Your IP :
namespace Bitrix\Main\UrlPreview;
use Bitrix\Main\Localization\Loc;
use Bitrix\Main\Security\Sign\Signer;
use Bitrix\Main\SystemException;
class UrlPreviewUserType
* Returns url_preview user type description
* @return array
public static function getUserTypeDescription()
return array(
"USER_TYPE_ID" => "url_preview",
"BASE_TYPE" => "int"
* Return internal type for storing url_preview user type values
* @param array $userField Array containing parameters of the user field.
* @return string
public static function getDBColumnType($userField)
global $DB;
case "mysql":
return "int(11)";
case "oracle":
return "number(18)";
case "mssql":
return "int";
* @param array $userField
* @return array
public static function prepareSettings($userField)
//this usertype does not support setting yet
return array();
* @param array $userField Array containing parameters of the user field.
* @param $htmlControl
* @param $varsFromForm
* @return string
public static function getSettingsHTML($userField, $htmlControl, $varsFromForm)
return " ";
* @param array $userField Array containing parameters of the user field.
* @param array $htmlControl
* @return string
public static function getEditFormHTML($userField, $htmlControl)
return UrlPreview::showEdit($userField, array());
* @param array $userField Array containing parameters of the user field.
* @param array $htmlControl
* @return string
public static function getFilterHTML($userField, $htmlControl)
return ' ';
* @param array $userField Array containing parameters of the user field.
* @param array $htmlControl
* @return string
public static function getAdminListViewHTML($userField, $htmlControl)
return " ";
* @param array $userField Array containing parameters of the user field.
* @param array $htmlControl
* @return string
public static function getAdminListEditHTML($userField, $htmlControl)
return " ";
* @param array $userField Array containing parameters of the user field.
* @param array $htmlControl
* @return string
public static function getAdminListEditHTMLMulty($userField, $htmlControl)
return " ";
* @param array $userField Array containing parameters of the user field.
* @param array $params
* @param array $setting
* @return string
public static function getPublicViewHTML($userField, $id, $params = "", $settings = array())
return UrlPreview::showView($userField, $params, $cacheTag);
* Checks for current user's access to $value.
* @param array $userField Array containing parameters of the user field.
* @param int $value
* @return array
public static function checkfields($userField, $value)
$value = (int)$value;
$result = array();
if($value === 0)
return $result;
$metadata = UrlMetadataTable::getById($value)->fetch();
$result[] = array(
"id" => $userField["FIELD_NAME"],
else if($metadata['TYPE'] === UrlMetadataTable::TYPE_DYNAMIC
&& !UrlPreview::checkDynamicPreviewAccess($metadata['URL']))
$result[] = array(
"id" => $userField["FIELD_NAME"],
array('#URL#' => $metadata['URL'])
return $result;
* Hook executed before saving url_preview user type value. Checks and removes signature of the $value.
* If signature is correct, checks current user's access to $value.
* @param array $userField Array containing parameters of the user field.
* @param string $value Signed value of the user field.
* @return int Unsigned value of the user field, or null in case of errors.
public static function onBeforeSave($userField, $value)
$imageUrl = null;
if(strpos($value, ';') !== false)
list($value, $imageUrl) = explode(';', $value);
$signer = new Signer();
$value = $signer->unsign($value, UrlPreview::SIGN_SALT);
catch (SystemException $e)
return null;
$metadata = UrlMetadataTable::getById($value)->fetch();
return null;
if($metadata['TYPE'] === UrlMetadataTable::TYPE_STATIC)
if($imageUrl && is_array($metadata['EXTRA']['IMAGES']) && in_array($imageUrl, $metadata['EXTRA']['IMAGES']))
UrlPreview::setMetadataImage((int)$value, $imageUrl);
return $value;
else if($metadata['TYPE'] === UrlMetadataTable::TYPE_DYNAMIC
&& UrlPreview::checkDynamicPreviewAccess($metadata['URL']))
return $value;
return null;
* Hook executed after fetching value of the user type. Signs returned value.
* @param array $userField Array containing parameters of the user field.
* @param array $value Unsigned value of the user field.
* @return string Signed value of the user field.
public static function onAfterFetch($userField, $value)
$result = null;
$result = UrlPreview::sign($value['VALUE']);
return $result;