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/*  ################################################################

  File Name: style.css
  Template Name: Famous
  Created By: justthemevalley 
 [Table of contents]
  1. Common styles
  2. Newsletter Popup
  3. Layout 
     3.1. col1 layout
     3.2. col2 layout
     3.3. col3 layout
  4. Header
		4.1 welcome info
		4.2 header top
		4.3 language & currency
		4.4 Top Search
		4.5 Logo
		4.6 Top Cart
	5. Service area
	6. Our clients
	7. Special products
	8. Home all banner
	9. Bottom banner section
	10. Hot deal
	10. Home tabs
	11. Sale & New label
	12. product hover
	13. owl.carousel Slider
	14. testimonials
	15. Latest news
	16. Totop
	17. footer
	18. Main menu
	19. Toolbar
	20. Filter price
	21. breadcrumbs
	22. sidebar
		22.1 category sidebar
		22.2 sidebar cart
		22.3 product price range
		22.4 filter color
		22.5 shop by
		22.6 compare
		22.7 popular tags
		22.8 Add banner
		22.9 Special product
	23. category description
	24. products grid
	25. products list
	26. price box
	27. products view
	28. products tabs
	29. shopping cart
	30. My Wishlist
	31. Dashboard
	32. Compare table
	33. Checkout page
	34. Contact page
	35. Login page
	36. 404 Error Page
	37. About us
	38. FAQ Page
	39. on sale product

################################################################# */ 

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1. Common styles

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2. Newsletter Popup
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3. Layout

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4. Header
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/*----- shippings Box ----------- */
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/*4.5 Logo */

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/*4.6 Top Cart */
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#cart-sidebar li.last {
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.remove-cart i {
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.remove-cart:hover {
	color: #472f91;
5. Service area

.our-features-box {
	overflow: hidden;
	width: 100%;
	margin: auto;
	padding: 15px 0 115px;
	background: #472f91;
.our-features-box ul {
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.our-features-box .feature-box:hover h3, .our-features-box .feature-box:hover i {
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.service-text h2 {
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.service-text p {
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.jtv-service-area {
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	font-size: 36px;
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.icon-wrapper i {
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.service-wrapper {
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.jtv-service-area .block-wrapper.return {
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.jtv-service-area .block-wrapper.ship {
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.jtv-service-area .block-wrapper.user {
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.bottom-service {
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.bottom-service-box .box-outer > div.column:first-child {
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.bottom-service-box .service-box-center {
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.bottom-service-box .service-box-center .bottom-service-title {
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	text-transform: uppercase;
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.bottom-service-box .service-box-center:hover .bottom-service-title {
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.bottom-service-box .service-box-center .description {
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.bottom-service-box .box-outer > div {
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.jtv-single-service {
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	border-bottom: none;
	padding: 18px;
	text-align: center;
.jtv-single-service:last-child {
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	padding-bottom: 19px;
.service-text h2 {
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	font-weight: 700;
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	letter-spacing: 0.5px;
	margin-bottom: 12px;
.service-text p {
	color: #333333;
	font-size: 12px;
	padding-bottom: 0;
	display: inline-block;
	padding: 0 5px;
6. Our clients

.our-clients .lead {
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	margin: auto 8% 45px
.our-clients .page-header h2 {
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.our-clients .product-flexslider {
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.our-clients .container {
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	position: absolute;
	right: -22px;
	top: 15px
.our-clients .slider-items-products .owl-buttons a {
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7. Special products
.special-inner {
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.special-block {
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.special-block .row {
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.special-products {
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.special-products .page-header {
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.special-products-pro {
	margin-top: 10px;
.special-products-pro .product-flexslider {
	margin-bottom: 0px;
	margin-top: 10px;
8. Home all banner
/*  15.3 home-7 banner
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.banner-block a {
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.banner-block:hover a img {
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.text-des {
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9. Bottom banner section

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10. Hot deal
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10. Home tabs

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11. Sale & New label

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12. product hover
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13. owl.carousel Slider

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14. testimonials
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15. Latest news
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16. Totop

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17. footer

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18. Main menu
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19. Toolbar

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20. Filter price

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21. breadcrumbs

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22. sidebar
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/*22.1 category sidebar*/
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/*22.2 sidebar cart*/
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.block-poll .actions {
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/*22.3 product price range*/

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/*22.4 filter color*/
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h2.saider-bar-title {
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	margin-bottom: 14px;
	padding-bottom: 5px
/*22.5 shop by*/
.shop-by-side {
	background: #fff;
.shop-by-side .block-content {
	padding: 12px 0px 0px;
.color-area {
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	overflow: hidden
.color ul li {
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.color ul li a {
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.color ul li:nth-child(2) a {
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.color ul li:nth-child(3) a {
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.color ul li:nth-child(4) a {
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.color ul li:nth-child(5) a {
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.color ul li:nth-child(6) a {
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.size-area {
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.size li {
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.size li a {
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.size li a:hover {
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/*22.6 compare */
.compare .block-content {
	padding: 14px 0px;
ol#compare-items li a.product-name {
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ol#compare-items li {
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ol#compare-items li:last-child {
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button.button-compare {
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button.button.button-clear {
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button.button.button-clear:hover {
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	border: 1px solid #472f91;
/*22.7 popular tags */
.popular-tags-area .tag li a:hover {
	background: #472f91;
	color: #fff
.popular-tags-area .tag {
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.tag li {
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.tag li a {
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/*22.8 Add banner*/
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/*22.9 Special product*/
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.special-product .products-block-right p {
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23. category description

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} .cat-heading, p {
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24. products grid
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.col-main .product-grid-area .products-grid {
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25. products list
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ul.products-list {
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ul.products-list .cart-button i {
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.products-list .product-shop .actions ul li i {
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.products-list .product-shop .desc {
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.products-list .product-shop button.button span {
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.products-list .product-shop .actions ul li:last-child {
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.products-list .product-shop .actions ul li span {
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26. price box
.price {
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.price-box {
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	min-height: 22px;
.regular-price {
	display: inline
.regular-price .price {
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	font-size: 14px;
	color: #472f91;
.block .regular-price, .block .regular-price .price {
	color: #333333
.price-box .price-from .price {
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.price-box .price-to .price {
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.price-box .minimal-price .price {
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.old-price .price-label {
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.minimal-price .price-label {
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.minimal-price-link {
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27. products view

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.large-image {
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28. products tabs

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button.button.add-tags {
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p.note {
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29. shopping cart

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30. My Wishlist
.wishlist-item table .th-stock {
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.wishlist-item table .th-stock a {
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.wishlist-item table .td-add-to-cart > a {
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.wishlist-item table .td-add-to-cart > a:hover, .wishlist-item .all-cart:hover {
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.wishlist-item table .th-delate {
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.wishlist-item table .th-edit {
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.wishlist-item table .th-price {
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.wishlist-item table td {
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.box-wishlist {
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31. Dashboard
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32. Compare table

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33. Checkout page
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34. Contact page

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35. Login page
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36. 404 Error Page

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37. About us

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38. FAQ Page

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/* 39. on sale product */
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