Your IP :
$MESS["STAT_SESS1_SESS2"] = "The session field \"from\" must be less than or equal to \"till\" field in the filter";
$MESS["STAT_HITS1_HITS2"] = "The hit field \"from\" must be less than or equal to \"till\" field in the filter";
$MESS["STAT_EVENTS1_EVENTS2"] = "The event field \"from\" must be less than or equal to \"till\" field in the filter";
$MESS["STAT_RECORDS_LIST"] = "Visitors for the last #STATISTIC_DAYS# days";
$MESS["STAT_WRONG_FIRST_DATE_FROM"] = "Please provide a valid \"from\" first visit date in the filter";
$MESS["STAT_WRONG_FIRST_DATE_TILL"] = "Please provide a valid \"till\" first visit date in the filter";
$MESS["STAT_FROM_TILL_FIRST_DATE"] = "The \"till\" first visit date must be greater than the \"from\" first visit date in the filter";
$MESS["STAT_WRONG_LAST_DATE_FROM"] = "Please provide a valid \"from\" last visit date in the filter";
$MESS["STAT_WRONG_LAST_DATE_TILL"] = "Please provide a valid \"till\" last visit date in the filter";
$MESS["STAT_FROM_TILL_LAST_DATE"] = "The \"till\" last visit date must be greater than the \"from\" last visit date in the filter";
$MESS["STAT_WRONG_PERIOD_DATE_FROM"] = "Please provide a valid \"from\" visit date in the filter";
$MESS["STAT_WRONG_PERIOD_DATE_TILL"] = "Please provide a valid \"till\" visit date in the filter";
$MESS["STAT_FROM_TILL_PERIOD_DATE"] = "The \"till\" visit date must be greater than the \"from\" visit date in the filter";
$MESS["STAT_F_GUEST_ID"] = "Visitor ID";
$MESS["STAT_F_REGISTERED"] = "Registered";
$MESS["STAT_F_USER"] = "ID, login, name, last name";
$MESS["STAT_F_FIRST_DATE"] = "First visit date";
$MESS["STAT_F_PERIOD_DATE"] = "Visit date";
$MESS["STAT_F_LAST_DATE"] = "Last visit date";
$MESS["STAT_F_PAGE"] = "Page";
$MESS["STAT_F_FIRST_ADV"] = "Advertising campaign visitors";
$MESS["STAT_F_ADV"] = "Advertising campaign (AD) ID";
$MESS["STAT_F_EVENTS_1_2"] = "Events";
$MESS["STAT_F_SESS_1_2"] = "Sessions";
$MESS["STAT_F_HITS_1_2"] = "Hits";
$MESS["STAT_F_USER_AGENT"] = "UserAgent";
$MESS["STAT_F_IP"] = "IP address";
$MESS["STAT_EVENTS_S"] = "Events";
$MESS["STAT_SESSIONS_S"] = "Sessions";
$MESS["STAT_HITS_S"] = "Hits";
$MESS["STAT_FIRST_ENTER"] = "First visit";
$MESS["STAT_USER_S"] = "User";
$MESS["STAT_LASTPAGE_XLS"] = "Last page";
$MESS["STAT_LAST_ENTER"] = "Last visit";
$MESS["STAT_VIEW_EVENTS_LIST"] = "Event list for this visitor ID";
$MESS["STAT_VIEW_SESSIONS_LIST"] = "Session list for this visitor ID";
$MESS["STAT_VIEW_SESSIONS_LIST_BY_REF_1"] = "Session list for this referer1";
$MESS["STAT_VIEW_SESSIONS_LIST_BY_REF_2"] = "Session list for this referer2";
$MESS["STAT_VIEW_SESSIONS_LIST_BY_REF_3"] = "Session list for this referer3";
$MESS["STAT_EDIT_USER"] = "User profile";
$MESS["STAT_GUEST_PAGES"] = "Visitors";
$MESS["STAT_DETAIL"] = "detailed";
$MESS["STAT_NOT_AUTH"] = "(not authorized)";
$MESS["STAT_USER_AGENT"] = "UserAgent";
$MESS["STAT_HITS_LIST"] = "Hit list for this visitor ID";
$MESS["STAT_F_LANG"] = "Languages";
$MESS["STAT_ADV_BACK"] = "return on advertising campaign";
$MESS["STAT_F_REFERER12"] = "referer1 / referer2";
$MESS["STAT_F_REFERER3"] = "referer3";
$MESS["STAT_FILTER_ERROR"] = "Filter error";
$MESS["STAT_F_LOGIC"] = "Logic between fields";
$MESS["STAT_URL_FROM"] = "From";
$MESS["STAT_URL_TO"] = "First page";
$MESS["STAT_LAST_ADV"] = "Last advertising campaign";
$MESS["STAT_FIRST_ADV"] = "Entry via advertising campaign";
$MESS["STAT_NOT_REGISTERED"] = "not registered";
$MESS["STAT_F_COUNTRY"] = "Country";
$MESS["STAT_F_REGION"] = "Region";
$MESS["STAT_F_CITY"] = "City";
$MESS["STAT_COUNTRY"] = "Country";
$MESS["STAT_REGION"] = "Region";
$MESS["STAT_CITY"] = "City";