Your IP :
namespace Bitrix\Main\Type;
class Collection
* Sorting array by column.
* You can use short mode: Collection::sortByColumn($arr, 'value'); This is equal Collection::sortByColumn($arr, array('value' => SORT_ASC))
* Pay attention: if two members compare as equal, their relative order in the sorted array is undefined. The sorting is not stable.
* More example:
* Collection::sortByColumn($arr, array('value' => array(SORT_NUMERIC, SORT_ASC), 'attr' => SORT_DESC), array('attr' => 'strlen'), 'www');
* @param array $array
* @param string|array $columns
* @param string|array $callbacks
* @param null $defaultValueIfNotSetValue If value not set - use $defaultValueIfNotSetValue (any cols)
* @param bool $preserveKeys If false numeric keys will be re-indexed. If true - preserve.
* @throws \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentOutOfRangeException
public static function sortByColumn(array &$array, $columns, $callbacks = '', $defaultValueIfNotSetValue = null, $preserveKeys = false)
//by default: sort by ASC
if (!is_array($columns))
$columns = array($columns => SORT_ASC);
$params = $preserveDataKeys = array();
$alreadyFillPreserveDataKeys = false;
foreach ($columns as $column => &$order)
$callback = null;
//this is an array of callbacks (callable string)
if(is_array($callbacks) && !is_callable($callbacks))
//if callback set for column
$callback = is_callable($callbacks[$column])? $callbacks[$column] : false;
//common callback
$callback = is_callable($callbacks)? $callbacks : false;
if($callback === false)
throw new \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentOutOfRangeException('callbacks');
//this is similar to the index|slice
$valueColumn[$column] = array();
foreach ($array as $index => $row)
$value = isset($row[$column]) ? $row[$column] : $defaultValueIfNotSetValue;
if ($callback)
$value = call_user_func_array($callback, array($value));
$valueColumn[$column][$index] = $value;
if($preserveKeys && !$alreadyFillPreserveDataKeys)
$preserveDataKeys[$index] = $index;
unset($row, $index);
$alreadyFillPreserveDataKeys = $preserveKeys && !empty($preserveDataKeys);
//bug in 5.3 call_user_func_array
$params[] = &$valueColumn[$column];
$order = (array)$order;
foreach ($order as $i => $ord)
$params[] = &$columns[$column][$i];
unset($order, $column);
$params[] = &$array;
$params[] = &$preserveDataKeys;
call_user_func_array('array_multisort', $params);
$array = array_combine(array_values($preserveDataKeys), array_values($array));
* Takes all arguments by pairs..
* Odd arguments are arrays.
* Even arguments are keys to lookup in these arrays.
* Keys may be arrays. In this case function will try to dig deeper.
* Returns first not empty element of a[k] pair.
* @param array $a array to analyze
* @param string|int $k key to lookup
* @param mixed $a,... unlimited array/key pairs to go through
* @return mixed|string
public static function firstNotEmpty()
$argCount = func_num_args();
for ($i = 0; $i < $argCount; $i += 2)
$anArray = func_get_arg($i);
$key = func_get_arg($i+1);
if (is_array($key))
$current = &$anArray;
$found = true;
foreach ($key as $k)
if (!is_array($current) || !array_key_exists($k, $current))
$found = false;
$current = &$current[$k];
if ($found)
if (is_array($current) || is_object($current) || $current != "")
return $current;
elseif (is_array($anArray) && array_key_exists($key, $anArray))
if (is_array($anArray[$key]) || is_object($anArray[$key]) || $anArray[$key] != "")
return $anArray[$key];
return "";
* Convert array values to int, return unique values > 0. Optionally sorted array.
* @param array &$map Array for normalize.
* @param bool $sorted If sorted true, result array will be sorted.
* @return void
public static function normalizeArrayValuesByInt(&$map, $sorted = true)
if (empty($map) || !is_array($map))
$result = array();
foreach ($map as $value)
$value = (int)$value;
if (0 < $value)
$result[$value] = true;
$map = array();
if (!empty($result))
$map = array_keys($result);
if ($sorted)
* Check array is associative.
* @param $array - Array for check.
* @return bool
public static function isAssociative(array $array)
$array = array_keys($array);
return ($array !== array_keys($array));