Your IP :
$MESS ['FLOW_SAVE'] = "Save";
$MESS ['FLOW_RESET'] = "Reset";
$MESS ['FLOW_USE_HTML_EDIT'] = "Use visual HTML editor";
$MESS ['FLOW_MAX_LOCK'] = "Lock file for editing for (minutes):";
$MESS ['FLOW_ADMIN'] = "Workflow administrators group:";
$MESS ['FLOW_DAYS_AFTER_PUBLISHING'] = "Number of days to keep last file version:<br>(use negative values to keep for eternity):";
$MESS ['FLOW_HISTORY_COPIES'] = "Maximum number of file versions:";
$MESS ['FLOW_HISTORY_DAYS'] = "Number of days to keep previous file versions:<br>(use negative values to keep for eternity):";
$MESS ['FLOW_CLEAR'] = "Delete now";
$MESS ['FLOW_HISTORY_SIMPLE_EDITING'] = "Keep version history for files edited directly (outside the Workflow module)";
$MESS ['MAIN_RESTORE_DEFAULTS'] = "Default settings";