos,
                                dopost: !0,
                                placeholder: "0"
                            }, opts);
                        return opts.postValidation(buffer, {
                            caret: caretPos,
                            placeholder: "0",
                            event: "blur"
                        }, opts);

                      case "_checkval":
                        return {
                            caret: caretPos
                regex: {
                    integerPart: function(opts, emptyCheck) {
                        return emptyCheck ? new RegExp("[" + Inputmask.escapeRegex(opts.negationSymbol.front) + "+]?") : new RegExp("[" + Inputmask.escapeRegex(opts.negationSymbol.front) + "+]?\\d+");
                    integerNPart: function(opts) {
                        return new RegExp("[\\d" + Inputmask.escapeRegex(opts.groupSeparator) + Inputmask.escapeRegex(opts.placeholder.charAt(0)) + "]+");
                definitions: {
                    "~": {
                        validator: function(chrs, maskset, pos, strict, opts, isSelection) {
                            var isValid = strict ? new RegExp("[0-9" + Inputmask.escapeRegex(opts.groupSeparator) + "]").test(chrs) : new RegExp("[0-9]").test(chrs);
                            if (!0 === isValid) {
                                if (!0 !== opts.numericInput && maskset.validPositions[pos] !== undefined && "~" === maskset.validPositions[pos].match.def && !isSelection) {
                                    var processValue = maskset.buffer.join(""), pvRadixSplit = (processValue = (processValue = processValue.replace(new RegExp("[-" + Inputmask.escapeRegex(opts.negationSymbol.front) + "]", "g"), "")).replace(new RegExp(Inputmask.escapeRegex(opts.negationSymbol.back) + "$"), "")).split(opts.radixPoint);
                                    pvRadixSplit.length > 1 && (pvRadixSplit[1] = pvRadixSplit[1].replace(/0/g, opts.placeholder.charAt(0))), 
                                    "0" === pvRadixSplit[0] && (pvRadixSplit[0] = pvRadixSplit[0].replace(/0/g, opts.placeholder.charAt(0))), 
                                    processValue = pvRadixSplit[0] + opts.radixPoint + pvRadixSplit[1] || "";
                                    var bufferTemplate = maskset._buffer.join("");
                                    for (processValue === opts.radixPoint && (processValue = bufferTemplate); null === processValue.match(Inputmask.escapeRegex(bufferTemplate) + "$"); ) bufferTemplate = bufferTemplate.slice(1);
                                    isValid = (processValue = (processValue = processValue.replace(bufferTemplate, "")).split(""))[pos] === undefined ? {
                                        pos: pos,
                                        remove: pos
                                    } : {
                                        pos: pos
                            } else strict || chrs !== opts.radixPoint || maskset.validPositions[pos - 1] !== undefined || (maskset.buffer[pos] = "0", 
                            isValid = {
                                pos: pos + 1
                            return isValid;
                        cardinality: 1
                    "+": {
                        validator: function(chrs, maskset, pos, strict, opts) {
                            return opts.allowMinus && ("-" === chrs || chrs === opts.negationSymbol.front);
                        cardinality: 1,
                        placeholder: ""
                    "-": {
                        validator: function(chrs, maskset, pos, strict, opts) {
                            return opts.allowMinus && chrs === opts.negationSymbol.back;
                        cardinality: 1,
                        placeholder: ""
                    ":": {
                        validator: function(chrs, maskset, pos, strict, opts) {
                            var radix = "[" + Inputmask.escapeRegex(opts.radixPoint) + "]", isValid = new RegExp(radix).test(chrs);
                            return isValid && maskset.validPositions[pos] && maskset.validPositions[pos].match.placeholder === opts.radixPoint && (isValid = {
                                caret: pos + 1
                            }), isValid;
                        cardinality: 1,
                        placeholder: function(opts) {
                            return opts.radixPoint;
                onUnMask: function(maskedValue, unmaskedValue, opts) {
                    if ("" === unmaskedValue && !0 === opts.nullable) return unmaskedValue;
                    var processValue = maskedValue.replace(opts.prefix, "");
                    return processValue = processValue.replace(opts.suffix, ""), processValue = processValue.replace(new RegExp(Inputmask.escapeRegex(opts.groupSeparator), "g"), ""), 
                    "" !== opts.placeholder.charAt(0) && (processValue = processValue.replace(new RegExp(opts.placeholder.charAt(0), "g"), "0")), 
                    opts.unmaskAsNumber ? ("" !== opts.radixPoint && -1 !== processValue.indexOf(opts.radixPoint) && (processValue = processValue.replace(, opts.radixPoint), ".")), 
                    processValue = processValue.replace(new RegExp("^" + Inputmask.escapeRegex(opts.negationSymbol.front)), "-"), 
                    processValue = processValue.replace(new RegExp(Inputmask.escapeRegex(opts.negationSymbol.back) + "$"), ""), 
                    Number(processValue)) : processValue;
                isComplete: function(buffer, opts) {
                    var maskedValue = buffer.join("");
                    if (buffer.slice().join("") !== maskedValue) return !1;
                    var processValue = maskedValue.replace(opts.prefix, "");
                    return processValue = processValue.replace(opts.suffix, ""), processValue = processValue.replace(new RegExp(Inputmask.escapeRegex(opts.groupSeparator), "g"), ""), 
                    "," === opts.radixPoint && (processValue = processValue.replace(Inputmask.escapeRegex(opts.radixPoint), ".")), 
                onBeforeMask: function(initialValue, opts) {
                    if (opts.isNegative = undefined, initialValue = initialValue.toString().charAt(initialValue.length - 1) === opts.radixPoint ? initialValue.toString().substr(0, initialValue.length - 1) : initialValue.toString(), 
                    "" !== opts.radixPoint && isFinite(initialValue)) {
                        var vs = initialValue.split("."), groupSize = "" !== opts.groupSeparator ? parseInt(opts.groupSize) : 0;
                        2 === vs.length && (vs[0].length > groupSize || vs[1].length > groupSize || vs[0].length <= groupSize && vs[1].length < groupSize) && (initialValue = initialValue.replace(".", opts.radixPoint));
                    var kommaMatches = initialValue.match(/,/g), dotMatches = initialValue.match(/\./g);
                    if (initialValue = dotMatches && kommaMatches ? dotMatches.length > kommaMatches.length ? (initialValue = initialValue.replace(/\./g, "")).replace(",", opts.radixPoint) : kommaMatches.length > dotMatches.length ? (initialValue = initialValue.replace(/,/g, "")).replace(".", opts.radixPoint) : initialValue.indexOf(".") < initialValue.indexOf(",") ? initialValue.replace(/\./g, "") : initialValue.replace(/,/g, "") : initialValue.replace(new RegExp(Inputmask.escapeRegex(opts.groupSeparator), "g"), ""), 
                    0 === opts.digits && (-1 !== initialValue.indexOf(".") ? initialValue = initialValue.substring(0, initialValue.indexOf(".")) : -1 !== initialValue.indexOf(",") && (initialValue = initialValue.substring(0, initialValue.indexOf(",")))), 
                    "" !== opts.radixPoint && isFinite(opts.digits) && -1 !== initialValue.indexOf(opts.radixPoint)) {
                        var decPart = initialValue.split(opts.radixPoint)[1].match(new RegExp("\\d*"))[0];
                        if (parseInt(opts.digits) < decPart.toString().length) {
                            var digitsFactor = Math.pow(10, parseInt(opts.digits));
                            initialValue = initialValue.replace(Inputmask.escapeRegex(opts.radixPoint), "."), 
                            initialValue = (initialValue = Math.round(parseFloat(initialValue) * digitsFactor) / digitsFactor).toString().replace(".", opts.radixPoint);
                    return initialValue;
                canClearPosition: function(maskset, position, lvp, strict, opts) {
                    var vp = maskset.validPositions[position], canClear = vp.input !== opts.radixPoint || null !== maskset.validPositions[position].match.fn && !1 === opts.decimalProtect || vp.input === opts.radixPoint && maskset.validPositions[position + 1] && null === maskset.validPositions[position + 1].match.fn || isFinite(vp.input) || position === lvp || vp.input === opts.groupSeparator || vp.input === opts.negationSymbol.front || vp.input === opts.negationSymbol.back;
                    return !canClear || "+" !== vp.match.nativeDef && "-" !== vp.match.nativeDef || (opts.isNegative = !1), 
                onKeyDown: function(e, buffer, caretPos, opts) {
                    var $input = $(this);
                    if (e.ctrlKey) switch (e.keyCode) {
                      case Inputmask.keyCode.UP:
                        $input.val(parseFloat(this.inputmask.unmaskedvalue()) + parseInt(opts.step)), $input.trigger("setvalue");

                      case Inputmask.keyCode.DOWN:
                        $input.val(parseFloat(this.inputmask.unmaskedvalue()) - parseInt(opts.step)), $input.trigger("setvalue");
            currency: {
                prefix: "$ ",
                groupSeparator: ",",
                alias: "numeric",
                placeholder: "0",
                autoGroup: !0,
                digits: 2,
                digitsOptional: !1,
                clearMaskOnLostFocus: !1
            decimal: {
                alias: "numeric"
            integer: {
                alias: "numeric",
                digits: 0,
                radixPoint: ""
            percentage: {
                alias: "numeric",
                digits: 2,
                digitsOptional: !0,
                radixPoint: ".",
                placeholder: "0",
                autoGroup: !1,
                min: 0,
                max: 100,
                suffix: " %",
                allowMinus: !1
        }), Inputmask;
}, function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
    "use strict";
    "function" == typeof Symbol && Symbol.iterator;
    !function(factory) {
        __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_ARRAY__ = [ __webpack_require__(0), __webpack_require__(1) ], 
        void 0 !== (__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__ = "function" == typeof (__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_FACTORY__ = factory) ? __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_FACTORY__.apply(exports, __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_ARRAY__) : __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_FACTORY__) && (module.exports = __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__);
    }(function($, Inputmask) {
        function maskSort(a, b) {
            var maska = (a.mask || a).replace(/#/g, "9").replace(/\)/, "9").replace(/[+()#-]/g, ""), maskb = (b.mask || b).replace(/#/g, "9").replace(/\)/, "9").replace(/[+()#-]/g, ""), maskas = (a.mask || a).split("#")[0], maskbs = (b.mask || b).split("#")[0];
            return 0 === maskbs.indexOf(maskas) ? -1 : 0 === maskas.indexOf(maskbs) ? 1 : maska.localeCompare(maskb);
        var analyseMaskBase = Inputmask.prototype.analyseMask;
        return Inputmask.prototype.analyseMask = function(mask, regexMask, opts) {
            function reduceVariations(masks, previousVariation, previousmaskGroup) {
                previousVariation = previousVariation || "", previousmaskGroup = previousmaskGroup || maskGroups, 
                "" !== previousVariation && (previousmaskGroup[previousVariation] = {});
                for (var variation = "", maskGroup = previousmaskGroup[previousVariation] || previousmaskGroup, i = masks.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) maskGroup[variation = (mask = masks[i].mask || masks[i]).substr(0, 1)] = maskGroup[variation] || [], 
                maskGroup[variation].unshift(mask.substr(1)), masks.splice(i, 1);
                for (var ndx in maskGroup) maskGroup[ndx].length > 500 && reduceVariations(maskGroup[ndx].slice(), ndx, maskGroup);
            function rebuild(maskGroup) {
                var mask = "", submasks = [];
                for (var ndx in maskGroup) $.isArray(maskGroup[ndx]) ? 1 === maskGroup[ndx].length ? submasks.push(ndx + maskGroup[ndx]) : submasks.push(ndx + opts.groupmarker.start + maskGroup[ndx].join(opts.groupmarker.end + opts.alternatormarker + opts.groupmarker.start) + opts.groupmarker.end) : submasks.push(ndx + rebuild(maskGroup[ndx]));
                return 1 === submasks.length ? mask += submasks[0] : mask += opts.groupmarker.start + submasks.join(opts.groupmarker.end + opts.alternatormarker + opts.groupmarker.start) + opts.groupmarker.end, 
            var maskGroups = {};
            return opts.phoneCodes && (opts.phoneCodes && opts.phoneCodes.length > 1e3 && (reduceVariations((mask = mask.substr(1, mask.length - 2)).split(opts.groupmarker.end + opts.alternatormarker + opts.groupmarker.start)), 
            mask = rebuild(maskGroups)), mask = mask.replace(/9/g, "\\9")),, mask, regexMask, opts);
        }, Inputmask.extendAliases({
            abstractphone: {
                groupmarker: {
                    start: "<",
                    end: ">"
                countrycode: "",
                phoneCodes: [],
                mask: function(opts) {
                    return opts.definitions = {
                        "#": Inputmask.prototype.definitions[9]
                    }, opts.phoneCodes.sort(maskSort);
                keepStatic: !0,
                onBeforeMask: function(value, opts) {
                    var processedValue = value.replace(/^0{1,2}/, "").replace(/[\s]/g, "");
                    return (processedValue.indexOf(opts.countrycode) > 1 || -1 === processedValue.indexOf(opts.countrycode)) && (processedValue = "+" + opts.countrycode + processedValue), 
                onUnMask: function(maskedValue, unmaskedValue, opts) {
                    return maskedValue.replace(/[()#-]/g, "");
                inputmode: "tel"
        }), Inputmask;
}, function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
    "use strict";
    "function" == typeof Symbol && Symbol.iterator;
    !function(factory) {
        __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_ARRAY__ = [ __webpack_require__(0), __webpack_require__(1) ], 
        void 0 !== (__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__ = "function" == typeof (__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_FACTORY__ = factory) ? __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_FACTORY__.apply(exports, __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_ARRAY__) : __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_FACTORY__) && (module.exports = __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__);
    }(function($, Inputmask) {
        return Inputmask.extendAliases({
            Regex: {
                mask: "r",
                greedy: !1,
                repeat: "*",
                regex: null,
                regexTokens: null,
                tokenizer: /\[\^?]?(?:[^\\\]]+|\\[\S\s]?)*]?|\\(?:0(?:[0-3][0-7]{0,2}|[4-7][0-7]?)?|[1-9][0-9]*|x[0-9A-Fa-f]{2}|u[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}|c[A-Za-z]|[\S\s]?)|\((?:\?[:=!]?)?|(?:[?*+]|\{[0-9]+(?:,[0-9]*)?\})\??|[^.?*+^${[()|\\]+|./g,
                quantifierFilter: /[0-9]+[^,]/,
                isComplete: function(buffer, opts) {
                    return new RegExp(opts.regex, opts.casing ? "i" : "").test(buffer.join(""));
                definitions: {
                    r: {
                        validator: function(chrs, maskset, pos, strict, opts) {
                            function RegexToken(isGroup, isQuantifier) {
                                this.matches = [], this.isGroup = isGroup || !1, this.isQuantifier = isQuantifier || !1, 
                                this.quantifier = {
                                    min: 1,
                                    max: 1
                                }, this.repeaterPart = void 0;
                            function validateRegexToken(token, fromGroup) {
                                var isvalid = !1;
                                fromGroup && (regexPart += "(", openGroupCount++);
                                for (var mndx = 0; mndx < token.matches.length; mndx++) {
                                    var matchToken = token.matches[mndx];
                                    if (!0 === matchToken.isGroup) isvalid = validateRegexToken(matchToken, !0); else if (!0 === matchToken.isQuantifier) {
                                        var crrntndx = $.inArray(matchToken, token.matches), matchGroup = token.matches[crrntndx - 1], regexPartBak = regexPart;
                                        if (isNaN(matchToken.quantifier.max)) {
                                            for (;matchToken.repeaterPart && matchToken.repeaterPart !== regexPart && matchToken.repeaterPart.length > regexPart.length && !(isvalid = validateRegexToken(matchGroup, !0)); ) ;
                                            (isvalid = isvalid || validateRegexToken(matchGroup, !0)) && (matchToken.repeaterPart = regexPart), 
                                            regexPart = regexPartBak + matchToken.quantifier.max;
                                        } else {
                                            for (var i = 0, qm = matchToken.quantifier.max - 1; i < qm && !(isvalid = validateRegexToken(matchGroup, !0)); i++) ;
                                            regexPart = regexPartBak + "{" + matchToken.quantifier.min + "," + matchToken.quantifier.max + "}";
                                    } else if (void 0 !== matchToken.matches) for (var k = 0; k < matchToken.length && !(isvalid = validateRegexToken(matchToken[k], fromGroup)); k++) ; else {
                                        var testExp;
                                        if ("[" == matchToken.charAt(0)) {
                                            testExp = regexPart, testExp += matchToken;
                                            for (j = 0; j < openGroupCount; j++) testExp += ")";
                                            isvalid = (exp = new RegExp("^(" + testExp + ")$", opts.casing ? "i" : "")).test(bufferStr);
                                        } else for (var l = 0, tl = matchToken.length; l < tl; l++) if ("\\" !== matchToken.charAt(l)) {
                                            testExp = regexPart, testExp = (testExp += matchToken.substr(0, l + 1)).replace(/\|$/, "");
                                            for (var j = 0; j < openGroupCount; j++) testExp += ")";
                                            var exp = new RegExp("^(" + testExp + ")$", opts.casing ? "i" : "");
                                            if (isvalid = exp.test(bufferStr)) break;
                                        regexPart += matchToken;
                                    if (isvalid) break;
                                return fromGroup && (regexPart += ")", openGroupCount--), isvalid;
                            var bufferStr, groupToken, cbuffer = maskset.buffer.slice(), regexPart = "", isValid = !1, openGroupCount = 0;
                            null === opts.regexTokens && function() {
                                var match, m, currentToken = new RegexToken(), opengroups = [];
                                for (opts.regexTokens = []; match = opts.tokenizer.exec(opts.regex); ) switch ((m = match[0]).charAt(0)) {
                                  case "(":
                                    opengroups.push(new RegexToken(!0));

                                  case ")":
                                    groupToken = opengroups.pop(), opengroups.length > 0 ? opengroups[opengroups.length - 1].matches.push(groupToken) : currentToken.matches.push(groupToken);

                                  case "{":
                                  case "+":
                                  case "*":
                                    var quantifierToken = new RegexToken(!1, !0), mq = (m = m.replace(/[{}]/g, "")).split(","), mq0 = isNaN(mq[0]) ? mq[0] : parseInt(mq[0]), mq1 = 1 === mq.length ? mq0 : isNaN(mq[1]) ? mq[1] : parseInt(mq[1]);
                                    if (quantifierToken.quantifier = {
                                        min: mq0,
                                        max: mq1
                                    }, opengroups.length > 0) {
                                        var matches = opengroups[opengroups.length - 1].matches;
                                        (match = matches.pop()).isGroup || ((groupToken = new RegexToken(!0)).matches.push(match), 
                                        match = groupToken), matches.push(match), matches.push(quantifierToken);
                                    } else (match = currentToken.matches.pop()).isGroup || ((groupToken = new RegexToken(!0)).matches.push(match), 
                                    match = groupToken), currentToken.matches.push(match), currentToken.matches.push(quantifierToken);

                                    opengroups.length > 0 ? opengroups[opengroups.length - 1].matches.push(m) : currentToken.matches.push(m);
                                currentToken.matches.length > 0 && opts.regexTokens.push(currentToken);
                            }(), cbuffer.splice(pos, 0, chrs), bufferStr = cbuffer.join("");
                            for (var i = 0; i < opts.regexTokens.length; i++) {
                                var regexToken = opts.regexTokens[i];
                                if (isValid = validateRegexToken(regexToken, regexToken.isGroup)) break;
                            return isValid;
                        cardinality: 1
        }), Inputmask;
}, function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
    "use strict";
    var __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_FACTORY__, __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_ARRAY__, __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__, _typeof = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function(obj) {
        return typeof obj;
    } : function(obj) {
        return obj && "function" == typeof Symbol && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj;
    !function(factory) {
        __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_ARRAY__ = [ __webpack_require__(2), __webpack_require__(1) ], 
        void 0 !== (__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__ = "function" == typeof (__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_FACTORY__ = factory) ? __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_FACTORY__.apply(exports, __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_ARRAY__) : __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_FACTORY__) && (module.exports = __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__);
    }(function($, Inputmask) {
        return void 0 === $.fn.inputmask && ($.fn.inputmask = function(fn, options) {
            var nptmask, input = this[0];
            if (void 0 === options && (options = {}), "string" == typeof fn) switch (fn) {
              case "unmaskedvalue":
                return input && input.inputmask ? input.inputmask.unmaskedvalue() : $(input).val();

              case "remove":
                return this.each(function() {
                    this.inputmask && this.inputmask.remove();

              case "getemptymask":
                return input && input.inputmask ? input.inputmask.getemptymask() : "";

              case "hasMaskedValue":
                return !(!input || !input.inputmask) && input.inputmask.hasMaskedValue();

              case "isComplete":
                return !input || !input.inputmask || input.inputmask.isComplete();

              case "getmetadata":
                return input && input.inputmask ? input.inputmask.getmetadata() : void 0;

              case "setvalue":
                $(input).val(options), input && void 0 === input.inputmask && $(input).triggerHandler("setvalue");

              case "option":
                if ("string" != typeof options) return this.each(function() {
                    if (void 0 !== this.inputmask) return this.inputmask.option(options);
                if (input && void 0 !== input.inputmask) return input.inputmask.option(options);

                return options.alias = fn, nptmask = new Inputmask(options), this.each(function() {
            } else {
                if ("object" == (void 0 === fn ? "undefined" : _typeof(fn))) return nptmask = new Inputmask(fn), 
                void 0 === fn.mask && void 0 === fn.alias ? this.each(function() {
                    if (void 0 !== this.inputmask) return this.inputmask.option(fn);
                }) : this.each(function() {
                if (void 0 === fn) return this.each(function() {
                    (nptmask = new Inputmask(options)).mask(this);
        }), $.fn.inputmask;
} ]);