Your IP :
namespace Bitrix\Main\UI\Uploader;
use Bitrix\Main\AccessDeniedException;
use Bitrix\Main\ArgumentException;
use Bitrix\Main\ArgumentNullException;
use Bitrix\Main\ArgumentOutOfRangeException;
use Bitrix\Main\DB\Exception;
use Bitrix\Main\Error;
use Bitrix\Main\ErrorCollection;
use Bitrix\Main\HttpRequest;
use Bitrix\Main\NotImplementedException;
use Bitrix\Main\Result;
use \Bitrix\Main\UI\FileInputUtility;
use \Bitrix\Main\Web\HttpClient;
use \Bitrix\Main\Web\Uri;
use \Bitrix\Main\Context;
class Package
/* @var string $index Package ID. */
protected $index;
/* @var Log $cidLog */
protected $cidLog = null;
/* @var Log $log */
protected $log = null;
/** @var string $path Path to temp directory. */
protected $path;
/** @var string $CID Control exemplar ID. */
protected $CID;
/* @var array */
protected $copies = array(
"default" => array(
"width" => null,
"height" => null
/* @var Storable */
protected $storage;
/** @var array File */
public $files = array();
/** @var string */
public $controlId = "fileUploader";
* @var string $script Url to uploading page for forming url to view
* @var array $processTime Time limits
protected $processTime = array( // Time limits
"max" => 30,
"start" => 0,
"current" => 0);
* Package constructor.
* @param $path
* @param $CID
* @param $index
* @throws ArgumentNullException
* @throws NotImplementedException
public function __construct($path, $CID, $index)
if (!is_string($path))
throw new ArgumentNullException("path");
$this->path = $path;
if (!is_string($CID))
throw new ArgumentNullException("CID");
else if (strpos($CID, "/") !== false)
throw new ArgumentException("CID contains forbidden symbol /");
$this->CID = $CID;
$this->cidLog = new Log($this->path.$this->getCid().".log");
if (!is_string($index))
throw new ArgumentNullException("packageIndex");
$this->index = $index;
$this->request = Context::getCurrent()->getRequest();
if (!$this->request->isPost())
throw new NotImplementedException("File uploader support only POST method.");
$post = Context::getCurrent()->getRequest()->getPostList()->toArray();
$post = $post[Uploader::INFO_NAME];
$this->log = new Log($this->path.$this->getIndex().".package");
if (!isset($this->log["CID"]))
$this->log["CID"] = $this->CID;
$this->log["pIndex"] = $this->getIndex();
$this->log["filesCount"] = $post["filesCount"];
$this->log["files"] = array();
$this->processTime["max"] = intval(ini_get("max_execution_time")) * 0.75;
$this->processTime["start"] = time();
return $this;
* Returns package Index.
* @return string
public function getIndex()
return $this->index;
* Returns package Log of Control Exemplar.
* @return Log
public function getCidLog($key = null)
if (is_null($key))
return $this->cidLog->getLog();
$log = $this->cidLog->getLog();
return $log[$key];
* Returns package Log.
* @return array|mixed
public function getLog($key = null)
if (is_null($key))
return $this->log->getLog();
$log = $this->log->getLog();
return $log[$key];
* Returns file array.
* @return array
public function getFile($id)
return $this->files[$id];
* @return string
public function getCid()
return $this->CID;
* @return string
public function getPath()
return $this->path;
* @param array $params
* @return $this
* @throws \Exception
public function setStorage(array $params)
$params = array_change_key_case($params, CASE_LOWER);
if (array_key_exists("cloud", $params) && $params["cloud"] === true &&
(\CUtil::Unformat(ini_get("upload_max_filesize")) / 1024 / 1024) >= 5)
$this->storage = new CloudStorage($params);
catch(\Exception $e)
if (!($this->storage instanceof Storable))
$this->storage = new Storage($params);
return $this;
* @return Storable
public function getStorage()
return $this->storage;
* @param array $params
* @return $this
public function setCopies(array $params)
foreach ($params as $code => $p)
$this->copies[$code] = $p;
return $this;
* @return array
public function getCopies()
return $this->copies;
* Decodes and converts keys(!) and values
* @param $data
* @return array
protected static function unescape($data)
$res = array();
foreach($data as $k => $v)
$k = $APPLICATION->ConvertCharset(\CHTTP::urnDecode($k), "UTF-8", LANG_CHARSET);
$res[$k] = self::unescape($v);
$res = $APPLICATION->ConvertCharset(\CHTTP::urnDecode($data), "UTF-8", LANG_CHARSET);
return $res;
* Main function for uploading data.
* @throws NotImplementedException
* @return array
public function checkPost($fileLimits)
$unescapedPost = self::unescape(Context::getCurrent()->getRequest()->getPostList()->toArray());
$postFiles = $unescapedPost[Uploader::FILE_NAME];
$post = $unescapedPost[Uploader::INFO_NAME];
if (!(is_array($post) &&
$this->log["filesCount"] > 0 &&
$post["filesCount"] == $this->log["filesCount"] &&
is_array($postFiles) &&
return array();
$files = Context::getCurrent()->getRequest()->getFileList()->toArray();
$files = self::unescape($files[Uploader::FILE_NAME]);
if ($post["type"] != "brief") // If it is IE8
$error = "";
if ($this->log["executeStatus"] != "executed")
$eventName = ($this->cidLog["executeStatus"] === "executed" ? "onUploadIsContinued" : "onUploadIsStarted");
$this->cidLog["executeStatus"] = "executed";
foreach(GetModuleEvents(Uploader::EVENT_NAME, $eventName, true) as $event)
if (ExecuteModuleEventEx($event, array(&$this->log, &$this->cidLog, &$unescapedPost, &$files, &$error)) === false)
throw new NotImplementedException($error);
$eventName = "onPackageIsStarted";
$eventName = "onPackageIsContinued";
$this->log["executeStatus"] = "executed";
foreach(GetModuleEvents(Uploader::EVENT_NAME, $eventName, true) as $event)
if (ExecuteModuleEventEx($event, array(&$this->log, &$this->cidLog, &$unescapedPost, &$files, &$error)) === false)
throw new NotImplementedException($error);
$filesRaw = array();
// $_POST
foreach($postFiles as $fileID => $file)
if (is_array($file))
if (isset($file["restored"]))
$f = array_merge($file, array("id" => $fileID));
if ($f["restored"] === "Y")
File::deleteCache($this, $f);
$filesRaw[] = $f;
if (array_key_exists("files", $file) && is_array($file["files"]))
foreach ($file["files"] as $serviceName => $f)
if (is_array($f) && array_key_exists("tmp_url", $f))
* $file = array(
* "id" => "file4545454",
* "name" => "Foxes.jpg",
* "~name" => "default",
* "type" => "image/jpg"
* );
$filesRaw[] = array_merge($f, array(
"id" => $fileID,
"code" => $serviceName
// $_FILES
if (is_array($files))
foreach($files["name"] as $fileID => $fileNames)
if (is_array($fileNames))
foreach ($fileNames as $fileName => $val)
$filesRaw[] = array(
"id" => $fileID,
"code" => $fileName,
"tmp_name" => $files["tmp_name"][$fileID][$fileName],
"type" => $files["type"][$fileID][$fileName],
"size" => $files["size"][$fileID][$fileName],
"error" => $files["error"][$fileID][$fileName]
$filesRaw[] = array(
"id" => $fileID,
"code" => $fileNames,
"tmp_name" => $files["tmp_name"][$fileID],
"type" => $files["type"][$fileID],
"size" => $files["size"][$fileID],
"error" => $files["error"][$fileID]
$file = null;
$filesFromLog = is_array($this->log["files"]) ? $this->log["files"] : array();
$filesOnThisPack = array();
if ($fileRaw = reset($filesRaw))
$this->log["uploadStatus"] = "inprogress";
if (!array_key_exists($fileRaw["id"], $postFiles))
if (!$this->checkTime())
if (!array_key_exists($fileRaw["id"], $filesOnThisPack))
$file = new File($this, array(
"id" => $fileRaw["id"],
"name" => $postFiles[$fileRaw["id"]]["name"],
"type" => $postFiles[$fileRaw["id"]]["type"],
"size" => $postFiles[$fileRaw["id"]]["size"]
if (isset($fileRaw["restored"]))
if ($file->isExecuted())
$fileRaw = $file->getFile("default");
if (empty($fileRaw) || !is_array($fileRaw))
$file->addError(new Error(\Bitrix\Main\Localization\Loc::getMessage("BXU_FileIsNotRestored"), "BXU350.0"));
$filesOnThisPack[$fileRaw["id"]] = $file;
/* @var File $file */
$file = $filesOnThisPack[$fileRaw["id"]];
if ($file->hasError())
$result = File::checkFile($fileRaw, $file, $fileLimits + array("path" => $this->getPath()));
if ($result->isSuccess() && ($result = $file->saveFile($fileRaw, $this->getStorage(), $this->getCopies())) && $result->isSuccess() &&
$post["type"] != "brief" &&
$file->isUploaded() &&
$fileArray = $file->toArray();
foreach(GetModuleEvents(Uploader::EVENT_NAME, "onFileIsUploaded", true) as $event)
$error = "";
if (!ExecuteModuleEventEx($event, array($file->getHash(), &$fileArray,
$result->addError(new Error($error, "BXU350.1"));
if (!$result->isSuccess())
} while ($fileRaw = next($filesRaw));
$response = array();
/* @var File $file */
foreach ($filesOnThisPack as $file)
$response[$file->getId()] = $file->toArray();
$filesFromLog[$file->getId()] = $response[$file->getId()]["status"] = $file->isUploaded() ? "uploaded" : "inprogress";
if ($file->hasError())
$response[$file->getId()]["status"] = "error";
$response[$file->getId()]["error"] = $file->getErrorMessage();
$filesFromLog[$file->getId()] = "error";
$this->files = $filesOnThisPack;
$this->log["files"] = $filesFromLog;
$declaredFiles = (int) $this->log["filesCount"];
$cnt = 0;
foreach ($filesFromLog as $status)
$cnt += ($status == "uploaded" || $status == "error" ? 1 : 0);
if ($declaredFiles > 0 && $declaredFiles == $cnt)
if ($post["type"] != "brief") // If it is IE8
$this->log["uploadStatus"] = "uploaded";
$error = "";
foreach(GetModuleEvents(Uploader::EVENT_NAME, "onPackageIsFinished", true) as $event)
if (ExecuteModuleEventEx($event, array(&$this->log, &$this->cidLog, &$unescapedPost, &$response, &$error)) === false)
throw new NotImplementedException($error);
return $response;
* @return bool
public function checkTime()
if ($this->processTime["max"] > 0)
$res = (getmicrotime() - START_EXEC_TIME);
return $res < $this->processTime["max"];
return true;
* this function just merge 2 arrays with a lot of deep keys
* array_merge replaces keys in second level and deeper
* array_merge_recursive multiplies similar keys
* @param $res
* @param $res2
* @return array
public static function merge($res, $res2)
$res = is_array($res) ? $res : array();
$res2 = is_array($res2) ? $res2 : array();
foreach ($res2 as $key => $val)
if (array_key_exists($key, $res) && is_array($val))
$res[$key] = self::merge($res[$key], $val);
$res[$key] = $val;
return $res;