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Current File : /home/bitrix/ext_www/

namespace Bitrix\Forum;

use Bitrix\Main\Entity;
use \Bitrix\Main\Localization\Loc;
use Bitrix\Main\ORM\Event;
use Bitrix\Main\ORM\Fields\BooleanField;
use Bitrix\Main\ORM\Fields\DatetimeField;
use Bitrix\Main\ORM\Fields\EnumField;
use Bitrix\Main\ORM\Fields\IntegerField;
use Bitrix\Main\ORM\Fields\Relations\Reference;
use Bitrix\Main\ORM\Fields\StringField;
use Bitrix\Main\ORM\Fields\TextField;
use Bitrix\Main\ORM\Query\Join;
use Bitrix\Main\Type\DateTime;


 * Class ForumTable
 * Fields:
 * <ul>
 * <li> ID int mandatory
 * <li> FORUM_GROUP_ID int
 * <li> NAME string(255) mandatory
 * <li> DESCRIPTION text optional
 * <li> SORT int mandatory default '150'
 * <li> ACTIVE bool mandatory default 'Y'

 * <li> ALLOW_HTML bool mandatory default 'N'
 * <li> ALLOW_ANCHOR bool mandatory default 'Y'
 * <li> ALLOW_BIU bool mandatory default 'Y'
 * <li> ALLOW_IMG bool mandatory default 'Y'
 * <li> ALLOW_VIDEO bool mandatory default 'Y'
 * <li> ALLOW_LIST bool mandatory default 'Y'
 * <li> ALLOW_QUOTE bool mandatory default 'Y'
 * <li> ALLOW_CODE bool mandatory default 'Y'
 * <li> ALLOW_FONT bool mandatory default 'Y'
 * <li> ALLOW_SMILES bool mandatory default 'Y'
 * <li> ALLOW_UPLOAD bool mandatory default 'N'
 * <li> ALLOW_TABLE bool mandatory default 'N'
 * <li> ALLOW_ALIGN bool mandatory default 'Y'
 * <li> ALLOW_UPLOAD_EXT string(255) null
 * <li> ALLOW_MOVE_TOPIC bool mandatory default 'Y'
 * <li> ALLOW_TOPIC_TITLED bool mandatory default 'N'
 * <li> ALLOW_NL2BR bool mandatory default 'N'
 * <li> ALLOW_SIGNATURE bool mandatory default 'Y'
 * <li> ASK_GUEST_EMAIL bool mandatory default 'N'
 * <li> USE_CAPTCHA bool mandatory default 'N'
 * <li> INDEXATION bool mandatory default 'Y'
 * <li> DEDUPLICATION bool mandatory default 'Y'
 * <li> MODERATION bool mandatory default 'N'
 * <li> ORDER_BY enum('P', 'T', 'N', 'V', 'D', 'A', '') mandatory default 'P'
 * <li> ORDER_DIRECTION enum('DESC', 'ASC') mandatory default 'DESC'

 * <li> TOPICS int
 * <li> POSTS int
 * <li> LAST_POSTER_ID int
 * <li> LAST_POSTER_NAME string(255)
 * <li> LAST_POST_DATE datetime
 * <li> LAST_MESSAGE_ID int
 * <li> ABS_LAST_POSTER_ID int
 * <li> ABS_LAST_POSTER_NAME string(255)
 * <li> ABS_LAST_POST_DATE datetime

 * <li> EVENT1 string(255) default 'forum'
 * <li> EVENT2 string(255) default 'message'
 * <li> EVENT3 string(255)

 * <li> XML_ID varchar(255)
 * <li> HTML text
 * </ul>
 * @package Bitrix\Forum
class ForumTable extends \Bitrix\Main\Entity\DataManager
	private static $topicSort = array(
		"P" => "LAST_POST_DATE",
		"T" => "TITLE",
		"N" => "POSTS",
		"V" => "VIEWS",
		"D" => "START_DATE",
	private static $cache = [];

	 * Returns DB table name for entity
	 * @return string
	public static function getTableName()
		return 'b_forum';

	 * Returns entity map definition.
	 * @return array
	public static function getMap()
		return [
			(new IntegerField("ID", ["primary" => true, "autocomplete" => true])),
			(new IntegerField("FORUM_GROUP_ID")),
			(new StringField("NAME", ["required" => true, "size" => 255])),
			(new TextField("DESCRIPTION")),
			(new IntegerField("SORT", ["default_value" => 150])),
			(new BooleanField("ACTIVE", ["values" => ["N", "Y"], "default_value" => "Y"])),
			(new BooleanField("ALLOW_HTML", ["values" => ["N", "Y"], "default_value" => "N"])),
			(new BooleanField("ALLOW_ANCHOR", ["values" => ["N", "Y"], "default_value" => "Y"])),
			(new BooleanField("ALLOW_BIU", ["values" => ["N", "Y"], "default_value" => "Y"])),
			(new BooleanField("ALLOW_IMG", ["values" => ["N", "Y"], "default_value" => "Y"])),
			(new BooleanField("ALLOW_VIDEO", ["values" => ["N", "Y"], "default_value" => "Y"])),
			(new BooleanField("ALLOW_LIST", ["values" => ["N", "Y"], "default_value" => "Y"])),
			(new BooleanField("ALLOW_QUOTE", ["values" => ["N", "Y"], "default_value" => "Y"])),
			(new BooleanField("ALLOW_CODE", ["values" => ["N", "Y"], "default_value" => "Y"])),
			(new BooleanField("ALLOW_FONT", ["values" => ["N", "Y"], "default_value" => "Y"])),
			(new BooleanField("ALLOW_SMILES", ["values" => ["N", "Y"], "default_value" => "Y"])),
			(new BooleanField("ALLOW_TABLE", ["values" => ["N", "Y"], "default_value" => "Y"])),
			(new BooleanField("ALLOW_ALIGN", ["values" => ["N", "Y"], "default_value" => "Y"])),
			(new BooleanField("ALLOW_NL2BR", ["values" => ["N", "Y"], "default_value" => "Y"])),

			(new EnumField("ALLOW_UPLOAD", ["values" => ["Y", "F", "A"], "default_value" => "F"])),
			(new StringField("ALLOW_UPLOAD_EXT", ["size" => 255])),

			(new BooleanField("ALLOW_MOVE_TOPIC", ["values" => ["N", "Y"], "default_value" => "Y"])),
			(new BooleanField("ALLOW_TOPIC_TITLED", ["values" => ["N", "Y"], "default_value" => "Y"])),

			(new BooleanField("ALLOW_SIGNATURE", ["values" => ["N", "Y"], "default_value" => "Y"])),
			(new BooleanField("ASK_GUEST_EMAIL", ["values" => ["N", "Y"], "default_value" => "N"])),
			(new BooleanField("USE_CAPTCHA", ["values" => ["N", "Y"], "default_value" => "Y"])),

			(new BooleanField("INDEXATION", ["values" => ["N", "Y"], "default_value" => "Y"])),
			(new BooleanField("DEDUPLICATION", ["values" => ["N", "Y"], "default_value" => "N"])),
			(new BooleanField("MODERATION", ["values" => ["N", "Y"], "default_value" => "N"])),
			(new EnumField("ORDER_BY", ["values" => self::$topicSort, "default_value" => "P"])),
			(new EnumField("ORDER_DIRECTION", ["values" => ["ASC", "DESC"], "default_value" => "DESC"])),

			(new IntegerField("TOPICS")),
			(new IntegerField("POSTS")),
			(new IntegerField("POSTS_UNAPPROVED")),

			(new IntegerField("LAST_POSTER_ID")),
			(new StringField("LAST_POSTER_NAME", ["size" => 255])),
			(new DatetimeField("LAST_POST_DATE", ["default_value" => function(){return new DateTime();}])),
			(new IntegerField("LAST_MESSAGE_ID")),

			(new IntegerField("ABS_LAST_POSTER_ID")),
			(new StringField("ABS_LAST_POSTER_NAME", ["size" => 255])),
			(new DatetimeField("ABS_LAST_POST_DATE", ["default_value" => function(){return new DateTime();}])),
			(new IntegerField("ABS_LAST_MESSAGE_ID")),

			(new StringField("EVENT1")),
			(new StringField("EVENT2")),
			(new StringField("EVENT3")),
			(new StringField("XML_ID", ["size" => 255])),
			(new StringField("HTML", ["size" => 255])),

			(new Reference("PERMISSION", \Bitrix\Forum\PermissionTable::class, Join::on("this.ID", "ref.FORUM_ID"))),
			(new Reference("SITE", \Bitrix\Forum\ForumSiteTable::class, Join::on("this.ID", "ref.FORUM_ID"))),
			(new Reference("GROUP", \Bitrix\Forum\GroupTable::class, Join::on("this.FORUM_GROUP_ID", "ref.ID")))

	private static function getFilteredFields()
		return [
	 * Returns main data
	 * @return array|null
	public static function getMainData(int $forumId)
		if (!array_key_exists($forumId, self::$cache))
			self::$cache[$forumId] = ForumTable::getList([
				"select" => [
					"EVENT1", "EVENT2", "EVENT3", "XML_ID"
				"filter" => [
					"ID" => $forumId
				"cache" => [
					"ttl" => 84600
		return self::$cache[$forumId];

	public static function onBeforeUpdate(\Bitrix\Main\ORM\Event $event)
		$result = new \Bitrix\Main\ORM\EventResult();
		/** @var array $data */
		$data = $event->getParameter("fields");
		$id = $event->getParameter("id");
		$id = $id["ID"];
		$forum = self::getById($id)->fetch();

		if (\Bitrix\Main\Config\Option::get("forum", "FILTER", "Y") == "Y")
			$filteredFields = self::getFilteredFields();
			if (!empty(array_intersect($filteredFields, array_keys($data))))
				$res = [];
				foreach ($filteredFields as $key)
					$res[$key] = $val = array_key_exists($key, $data) ? $data[$key] : $forum[$key];
					if (!empty($val))
						$res[$key] = \CFilterUnquotableWords::Filter($val);
						if (empty($res[$key]))
							$res[$key] = "*";
				$data["HTML"] = serialize($res);

		if ($data != $event->getParameter("fields"))
		return $result;

	public static function onAfterAdd(\Bitrix\Main\ORM\Event $event)
		self::$cache = [];
		return new Entity\EventResult();

	public static function onAfterUpdate(\Bitrix\Main\ORM\Event $event)
		self::$cache = [];
		return new Entity\EventResult();

	public static function onAfterDelete(\Bitrix\Main\ORM\Event $event)
		self::$cache = [];
		return new Entity\EventResult();

	public static function clearCache() // TODO redesign old forum new to D7
		self::$cache = [];

	private static function bindOldKernelEvents()  // TODO redesign old forum new to D7 and delete this function
		static $bound = false;
		if ($bound === true)
		$eventManager = \Bitrix\Main\EventManager::getInstance();
		$eventManager->addEventHandler("forum", "onAfterForumAdd", [__CLASS__, "clearCache"]);
		$eventManager->addEventHandler("forum", "onAfterForumUpdate", [__CLASS__, "clearCache"]);
		$eventManager->addEventHandler("forum", "OnAfterForumDelete", [__CLASS__, "clearCache"]);
		$bound = true;
class Forum implements \ArrayAccess {
	use \Bitrix\Forum\Internals\EntityFabric;
	use \Bitrix\Forum\Internals\EntityBaseMethods;

	/** @var int */
	protected $id = 0;
	/** @var array */
	protected $data = [];
	/** @var array */
	protected $strore = [];

	public function __construct($id)
		$this->id = $id;
		if ($id <= 0)
			throw new \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentNullException("Forum id is null.");
		$this->data = ForumTable::getMainData($this->id);
		if (empty($this->data))
			throw new \Bitrix\Main\ObjectNotFoundException("Forum with id {$this->id} is not found.");
		$this->errorCollection = new \Bitrix\Main\ErrorCollection();

	private function bindEvents()
		$eventManager = \Bitrix\Main\EventManager::getInstance();
		$eventManager->addEventHandler("forum", "onAfterPermissionSet", [$this, "clearCache"]);
		$eventManager->addEventHandler("forum", "onAfterUserUpdate", [$this, "clearCache"]);

	public function clearCache()
		$this->strore = [];

	public function getPermissions()
		if (!array_key_exists("permission_for_all", $this->strore))
			$dbRes = PermissionTable::getList([
				"select" => ["GROUP_ID", "PERMISSION"],
				"filter" => ["FORUM_ID" => $this->id],
				"cache" => ["ttl" => 84600]
			$this->strore["permission_for_all"] = [];
			while ($res = $dbRes->fetch())
				$this->strore["permission_for_all"][$res["GROUP_ID"]] = $res["PERMISSION"];
		return $this->strore["permission_for_all"];

	private function getPermissionFromUserGroups(array $groups)
		$key = "permission_".implode("_", $groups);
		if (!array_key_exists($key, $this->strore))
			$this->strore[$key] =
			$dbRes = PermissionTable::getList([
				"select" => ["MAX_PERMISSION"],
				"runtime" => [
					new \Bitrix\Main\Entity\ExpressionField("MAX_PERMISSION", "MAX(%s)", ["PERMISSION"])
				"filter" => [
					"FORUM_ID" => $this->id,
					"GROUP_ID" => $groups + [2]
				"group" => "FORUM_ID",
				"cache" => ["ttl" => "3600"]
			$this->strore[$key] = ($res = $dbRes->fetch()) ? $res["MAX_PERMISSION"] : Permission::ACCESS_DENIED;
		return $this->strore[$key];

	public function getPermissionForUser(\Bitrix\Forum\User $user)
		if ($user->isAdmin())
			$result = Permission::FULL_ACCESS;
		elseif ($this->data["ACTIVE"] != "Y")
			$result = Permission::ACCESS_DENIED;
			$result = $this->getPermissionFromUserGroups($user->getGroups());
		return $result;

	public function getPermissionForUserGroups(array $groups)
		if (\Bitrix\Forum\User::isUserAdmin($groups))
			$result = Permission::FULL_ACCESS;
		elseif ($this->data["ACTIVE"] != "Y")
			$result = Permission::ACCESS_DENIED;
			$result = $this->getPermissionFromUserGroups($groups);
		return $result;

	public function setPermission(array $groups)
		$dbRes = PermissionTable::getList([
			"select" => ["ID"],
			"filter" => [
				"FORUM_ID" => $this->id
		while ($res = $dbRes->fetch())
		foreach ($groups as $key => $val)
				"FORUM_ID" => $this->id,
				"GROUP_ID" => $key,
				"PERMISSION" => mb_strtoupper($val)
		foreach (GetModuleEvents("forum", "onAfterPermissionSet", true) as $arEvent)
			ExecuteModuleEventEx($arEvent, array($this->id, $groups));
		return true;

	public function getSites()
		if (!array_key_exists("sites", $this->strore))
			$dbRes = ForumSiteTable::getList([
				"select" => ["*"],
				"filter" => ["FORUM_ID" => $this->id],
				"cache" => ["ttl" => 84600]
			$this->strore["sites"] = [];
			while ($res = $dbRes->fetch())
				$this->strore["sites"][$res["SITE_ID"]] = $res["PATH2FORUM_MESSAGE"];
		return $this->strore["sites"];

	public function calcStat()
		$fields = [
			"TOPICS" => 0,
			"POSTS" => 0,
			"LAST_POSTER_ID" => 0,
			"LAST_POST_DATE" => 0,
			"LAST_MESSAGE_ID" => 0,
		if ($res = TopicTable::getList([
			"select" => ["CNT_APPROVED"],
			"filter" => [
				"FORUM_ID" => $this->id,
			"runtime" => [
				new \Bitrix\Main\Entity\ExpressionField("CNT_APPROVED", "COUNT(*)")
			$fields["TOPICS"] = $res["CNT_APPROVED"];
			if ($res = MessageTable::getList([
				"select" => ["CNT_APPROVED", "MAX_APPROVED"],
				"filter" => [
					"FORUM_ID" => $this->id,
				"runtime" => [
					new \Bitrix\Main\Entity\ExpressionField("CNT_APPROVED", "COUNT(*)"),
					new \Bitrix\Main\Entity\ExpressionField("MAX_APPROVED", "MAX(%s)", ["ID"])
				$fields["POSTS"] = $res["CNT_APPROVED"];
				$fields["LAST_MESSAGE_ID"] = $res["MAX_APPROVED"];
		if ($res = MessageTable::getList([
			"select" => ["CNT_ALL", "MAX_OF_ALL"],
			"filter" => [
				"FORUM_ID" => $this->id
			"runtime" => [
				new \Bitrix\Main\Entity\ExpressionField("CNT_ALL", "COUNT(*)"),
				new \Bitrix\Main\Entity\ExpressionField("MAX_OF_ALL", "MAX(%s)", ["ID"])
			$fields["POSTS_UNAPPROVED"] = $res["CNT_ALL"] - $fields["POSTS"];
			$fields["ABS_LAST_MESSAGE_ID"] = $res["MAX_OF_ALL"];
		if ($fields["LAST_MESSAGE_ID"] > 0 || $fields["ABS_LAST_MESSAGE_ID"] > 0)
			$dbRes = MessageTable::getList([
				"select" => ["ID", "AUTHOR_ID", "AUTHOR_NAME", "POST_DATE"],
				"filter" => [
					"ID" => [
						$fields["LAST_MESSAGE_ID"], $fields["ABS_LAST_MESSAGE_ID"]
			while ($res = $dbRes->fetch())
				if ($res["ID"] == $fields["LAST_MESSAGE_ID"])
					$fields["LAST_POSTER_ID"] = $res["AUTHOR_ID"];
					$fields["LAST_POSTER_NAME"] = $res["AUTHOR_NAME"];
					$fields["LAST_POST_DATE"] = $res["POST_DATE"];
				if ($res["ID"] == $fields["ABS_LAST_MESSAGE_ID"])
					$fields["ABS_LAST_POSTER_ID"] = $res["AUTHOR_ID"];
					$fields["ABS_LAST_POSTER_NAME"] = $res["AUTHOR_NAME"];
					$fields["ABS_LAST_POST_DATE"] = $res["POST_DATE"];
		ForumTable::update($this->id, $fields);

	public function incrementStatistic(array $message)
		$fields = [
			"ABS_LAST_POSTER_ID" => $message["AUTHOR_ID"],
			"ABS_LAST_POST_DATE" => $message["POST_DATE"],
			"ABS_LAST_MESSAGE_ID" => $message["ID"]
		if ($message["APPROVED"] == "Y")
			$fields += [
				"LAST_POSTER_ID" => $message["AUTHOR_ID"],
				"LAST_POSTER_NAME" => $message["AUTHOR_NAME"],
				"LAST_POST_DATE" => $message["POST_DATE"],
				"LAST_MESSAGE_ID" => $message["ID"]
			$fields["POSTS"] = new \Bitrix\Main\DB\SqlExpression('?# + 1', "POSTS");
			if ($message["NEW_TOPIC"] == "Y")
				$fields["TOPICS"] = new \Bitrix\Main\DB\SqlExpression('?# + 1', "TOPICS");
			$fields["POSTS_UNAPPROVED"] = new \Bitrix\Main\DB\SqlExpression('?# + 1', "POSTS_UNAPPROVED");
		ForumTable::update($this->getId(), $fields);

		if (\CModule::IncludeModule("statistic"))
			$F_EVENT1 = $this->data["EVENT1"];
			$F_EVENT2 = $this->data["EVENT2"];
			$F_EVENT3 = $this->data["EVENT3"];
			if (empty($F_EVENT3))
			\CStatistics::Set_Event($F_EVENT1, $F_EVENT2, $F_EVENT3);