Your IP :
* Bitrix Framework
* @package bitrix
* @subpackage iblock
namespace Bitrix\Iblock\Template;
* Class Helper
* Provides some helper functions.
* @package Bitrix\Iblock\Template
class Helper
* Returns array with two elements.
* First with template and second with optional modifiers.
* @param string $template Template string. For example: "{}/lt-".
* @return array
public static function splitTemplate($template)
if (preg_match("/\\/(l|t.?)+\$/", $template, $match))
return array(substr($template, 0, -strlen($match[0])), substr($match[0], 1));
return array($template, "");
* Returns array of modifiers if any found.
* @param string $modifiers Modifiers string. for example: "lt-".
* @return array
public static function splitModifiers($modifiers)
if (preg_match_all("/(l|t.?)/", $modifiers, $match))
return $match[0];
return array();
* Returns TEMPLATE with modifiers encoded and concatenated.
* @param array[string]string $template Template information as it comes from DB.
* @return string
public static function convertArrayToModifiers(array $template)
$TEMPLATE = $template["TEMPLATE"];
$modifiers = "";
if ($template["LOWER"] === "Y")
$modifiers .= "l";
if ($template["TRANSLIT"] === "Y")
$modifiers .= "t";
if ($template["SPACE"] != "")
$modifiers .= $template["SPACE"];
if ($modifiers != "")
$modifiers = "/".$modifiers;
return $TEMPLATE.$modifiers;
* Returns $template with additional information.
* TEMPLATE field without modifiers
* and each modifier as distinct field.
* @param array[string]string $template Template information as it comes from DB.
* @return array[string]string
public static function convertModifiersToArray(array $template = null)
if ($template === null)
$template = array(
"TEMPLATE" => "",
$TEMPLATE = $template["TEMPLATE"];
$LOWER = "N";
$SPACE = "";
list($TEMPLATE, $modifiers) = self::splitTemplate($TEMPLATE);
foreach(self::splitModifiers($modifiers) as $mod)
if ($mod == "l")
$LOWER = "Y";
$SPACE = substr($mod, 1);
$template["TEMPLATE"] = $TEMPLATE;
$template["LOWER"] = $LOWER;
$template["TRANSLIT"] = $TRANSLIT;
$template["SPACE"] = $SPACE;
return $template;
* Function returns file name formatted by the template.
* @param \Bitrix\Iblock\InheritedProperty\BaseTemplate $ipropTemplates Templates to lookup.
* @param string $templateName Name of the template to choose from $ipropTemplates.
* @param array $fields Array contains fields for processing the template.
* @param array $file Array contains information about file in format of $_FILES.
* @return string
public static function makeFileName(
\Bitrix\Iblock\InheritedProperty\BaseTemplate $ipropTemplates,
array $fields,
array $file
if (preg_match("/^(.+)(\\.[a-zA-Z0-9]+)\$/", $file["name"], $fileName))
if (!isset($fields["IPROPERTY_TEMPLATES"]) || $fields["IPROPERTY_TEMPLATES"][$templateName] == "")
$templates = $ipropTemplates->findTemplates();
$TEMPLATE = $templates[$templateName]["TEMPLATE"];
$TEMPLATE = $fields["IPROPERTY_TEMPLATES"][$templateName];
if ($TEMPLATE != "")
list($template, $modifiers) = Helper::splitTemplate($TEMPLATE);
if ($template != "")
$values = $ipropTemplates->getValuesEntity();
$entity = $values->createTemplateEntity();
return \Bitrix\Iblock\Template\Engine::process($entity, $TEMPLATE).$fileName[2];
elseif ($modifiers != "")
$simpleTemplate = new NodeRoot;
$simpleTemplate->addChild(new NodeText($fileName[1]));
$baseEntity = new Entity\Base(0);
return $simpleTemplate->process($baseEntity).$fileName[2];
return $file["name"];