Your IP :
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Novell/SUSE
# Copyright (C) 2015 Canonical, Ltd.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public
# License published by the Free Software Foundation.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# used with postfix/*
capability setuid,
capability setgid,
capability sys_chroot,
# postfix's master can send us signals
signal receive peer=/usr/lib/postfix/master,
signal receive peer=postfix-master,
unix (send, receive) peer=(label=/usr/lib/postfix/master),
unix (send, receive) peer=(label=postfix-master),
/etc/mailname r,
/etc/postfix/*.cf r,
/etc/postfix/*.db rk,
@{PROC}/net/if_inet6 r,
/usr/lib/postfix/*.so mr,
/usr/lib{,32,64}/sasl2/* mr,
/usr/lib{,32,64}/sasl2/ r,
/usr/lib/@{multiarch}/sasl2/* mr,
/usr/lib/@{multiarch}/sasl2/ r,
/var/spool/postfix/etc/* r,
/var/spool/postfix/lib/lib*.so* mr,
/var/spool/postfix/lib/@{multiarch}/lib*.so* mr,