Your IP :
namespace Bitrix\Main\UrlPreview;
use Bitrix\Main\Application;
use Bitrix\Main\ArgumentException;
use Bitrix\Main\Config\Option;
use Bitrix\Main\DB\SqlQueryException;
use Bitrix\Main\Loader;
use Bitrix\Main\Security\Sign\Signer;
use Bitrix\Main\Web\HttpClient;
use Bitrix\Main\Web\HttpHeaders;
use Bitrix\Main\Web\Uri;
class UrlPreview
const SIGN_SALT = 'url_preview';
const USER_AGENT = 'Bitrix link preview';
/** @var int Maximum allowed length of the description. */
const MAX_DESCRIPTION = 500;
const IFRAME_MAX_WIDTH = 640;
const IFRAME_MAX_HEIGHT = 340;
protected static $trustedHosts = [
'' => '',
'' => '',
'' => '',
'' => '',
'' => '',
'' => '',
'' => '',
* Returns associated metadata for the specified URL
* @param string $url URL.
* @param bool $addIfNew Should metadata be fetched and saved, if not found in database.
* @param bool $reuseExistingMetadata Allow reading of the cached metadata.
* @return array|false Metadata for the URL if found, or false otherwise.
public static function getMetadataByUrl($url, $addIfNew = true, $reuseExistingMetadata = true)
return false;
$url = static::normalizeUrl($url);
if($url == '')
return false;
if($metadata = UrlMetadataTable::getByUrl($url))
if($metadata['TYPE'] == UrlMetadataTable::TYPE_TEMPORARY && $addIfNew)
$metadata = static::resolveTemporaryMetadata($metadata['ID']);
return $metadata;
return false;
$metadataId = static::reserveIdForUrl($url);
$metadata = static::fetchUrlMetadata($url);
if(is_array($metadata) && count($metadata) > 0)
$result = UrlMetadataTable::update($metadataId, $metadata);
$metadata['ID'] = $result->getId();
return $metadata;
return false;
* Returns html code for url preview
* @param array $userField Userfield's value.
* @param array $userFieldParams Userfield's parameters.
* @param string $cacheTag Cache tag for returned preview (out param).
* @param bool $edit Show method build preview for editing the userfield.
* @return string HTML code for the preview.
public static function showView($userField, $userFieldParams, &$cacheTag, $edit = false)
$edit = !!$edit;
$cacheTag = '';
return null;
$metadataId = (int)$userField['VALUE'][0];
$metadata = false;
if($metadataId > 0)
$metadata = UrlMetadataTable::getById($metadataId)->fetch();
if(isset($metadata['TYPE']) && $metadata['TYPE'] == UrlMetadataTable::TYPE_TEMPORARY)
$metadata = static::resolveTemporaryMetadata($metadata['ID']);
if($metadata['TYPE'] == UrlMetadataTable::TYPE_DYNAMIC)
$routeRecord = Router::dispatch(new Uri(static::unfoldShortLink($metadata['URL'])));
if(isset($routeRecord['MODULE']) && Loader::includeModule($routeRecord['MODULE']))
$className = $routeRecord['CLASS'];
$routeRecord['PARAMETERS']['URL'] = $metadata['URL'];
$parameters = $routeRecord['PARAMETERS'];
if($edit && (!method_exists($className, 'checkUserReadAccess') || !$className::checkUserReadAccess($parameters, static::getCurrentUserId())))
return null;
if(method_exists($className, 'buildPreview'))
$metadata['HANDLER'] = $routeRecord;
$metadata['HANDLER']['BUILD_METHOD'] = 'buildPreview';
if(method_exists($className, 'getCacheTag'))
$cacheTag = $className::getCacheTag();
else if(!$edit)
return null;
else if(!$edit)
return null;
'USER_FIELD' => $userField,
'METADATA' => $metadata,
'PARAMS' => $userFieldParams,
'EDIT' => ($edit ? 'Y' : 'N'),
'CHECK_ACCESS' => ($edit ? 'Y' : 'N'),
return ob_get_clean();
* Returns html code for url preview edit form
* @param array $userField Userfield's value.
* @param array $userFieldParams Userfield's parameters.
* @return string HTML code for the preview.
public static function showEdit($userField, $userFieldParams)
return static::showView($userField, $userFieldParams, $cacheTag, true);
* Checks if metadata for the provided url is already fetched and cached.
* @param string $url Document's URL.
* @return bool True if metadata for the url is located in database, false otherwise.
public static function isUrlCached($url)
$url = static::normalizeUrl($url);
if($url == '')
return false;
return (static::isUrlLocal(new Uri($url)) || !!UrlMetadataTable::getByUrl($url));
* If url is remote - returns metadata for this url. If url is local - checks current user access to the entity
* behind the url, and returns html preview for this entity.
* @param string $url Document's URL.
* @param bool $addIfNew Should method fetch and store metadata for the document, if it is not found in database.
* @params bool $reuseExistingMetadata Allow reading of the cached metadata.
* @return array|false Metadata for the document, or false if metadata could not be fetched/parsed.
public static function getMetadataAndHtmlByUrl($url, $addIfNew = true, $reuseExistingMetadata = true)
$metadata = static::getMetadataByUrl($url, $addIfNew, $reuseExistingMetadata);
if($metadata === false)
return false;
if($metadata['TYPE'] == UrlMetadataTable::TYPE_STATIC || $metadata['TYPE'] == UrlMetadataTable::TYPE_FILE)
return $metadata;
else if($metadata['TYPE'] == UrlMetadataTable::TYPE_DYNAMIC)
if($preview = static::getDynamicPreview($url))
$metadata['HTML'] = $preview;
return $metadata;
return false;
* Returns stored metadata for array of IDs
* @param array $ids Array of record's IDs.
* @param bool $checkAccess Should method check current user's access to the internal entities, or not.
* @params int $userId. Id of the users to check access. If == 0, will check access for current user.
* @return array|false Array with provided IDs as the keys.
public static function getMetadataAndHtmlByIds(array $ids, $checkAccess = true, $userId = 0)
return false;
$result = array();
$queryResult = UrlMetadataTable::getList(array(
'filter' => array(
'ID' => $ids,
'!=TYPE' => UrlMetadataTable::TYPE_TEMPORARY
while($metadata = $queryResult->fetch())
if($metadata['TYPE'] == UrlMetadataTable::TYPE_DYNAMIC)
$metadata['HTML'] = static::getDynamicPreview($metadata['URL'], $checkAccess, $userId);
if($metadata['HTML'] === false)
$result[$metadata['ID']] = $metadata;
return $result;
* Creates temporary record for url
* @param string $url URL for which temporary record should be created.
* @return int Temporary record's id.
public static function reserveIdForUrl($url)
if($metadata = UrlMetadataTable::getByUrl($url))
$id = $metadata['ID'];
$result = UrlMetadataTable::add(array(
'URL' => $url,
'TYPE' => UrlMetadataTable::TYPE_TEMPORARY
$id = $result->getId();
return $id;
* Fetches and stores metadata for temporary record, created by UrlPreview::reserveIdForUrl. If metadata could
* not be fetched, deletes record.
* @param int $id Metadata record's id.
* @param bool $checkAccess Should method check current user's access to the entity, or not.
* @params int $userId. Id of the users to check access. If == 0, will check access for current user.
* @return array|false Metadata if fetched, false otherwise.
public static function resolveTemporaryMetadata($id, $checkAccess = true, $userId = 0)
$metadata = UrlMetadataTable::getById($id)->fetch();
return false;
if($metadata['TYPE'] == UrlMetadataTable::TYPE_TEMPORARY)
$metadata['URL'] = static::normalizeUrl($metadata['URL']);
$metadata = static::fetchUrlMetadata($metadata['URL']);
if($metadata === false)
return false;
UrlMetadataTable::update($id, $metadata);
return $metadata;
else if($metadata['TYPE'] == UrlMetadataTable::TYPE_STATIC || $metadata['TYPE'] == UrlMetadataTable::TYPE_FILE)
return $metadata;
else if($metadata['TYPE'] == UrlMetadataTable::TYPE_DYNAMIC)
if($preview = static::getDynamicPreview($metadata['URL'], $checkAccess, $userId))
$metadata['HTML'] = $preview;
return $metadata;
return false;
* Returns HTML code for the dynamic (internal url) preview.
* @param string $url URL of the internal document.
* @param bool $checkAccess Should method check current user's access to the entity, or not.
* @params int $userId. Id of the users to check access. If userId == 0, will check access for current user.
* @return string|false HTML code of the preview, or false if case of any errors (including access denied)/
public static function getDynamicPreview($url, $checkAccess = true, $userId = 0)
$routeRecord = Router::dispatch(new Uri(static::unfoldShortLink($url)));
if($routeRecord === false)
return false;
if(isset($routeRecord['MODULE']) && Loader::includeModule($routeRecord['MODULE']))
$className = $routeRecord['CLASS'];
$parameters = $routeRecord['PARAMETERS'];
$parameters['URL'] = $url;
if($userId == 0)
$userId = static::getCurrentUserId();
if ($checkAccess && (!method_exists($className, 'checkUserReadAccess') || $userId == 0 || !$className::checkUserReadAccess($parameters, $userId)))
return false;
if (method_exists($className, 'buildPreview'))
$preview = $className::buildPreview($parameters);
return (strlen($preview) > 0 ? $preview : false);
return false;
* Returns attach for the IM message with the requested internal entity content.
* @param string $url URL of the internal document.
* @param bool $checkAccess Should method check current user's access to the entity, or not.
* @params int $userId. Id of the users to check access. If userId == 0, will check access for current user.
* @return \CIMMessageParamAttach | false
public static function getImAttach($url, $checkAccess = true, $userId = 0)
//todo: caching
$routeRecord = Router::dispatch(new Uri(static::unfoldShortLink($url)));
if($routeRecord === false)
return false;
if($userId == 0)
$userId = static::getCurrentUserId();
if(isset($routeRecord['MODULE']) && Loader::includeModule($routeRecord['MODULE']))
$className = $routeRecord['CLASS'];
$parameters = $routeRecord['PARAMETERS'];
$parameters['URL'] = $url;
if ($checkAccess && (!method_exists($className, 'checkUserReadAccess') || $userId == 0 || !$className::checkUserReadAccess($parameters, $userId)))
return false;
if (method_exists($className, 'getImAttach'))
return $className::getImAttach($parameters);
return false;
* Returns true if current user has read access to the content behind internal url.
* @param string $url URL of the internal document.
* @params int $userId. Id of the users to check access. If userId == 0, will check access for current user.
* @return bool True if current user has read access to the main entity of the document, or false otherwise.
public static function checkDynamicPreviewAccess($url, $userId = 0)
$routeRecord = Router::dispatch(new Uri(static::unfoldShortLink($url)));
if($routeRecord === false)
return false;
if(isset($routeRecord['MODULE']) && Loader::includeModule($routeRecord['MODULE']))
$className = $routeRecord['CLASS'];
$parameters = $routeRecord['PARAMETERS'];
if($userId == 0)
$userId = static::getCurrentUserId();
return (method_exists($className, 'checkUserReadAccess') && $userId > 0 && $className::checkUserReadAccess($parameters, $userId));
return false;
* Sets main image url for the metadata with given id.
* @param int $id Id of the metadata to set image url.
* @param string $imageUrl Url of the image.
* @return bool Returns true in case of successful update, or false otherwise.
* @throws ArgumentException
public static function setMetadataImage($id, $imageUrl)
throw new ArgumentException("Id of the metadata must be an integer", "id");
if(!is_string($imageUrl) && !is_null($imageUrl))
throw new ArgumentException("Url of the image must be a string", "imageUrl");
$metadata = UrlMetadataTable::getList(array(
'select' => array('IMAGE', 'IMAGE_ID', 'EXTRA'),
'filter' => array('=ID' => $id)
$imageIndex = array_search($imageUrl, $metadata['EXTRA']['IMAGES']);
if($imageIndex === false)
$metadata['EXTRA']['SELECTED_IMAGE'] = $imageIndex;
$metadata['IMAGE_ID'] = static::saveImage($imageUrl);
$metadata['IMAGE'] = null;
$metadata['IMAGE'] = $imageUrl;
$metadata['IMAGE_ID'] = null;
return UrlMetadataTable::update($id, $metadata)->isSuccess();
* Checks if UrlPreview is enabled in module option
* @return bool True if UrlPreview is enabled in module options.
public static function isEnabled()
static $result = null;
$result = Option::get('main', 'url_preview_enable', 'N') === 'Y';
return $result;
* Signs value using UrlPreview salt
* @param string $id Unsigned value.
* @return string Signed value.
* @throws \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentTypeException
public static function sign($id)
$signer = new Signer();
return $signer->sign((string)$id, static::SIGN_SALT);
* @param string $url URL of the document.
* @return array|false Fetched metadata or false if metadata was not found, or was invalid.
protected static function fetchUrlMetadata($url)
$uriParser = new Uri($url);
if($routeRecord = Router::dispatch(new Uri(static::unfoldShortLink($url))))
$metadata = array(
'URL' => $url,
'TYPE' => UrlMetadataTable::TYPE_DYNAMIC,
$metadataRemote = static::getRemoteUrlMetadata($uriParser);
if(is_array($metadataRemote) && count($metadataRemote) > 0)
$metadata = array(
'URL' => $url,
'TYPE' => $metadataRemote['TYPE'] ?: UrlMetadataTable::TYPE_STATIC,
'TITLE' => $metadataRemote['TITLE'],
'DESCRIPTION' => $metadataRemote['DESCRIPTION'],
'IMAGE_ID' => $metadataRemote['IMAGE_ID'],
'IMAGE' => $metadataRemote['IMAGE'],
'EMBED' => $metadataRemote['EMBED'],
'EXTRA' => $metadataRemote['EXTRA']
return $metadata;
return false;
* Returns true if given URL is local
* @param Uri $uri Absolute URL to be checked.
* @return bool
protected static function isUrlLocal(Uri $uri)
if($uri->getHost() == '')
return true;
$host = \Bitrix\Main\Context::getCurrent()->getRequest()->getHttpHost();
return $uri->getHost() === $host;
* @param Uri $uri Absolute URL to get metadata for.
* @return array|false
protected static function getRemoteUrlMetadata(Uri $uri)
$httpClient = new HttpClient();
$httpClient->setHeader('User-Agent', self::USER_AGENT, true);
if(!$httpClient->query('GET', $uri->getUri()))
return false;
if($httpClient->getStatus() !== 200)
return false;
$htmlContentType = strtolower($httpClient->getHeaders()->getContentType());
$peerIpAddress = $httpClient->getPeerAddress();
if($htmlContentType !== 'text/html')
$metadata = static::getFileMetadata($httpClient->getEffectiveUrl(), $httpClient->getHeaders());
$metadata['EXTRA']['PEER_IP_ADDRESS'] = $peerIpAddress;
$metadata['EXTRA']['PEER_IP_PRIVATE'] = static::isIpAddressPrivate($peerIpAddress);
return $metadata;
$html = $httpClient->getResult();
$htmlDocument = new HtmlDocument($html, $uri);
$metadata = $htmlDocument->getMetadata();
if(is_array($metadata) && static::validateRemoteMetadata($metadata))
if(isset($metadata['IMAGE']) && static::getOptionSaveImages())
$metadata['IMAGE_ID'] = static::saveImage($metadata['IMAGE']);
if(isset($metadata['DESCRIPTION']) && strlen($metadata['DESCRIPTION']) > static::MAX_DESCRIPTION)
$metadata['DESCRIPTION'] = substr(
$metadata['EXTRA'] = array();
$metadata['EXTRA'] = array_merge($metadata['EXTRA'], array(
'PEER_IP_ADDRESS' => $peerIpAddress,
'PEER_IP_PRIVATE' => static::isIpAddressPrivate($peerIpAddress)
return $metadata;
return false;
* @param string $url Image's URL.
* @return integer Saved file identifier
protected static function saveImage($url)
$fileId = false;
$file = new \CFile();
$httpClient = new HttpClient();
$urlComponents = parse_url($url);
if ($urlComponents && strlen($urlComponents["path"]) > 0)
$tempPath = $file->GetTempName('', bx_basename($urlComponents["path"]));
$tempPath = $file->GetTempName('', bx_basename($url));
$httpClient->download($url, $tempPath);
$fileName = $httpClient->getHeaders()->getFilename();
$localFile = \CFile::MakeFileArray($tempPath);
$localFile['MODULE_ID'] = 'main';
if(strlen($fileName) > 0)
$localFile['name'] = $fileName;
if(\CFile::CheckImageFile($localFile, 0, 0, 0, array("IMAGE")) === null)
$fileId = $file->SaveFile($localFile, 'urlpreview', true);
return ($fileId === false ? null : $fileId);
* If provided url does not contain scheme part, tries to add it
* @param string $url URL to be fixed.
* @return string Fixed URL.
protected static function normalizeUrl($url)
if(strpos($url, 'https://') === 0 || strpos($url, 'http://') === 0)
else if(strpos($url, '//') === 0)
$url = 'http:'.$url;
else if(strpos($url, '/') === 0)
$url = 'http://'.$url;
$parsedUrl = new Uri($url);
return $parsedUrl->getUri();
* Returns value of the option for saving images locally.
* @return bool True if images should be saved locally.
protected static function getOptionSaveImages()
static $result = null;
$result = Option::get('main', 'url_preview_save_images', 'N') === 'Y';
return $result;
* Checks if metadata is complete.
* @param array $metadata HTML document metadata.
* @return bool True if metadata is complete, false otherwise.
protected static function validateRemoteMetadata(array $metadata)
$result = ((isset($metadata['TITLE']) && isset($metadata['IMAGE'])) || (isset($metadata['TITLE']) && isset($metadata['DESCRIPTION'])) || isset($metadata['EMBED']));
return $result;
* Returns id of currently logged user.
* @return int User's id.
public static function getCurrentUserId()
return ($GLOBALS['USER'] instanceof \CUser) ? (int)$GLOBALS['USER']->getId() : 0;
* Unfolds internal short url. If url is not classified as a short link, returns input $url.
* @param string $shortUrl Short URL.
* @return string Full URL.
protected static function unfoldShortLink($shortUrl)
$result = $shortUrl;
if($shortUri = \CBXShortUri::GetUri($shortUrl))
$result = $shortUri['URI'];
return $result;
* Returns metadata for downloadable file.
* @param string $path Path part of the URL.
* @param HttpHeaders $httpHeaders Server's response headers.
* @return array|bool Metadata record if mime type and filename were detected, or false otherwise.
protected static function getFileMetadata($path, HttpHeaders $httpHeaders)
$mimeType = $httpHeaders->getContentType();
$filename = $httpHeaders->getFilename() ?: bx_basename($path);
$result = false;
if($mimeType && $filename)
$result = array(
'TYPE' => UrlMetadataTable::TYPE_FILE,
'EXTRA' => array(
'ATTACHMENT' => strtolower($httpHeaders->getContentDisposition()) === 'attachment' ? 'Y' : 'N',
'MIME_TYPE' => $mimeType,
'FILENAME' => $filename,
'SIZE' => $httpHeaders->get('Content-Length')
return $result;
* @param string $ipAddress
* @return bool
public static function isIpAddressPrivate($ipAddress)
* Returns true if host of $uri is in $trustedHosts list.
* @param Uri $uri
* @return bool
public static function isHostTrusted(Uri $uri)
$result = false;
$domainNameParts = explode('.', $uri->getHost());
if(is_array($domainNameParts) && ($partsCount = count($domainNameParts)) >= 2)
$domainName = $domainNameParts[$partsCount-2] . '.' . $domainNameParts[$partsCount-1];
$result = isset(static::$trustedHosts[$domainName]);
return $result;
* Returns video metaData for $url if its host is trusted.
* @param string $url
* @return array|false
public static function fetchVideoMetaData($url)
$uri = new Uri($url);
if(static::isHostTrusted($uri) || static::isEnabled())
$url = static::normalizeUrl($url);
$metadataId = static::reserveIdForUrl($url);
$metadata = static::fetchUrlMetadata($url);
if(is_array($metadata) && count($metadata) > 0)
$result = UrlMetadataTable::update($metadataId, $metadata);
$metadata['ID'] = $result->getId();
return false;
if(isset($metadata['EMBED']) && !empty($metadata['EMBED']) && strpos($metadata['EMBED'], '<iframe') === false)
$url = static::getInnerFrameUrl($metadata['ID'], $metadata['EXTRA']['PROVIDER_NAME']);
if(intval($metadata['EXTRA']['VIDEO_WIDTH']) <= 0)
$metadata['EXTRA']['VIDEO_WIDTH'] = self::IFRAME_MAX_WIDTH;
if(intval($metadata['EXTRA']['VIDEO_HEIGHT']) <= 0)
$metadata['EMBED'] = '<iframe src="'.$url.'" allowfullscreen="" width="'.$metadata['EXTRA']['VIDEO_WIDTH'].'" height="'.$metadata['EXTRA']['VIDEO_HEIGHT'].'" frameborder="0"></iframe>';
if($metadata['EMBED'] || $metadata['EXTRA']['VIDEO'])
return $metadata;
return false;
* Returns inner frame url to embed third parties html video players.
* @param int $id
* @param string $provider
* @return bool|string
public static function getInnerFrameUrl($id, $provider = '')
$result = false;
$componentPath = \CComponentEngine::makeComponentPath('bitrix:main.urlpreview');
$componentPath = getLocalPath('components'.$componentPath.'/frame.php');
$uri = new Uri($componentPath);
$uri->addParams(array('id' => $id, 'provider' => $provider));
$result = static::normalizeUrl($uri->getLocator());
return $result;