Your IP :
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# -*- perl -*-
# vim: ft=perl : sw=4 : ts=4 : et
=head1 NAME
yum - Plugin for monitoring pending package upgrades with yum
=head1 USAGE
This plugin needs to be called with the 'update' argument
from cron to work as intended.
=head1 AUTHOR
Copyright 2006 Dagfinn Ilmari Mannsåker <>
=head1 LICENSE
#%# family=manual
#%# capabilities=autoconf
use strict;
my $statefile = "$ENV{MUNIN_PLUGSTATE}/yum.state";
sub update {
if (-l $statefile) {
die "$statefile is a symlink, not touching.\n";
open my $state, '>', $statefile
or die "Can't open $statefile for writing: $!\n";
open my $yum, '-|', 'yum list updates'
or die "Can't run 'yum list updates': $!";
# Skip header crap
while (<$yum>) {
last if /^Updated/;
while (<$yum>) {
next unless /^(\S+)\.\S+\s+\S+\s+\S+/;
print $state "$1\n";
close $yum or die "Error running 'yum list updates': $!\n";
close $state or die "Error writing $statefile: $!\n";
sub autoconf {
if (system('yum --version >/dev/null 2>/dev/null') != 0) {
print "no (Could not run yum)\n";
elsif (! -r $statefile) {
print "no (Could not find statefile. Please read 'munindoc yum')\n";
else {
print "yes\n";
exit 0;
sub config {
print "graph_title Pending packages\n";
print "graph no\n";
print "pending.label pending\n";
print "pending.warning 0:0\n";
sub report {
my @packages;
open my $state, '<', $statefile
or die "Can't open $statefile for reading: $!
Please read 'munindoc yum' to understand why if the file does not exist.\n";
chomp(@packages = <$state>);
close $state;
print 'pending.value ', scalar(@packages), "\n";
print 'pending.extinfo ', join(' ', @packages), "\n"
if @packages;
if ($ARGV[0]) {
my $arg = $ARGV[0];
my %funcs = (
update => \&update,
config => \&config,
autoconf => \&autoconf,
if (exists $funcs{$arg}) {
} else {
die "Unknown argument '$arg'\n";
} else {