Your IP :
=encoding utf8
=head1 NAME
mysql_ - Munin plugin to display misc MySQL server status
Any MySQL platform, tested by the authors on:
* MySQL 5.6.12
* MySQL 5.5.32, 5.5.37
* MySQL 5.1.29,
* MySQL 5.0.51
* MariaDB 5.5.39
* MariaDB-5.5.39(galera).
* MariaDB 10.0.18
* MariaDB-10 Query Response Time:
Information Schema tables:
* User statistics - MariaDB-5.2+, OurDelta, Percona Server -
This script is used to generate data for several graphs. To generate
data for one specific graph, you need to create a symbolic link with a
name like mysql_<GRAPH> to this script.
If you need to run against multiple MySQL instances on the same host,
create your symlinks with names like mysql<N>_<GRAPH> where N is any
non-negative integer. You must also set the env.cachenamespace variable
to a unique value for each group of symlinks.
To get a list of symlinks that can be created, run:
./mysql_ suggest
In addition you might need to specify connection parameters in the
plugin configuration to override the defaults. These are the defaults:
env.mysqlconnection DBI:mysql:information_schema
env.mysqluser root
Non-default example:
env.mysqlconnection DBI:mysql:information_schema;host=;port=3306
env.mysqluser munin
env.mysqlpassword geheim
env.cachenamespace munin_mysql_pri
env.mysqlconnection DBI:mysql:information_schema;host=;port=13306
env.mysqluser munin
env.mysqlpassword ryuWyawEv
env.cachenamespace munin_mysql_alt
user munin
env.mysqluser munin
env.mysqlconnection DBI:mysql:information_schema;mysql_read_default_file=/etc/munin/.my-10.cnf
env.cachenamespace munin_mysql_10
# here the [client] section of /etc/munin/.my-10.cnf is read. socket= can
# be specified here.
Creating a munin user:
CREATE USER 'munin'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'ryuWyawEv';
or with a unix_socket plugin (INSTALL PLUGIN unix_socket SONAME 'auth_socket')
CREATE USER 'munin'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH unix_socket;
Note: requires 'user munin' in the configuration.
The minimum required privileges of the munin database user is:
Warning and critical values can be set via the environment in the usual way.
For example:
env.slave_io_running_warning 0.5
env.slave_sql_running_warning 0.5
env.seconds_behind_master_warning 300
env.seconds_behind_master_critical 600
=item Cache::Cache
The plugin uses shared memory to cache the statistics gathered from
MySQL. This ensures minimal impact on the MySQL server.
=item DBD::mysql
=head2 InnoDB
The statistics from innodb are mainly collected from the command
A nice walk through is found at
Undo logs:
=head2 The graphs
FIX point to relevant sections in the MySQL manual and other www
resources for each graph
=item mysql_replication
slave_io_running and slave_sql_running both translate the "Yes" values to 0 and
anything else to 1 for their respective fields in the "SHOW SLAVE STATUS" output.
This can be used to warn on slave failure if the warning and critical values
are set as seen in a previous section.
=item wsrep_cluster_status
"Primary" is translated 0 and "non-Primary" to 1.
Copyright (C) 2014-2015 Daniel Black, Open Query
Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Kjell-Magne Øierud
=head1 LICENSE
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; version 2 dated June, 1991.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
=head1 VERSION
git-master + a few munin modifications
This plugin was downloaded from L<>
#%# family=auto
#%# capabilities=suggest autoconf
use warnings;
use strict;
use utf8;
use English qw( -no_match_vars );
use File::Basename;
use Storable qw(nfreeze thaw);
use Munin::Plugin;
my $has_cache;
my $has_dbi;
my $has_math_bigint;
eval { require Cache::SharedMemoryCache; };
$has_cache = $EVAL_ERROR ? 0 : 1;
eval { require DBI; DBI->import(); };
$has_dbi = $EVAL_ERROR ? 0 : 1;
# Used to append "=> lib 'GMP'" here, but GMP caused segfault on some
# occasions. Removed as I don't think the tiny performance boost is
# worth the debugging effort.
eval { require Math::BigInt; Math::BigInt->import(); };
$has_math_bigint = $EVAL_ERROR ? 0 : 1;
# C O N F I G
my %config = (
'dsn' => $ENV{'mysqlconnection'} || 'DBI:mysql:information_schema',
'user' => $ENV{'mysqluser'} || 'root',
'password' => $ENV{'mysqlpassword'} || '',
'cache_namespace' => $ENV{'cachenamespace'} || 'munin_mysql',
# C A C H E
my %cache_options = (
'namespace' => $config{cache_namespace},
'default_expires_in' => 60,
my $shared_memory_cache ;
if ($has_cache)
$shared_memory_cache = Cache::SharedMemoryCache->new(\%cache_options)
or die("Couldn't instantiate SharedMemoryCache");
# G R A P H D E F I N I T I O N S
# These are defaults to save typing in the graph definitions
my %defaults = (
global_attrs => {
args => '--base 1000',
data_source_attrs => {
min => '0',
type => 'DERIVE',
draw => 'AREASTACK',
# %graphs contains the graph definitions, it is indexed on the graph
# name. The information stored for each graph is used for both showing
# data source values and for printing the graph configuration. Each
# graph follows the following format:
# $graphs{NAME} => {
# config => {
# # The global attributes for this graph
# global_attrs => {}
# # Attributes common to all data sources in this graph
# data_source_attrs => {}
# },
# data_sources => [
# # NAME - The name of the data source (e.g. variable names
# # from SHOW STATUS)
# # DATA_SOURCE_ATTRS - key-value pairs with data source
# # attributes
# {name => 'NAME', (DATA_SOURCE_ATTRS)},
# {...},
# ],
# Note for 'cdef' fields: "%s" is replaced with the original fieldname
my %graphs = ();
$graphs{wsrep_cluster_status} = {
config => {
global_attrs => {
title => 'Galera Status',
vlabel => 'PRIMARY',
data_source_attrs => {
draw => 'LINE1',
min => '0',
max => '1',
data_sources => [
{name => 'wsrep_cluster_status', label => '0-Primary, 1-Non-Primary',
info => 'If the host is primary',
type => 'GAUGE',
critical => '1'},
$graphs{wsrep_cluster_size} = {
config => {
global_attrs => {
title => 'Galera cluster size',
vlabel => 'Hosts',
data_source_attrs => {
draw => 'LINE1',
data_sources => [
{name => 'wsrep_cluster_size', label => 'Cluster size',
info => 'The number of hosts in the cluster.',
type => 'GAUGE'},
$graphs{wsrep_local_state} = {
config => {
global_attrs => {
title => 'Galera node state',
vlabel => 'State (galera_node_fsm)',
args => '--lower-limit 0 --upper-limit 6',
data_source_attrs => {
draw => 'LINE1',
min => '0',
max => '6',
data_sources => [
{name => 'wsrep_local_state', label => '1-Joining, 2-Donor, 3-Joined, 4-Synced, 5-Donor, 6-Join after Donor ',
info => 'The state of the node in the cluster.',
type => 'GAUGE',
warning => '3.5:4.5'},
$graphs{wsrep_transactions} = {
config => {
global_attrs => {
title => 'Galera transactions',
data_source_attrs => {
draw => 'LINE1',
data_sources => [
{name => 'wsrep_last_committed', label => 'Committed transactions',
info => '# of committed transactions.',
type => 'COUNTER',
min => 0},
{name => 'wsrep_local_commits', label => 'Locally Committed transactions',
info => '# of locally committed transactions.',
type => 'COUNTER',
min => 0},
$graphs{wsrep_writesets} = {
config => {
global_attrs => {
title => 'Galera writesets',
data_source_attrs => {
draw => 'LINE1',
data_sources => [
{name => 'wsrep_replicated', label => 'Writesets sent',
info => '# of writesets sent to other nodes',
type => 'COUNTER',
min => '0',
graph => 'no'},
{name => 'wsrep_received', label => 'Writesets received',
info => '# of writesets received from other nodes',
type => 'COUNTER',
min => '0',
negative => 'wsrep_replicated'},
$graphs{wsrep_writesetbytes} = {
config => {
global_attrs => {
title => 'Galera writesets bytes/sec',
data_source_attrs => {
data_sources => [
{name => 'wsrep_received_bytes', label => 'Writesets bytes received',
info => '# of bytes in writesets received from other nodes',
type => 'DERIVE',
min => 0,
graph => 'no'},
{name => 'wsrep_replicated_bytes', label => 'Writesets bytes sent',
info => '# of bytes in writesets sent to other nodes',
type => 'DERIVE',
draw => 'LINE1',
min => 0,
negative => 'wsrep_received_bytes'},
{name => 'wsrep_repl_keys_bytes', label => 'Writeset key size sent',
info => '# of bytes in writesets of keys sent to other nodes',
type => 'DERIVE',
min => 0},
{name => 'wsrep_repl_data_bytes', label => 'Writeset data size sent',
info => '# of bytes in writesets of data sent to other nodes',
type => 'DERIVE',
min => 0},
{name => 'wsrep_repl_other_bytes', label => 'Writeset other size sent',
info => '# of bytes in writesets of other data sent to other nodes',
type => 'DERIVE',
min => 0},
$graphs{wsrep_errors} = {
config => {
global_attrs => {
title => 'Galera transaction problems'
data_source_attrs => {
draw => 'LINE1',
data_sources => [
{name => 'wsrep_local_cert_failures', label => 'Certification failures',
type => 'DERIVE',
min => 0},
{name => 'wsrep_local_bf_aborts', label => 'Aborted local transactions',
type => 'DERIVE',
min => 0},
{name => 'wsrep_local_replays', label => 'Replays',
type => 'DERIVE',
min => 0},
$graphs{wsrep_queue} = {
config => {
global_attrs => {
title => 'Galera queues',
vlabel => 'queue length received (-) / sent (+) per ${graph_period}',
data_source_attrs => {
draw => 'LINE1',
data_sources => [
{name => 'wsrep_local_recv_queue', label => 'Receive queue length',
type => 'GAUGE',
graph => 'no'},
{name => 'wsrep_local_recv_queue_min', label => 'Receive queue length min',
type => 'GAUGE',
graph => 'no'},
{name => 'wsrep_local_recv_queue_avg', label => 'Average receive queue length',
type => 'GAUGE',
graph => 'no'},
{name => 'wsrep_local_recv_queue_max', label => 'Receive queue length max',
type => 'GAUGE',
graph => 'no'},
{name => 'wsrep_local_send_queue', label => 'Send queue length',
type => 'GAUGE',
negative => 'wsrep_local_recv_queue'},
{name => 'wsrep_local_send_queue_min', label => 'Send queue length min',
type => 'GAUGE',
negative => 'wsrep_local_recv_queue_min'},
{name => 'wsrep_local_send_queue_avg', label => 'Average send queue length',
type => 'GAUGE',
negative => 'wsrep_local_recv_queue_avg'},
{name => 'wsrep_local_send_queue_max', label => 'Send queue length max',
type => 'GAUGE',
negative => 'wsrep_local_recv_queue_max'},
$graphs{wsrep_concurrency} = {
config => {
global_attrs => {
title => 'Galera Performance - Apply to Commit',
vlabel => 'commit + / apply - '
data_source_attrs => {
draw => 'LINE1',
type => 'GAUGE',
data_sources => [
{name => 'wsrep_apply_window', label => 'apply window',
graph => 'no'},
{name => 'wsrep_apply_oooe', label => 'apply out of order',
graph => 'no'},
{name => 'wsrep_apply_oool', label => 'apply out of order (slowness)',
graph => 'no'},
{name => 'wsrep_commit_window', label => 'commit window',
negative => 'wsrep_apply_window'},
{name => 'wsrep_commit_oooe', label => 'commit out of order',
negative => 'wsrep_apply_oooe'},
{name => 'wsrep_commit_oool', label => 'commit out of order (slowness)',
negative => 'wsrep_apply_oool'},
$graphs{wsrep_flow} = {
config => {
global_attrs => {
title => 'Galera flow control',
vlabel => 'events received (-) / sent (+) per ${graph_period}',
data_source_attrs => {
draw => 'LINE1',
data_sources => [
{name => 'wsrep_flow_control_recv', label => 'Pause events received',
type => 'DERIVE',
min => 0,
graph => 'no'},
{name => 'wsrep_flow_control_sent', label => 'Pause events sent',
type => 'DERIVE',
min => 0,
negative => 'wsrep_flow_control_recv'},
$graphs{wsrep_flow_paused} = {
config => {
global_attrs => {
title => 'Galera flow control paused ratio',
data_source_attrs => {
draw => 'LINE1',
data_sources => [
{name => 'wsrep_flow_control_paused', label => 'Ratio flow control was paused',
type => 'GAUGE',
min => '0',
max => '1',
warning => 0.1,
critical => 0.9},
$graphs{wsrep_flow_paused_ns} = {
config => {
global_attrs => {
title => 'Galera flow control paused time',
vlabel => 'nanoseconds',
data_source_attrs => {
draw => 'LINE1',
data_sources => [
{name => 'wsrep_flow_control_paused_ns', label => 'Time flow control was paused (ns)',
min => '0',
warning => 20000,
critical => 1000000},
$graphs{wsrep_distance} = {
config => {
global_attrs => {
title => 'Galera distance',
data_source_attrs => {
draw => 'LINE1',
data_sources => [
{name => 'wsrep_cert_deps_distance', label => 'cert_deps_distance',
type => 'GAUGE'},
{name => 'wsrep_cert_index_size', label => 'wsrep_cert_index_size',
type => 'GAUGE'},
{name => 'wsrep_slave_threads', label => 'wsrep_slave_threads',
type => 'GAUGE'},
{name => 'wsrep_commit_window', label => 'commit_window',
type => 'GAUGE'},
$graphs{bin_relay_log} = {
config => {
global_attrs => {
title => 'Binary/Relay Logs',
vlabel => 'Log activity',
data_source_attrs => {
draw => 'LINE1',
data_sources => [
{name => 'Binlog_cache_disk_use', label => 'Binlog Cache Disk Use'},
{name => 'Binlog_cache_use', label => 'Binlog Cache Use'},
{name => 'Binlog_stmt_cache_disk_use', label => 'Binlog Statement Cache Disk Use'},
{name => 'Binlog_stmt_cache_use', label => 'Binlog Statement Cache Use'},
{name => 'ma_binlog_size', label => 'Binary Log Space'},
{name => 'relay_log_space', label => 'Relay Log Space'},
$graphs{binlog_groupcommit} = {
config => {
global_attrs => {
title => 'Binary Log Group Commits',
vlabel => 'Commits/Groups',
data_source_attrs => {
draw => 'LINE1',
data_sources => [
{name => 'Binlog_commits', label => 'Binlog commits'},
{name => 'Binlog_group_commits', label => 'Binlog Group Commits'},
{name => 'Binlog_group_commit_trigger_count', label => 'Binlog Groups because of binlog_commit_wait_count'},
{name => 'Binlog_group_commit_trigger_timeout', label => 'Binlog Groups because of binlog_commit_wait_usec'},
{name => 'Binlog_group_commit_trigger_lock_wait', label => 'Binlog Groups because of transactions'},
$graphs{commands} = {
config => {
global_attrs => {
title => 'Command Counters',
vlabel => 'Commands per ${graph_period}',
total => 'Questions',
data_source_attrs => {},
data_sources => [
{name => 'Com_delete', label => 'Delete'},
{name => 'Com_insert', label => 'Insert'},
{name => 'Com_insert_select', label => 'Insert select'},
{name => 'Com_load', label => 'Load Data'},
{name => 'Com_replace', label => 'Replace'},
{name => 'Com_replace_select', label => 'Replace select'},
{name => 'Com_select', label => 'Select'},
{name => 'Com_update', label => 'Update'},
{name => 'Com_update_multi', label => 'Update multi'},
$graphs{connections} = {
config => {
global_attrs => {
title => 'Connections',
vlabel => 'Connections per ${graph_period}',
data_source_attrs => {
draw => 'LINE1',
data_sources => [
{name => 'max_connections', label => 'Max connections',
type => 'GAUGE',
draw => 'AREA',
colour => 'cdcfc4'},
{name => 'Max_used_connections', label => 'Max used',
type => 'GAUGE',
draw => 'AREA',
colour => 'ffd660'},
{name => 'Aborted_clients', label => 'Aborted clients'},
{name => 'Aborted_connects', label => 'Aborted connects'},
{name => 'Threads_connected', label => 'Threads connected',
type => 'GAUGE'},
{name => 'Threads_running', label => 'Threads running',
type => 'GAUGE'},
{name => 'Connections', label => 'New connections'},
$graphs{files} = {
config => {
global_attrs => {
title => 'Files',
data_source_attrs => {
type => 'GAUGE',
draw => 'LINE1',
data_sources => [
{name => 'open_files_limit', label => 'File Limit',
draw => 'AREA',
colour => 'cdcfc4'},
{name => 'Open_files', label => 'Open files',
type => 'DERIVE',
min => 0},
$graphs{tables} = {
config => {
global_attrs => {
title => 'Tables',
data_source_attrs => {
type => 'GAUGE',
draw => 'LINE1',
data_sources => [
{name => 'table_open_cache', label => 'Table cache',
draw => 'AREA',
colour => 'cdcfc4'},
{name => 'innodb_open_files', label => 'Innodb Table Cache Limit',
draw => 'AREA',
colour => 'ffd660'},
{name => 'Open_tables', label => 'Open tables'},
{name => 'Slave_open_temp_tables', label => 'Open Slave Temp Tables'},
{name => 'Opened_tables', label => 'Opened tables',
type => 'DERIVE',
min => 0},
{name => 'Opened_views', label => 'Opened Views',
type => 'DERIVE',
min => 0},
$graphs{table_definitions} = {
config => {
global_attrs => {
title => 'Tables Definitions',
data_source_attrs => {
type => 'GAUGE',
draw => 'LINE1',
data_sources => [
{name => 'table_definition_cache', label => 'Cache Limit',
draw => 'AREA',
colour => 'cdcfc4'},
{name => 'Open_table_definitions', label => 'Open'},
{name => 'Opened_table_definitions', label => 'Opened',
type => 'DERIVE',
min => 0},
$graphs{innodb_bpool} = {
config => {
global_attrs => {
title => 'InnoDB Buffer Pool',
vlabel => 'Pages',
args => '--base 1024',
data_source_attrs => {
draw => 'LINE2',
type => 'GAUGE',
data_sources => [
{name => 'ib_bpool_size', label => 'Buffer pool size',
draw => 'AREA',
colour => 'ffd660'},
{name => 'ib_bpool_dbpages', label => 'Database pages',
draw => 'AREA',
colour => 'cdcfc4'},
{name => 'ib_bpool_free', label => 'Free pages'},
{name => 'ib_bpool_modpages', label => 'Modified pages'},
{name => 'ib_bpool_oldpages', label => 'Old pages'},
$graphs{innodb_bpool_act} = {
config => {
global_attrs => {
title => 'InnoDB Buffer Pool Activity',
vlabel => 'Pages per ${graph_period}',
total => 'Total',
data_source_attrs => {
draw => 'LINE2',
data_sources => [
{name => 'ib_bpool_read', label => 'Read'},
{name => 'ib_bpool_created', label => 'Created'},
{name => 'ib_bpool_written', label => 'Written'},
{name => 'ib_bpool_made_young', label => 'Made young'},
{name => 'ib_bpool_made_not_young', label => 'Made not young'},
$graphs{innodb_bpool_internal_breakdown} = {
config => {
global_attrs => {
title => 'InnoDB Buffer Pool Internal breakdown',
args => '--base 1024 --lower-limit 0',
vlabel => 'bytes',
data_source_attrs => {
min => '0',
draw => 'AREASTACK',
type => 'GAUGE',
data_sources => [
{name => 'ib_bpool_internal_adaptive_hash_size_const', label => 'Adaptive Hash const'},
{name => 'ib_bpool_internal_adaptive_hash_size_var', label => 'Adaptive Hash var'},
{name => 'ib_bpool_internal_page_hash_size_total', label => 'Page Hash'},
{name => 'ib_bpool_internal_dictionary_cache_size_const', label => 'Dictionary const'},
{name => 'ib_bpool_internal_dictionary_cache_size_var', label => 'Dictionary var'},
{name => 'ib_bpool_internal_file_system_size_const', label => 'Filesystem const'},
{name => 'ib_bpool_internal_file_system_size_var', label => 'Filesystem var'},
{name => 'ib_bpool_internal_lock_system_size_const', label => 'Lock system const'},
{name => 'ib_bpool_internal_lock_system_size_var', label => 'Lock system var'},
{name => 'ib_bpool_internal_recovery_system_size_const', label => 'Recovery system const'},
{name => 'ib_bpool_internal_recovery_system_size_var', label => 'Recovery system var'},
$graphs{innodb_insert_buf} = {
config => {
global_attrs => {
title => 'InnoDB Insert Buffer',
vlabel => 'Activity per ${graph_period}',
data_source_attrs => {
draw => 'LINE1',
data_sources => [
{name => 'ib_ibuf_inserts', label => 'Merge Inserts'},
{name => 'ib_ibuf_delete', label => 'Merge Deletes'},
{name => 'ib_ibuf_merged_rec', label => 'Merged Records'},
{name => 'ib_ibuf_merges', label => 'Merges'},
{name => 'ib_ibuf_discard_inserts', label => 'Discard Inserts'},
{name => 'ib_ibuf_discard_delete', label => 'Discard Deletes'},
$graphs{innodb_adaptive_hash} = {
config => {
global_attrs => {
title => 'InnoDB Adaptive Hash Optimiser',
data_source_attrs => {
draw => 'LINE1',
data_sources => [
{name => 'Innodb_adaptive_hash_hash_searches', label => 'Hash Searches'},
{name => 'Innodb_adaptive_hash_non_hash_searches', label => 'Nonhash Searches'},
$graphs{innodb_io} = {
config => {
global_attrs => {
title => 'InnoDB IO',
vlabel => 'IO operations per ${graph_period}',
data_source_attrs => {
draw => 'LINE1',
data_sources => [
{name => 'ib_io_read', label => 'File reads'},
{name => 'ib_io_write', label => 'File writes'},
{name => 'ib_io_log', label => 'Log writes'},
{name => 'ib_io_fsync', label => 'File syncs'},
$graphs{innodb_io_pend} = {
config => {
global_attrs => {
title => 'InnoDB IO Pending',
vlabel => 'Pending operations',
data_source_attrs => {
draw => 'LINE1',
data_sources => [
{name => 'ib_iop_log', label => 'AIO Log'},
{name => 'ib_iop_sync', label => 'AIO Sync'},
{name => 'ib_iop_flush_bpool', label => 'Buf Pool Flush'},
{name => 'ib_iop_flush_log', label => 'Log Flushes'},
{name => 'ib_iop_ibuf_aio', label => 'Insert Buf AIO Read'},
{name => 'ib_iop_aioread', label => 'Normal AIO Reads'},
{name => 'ib_iop_aiowrite', label => 'Normal AIO Writes'},
$graphs{innodb_log} = {
config => {
global_attrs => {
title => 'InnoDB Log',
vlabel => 'Log activity per ${graph_period}',
data_source_attrs => {
draw => 'LINE1',
data_sources => [
{name => 'innodb_log_buffer_size', label => 'Buffer Size',
type => 'GAUGE',
draw => 'AREA',
colour => 'fafd9e'},
{name => 'ib_log_flush', label => 'KB Flushed'},
{name => 'ib_log_written', label => 'KB Written'},
$graphs{innodb_rows} = {
config => {
global_attrs => {
title => 'InnoDB Row Operations',
vlabel => 'Operations per ${graph_period}',
total => 'Total',
data_source_attrs => {},
data_sources => [
{name => 'Innodb_rows_deleted', label => 'Deletes'},
{name => 'Innodb_rows_inserted', label => 'Inserts'},
{name => 'Innodb_rows_read', label => 'Reads'},
{name => 'Innodb_rows_updated', label => 'Updates'},
$graphs{innodb_semaphores} = {
config => {
global_attrs => {
title => 'InnoDB Semaphores',
vlabel => 'Semaphores per ${graph_period}',
data_source_attrs => {
draw => 'AREASTACK',
data_sources => [
{name => 'ib_spin_rounds', label => 'Spin Rounds'},
{name => 'ib_spin_waits', label => 'Spin Waits'},
{name => 'ib_os_waits', label => 'OS Waits'},
{name => 'ib_rw_shared_rounds', label => 'RW/S Rounds'},
{name => 'ib_rw_shared_waits', label => 'RW/S Waits'},
{name => 'ib_rw_shared_os_waits', label => 'RW/S OS Waits'},
{name => 'ib_rw_excl_rounds', label => 'RW/X Rounds'},
{name => 'ib_rw_excl_waits', label => 'RW/X Waits'},
{name => 'ib_rw_excl_os_waits', label => 'RW/X OS Waits'},
$graphs{innodb_tnx} = {
config => {
global_attrs => {
title => 'InnoDB Transactions',
vlabel => 'Transactions per ${graph_period}',
data_source_attrs => {
draw => 'LINE1',
data_sources => [
{name => 'ib_tnx', label => 'Transactions created'},
$graphs{innodb_history_list_length} = {
config => {
global_attrs => {
title => 'InnoDB History List Length',
vlabel => 'Undo log units',
data_source_attrs => {
draw => 'LINE1',
type => 'GAUGE',
data_sources => [
{name => 'ib_tnx_hist', label => 'History List Length'},
$graphs{innodb_srv_master_thread} = {
config => {
global_attrs => {
title => 'InnoDB Master Thread',
data_source_attrs => {
type => 'DERIVE',
draw => 'AREASTACK',
data_sources => [
{name => 'ib_srv_main_flush_loops', label => 'Flush Loop'},
{name => 'ib_srv_main_background_loops', label => 'Background Loop'},
{name => 'ib_srv_main_flushs_writes', label => 'Flushes/Writes', draw => 'LINE1'},
$graphs{innodb_queries} = {
config => {
global_attrs => {
title => 'InnoDB Engine Queries and Transactions',
args => '--lower-limit 0',
data_source_attrs => {
type => 'GAUGE',
data_sources => [
{name => 'ib_innodb_queries', label => 'Active'},
{name => 'ib_innodb_transactions_active', label => 'Transactions'},
{name => 'ib_innodb_query_queue_len', label => 'Queued'},
$graphs{innodb_read_views} = {
config => {
global_attrs => {
title => 'InnoDB Read Views',
args => '--lower-limit 0',
data_source_attrs => {
type => 'GAUGE',
data_sources => [
{name => 'ib_innodb_read_views', label => 'Views'},
$graphs{innodb_descriptors} = {
config => {
global_attrs => {
title => 'InnoDB Descriptors',
args => '--lower-limit 0',
data_source_attrs => {
type => 'GAUGE',
data_sources => [
{name => 'ib_innodb_descriptors', label => 'Descriptors'},
{name => 'ib_innodb_descriptors_max', label => 'Max', draw => 'AREA', colour => 'ffd660'},
$graphs{performance} = {
config => {
global_attrs => {
title => 'Performance Schema Losses',
data_source_attrs => {
draw => 'LINE1',
data_sources => [
{name => 'Performance_schema_cond_classes_lost', label => 'Condition classes'},
{name => 'Performance_schema_cond_instances_lost', label => 'Condition instances'},
{name => 'Performance_schema_file_classes_lost', label => 'File classes'},
{name => 'Performance_schema_file_handles_lost', label => 'File handles'},
{name => 'Performance_schema_file_instances_lost', label => 'File instances'},
{name => 'Performance_schema_locker_lost', label => 'Locker'},
{name => 'Performance_schema_mutex_classes_lost', label => 'Mutex classes'},
{name => 'Performance_schema_mutex_instances_lost', label => 'Mutex instances'},
{name => 'Performance_schema_rwlock_classes_lost', label => 'Read/Write lock classes'},
{name => 'Performance_schema_rwlock_instances_lost', label => 'Read/Write lock instances'},
{name => 'Performance_schema_table_handles_lost', label => 'Table handles'},
{name => 'Performance_schema_table_instances_lost', label => 'Table instances'},
{name => 'Performance_schema_thread_classes_lost', label => 'Thread classes'},
{name => 'Performance_schema_thread_instances_lost', label => 'Thread instances'},
$graphs{myisam_indexes} = {
config => {
global_attrs => {
title => 'MyISAM Indexes',
vlabel => 'Requests per ${graph_period}',
data_source_attrs => {
draw => 'LINE2',
data_sources => [
{name => 'Key_read_requests', label => 'Key read requests'},
{name => 'Key_reads', label => 'Key reads'},
{name => 'Key_write_requests', label => 'Key write requests'},
{name => 'Key_writes', label => 'Key writes'},
$graphs{network_traffic} = {
config => {
global_attrs => {
title => 'Network Traffic',
args => '--base 1024',
vlabel => 'Bytes received (-) / sent (+) per ${graph_period}',
data_source_attrs => {
draw => 'LINE2',
data_sources => [
{name => 'Bytes_received', label => 'Bytes transferred',
graph => 'no'},
{name => 'Bytes_sent', label => 'Bytes transferred',
negative => 'Bytes_received'},
$graphs{qcache} = {
config => {
global_attrs => {
title => 'Query Cache',
vlabel => 'Commands per ${graph_period}',
data_source_attrs => {
draw => 'LINE1',
data_sources => [
{name => 'Qcache_queries_in_cache', label => 'Queries in cache', type => 'GAUGE'},
{name => 'Qcache_hits', label => 'Cache hits'},
{name => 'Subquery_cache_hit', label => 'Subquery Cache hits'},
{name => 'Subquery_cache_miss', label => 'Subquery Cache misses'},
{name => 'Qcache_inserts', label => 'Inserts'},
{name => 'Qcache_not_cached', label => 'Not cached'},
{name => 'Qcache_lowmem_prunes', label => 'Low-memory prunes'},
$graphs{qcache_mem} = {
config => {
global_attrs => {
title => 'Query Cache Memory',
vlabel => 'Bytes',
args => '--base 1024 --lower-limit 0',
data_source_attrs => {
draw => 'AREA',
type => 'GAUGE',
data_sources => [
{name => 'query_cache_size', label => 'Cache size'},
{name => 'Qcache_free_memory', label => 'Free mem'},
$graphs{max_mem} = {
config => {
global_attrs => {
title => 'Maximum memory that MySQL could use',
vlabel => 'Bytes',
args => '--base 1024 --lower-limit 0',
data_source_attrs => {
draw => 'AREASTACK',
type => 'GAUGE',
data_sources => [
{name => 'mysql_connection_memory', label => 'Connection Memory'},
{name => 'mysql_base_memory', label => 'Base MySQL Memory'},
$graphs{replication} = {
config => {
global_attrs => {
title => 'Replication',
vlabel => 'Activity',
data_source_attrs => {
draw => 'LINE1',
data_sources => [
{name => 'slave_io_running', label => 'Slave IO Running',
type => 'GAUGE',
draw => 'AREA'},
{name => 'slave_sql_running', label => 'Slave SQL Running',
type => 'GAUGE',
draw => 'AREA'},
{name => 'Slave_retried_transactions', label => 'Retried Transactions'},
{name => 'Slave_open_temp_tables', label => 'Open Temp Tables'},
{name => 'seconds_behind_master', label => 'Secs Behind Master',
type => 'GAUGE'},
$graphs{select_types} = {
config => {
global_attrs => {
title => 'Select types',
vlabel => 'Commands per ${graph_period}',
total => 'Total',
data_source_attrs => {},
data_sources => [
{name => 'Select_full_join', label => 'Full join'},
{name => 'Select_full_range_join', label => 'Full range'},
{name => 'Select_range', label => 'Range'},
{name => 'Select_range_check', label => 'Range check'},
{name => 'Select_scan', label => 'Scan'},
$graphs{slow} = {
config => {
global_attrs => {
title => 'Slow Queries',
vlabel => 'Slow queries per ${graph_period}',
data_source_attrs => {
draw => 'LINE2',
data_sources => [
{name => 'Slow_queries', label => 'Slow queries'},
$graphs{sorts} = {
config => {
global_attrs => {
title => 'Sorts',
vlabel => 'Sorts / ${graph_period}',
data_source_attrs => {
draw => 'LINE2',
data_sources => [
{name => 'Sort_rows', label => 'Rows sorted'},
{name => 'Sort_range', label => 'Range'},
{name => 'Sort_merge_passes', label => 'Merge passes'},
{name => 'Sort_scan', label => 'Scan'},
$graphs{table_locks} = {
config => {
global_attrs => {
title => 'Table locks',
vlabel => 'locks per ${graph_period}',
data_source_attrs => {
draw => 'LINE2',
data_sources => [
{name => 'Table_locks_immediate', label => 'Table locks immed'},
{name => 'Table_locks_waited', label => 'Table locks waited'},
$graphs{tmp_tables} = {
config => {
global_attrs => {
title => 'Temporary objects',
vlabel => 'Objects per ${graph_period}',
data_source_attrs => {
draw => 'LINE2',
data_sources => [
{name => 'Created_tmp_disk_tables', label => 'Temp disk tables'},
{name => 'Created_tmp_tables', label => 'Temp tables'},
{name => 'Created_tmp_files', label => 'Temp files'},
$graphs{rows} = {
config => {
global_attrs => {
title => 'Rows',
data_source_attrs => {
draw => 'LINE2',
type => 'DERIVE',
data_sources => [
{name => 'Rows_read', label => 'Read'},
{name => 'Rows_sent', label => 'Sent'},
{name => 'Rows_tmp_read', label => 'Temp Read'},
$graphs{handler_read} = {
config => {
global_attrs => {
title => 'Read Handler',
data_source_attrs => {
draw => 'AREASTACK',
type => 'DERIVE',
data_sources => [
{name => 'Handler_read_first', label => 'Key First'},
{name => 'Handler_read_key', label => 'Key Read'},
{name => 'Handler_read_last', label => 'Key Last'},
{name => 'Handler_read_prev', label => 'Key Prev'},
{name => 'Handler_read_rnd', label => 'Row position'},
{name => 'Handler_read_rnd_deleted', label => 'Row position delete'},
{name => 'Handler_read_rnd_next', label => 'Row position next'},
$graphs{handler_transaction} = {
config => {
global_attrs => {
title => 'Transactions Handler',
data_source_attrs => {
draw => 'AREASTACK',
type => 'DERIVE',
data_sources => [
{name => 'Handler_commit', label => 'Commit'},
{name => 'Handler_rollback', label => 'Rollback'},
{name => 'Handler_savepoint', label => 'Savepoint'},
{name => 'Handler_savepoint_rollback', label => 'Savepoint Rollback'},
$graphs{handler_write} = {
config => {
global_attrs => {
title => 'Write/Update Handler',
data_source_attrs => {
draw => 'LINE2',
type => 'DERIVE',
data_sources => [
{name => 'Handler_write', label => 'Writes'},
{name => 'Handler_update', label => 'Updates'},
$graphs{handler_tmp} = {
config => {
global_attrs => {
title => 'Temporary Write/Update Handler',
data_source_attrs => {
draw => 'LINE2',
type => 'DERIVE',
data_sources => [
{name => 'Handler_tmp_write', label => 'Writes'},
{name => 'Handler_tmp_update', label => 'Updates'},
$graphs{execution} = {
config => {
global_attrs => {
title => 'Execution Events',
data_source_attrs => {
draw => 'LINE2',
type => 'DERIVE',
data_sources => [
{name => 'Executed_events', label => 'Events'},
{name => 'Executed_triggers', label => 'Triggers'},
$graphs{icp} = {
config => {
global_attrs => {
title => 'Index Condition Pushdown',
data_source_attrs => {
draw => 'LINE2',
type => 'DERIVE',
data_sources => [
{name => 'Handler_icp_attempts', label => 'Attempts'},
{name => 'Handler_icp_match', label => 'Matches'},
$graphs{mrr} = {
config => {
global_attrs => {
title => 'Multi Range Read optimizations',
data_source_attrs => {
draw => 'LINE2',
type => 'DERIVE',
data_sources => [
{name => 'Handler_mrr_init', label => 'Uses'},
{name => 'Handler_mrr_key_refills', label => 'Key refills'},
{name => 'Handler_mrr_rowid_refills', label => 'Row refills'},
# Plugin Graphs
# These are MySQL plugins of type INFORMATION SCHEMA
# These will be added to $graphs if available
my %graph_plugins = ();
$graph_plugins{query_response_time} = {
count => {
config => {
global_attrs => {
title => 'Query Response Time Count',
vlabel => 'queries per ${graph_period}',
data_source_attrs => {
draw => 'LINE2',
type => 'DERIVE',
# convert microseconds back to the SI unit
cdef => '%s,1000000,/',
# data_sources are populated by sub plugin_query_response_time
data_sources => [
total => {
config => {
global_attrs => {
title => 'Query Response Time Total',
vlabel => 'cumulated query time per ${graph_period}',
data_source_attrs => {
draw => 'LINE2',
type => 'DERIVE',
# data_sources are populated by sub plugin_query_response_time
data_sources => [
$graph_plugins{user_statistics} = {
connections => {
config => {
global_attrs => {
title => 'User Connections',
vlabel => 'connections per ${graph_period}',
data_source_attrs => {
draw => 'LINE2',
type => 'DERIVE',
cols => { 'total_connections' => {}, 'concurrent_connections' => {}, 'denied_connections' => {}, 'lost_connections' => {}},
data_sources => [
usertime => {
config => {
global_attrs => {
title => 'User Time',
vlabel => 'seconds',
data_source_attrs => {
draw => 'LINE2',
type => 'DERIVE',
cols => { 'connected_time' => {}, 'busy_time' => {}, 'cpu_time' => {} },
data_sources => [
bytes => {
config => {
global_attrs => {
title => 'User Bytes',
vlabel => 'bytes',
data_source_attrs => {
draw => 'LINE2',
type => 'DERIVE',
cols => { 'bytes_received' => {}, 'bytes_sent' => {}, 'binlog_bytes_written' => {} },
data_sources => [
rows => {
config => {
global_attrs => {
title => 'User Rows',
vlabel => 'rows',
data_source_attrs => {
draw => 'LINE2',
type => 'DERIVE',
cols => { 'rows_read' => {}, 'rows_sent' => {}, 'rows_deleted' => {}, 'rows_inserted' => {}, 'rows_updated' => {} },
data_sources => [
commands => {
config => {
global_attrs => {
title => 'Command breakdown by user',
vlabel => 'commands',
data_source_attrs => {
draw => 'LINE2',
type => 'DERIVE',
cols => { 'select_commands' => {}, 'update_commands' => {}, 'other_commands' => {}, 'commit_transactions' => {}, 'rollback_transactions' => {} },
data_sources => [
# M A I N
# Global hash holding the data collected from MySQL.
our $data; # Was 'my'. Changed to 'our' to facilitate testing.
sub main {
my $graph = basename($0);
$graph =~ s/^mysql[0-9]*_//g; # allow multiple instances
my $command = $ARGV[0] || 'show';
my %command_map = (
'autoconf' => \&autoconf,
'config' => \&config,
'show' => \&show,
'suggest' => \&suggest,
die "Unknown command: $command"
unless exists $command_map{$command};
die "Missing dependency Cache::Cache"
unless $has_cache || $command eq 'autoconf';
die "Missing dependency DBI"
unless $has_dbi || $command eq 'autoconf';
die "Missing dependency Math::BigInt"
unless $has_math_bigint || $command eq 'autoconf';
return $command_map{$command}->($graph);
# C O M M A N D H A N D L E R S
# Each command handler should return an appropriate exit code
sub autoconf {
unless ($has_cache) {
print "no (Missing dependency Cache::Cache)\n";
return 0;
unless ($has_dbi) {
print "no (Missing dependency DBI)\n";
return 0;
unless ($has_math_bigint) {
print "no (Missing dependency Math::BigInt)\n";
return 0;
eval {
if ($@) {
my $err = $@;
$err =~ s{\s at \s \S+ \s line .*}{}xms;
print "no ($err)\n";
return 0;
print "yes\n";
return 0;
sub suggest {
# What is the best way to decide which graphs is applicable to a
# given system?
# Answer:
# Use lack of variables to indicate that the capability doesn't exist
# Use variable values to indicate some graph isn't currently used.
# update_data() now does this.
foreach my $graph (sort keys(%graphs)) {
next if $graph =~ /innodb_/ && $data->{_innodb_disabled};
next if $graph =~ /wsrep_/ && $data->{_galera_disabled};
print "$graph\n";
return 0;
sub config {
my $graph_name = shift;
# In MySQL 5.1 (and probably earlier versions as well) status
# variables are unique when looking at the last 19 characters.
# SELECT RIGHT(variable_name, 19), COUNT(*)
# FROM information_schema.global_status
# GROUP BY RIGHT(variable_name, 19)
# HAVING COUNT(*) > 1;
# Empty set (0.06 sec)
# There is one duplicate when looking at server variables
# SELECT RIGHT(variable_name, 19), COUNT(*)
# FROM information_schema.global_variables
# GROUP BY RIGHT(variable_name, 19)
# HAVING COUNT(*) > 1;
# +--------------------------+----------+
# | RIGHT(variable_name, 19) | COUNT(*) |
# +--------------------------+----------+
# +--------------------------+----------+
# 1 row in set (0.05 sec)
# show global variables like '%OW_PRIORITY_UPDATES';
# +--------------------------+-------+
# | Variable_name | Value |
# +--------------------------+-------+
# | low_priority_updates | OFF |
# | sql_low_priority_updates | OFF |
# +--------------------------+-------+
# 2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
# Not a problem since we don't graph these
die 'Unknown graph ' . ($graph_name ? $graph_name : '')
unless $graphs{$graph_name};
my $graph = $graphs{$graph_name};
my %conf = (%{$defaults{global_attrs}}, %{$graph->{config}{global_attrs}});
while (my ($k, $v) = each %conf) {
print "graph_$k $v\n";
print "graph_category db\n";
for my $ds (@{$graph->{data_sources}}) {
my %ds_spec = (
while (my ($k, $v) = each %ds_spec) {
# 'name' is only used internally in this script, not
# understood by munin.
next if ($k eq 'name');
# support simple pattern substitution in cdef ("%s" -> fieldname)
my $fieldname = clean_fieldname($ds->{name});
$v =~ s/%s/$fieldname/g if (($k eq "cdef") and ($v =~ /%s/));
printf("%s.%s %s\n", $fieldname, $k, $v);
return 0;
sub show {
my $graph_name = shift;
die 'Unknown graph ' . ($graph_name ? $graph_name : '')
unless $graphs{$graph_name};
my $graph = $graphs{$graph_name};
die "Can't show data for '$graph_name' because InnoDB is disabled."
if $graph_name =~ /innodb_/ && $data->{_innodb_disabled};
die "Can't show data for '$graph_name' because not a Galera MySQL version."
if $graph_name =~ /wsrep_/ && $data->{_galera_disabled};
for my $ds (@{$graph->{data_sources}}) {
printf "%s.value %s\n",
defined $data->{$ds->{name}} ? $data->{$ds->{name}} : 'U';
return 0;
# U T I L I T Y S U B S
sub db_connect {
my $dsn = "$config{dsn};mysql_connect_timeout=5";
return DBI->connect($dsn, $config{user}, $config{password}, {
RaiseError => 1,
PrintError => 0,
FetchHashKeyName => 'NAME_lc',
sub update_data {
$data = $shared_memory_cache->get('data');
my $graphs_stored = $shared_memory_cache->get('graphs');
%graphs = %{thaw($graphs_stored)} if $graphs_stored;
return if $data;
$data = {};
my $dbh = db_connect();
delete $graphs{replication} if update_slave($dbh)==1;
delete $graphs{bin_relay_log} if not defined $data->{relay_log_space};
delete $graphs{execution} if not defined $data->{Executed_events}
&& not defined $data->{Executed_triggers};
delete $graphs{icp} if not defined $data->{Handler_icp_attempts}
&& not defined $data->{Handler_icp_matches};
delete $graphs{innodb_adaptive_hash}
if not defined $data->{Innodb_adaptive_hash_hash_searches}
&& not defined $data->{Innodb_adaptive_hash_non_hash_searches};
delete $graphs{innodb_bpool_internal_breakdown}
if not defined $data->{ib_bpool_internal_adaptive_hash_size_const};
delete $graphs{innodb_descriptors}
if not defined $data->{ib_innodb_descriptors};
delete $graphs{mrr} if not defined $data->{Handler_mrr_init};
delete $graphs{rows} if not defined $data->{Rows_sent};
delete $graphs{handler_temp} if not defined $data->{Handler_tmp_write};
$shared_memory_cache->set('data', $data);
$shared_memory_cache->set('graphs', nfreeze(\%graphs));
sub update_plugins {
my ($dbh) = @_;
my %plugin_map = (
'query_response_time' => \&plugin_query_response_time,
sub add_graphs {
my ($f, $sec, $dbh, %g) = @_;
if ($f->($dbh) == 0) {
while (my ($k, $v) = each %g) {
$graphs{$sec . '_' . $k} = $v;
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SHOW PLUGINS");
while (my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref()) {
next if $row->{'type'} ne 'INFORMATION SCHEMA';
my $sec = lc $row->{'name'};
next if not exists $plugin_map{$sec};
add_graphs($plugin_map{$sec}, $sec, $dbh, %{$graph_plugins{$sec}});
my %is_map = (
'user_statistics' => \&is_user_statistics,
$sth = $dbh->prepare("SHOW TABLES IN INFORMATION_SCHEMA");
while (my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref()) {
my $sec = lc $row->{'tables_in_information_schema'};
next if not exists $is_map{$sec};
add_graphs($is_map{$sec}, $sec, $dbh, %{$graph_plugins{$sec}});
sub update_variables {
my ($dbh) = @_;
my @queries = (
my %variable_name_map = (
table_cache => 'table_open_cache', # table_open_cache was
# previously known as
# table_cache in MySQL
# 5.1.2 and earlier.
my %wsrep_cluster_status_map = (
'Primary' => 0,
'non-Primary' => 1,
for my $query (@queries) {
$data->{$query} = {};
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
while (my $row = $sth->fetch) {
my $var = $variable_name_map{$row->[0]} || $row->[0];
$data->{$var} = $row->[1];
$data->{'mysql_base_memory'} = $data->{'key_buffer_size'}
+ $data->{'query_cache_size'}
+ $data->{'innodb_buffer_pool_size'}
+ ( $data->{'innodb_additional_mem_pool_size'} || 0 )
+ $data->{'innodb_log_buffer_size'}
+ ( $data->{'tokudb_cache_size'} || 0 );
my $tmp_table_size = $data->{'tmp_table_size'};
my $max_heap_table_size = $data->{'max_heap_table_size'};
$data->{'mysql_connection_memory'} = $data->{'read_buffer_size'}
+ $data->{'read_rnd_buffer_size'}
+ $data->{'sort_buffer_size'}
+ $data->{'join_buffer_size'}
+ $data->{'binlog_cache_size'}
+ $data->{'thread_stack'}
+ ( $tmp_table_size >= $max_heap_table_size ? $tmp_table_size : $max_heap_table_size )
+ ( $data->{'tokudb_read_buf_size'} || 0 );
# wsrep_thread_count was separated from max_connections for mariadb-5.5.38
$data->{'mysql_connection_memory'} *= $data->{'max_connections'} + ( $data->{'wsrep_thread_count'} || 0 );
if ($data->{wsrep_cluster_status}) {
my $var = $wsrep_cluster_status_map{$data->{wsrep_cluster_status}};
$data->{wsrep_cluster_status} = $var;
$data->{_galera_disabled} = 1 unless ($data->{wsrep_provider_name});
sub update_innodb {
my ($dbh) = @_;
my $sth = $dbh->prepare('SHOW /*!50000 ENGINE*/ INNODB STATUS');
eval {
if ($@) {
if ($@ =~ /Unknown (storage|table) engine 'INNODB'|Cannot call SHOW INNODB STATUS because skip-innodb is defined/i) {
$data->{_innodb_disabled} = 1;
die $@;
my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref();
my $status = $row->{'status'};
sub update_master {
my ($dbh) = @_;
my $sth = $dbh->prepare('SHOW MASTER LOGS');
eval {
if ($@) {
# SHOW MASTER LOGS failed because binlog is not enabled
return if $@ =~ /You are not using binary logging/;
die $@;
while (my $row = $sth->fetch) {
$data->{ma_binlog_size} += $row->[1];
sub update_slave {
my ($dbh) = @_;
my $sth = $dbh->prepare('SHOW SLAVE STATUS');
my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref();
return 1 unless $row;
while (my ($k, $v) = each %$row) {
$data->{$k} = $v;
# We choose master_host here as a stopped slave
# may not indicate that we have reset all slave capability
# however the minimium requirement is a master_host
return 1 if not defined $data->{master_host};
# undef when slave is stopped, or when MySQL fails to calculate
# the lag (which happens depresingly often). (mk-heartbeat fixes
# this problem.)
$data->{seconds_behind_master} ||= 0;
# Track these two fields so we can trigger warnings if the slave stops
# running
$data->{slave_sql_running} = ($data->{slave_sql_running} eq 'Yes')
? 0 : 1;
$data->{slave_io_running} = ($data->{slave_io_running} eq 'Yes')
? 0 : 1;
return 0;
# Information SCHEMA tables represent data to be processed
sub plugin_query_response_time {
my ($dbh) = @_;
return 1 if not defined $data->{query_response_time_stats};
return 1 if $data->{query_response_time_stats} eq 'OFF';
while (my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref()) {
my $time = $row->{'time'};
$data->{'query_response_time_count_' . $time} = $row->{'count'};
push @{$graph_plugins{query_response_time}->{count}->{data_sources}}, {name => 'query_response_time_count_' . $time, label => $time };
next if $row->{'total'} eq 'TOO LONG';
# use microseconds (we use the integer-based DERIVE storage)
$data->{'query_response_time_total_' . $time} = $row->{'total'} * 1e6;
push @{$graph_plugins{query_response_time}->{total}->{data_sources}}, {name => 'query_response_time_total_' . $time, label => $time };
return 0;
sub is_user_statistics {
my ($dbh) = @_;
return 1 if not defined $data->{userstat};
return 1 if $data->{userstat} eq 'OFF';
while (my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref()) {
my $user = $row->{'user'};
my $var;
while (my ($g, $v) = each %{$graph_plugins{user_statistics}}) {
while (my ($userstat,$conf) = each %{$v->{cols}}) {
$var = 'user_stats_' . $user . '_' . $userstat;
$data->{$var} = int $row->{$userstat};
my $ds = { %$conf };
$ds->{name} = $var;
$ds->{label} = $user . ' ' . $userstat;
push @{$graph_plugins{user_statistics}->{$g}->{data_sources}}, $ds;
return 0;
# In 'SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS' 64 bit integers are not formatted as
# plain integers. They are either:
# - split in two and needs to be shifted together,
# - or hexadecimal
sub innodb_bigint {
my ($x, $y) = @_;
return defined $y
? Math::BigInt->new($x)->blsft(32) + $y
: Math::BigInt->new("0x$x");
# A nice walk through
# The parsing is split in one subrutine per section. Each subroutine
# should parse a block with the following structure
# block body ...
# more lines ....
# ----------
sub parse_innodb_status {
local $_ = shift;
# Add a dummy section to the end in case the innodb status output
# has been truncated (Happens for status > 64K characters)
$_ .= "\n----------\nDUMMY\n----------\n";
my %section_map = (
'BUFFER POOL AND MEMORY' => \&parse_buffer_pool_and_memory,
'INDIVIDUAL BUFFER POOL INFO' => \&parse_individual_buffer_pool,
'FILE I/O' => \&parse_file_io,
=> \&parse_insert_buffer_and_adaptive_hash_index,
'LOG' => \&parse_log,
'ROW OPERATIONS' => \&parse_row_operations,
'SEMAPHORES' => \&parse_semaphores,
'TRANSACTIONS' => \&parse_transactions,
'BACKGROUND THREAD' => \&parse_background_thread,
for (;;) {
my $sec = $1;
if ($sec eq 'DUMMY') {
if (exists $section_map{$sec}) {
} else {
#warn "Unknown section: $1";
# This regular expression handles the different formatting of 64-bit
# integers in different versions of the innodb engine. Either two
# decimal 32-bit integers separated by a space, or a single
# hexadecimal 64-bit integer.
my $innodb_bigint_rx = qr{([[a-fA-F\d]+)(?: (\d+))?};
sub match_new_section {
return m/\G
-+\n # ---------------------------
(?= [A-Z\/ ]+\n # SECTION NAME
[=-]+\n)/gcx; # --------------------------- ('=' on end of output)
sub skip_line { return m/\G.*\n/gc; }
sub skip_heading {
# Heading is 3 lines
for my $foo (1...3) {
skip_line or die('Parse error');
sub parse_section {
my ($parser) = @_;
#warn substr($_, pos(), 10);
for (;;) {
return if match_new_section;
next if $parser->();
sub skip { parse_section(sub {}); }
sub parse_header_seconds {
sub {
m/\GPer second averages calculated from the last (\d+) seconds\n/gc && do {
$data->{innodb_engine_status_seconds} = $1;
return 1;
sub parse_background_thread {
sub {
m/\Gsrv_master_thread loops: \d+ 1_second, \d+ sleeps, \d+ 10_second, (\d+) background, (\d+) flush\n/gc && do {
$data->{ib_srv_main_flush_loops} = $1;
$data->{ib_srv_main_background_loops} = $2;
return 1;
m/\Gsrv_master_thread log flush and writes: (\d+)\n/gc && do {
$data->{ib_srv_main_flushs_writes} = $1;
return 1;
sub parse_row_operations {
sub {
m/\G(\d+) queries inside InnoDB, (\d+) queries in queue\n/gc && do {
$data->{ib_innodb_queries} = $1;
$data->{ib_innodb_query_queue_len} = $2;
return 1;
m/\G(\d+) read views open inside InnoDB\n/gc && do {
$data->{ib_innodb_read_views} = $1;
return 1;
m/\G(\d+) transactions active inside InnoDB\n/gc && do {
$data->{ib_innodb_transactions_active} = $1;
return 1;
m/\G(\d+) out of (\d+) descriptors used\n/gc && do {
$data->{ib_innodb_descriptors} = $1;
$data->{ib_innodb_descriptors_max} = $2;
return 1;
# no need for this - its exposed as status variables
# m/\GNumber of rows inserted (\d+), updated (\d+), deleted (\d+), read (\d+)\n/gc && do {
# $data->{ib_innodb_rows_inserted} = $1;
# $data->{ib_innodb_rows_updated} = $2;
# $data->{ib_innodb_rows_deleted} = $3;
# $data->{ib_innodb_rows_read} = $4;
# return 1;
# };
sub parse_semaphores {
sub {
m/\GMutex spin waits (\d+), rounds (\d+), OS waits (\d+)\n/gc && do {
$data->{ib_spin_waits} = $1;
$data->{ib_spin_rounds} = $2;
$data->{ib_os_waits} = $3;
return 1;
m/\GRW-shared spins (\d+), rounds (\d+), OS waits (\d+)\n/gc && do {
$data->{ib_rw_shared_waits} = $1;
$data->{ib_rw_shared_rounds} = $2;
$data->{ib_rw_shared_os_waits} = $3;
return 1;
m/\GRW-excl spins (\d+), rounds (\d+), OS waits (\d+)\n/gc && do {
$data->{ib_rw_excl_waits} = $1;
$data->{ib_rw_excl_rounds} = $2;
$data->{ib_rw_excl_os_waits} = $3;
return 1;
sub parse_transactions {
sub {
m/\GTrx id counter $innodb_bigint_rx\n/gc && do {
$data->{ib_tnx} = innodb_bigint($1, $2);
return 1;
m/\GPurge done for trx's n:o < $innodb_bigint_rx undo n:o < $innodb_bigint_rx\n/gc && do {
if (defined $3) {
# old format
$data->{ib_tnx_prg} = innodb_bigint($1, $2);
# FIX add to data? innodb_bigint($3, $4);
else {
# new format
$data->{ib_tnx_prg} = innodb_bigint($1);
# FIX add to data? innodb_bigint($2);
return 1;
m/\GHistory list length (\d+)\n/gc && do {
$data->{ib_tnx_hist} = $1;
return 1;
sub parse_file_io {
sub {
m/\GPending normal aio reads: (\d+)(?: \[(?:\d+, )*\d+\] )?, aio writes: (\d+)(?: \[(?:\d+, )*\d+\] )?,\n\s*ibuf aio reads: (\d+), log i\/o's: (\d+), sync i\/o's: (\d+)\n/gc && do {
$data->{ib_iop_aioread} = $1;
$data->{ib_iop_aiowrite} = $2;
$data->{ib_iop_ibuf_aio} = $3;
$data->{ib_iop_log} = $4;
$data->{ib_iop_sync} = $5;
return 1;
m/\GPending flushes \(fsync\) log: (\d+); buffer pool: (\d+)\n/gc && do {
$data->{ib_iop_flush_log} = $1;
$data->{ib_iop_flush_bpool} = $2;
return 1;
m/\G(\d+) OS file reads, (\d+) OS file writes, (\d+) OS fsyncs\n/gc && do {
$data->{ib_io_read} = $1;
$data->{ib_io_write} = $2;
$data->{ib_io_fsync} = $3;
return 1;
sub parse_insert_buffer_and_adaptive_hash_index {
sub {
# MySQL < 5.5
m/\G(\d+) inserts, (\d+) merged recs, (\d+) merges\n/gc && do {
$data->{ib_ibuf_inserts} = $1;
$data->{ib_ibuf_merged_rec} = $2;
$data->{ib_ibuf_merges} = $3;
return 1;
# MySQL >= 5.5
m/\Gmerged operations:\n insert (\d+), delete mark (\d+), delete (\d+)\ndiscarded operations:\n insert (\d+), delete mark (\d+), delete (\d+)\n/gc && do {
$data->{ib_ibuf_inserts} = $1;
$data->{ib_ibuf_delete_mark} = $2;
$data->{ib_ibuf_delete} = $3;
$data->{ib_ibuf_discard_inserts} = $4;
$data->{ib_ibuf_discard_delete_mark} = $5;
$data->{ib_ibuf_discard_delete} = $6;
$data->{ib_ibuf_merged_rec} = $data->{ib_ibuf_inserts} + $data->{ib_ibuf_discard_inserts};
return 1;
m/\GIbuf: size (\d+), free list len (\d+), seg size (\d+),(?: (\d+) merges)?\n/gc && do {
$data->{ib_ibuf_size} = $1;
$data->{ib_ibuf_free_len} = $2;
$data->{ib_ibuf_seg_size} = $3;
$data->{ib_ibuf_merges} = $4 if defined $4; # MySQL >= 5.5
return 1;
sub parse_log {
sub {
m/\GLog sequence number $innodb_bigint_rx\n/gc && do {
$data->{ib_log_written} = innodb_bigint($1, $2);
return 1;
m/\GLog flushed up to\s+$innodb_bigint_rx\n/gc && do {
$data->{ib_log_flush} = innodb_bigint($1, $2);
return 1;
m/\G(\d+) log i\/o's done.*\n/gc && do {
$data->{ib_io_log} = $1;
return 1;
sub parse_buffer_pool_and_memory {
sub {
m/\GBuffer pool size\s+(\d+)\n/gc && do {
$data->{ib_bpool_size} = $1;
return 1;
m/\GBuffer pool size, bytes\s+(\d+)\n/gc && do {
$data->{ib_bpool_size_bytes} = $1;
return 1;
m/\GFree buffers\s+(\d+)\n/gc && do {
$data->{ib_bpool_free} = $1;
return 1;
m/\GDatabase pages\s+(\d+)\n/gc && do {
$data->{ib_bpool_dbpages} = $1;
return 1;
m/\GModified db pages\s+(\d+)\n/gc && do {
$data->{ib_bpool_modpages} = $1;
return 1;
m/\GOld database pages\s+(\d+)\n/gc && do {
$data->{ib_bpool_oldpages} = $1;
return 1;
m/\GPages made young (\d+), not young (\d+)\n/gc && do {
$data->{ib_bpool_made_young} = $1;
$data->{ib_bpool_made_not_young} = $2;
return 1;
m/\GPages read (\d+), created (\d+), written (\d+)\n/gc && do {
$data->{ib_bpool_read} = $1;
$data->{ib_bpool_created} = $2;
$data->{ib_bpool_written} = $3;
return 1;
# mariadb-5.5
m/\GInternal hash tables \(constant factor \+ variable factor\)\n\s*Adaptive hash index\s*(\d+)\s*\((\d+) \+ (\d+)\) *\n\s+Page hash +(\d+) +\(buffer pool \d+ only\) *\n\s+Dictionary cache\s*(\d+)\s+\((\d+) \+ (\d+)\) *\n\s+File system\s+(\d+)\s+\((\d+) \+ (\d+)\) *\n\s+Lock system\s+(\d+)\s+\((\d+) \+ (\d+)\) *\n\s+Recovery system\s*(\d+)\s+\((\d+) \+ (\d+)\) *\n/gc
&& do {
$data->{ib_bpool_internal_adaptive_hash_size_total} = $1;
$data->{ib_bpool_internal_adaptive_hash_size_const} = $2;
$data->{ib_bpool_internal_adaptive_hash_size_var} = $3;
$data->{ib_bpool_internal_page_hash_size_total} = $4;
$data->{ib_bpool_internal_dictionary_cache_size_total} = $5;
$data->{ib_bpool_internal_dictionary_cache_size_const} = $6;
$data->{ib_bpool_internal_dictionary_cache_size_var} = $7;
$data->{ib_bpool_internal_file_system_size_total} = $8;
$data->{ib_bpool_internal_file_system_size_const} = $9;
$data->{ib_bpool_internal_file_system_size_var} = $10;
$data->{ib_bpool_internal_lock_system_size_total} = $11;
$data->{ib_bpool_internal_lock_system_size_const} = $12;
$data->{ib_bpool_internal_lock_system_size_var} = $13;
$data->{ib_bpool_internal_recovery_system_size_total} = $14;
$data->{ib_bpool_internal_recovery_system_size_const} = $15;
$data->{ib_bpool_internal_recovery_system_size_var} = $16;
return 1;
sub parse_individual_buffer_pool {
sub {
m/\G---BUFFER POOL (\d+)\n/gc && do {
my $pool = $1;
$data->{ib_bpool_individual_pool_count} = $pool + 1;
m/\GBuffer pool size\s+(\d+)\n/gc && do {
$data->{"ib_bpool_individual_pool_${pool}_size"} = $1;
m/\GBuffer pool size, bytes\s+(\d+)\n/gc && do {
$data->{"ib_bpool_individual_pool_${pool}_size_bytes"} = $1;
m/\GFree buffers\s+(\d+)\nDatabase pages\s+(\d+)\nOld database pages\s+(\d+)\nModified db pages\s+(\d+)\nPending reads\s+(\d+)\nPending writes: LRU\s+(\d+), flush list\s+(\d+), single page\s+(\d+)\n/gc && do {
$data->{"ib_bpool_individual_pool_${pool}_free"} = $1;
$data->{"ib_bpool_individual_pool_${pool}_dbpages"} = $2;
$data->{"ib_bpool_individual_pool_${pool}_oldpages"} = $3;
$data->{"ib_bpool_individual_pool_${pool}_modpages"} = $4;
$data->{"ib_bpool_individual_pool_${pool}_pending_reads"} = $5;
$data->{"ib_bpool_individual_pool_${pool}_pending_writes_lru"} = $6;
$data->{"ib_bpool_individual_pool_${pool}_pending_writes_flush"} = $7;
$data->{"ib_bpool_individual_pool_${pool}_pending_writes_single"} = $8;
m/\GPages read (\d+), created (\d+), written (\d+)\n/gc && do {
$data->{"ib_bpool_individual_pool_${pool}_read"} = $1;
$data->{"ib_bpool_individual_pool_${pool}_created"} = $2;
$data->{"ib_bpool_individual_pool_${pool}_written"} = $3;
return 1;
sub handle_incomplete_innodb_status {
warn "Output from SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS was truncated. "
. "This happens if the output of STATUS exceeds 64KB. "
. "Several of the InnoDB graphs might be affected by this.";
# FIX Is it possible to find some of the missing values from SHOW
exit main() unless caller;