Your IP :
namespace Bitrix\Main\Engine;
use Bitrix\Main\Engine\Contract\Controllerable;
use Bitrix\Main\Error;
use Bitrix\Main\ErrorCollection;
use Bitrix\Main\Errorable;
use Bitrix\Main\ArgumentNullException;
use Bitrix\Main\ArgumentTypeException;
use Bitrix\Main\Context;
use Bitrix\Main\Event;
use Bitrix\Main\EventManager;
use Bitrix\Main\EventResult;
use Bitrix\Main\HttpResponse;
use Bitrix\Main\Localization\Loc;
use Bitrix\Main\Request;
use Bitrix\Main\SystemException;
use Bitrix\Main\Web\PostDecodeFilter;
class Controller implements Errorable, Controllerable
const SCOPE_REST = 'rest';
const SCOPE_AJAX = 'ajax';
const SCOPE_CLI = 'cli';
const EVENT_ON_BEFORE_ACTION = 'onBeforeAction';
const EVENT_ON_AFTER_ACTION = 'onAfterAction';
/** @var ErrorCollection */
protected $errorCollection;
/** @var \Bitrix\Main\HttpRequest */
protected $request;
/** @var Configurator */
protected $configurator;
/** @var null|array */
private $configurationOfActions = null;
/** @var string */
private $scope;
/** @var CurrentUser */
private $currentUser;
/** @var string */
private $filePath;
/** @var array */
private $sourceParametersList;
* Returns the fully qualified name of this class.
* @return string
final public static function className()
return get_called_class();
* Constructor Controller.
* @param Request $request
public function __construct(Request $request = null)
$this->scope = self::SCOPE_AJAX;
$this->errorCollection = new ErrorCollection;
$this->request = $request?: Context::getCurrent()->getRequest();
$this->configurator = new Configurator();
* Initializes controller.
* This method is invoked at the end of constructor.
* @return void
protected function init()
* @return array|null
final public function getConfigurationOfActions()
return $this->configurationOfActions;
* Returns module id.
* Tries to guess module id by file path and function @see getModuleId().
* @return string
final public function getModuleId()
return getModuleId($this->getFilePath());
final protected function getFilePath()
if (!$this->filePath)
$reflector = new \ReflectionClass($this);
$this->filePath = $reflector->getFileName();
return $this->filePath;
* Returns uri for ajax end point for the action name. It's a helper,
* which uses relative action name without controller name.
* @param string $actionName Action name. It's a relative action name without controller name.
* @param array $params Parameters for creating uri.
* @return \Bitrix\Main\Web\Uri
final public function getActionUri($actionName, array $params = array())
if (strpos($this->getFilePath(), '/components/') === false)
return UrlManager::getInstance()->createByController($this, $actionName, $params);
return UrlManager::getInstance()->createByComponentController($this, $actionName, $params);
* @return CurrentUser
final public function getCurrentUser()
return $this->currentUser;
* @param CurrentUser $currentUser
final public function setCurrentUser(CurrentUser $currentUser)
$this->currentUser = $currentUser;
* Returns list of all
* @return array
final public function listNameActions()
$actions = array_keys($this->getConfigurationOfActions());
$lengthSuffix = strlen(self::METHOD_ACTION_SUFFIX);
$class = new \ReflectionClass($this);
foreach ($class->getMethods(\ReflectionMethod::IS_PUBLIC) as $method)
$probablySuffix = substr($method->getName(), -$lengthSuffix);
if ($probablySuffix === self::METHOD_ACTION_SUFFIX)
$actions[] = strtolower(substr($method->getName(), 0, -$lengthSuffix));
return array_unique($actions);
public function configureActions()
return array();
private function buildConfigurationOfActions()
$this->configurationOfActions = $this->configurator->getConfigurationByController($this);
* @return \Bitrix\Main\HttpRequest
final public function getRequest()
return $this->request;
* @return string
final public function getScope()
return $this->scope;
* @param string $scope
* @return Controller
final public function setScope($scope)
$this->scope = $scope;
return $this;
* @return array
final public function getSourceParametersList()
return $this->sourceParametersList;
* @param $actionName
* @param array $sourceParametersList
* @return HttpResponse|mixed
* @throws SystemException
final public function run($actionName, array $sourceParametersList)
$result = null;
$this->sourceParametersList = $sourceParametersList;
$action = $this->create($actionName);
if (!$action)
throw new SystemException("Could not create action by name {$actionName}");
if ($this->prepareParams() &&
$this->processBeforeAction($action) === true &&
$this->triggerOnBeforeAction($action) === true)
$result = $action->runWithSourceParametersList();
if ($action instanceof Errorable)
$result = $this->triggerOnAfterAction($action, $result);
$probablyResult = $this->processAfterAction($action, $result);
if ($probablyResult !== null)
$result = $probablyResult;
catch (\Exception $e)
catch (\Error $e)
return $result;
final public function getFullEventName($eventName)
return $this::className() . '::' . $eventName;
* Collects debug info by Diag.
* @return void
final protected function collectDebugInfo()
* Logs debug info by Diag.
* @throws \Bitrix\Main\SystemException
* @return void
final protected function logDebugInfo()
* Prepare params before process action.
* @return bool
protected function prepareParams()
return true;
* Common operations before process action.
* @param Action $action
* @return bool If method will return false, then action will not execute.
protected function processBeforeAction(Action $action)
if ($this->request->isPost())
$this->request->addFilter(new PostDecodeFilter);
return true;
* Triggers the event {{static::EVENT_ON_BEFORE_ACTION}}
* @see \Bitrix\Main\Engine\Controller::getFullEventName.
* This method is invoked right before an action is executed.
* In case the action should not run, event handler have to return EvenResult with type EventResult::ERROR.
* @param Action $action Action name.
* @return bool
final protected function triggerOnBeforeAction(Action $action)
$event = new Event(
'action' => $action,
'controller' => $this,
$allow = true;
foreach ($event->getResults() as $eventResult)
if ($eventResult->getType() != EventResult::SUCCESS)
$handler = $eventResult->getHandler();
if ($handler && $handler instanceof Errorable)
$allow = false;
return $allow;
* Common operations after process action.
* If the method returns void or null it means that we don't want to modify $result.
* @param Action $action
* @param $result
* @return HttpResponse|mixed|void
protected function processAfterAction(Action $action, $result)
final protected function triggerOnAfterAction(Action $action, $result)
$event = new Event(
'result' => $result,
'action' => $action,
'controller' => $this,
return $event->getParameter('result');
final public function generateActionMethodName($action)
return $action . self::METHOD_ACTION_SUFFIX;
protected function create($actionName)
$config = $this->getActionConfig($actionName);
$methodName = $this->generateActionMethodName($actionName);
if (method_exists($this, $methodName))
$method = new \ReflectionMethod($this, $methodName);
if ($method->isPublic() && strtolower($method->getName()) === strtolower($methodName))
return new InlineAction($actionName, $this, $config);
if (!$config)
throw new SystemException(
"Could not find description of {$actionName} in {$this::className()}",
return $this->buildActionInstance($actionName, $config);
return null;
final protected function buildActionInstance($actionName, array $config)
if (isset($config['callable']))
$callable = $config['callable'];
if (!is_callable($callable))
throw new ArgumentTypeException('callable', 'callable');
return new ClosureAction($actionName, $this, $callable);
elseif (empty($config['class']))
throw new SystemException(
"Could not find class in description of {$actionName} in {$this::className()} to create instance",
/** @see Action::__construct */
$action = new $config['class']($actionName, $this, $config);
return $action;
final protected function existsAction($actionName)
$action = $this->create($actionName);
catch (SystemException $e)
if ($e->getCode() !== Controller::EXCEPTION_UNKNOWN_ACTION)
throw $e;
return isset($action);
* Returns default pre-filters for action.
* @return array
protected function getDefaultPreFilters()
return array(
new ActionFilter\Authentication,
new ActionFilter\HttpMethod(
array(ActionFilter\HttpMethod::METHOD_GET, ActionFilter\HttpMethod::METHOD_POST)
* Returns default post-filters for action.
* @return array
protected function getDefaultPostFilters()
return array();
* Builds filter by config. If there is no config,
* then we use default filters @see \Bitrix\Main\Engine\Controller::getDefaultPreFilters() and
* @see \Bitrix\Main\Engine\Controller::getDefaultPostFilters().
* If now is POST query and there is no csrf check in config, then we add it.
* @param array|null $config
* @return array|null
final protected function buildFilters(array $config = null)
if ($config === null)
$config = array();
if (!isset($config['prefilters']))
$config['prefilters'] = $this->configurator->wrapFiltersClosure(
if (!isset($config['postfilters']))
$config['postfilters'] = $this->configurator->wrapFiltersClosure(
$hasPostMethod = $hasCsrfCheck = false;
foreach ($config['prefilters'] as $filter)
if ($filter instanceof ActionFilter\HttpMethod && $filter->containsPostMethod())
$hasPostMethod = true;
if ($filter instanceof ActionFilter\Csrf)
$hasCsrfCheck = true;
if ($hasPostMethod && !$hasCsrfCheck && $this->request->isPost())
$config['prefilters'][] = new ActionFilter\Csrf;
return $config;
final protected function attachFilters(Action $action)
$modifiedConfig = $this->buildFilters(
$eventManager = EventManager::getInstance();
foreach ($modifiedConfig['prefilters'] as $filter)
/** @var $filter ActionFilter\Base */
if (!in_array($this->getScope(), $filter->listAllowedScopes(), true))
array($filter, 'onBeforeAction')
foreach ($modifiedConfig['postfilters'] as $filter)
/** @var $filter ActionFilter\Base */
if (!in_array($this->getScope(), $filter->listAllowedScopes(), true))
/** @var $filter ActionFilter\Base */
array($filter, 'onAfterAction')
final protected function getActionConfig($actionName)
$listOfActions = array_change_key_case($this->configurationOfActions, CASE_LOWER);
$actionName = strtolower($actionName);
if (!isset($listOfActions[$actionName]))
return null;
return $listOfActions[$actionName];
final protected function setActionConfig($actionName, array $config = null)
$this->configurationOfActions[$actionName] = $config;
return $this;
* Runs processing exception.
* @param \Exception $e Exception.
* @return void
protected function runProcessingException(\Exception $e)
// throw $e;
$this->errorCollection[] = $this->buildErrorFromException($e);
protected function runProcessingError(\Error $error)
// throw $error;
$this->errorCollection[] = $this->buildErrorFromPhpError($error);
protected function buildErrorFromException(\Exception $e)
if ($e instanceof ArgumentNullException)
return new Error($e->getMessage(), self::ERROR_REQUIRED_PARAMETER);
return new Error($e->getMessage());
protected function buildErrorFromPhpError(\Error $error)
return new Error($error->getMessage());
* Runs processing if user is not authorized.
* @return void
protected function runProcessingIfUserNotAuthorized()
$this->errorCollection[] = new Error('User is not authorized');
throw new SystemException('User is not authorized');
* Runs processing if csrf token is invalid.
* @return void
protected function runProcessingIfInvalidCsrfToken()
$this->errorCollection[] = new Error('Invalid csrf token');
throw new SystemException('Invalid csrf token');
* Adds error to error collection.
* @param Error $error Error.
* @return $this
protected function addError(Error $error)
$this->errorCollection[] = $error;
return $this;
* Adds list of errors to error collection.
* @param Error[] $errors Errors.
* @return $this
protected function addErrors(array $errors)
return $this;
* Getting array of errors.
* @return Error[]
final public function getErrors()
return $this->errorCollection->toArray();
* Getting once error with the necessary code.
* @param string $code Code of error.
* @return Error
final public function getErrorByCode($code)
return $this->errorCollection->getErrorByCode($code);