Your IP :
if (!defined("B_PROLOG_INCLUDED") || B_PROLOG_INCLUDED !==true) die();
use Bitrix\Main\Error;
use Bitrix\Main\Text\Encoding;
use Bitrix\Main\Localization\Loc;
use Bitrix\Main\Engine\Response\AjaxJson;
use Bitrix\Socialnetwork\WorkgroupTable;
use Bitrix\Tasks\Import\PersonNameFormatter;
use Bitrix\Tasks\Manager\Task;
* Class TasksImportAjaxController
class TasksImportAjaxController extends \Bitrix\Main\Engine\Controller
private $usersById;
private $usersByName;
private $projectsByName;
private $importParameters;
private static $nameFormats;
private static $keysMap = array(
'TITLE' => array(
'DESCRIPTION' => array(
'PRIORITY' => array(
'RESPONSIBLE' => array(
'FUNCTION_NAME' => 'getUserIdByName'
'ORIGINATOR' => array(
'FUNCTION_NAME' => 'getUserIdByName'
'ACCOMPLICES' => array(
'FUNCTION_NAME' => 'getUserIdsFromStringData'
'AUDITORS' => array(
'FUNCTION_NAME' => 'getUserIdsFromStringData'
'DEADLINE' => array(
'START_DATE_PLAN' => array(
'END_DATE_PLAN' => array(
'MATCH_WORK_TIME' => array(
'TASK_CONTROL' => array(
'PARAM_1' => array(
'PARAM_2' => array(
'PROJECT' => array(
'FUNCTION_NAME' => 'getProjectIdByName'
'TIME_ESTIMATE' => array(
'CHECKLIST' => array(
'FUNCTION_NAME' => 'getCheckListFromStringData'
'TAGS' => array(
'FUNCTION_NAME' => 'getListFromStringWithDelimiter'
* Returns parameters for the next import or error's collection
* @param $importParameters - Import parameters
* @return static
public function startImportAction($importParameters)
$tmpFilePath = CTempFile::GetDirectoryName(2, 'tasks');
if ($this->checkPrimaryErrors($importParameters['FILE_HASH'], $tmpFilePath))
return AjaxJson::createError($this->errorCollection);
$headersInFirstRow = $this->importParameters['HEADERS_IN_FIRST_ROW'];
$filePath = $tmpFilePath.preg_replace('/[^a-f0-9]/i', '', $this->importParameters['FILE_HASH']).'.tmp';
$csvFile = new CCSVData();
if (intval($this->importParameters['FILE_POS']) == 0)
$this->importParameters['IMPORTS_TOTAL_COUNT'] = $this->getLinesCount($csvFile);
if ($this->parseCsvFile($csvFile))
return $this->importParameters;
return AjaxJson::createError($this->errorCollection);
* Checks errors and returns true if they exist otherwise returns false
* @param $fileHash - File's hash to check
* @param $tmpFilePath - File's path to check
* @return bool - True if errors exist otherwise false
private function checkPrimaryErrors($fileHash, $tmpFilePath)
if (!CModule::IncludeModule('tasks'))
$this->errorCollection[] = new Error(Loc::getMessage('TASKS_IMPORT_ERRORS_MODULE_TASKS_NOT_INCLUDED'));
if (!CModule::IncludeModule('socialnetwork'))
$this->errorCollection[] = new Error(Loc::getMessage('TASKS_IMPORT_ERRORS_MODULE_SOCIAL_NETWORK_NOT_INCLUDED'));
if (!preg_match('/[0-9a-f]{32}\.tmp/i', $fileHash))
$this->errorCollection[] = new Error(Loc::getMessage('TASKS_IMPORT_ERRORS_WRONG_FILE_HASH'));
if (!CheckDirPath($tmpFilePath))
$this->errorCollection[] = new Error(Loc::getMessage('TASKS_IMPORT_ERRORS_WRONG_FILE_PATH'));
return count($this->errorCollection) > 0;
* Creates classes properties based on import parameters
* @param $importParameters - Input import parameters
private function initParameters($importParameters)
$importParameters['FILE_ENCODING'] = ($importParameters['FILE_ENCODING'] == 'auto') ? $importParameters['FOUND_FILE_ENCODING'] : $importParameters['FILE_ENCODING'];
$importParameters['MAX_EXECUTION_TIME'] = intval($importParameters['MAX_EXECUTION_TIME']);
$importParameters['HEADERS_IN_FIRST_ROW'] = ($importParameters['HEADERS_IN_FIRST_ROW'] == "true") ? true : false;
$importParameters['IMPORTS_TOTAL_COUNT'] = isset($importParameters['IMPORTS_TOTAL_COUNT']) ? $importParameters['IMPORTS_TOTAL_COUNT'] : 0;
$importParameters['CURRENT_LINE'] = isset($importParameters['CURRENT_LINE']) ? $importParameters['CURRENT_LINE'] : 0;
$importParameters['SUCCESSFUL_IMPORTS'] = 0;
$importParameters['ERROR_IMPORTS'] = 0;
$importParameters['ERROR_IMPORTS_MESSAGES'] = array();
$this->usersById = isset($importParameters['USERS_BY_ID']) ? $importParameters['USERS_BY_ID'] : array();
$this->usersByName = isset($importParameters['USERS_BY_NAME']) ? $importParameters['USERS_BY_NAME'] : array();
$this->projectsByName = isset($importParameters['PROJECTS_BY_NAME']) ? $importParameters['PROJECTS_BY_NAME'] : array();
$this->importParameters = $importParameters;
self::$nameFormats = $this->getNameFormats();
* Returns the amount of lines in csv file to import
* @param CCSVData $csvFile - CSV file
* @return int - The amount of lines
private function getLinesCount(CCSVData $csvFile)
$linesCount = 0;
while ($taskData = $csvFile->Fetch())
return $linesCount;
* Parses CSV file and returns true if parsing is OK otherwise returns false
* @param CCSVData $csvFile - CSV file
* @return bool
private function parseCsvFile(CCSVData $csvFile)
$allLinesLoaded = true;
while ($taskData = $csvFile->Fetch())
$taskData = $this->encodeDataToSiteCharset($taskData, $this->importParameters['FILE_ENCODING']);
$taskProperties = $this->getTaskPropertiesFromTaskData($taskData, $this->importParameters['SELECTED_FIELDS'], $this->importParameters['SKIPPED_COLUMNS']);
$taskProperties = $this->checkTaskPropertiesBeforeCreatingTask($taskProperties, $this->importParameters['DEFAULT_ORIGINATOR'], $this->importParameters['DEFAULT_RESPONSIBLE']);
$userId = $this->getCurrentUser()->getId();
$newTask = Task::add($userId, $taskProperties, ['PUBLIC_MODE' => true, 'RETURN_ENTITY' => false]);
/** @var \Bitrix\Tasks\Util\Error\Collection $errors */
$errors = $newTask['ERRORS'];
if ($errors->checkNoFatals())
self::addImportError(implode('; ', $errors->getMessages()));
/** @noinspection PhpDeprecationInspection */
catch (TasksException $e)
$message = unserialize($e->getMessage());
catch (Exception $e)
$maxExecutionTime = $this->importParameters['MAX_EXECUTION_TIME'];
if (($maxExecutionTime > 0) && ((getmicrotime() - START_EXEC_TIME) > $maxExecutionTime))
$allLinesLoaded = false;
$this->importParameters['ALL_LINES_LOADED'] = $allLinesLoaded;
$this->importParameters['FILE_POS'] = $csvFile->GetPos();
$this->importParameters['HEADERS_IN_FIRST_ROW'] = false;
$this->importParameters['USERS_BY_ID'] = $this->usersById;
$this->importParameters['USERS_BY_NAME'] = $this->usersByName;
$this->importParameters['PROJECTS_BY_NAME'] = $this->projectsByName;
return true;
* Encodes data to site's encoding
* @param $data - Data to encode
* @param $dataEncoding - Source encoding
* @return array|bool|SplFixedArray|string - Encoded data
private function encodeDataToSiteCharset($data, $dataEncoding)
$encodedData = Encoding::convertEncoding($data, $dataEncoding, SITE_CHARSET);
return $encodedData;
* Returns result key and data of field
* @param $key - Field's key
* @param $data - Field's data
* @return array - Result property
private function getResultPropertyData($key, $data)
$currentKeyMap = self::$keysMap[$key];
$result = array(
'KEY' => $currentKeyMap['RESULT_KEY'],
'DATA' => null
switch ($currentKeyMap['CHECK_TYPE'])
case 'EQUAL':
$result['DATA'] = $data;
case 'INT':
$result['DATA'] = intval($data);
case 'BOOL':
$result['DATA'] = ($data == '1'? $currentKeyMap['TRUE_RESULT'] : $currentKeyMap['FALSE_RESULT']);
case 'FUNCTION':
$functionName = $currentKeyMap['FUNCTION_NAME'];
$result['DATA'] = $this->$functionName($data);
$result['DATA'] = $data;
return $result;
* Returns array without empty values
* @param $taskData - Input array
* @param $skippedColumns - Indexes of skipped columns
* @return array - Array without empty values
private function removeSkippedColumns($taskData, $skippedColumns)
if (isset($skippedColumns))
foreach ($skippedColumns as $key => $value)
return array_values($taskData);
* Returns task's properties from data
* @param $taskData - Parsed data (line of CSV file)
* @param $fields - Fields
* @param $skippedColumns - Indexes of skipped columns
* @return array - Task's properties
private function getTaskPropertiesFromTaskData($taskData, $fields, $skippedColumns)
$taskProperties = array();
$taskData = $this->removeSkippedColumns($taskData, $skippedColumns);
foreach ($taskData as $key => $data)
if (isset($fields[$key]) && !empty($fields[$key]))
$currentKey = mb_strtoupper($fields[$key]);
$data = trim(htmlspecialcharsback($data));
if ($data == '')
$resultProperty = $this->getResultPropertyData($currentKey, $data);
$taskProperties[$resultProperty['KEY']] = $resultProperty['DATA'];
return $taskProperties;
* Checks some task's properties and transform them if needed
* @param $taskProperties - Task's properties
* @param $defaultOriginatorUserId - Id of default originator
* @param $defaultResponsibleUserId - Id of default responsible
* @return mixed - Checked task's properties
private function checkTaskPropertiesBeforeCreatingTask($taskProperties, $defaultOriginatorUserId, $defaultResponsibleUserId)
$booleanValuesToCheck = array(
foreach ($booleanValuesToCheck as $key)
if ($taskProperties[$key] !== 'Y')
$taskProperties[$key] = 'N';
if (!isset($taskProperties['CREATED_BY']) || $taskProperties['CREATED_BY'] <= 0)
$taskProperties['CREATED_BY'] = $defaultOriginatorUserId;
if ($taskProperties['RESPONSIBLE_ID'] == 0)
$taskProperties['RESPONSIBLE_ID'] = $defaultResponsibleUserId;
if ($taskProperties['PRIORITY'] !== 2)
$taskProperties['PRIORITY'] = 1;
if ($taskProperties['TIME_ESTIMATE'] < 0)
$taskProperties['TIME_ESTIMATE'] = 0;
$taskProperties['SE_PARAMETER'] = array(
0 => array(
'CODE' => 1,
'VALUE' => $taskProperties['PARAM_1']
1 => array(
'CODE' => 2,
'VALUE' => $taskProperties['PARAM_2']
return $taskProperties;
* Adds error to import errors
* @param $message
private function addImportError($message)
$this->importParameters['ERROR_IMPORTS_MESSAGES'][] = $this->importParameters['CURRENT_LINE'] . ": " . $message;
* Returns checklist from string
* @param $data - String data
* @return array - Result checklist
private function getCheckListFromStringData($data)
$checklist = array();
$checklistTitles = $this->getListFromStringWithDelimiter($data);
foreach ($checklistTitles as $title)
$checklist[] = array(
'TITLE' => $title
return $checklist;
* Returns user's ids from string
* @param $data - String data
* @throws \Bitrix\Main\NotSupportedException
* @return array - Result user's ids
private function getUserIdsFromStringData($data)
$userIds = array();
$names = explode(',', $data);
foreach ($names as $name)
$userId = $this->getUserIdByName($name);
if ($userId !== 0 && !in_array($userId, $userIds))
$userIds[] = $userId;
return $userIds;
* Transforms string with delimiter in array
* @param $string - String
* @return array - Result array
private function getListFromStringWithDelimiter($string)
$string = ltrim($string);
$result = explode('[*]', $string);
foreach ($result as $index => $item)
if ($item == '')
return $result;
* Returns name's formats
* @return array - Name's formats
private function getNameFormats()
$nameFormatsDescriptions = PersonNameFormatter::getAllDescriptions();
$nameFormats = array();
foreach ($nameFormatsDescriptions as $formatId => $description)
$nameFormats[$formatId] = PersonNameFormatter::getFormatByID($formatId);
return $nameFormats;
* Returns project's id by project's name
* @param $projectName - Project's name
* @throws Exception
* @return int - Project's id
private function getProjectIdByName($projectName)
if (isset($this->projectsByName[$projectName]))
return $this->projectsByName[$projectName]['ID'];
$projectId = 0;
$dbGroups = WorkgroupTable::getList(array(
'select' => array('ID'),
'filter' => array('NAME' => $projectName)
$group = is_object($dbGroups) ? $dbGroups->fetch() : null;
if (is_array($group))
$projectId = intval($group['ID']);
$this->projectsByName[$projectName]['ID'] = $projectId;
return $projectId;
* Returns user's id if he exists in base based on user's id otherwise returns 0
* @param $userId - User's id
* @return int - User's id
private function checkUserExistence($userId)
$userId = ($userId < 0) ? 0 : $userId;
if ($userId > 0)
if (isset($this->usersById[$userId]))
return $userId;
$dbUsers = CUser::GetList($by = 'ID', $order = 'ASC', array('ID'=> $userId), array('FIELDS' => array('ID')));
$user = is_object($dbUsers) ? $dbUsers->Fetch() : null;
if (is_array($user))
$this->usersById[$userId] = $user;
$userId = 0;
return $userId;
* Returns user's id if he exists in base based on user's name otherwise returns 0
* @param $userName - User's name
* @param $formatId - User name's format
* @throws Bitrix\Main\NotSupportedException
* @return int - User's id
private function getUserIdByNameAndFormat($userName, $formatId)
$userId = 0;
$nameParts = array();
if (PersonNameFormatter::tryParseName($userName, $formatId, $nameParts))
$userFilter = array();
if (isset($nameParts['NAME']))
$userFilter['NAME'] = $nameParts['NAME'];
if (isset($nameParts['SECOND_NAME']))
$userFilter['SECOND_NAME'] = $nameParts['SECOND_NAME'];
if (isset($nameParts['LAST_NAME']))
$userFilter['LAST_NAME'] = $nameParts['LAST_NAME'];
if (isset($nameParts['TITLE']))
$userFilter['TITLE'] = $nameParts['TITLE'];
$dbUsers = CUser::GetList($by = 'ID', $order = 'ASC', $userFilter, array('FIELDS' => array('ID')));
$user = is_object($dbUsers) ? $dbUsers->Fetch() : null;
if (is_array($user))
$userId = $user['ID'] = intval($user['ID']);
$this->usersByName[$userName] = $user;
return $userId;
* Returns user's id by user's name
* @param $userName - User's name
* @throws Bitrix\Main\NotSupportedException
* @return int - User's id
private function getUserIdByName($userName)
$userNameFormat = $this->importParameters['NAME_FORMAT'];
if (is_numeric($userName))
$userId = $this->checkUserExistence(is_int($userName) ? $userName : intval($userName));
if (preg_match('/^.+\[\s*(\d+)\s*]$/', $userName, $m) === 1)
$userId = $this->checkUserExistence(intval($m[1]));
if (isset($this->usersByName[$userName]))
$userId = intval($this->usersByName[$userName]['ID']);
$userId = $this->getUserIdByNameAndFormat($userName, $userNameFormat);
foreach (self::$nameFormats as $formatId => $formatString)
if ($userId > 0)
if (($formatId == 1) || ($formatId == $userNameFormat))
$userId = $this->getUserIdByNameAndFormat($userName, $formatId);
return $userId;