Your IP :
# -*- perl -*-
=head1 NAME
cmc_tc_sensor_ - Wildcard plugin for monitoring CMC temperature sensors via SNMP
This is a wildcard plugin. The plugin link name prefix (after the final "_")
should be a hostname to contact via SNMP.
This plugin does not use configuration environment variables.
=head1 AUTHOR
Unknown author
=head1 LICENSE
=head1 BUGS
Possibly misnamed. Candidate to be snmp__cmctcsensor_
#%# family=contrib
#%# capabilities=suggest
use strict;
use warnings;
use FindBin qw ($Bin $Script);
use Net::SNMP;
use Data::Dumper;
use vars qw ($configure $suggest $sensor_unit $sensor_index %sensor);
# Quit if run without specified sensors
unless ($0 =~ /_\d+_\d+$/ || ($ARGV[0] && $ARGV[0] eq "suggest")) {
print "Need sensor spesification symlinked in file name.\n";
print "Hint: $0 suggest\n";
exit 1;
# To configure
if ($ARGV[0] && $ARGV[0] eq "config") {
$configure = 1;
# 'suggest' creates proper symlinks.
if ($ARGV[0] && $ARGV[0] eq "suggest") {
$suggest = 1;
# Find variable
if ($0 =~ /^.*\_(\d+)\_(\d+)$/) {
$sensor_unit = $1;
$sensor_index = $2;
my $host = ($ENV{'hostname'} || '');
my $comm = ($ENV{'communitystring'} || 'public');
my ($session, $error) = Net::SNMP->session(
-hostname => $host,
-community => $comm,
-port => 161,
-version => 'snmpv1',
if (!defined ($session)) {
printf ("ERROR: %s.\n", $error);
exit 1;
} else {
if (($configure && $sensor_unit && $sensor_index) || $suggest) {
my %properties = (
1 => 'index',
2 => 'type',
3 => 'desc',
4 => 'status',
5 => 'value',
6 => 'high',
7 => 'low',
8 => 'warn',
# TODO: Fill out more from MIB
my %sensor_types = (
1 => 'not available',
10 => 'temperature',
if ($configure) {
# .
# unit -^ ^ ^- index
# `- property
my $baseoid = "" . (2 + $sensor_unit) . ".5.2.1";
if (defined (my $response = $session->get_table ($baseoid))) {
while (my ($oid, $value) = each (%$response)) {
my $prop_id = undef;
if ($oid =~ /(?:\d+\.){13}(\d+)(?:\.\d+){1}/) {
$prop_id = $1;
(my $j = $oid) =~ s/^.*\.(\d)$/$1/;
if ($j == $sensor_index) {
my $prop = $properties{$prop_id};
# print "Sensor: $sensor_unit \t Prop: $prop \t Index: $sensor_index \t Value: $value\n";
$sensor{$sensor_unit}->{$sensor_index}->{$prop} = $value;
my $sensor_name = "sensor_" . $sensor_unit . "_" . $sensor_index;
my $type = $sensor{$sensor_unit}->{$sensor_index}->{'type'};
print "graph_title Sensor ${sensor_unit}\/${sensor_index}\n";
print "graph_args --base 1000 -l 0\n";
print "graph_category Environment\n";
if ($sensor_types{$type} eq "temperature") {
# Find thermometer scale (Celsius or Fahrenheit);
my $temp_scale_oid = "";
my %temp_scales = (
1 => "Celsius",
2 => "Fahrenheit",
if (defined (my $response = $session->get_request ($temp_scale_oid))) {
my (undef, $scale) = each (%$response);
print "graph_label Degrees $temp_scales{$scale}\n";
print "graph_vlabel Degrees $temp_scales{$scale}\n";
print "$sensor_name\.label " . $sensor{$sensor_unit}->{$sensor_index}->{'desc'} . "\n";
print "$sensor_name\.warning " . $sensor{$sensor_unit}->{$sensor_index}->{'low'} . ":" . $sensor{$sensor_unit}->{$sensor_index}->{'warn'} . "\n";
print "$sensor_name\.critical " . $sensor{$sensor_unit}->{$sensor_index}->{'low'} . ":" . $sensor{$sensor_unit}->{$sensor_index}->{'high'} . "\n";
} elsif ($suggest) {
# Find number of connected CMC units
my $num_units_oid = '';
my $num_units = $session->get_request ($num_units_oid)->{$num_units_oid};
# .
# ^- 2 + $unit_no
for (my $i = 1; $i <= $num_units; $i++) {
# Walk each table
my $baseoid = "" . (2 + $i) . ".5.2.1";
# Find properties and values
# We only traverse the OID tree once per sensor,
# to reduce number of SNMP GET requests.
if (defined (my $response = $session->get_table ($baseoid))) {
while (my ($oid, $value) = each (%$response)) {
my $prop_id = undef;
if ($oid =~ /(?:\d+\.){13}(\d+)(?:\.\d+){1}/) {
$prop_id = $1;
my $prop = $properties{$prop_id};
(my $j = $oid) =~ s/^(?:\d+\.)*(\d+)$/$1/g;
# print "Sensor: $i \t Prop: $prop \t Index: $j \t Value: $value\n";
$sensor{$i}->{$j}->{$prop} = $value;
} else {
print $session->error, "\n";;
# Now, traverse the sensor tree(s)
while (my ($key, $val) = each (%sensor)) {
while (my ($key2, $val2) = each (%$val)) {
# Check if sensor is available (value == 4)
if ($sensor{$key}->{$key2}->{'status'} == 4) {
my $filename = "/etc/munin/plugins/cmc-tc_sensor_" . $key . "_" . $key2;
`ln -s $Bin\/$Script $filename`;
} else {
if (defined ($session)) {
# Go directly to the OID we want
my $oid = "" . (2 + $sensor_unit) . "." . $sensor_index;
my $value = $session->get_request ($oid)->{$oid};
# Show values
print "sensor_" . $sensor_unit . "_" . $sensor_index . ".value $value\n";
exit 0;