Your IP :
$MESS["SMILE_IMPORT_TITLE"] = "Import smileys";
$MESS["ERROR_IMPORT_SMILE"] = "Error importing smileys";
$MESS["ERROR_BAD_SESSID"] = "Your session has expired. Please try again.";
$MESS["ERROR_COPY_FILE"] = "Archive upload error (insufficient write permission?)";
$MESS["ERROR_EXISTS_FILE"] = "Archive upload error. Please try again.";
$MESS["SMILE_SET_ID"] = "Set";
$MESS["SMILE_FILE"] = "Archive";
$MESS["SMILE_FILE_NOTE"] = "Archive format: uncompressed zip";
$MESS["SMILE_TAB_SMILE"] = "Parameters";
$MESS["SMILE_TAB_SMILE_DESCR"] = "Import settings";
$MESS["IM_IMPORT_COMPLETE"] = "Smileys have been imported.";
$MESS["IM_IMPORT_TOTAL"] = "Successfully imported: #COUNT#";
$MESS["IM_IMPORT_HELP_1"] = "The archive file may include text descriptions and message localizations. A sample archive is available #LINK_START#here#LINK_END#.";
$MESS["IM_IMPORT_HELP_2"] = "If the archive doesn't include any service files at all, the import procedure will assign smileys according to their filenames (prefixes: \"smile_\" - a smiley, \"icon_\" - an icon; suffix: \"_hr\" - high resolution).";
$MESS["IM_IMPORT_HELP_3"] = "For example: when importing to a category named \"test\", a file <b>smile_green_hr.png</b> will be treaded as a high resolution smile and assigned the code <b>:test/green:</b>.";
$MESS["IM_IMPORT_HELP_4"] = "<b>Attention! This is the Standard pack. A new update may revert any changes made to the this pack.<br>It is recommended to #LINK_START#create#LINK_END# a custom pack and add emoticons to it.</b>";