Your IP :
#! /usr/bin/wish
set charset_lib "/usr/share/catdoc"
# -* wish *-
# fallback which allows me to run wordview.tcl without doing make
package require Tcl 8.3
if ![info exist charset_lib] {
set charset_lib /usr/local/lib/catdoc
option add *Text.Font {Courier 11} widgetDefault
option add *Text.Background white widgetDefault
option add *Text.Foreground black widgetDefault
option add *Text.selectBackground black widgetDefault
option add *Text.selectForeground white widgetDefault
option add *Text.findMode exact widgetDefault
option add *Text.findCase no widgetDefault
option add *Menu.highlightBackground MidnightBlue widgetDefault
option add *Menu.highlightThickness 0 widgetDefault
option add *Menu.activeBackground MidnightBlue widgetDefault
option add *Menu.activeForeground white widgetDefault
option add *Menu.activeBorderWidth 0 widgetDefault
menu .mainmenu
. configure -menu .mainmenu
.mainmenu add cascade -label File -menu [set m [menu .mainmenu.file]] -underline 0
$m add command -label Open... -command load_file -accelerator Ctrl-O
$m add command -label "Save As..." -command write_file -accelerator Ctrl-S -state disabled
$m add separator
$m add command -label Quit -command exit -accelerator Alt-F4
set m [menu .mainmenu.edit -postcommand EditEnable]
.mainmenu add cascade -label Edit -menu $m -underline 0 -state disabled
$m add command -label Copy -command CopySel -accelerator Ctrl-C
$m add separator
$m add command -label "Select All" -accelerator Ctrl-A -command \
{.text tag add sel 0.0 end}
.mainmenu add cascade -label Find -menu -underline 1 -state disabled
set m [menu -postcommand EnableSearch]
$m add command -label "Find..." -command FindDialog -accelerator Ctrl-F
$m add command -label "Find Again" -accelerator F3 -command DoFind
# build charset menu
.mainmenu add cascade -state disabled -label Encoding -menu [set m [menu .mainmenu.encoding]]
$m add radio -label Default -value Default -var in_charset
$m add radio -label unicode -value unicode -var in_charset
foreach l [glob [file join $charset_lib *.txt]] {
set n [file rootname [file tail $l]]
$m add radio -label $n -value $n -var in_charset
set in_charset Default
trace var in_charset w reread
set m [menu]
.mainmenu add cascade -label Help -menu $m -underline 0
$m add command -label "Manual page" -command [list show_help [file tail $argv0]]
$m add command -label "Regular expressions" -command {show_help re_syntax}
$m add separator
$m add command -label "About..." -command AboutDialog
text .text -width 80 -height 25 -xscrollcommand ".xs set" \
-yscrollcommand ".ys set" -wrap word \
-spacing3 2m
.text tag configure sel -relief flat -borderwidth 0
.text tag configure doc -lmargin1 0.2i -lmargin2 0
scrollbar .ys -orient vert -command ".text yview"
scrollbar .xs -orient horiz -command ".text xview"
bind .text <F3> { if [info exists FindPattern] DoFind}
bind .text <Control-O> load_file
bind .text <Control-o> load_file
bind .text <Control-S> {write_file}
bind .text <Control-s> {write_file}
bind .text <Control-F> FindDialog
bind .text <Control-f> FindDialog
grid .text .ys
grid .xs x
grid .text -sticky news
grid .xs -sticky we
grid .ys -sticky ns
grid columnconfigure . 0 -weight 1
grid columnconfigure . 1 -weight 0
grid rowconfigure . 0 -weight 1
grid rowconfigure . 1 -weight 0
# Find options (All this can be tuned from dialog)
set FindMode -[option get .text findMode FindMode] ;# no -regexp for novices
set FindDir -forwards ;# Why not -backwards
set FindCase -nocase ;# Leave it empty if you want to be case sensitive
if {[option get .text findCase FindCase]} {
set FindCase ""
proc show_help {page} {
global argv0
if [winfo exists .man] {
wm deiconify .man
raise .man
.man.text delete 0.0 end
} else {
toplevel .man -class Man
wm title .man "[file tail $argv0] help: $page"
menu add cascade -label File -menu [set m [menu]]
.man configure -menu
$m add command -label Close -command {destroy .man}
text .man.text -yscrollcommand {.man.y set}
scrollbar .man.y -command {.man.text yview} -orient vert
grid .man.text .man.y -sticky news
grid columnconfigure .man 0 -weight 1
grid columnconfigure .man 1 -weight 0
.man.text insert end [exec man $page 2>/dev/null | col -b ]
proc load_file {{name {}}} {
global filename
if ![string length $name] {set name [tk_getOpenFile -filetypes {
{{Msword files} .doc}
{{RTF files} .rtf}
{{MS Write files} .wri}
{{All files} *}} ]}
if ![string length $name] return
if ![file readable $name] {
return -code error "Cannot open file $name"
set filename $name
.mainmenu entryconfigure Encoding -state normal
.mainmenu.file entryconfigure "Save As..." -state normal
.mainmenu entryconfigure "Edit" -state normal
.mainmenu entryconfigure "Find" -state normal
proc make_opt {var flag} {
upvar #0 $var charset
switch $charset {
"Default" {return ""}
"unicode" {return "-u"}
default {return "$flag $charset"}
proc reread {args} {
global filename in_charset out_charset
set inopt [make_opt in_charset -s]
set f [open "|catdoc -w $inopt -d utf-8 \"$filename\"" r]
fconfigure $f -encoding utf-8
.text configure -state normal
.text delete 0.0 end
.text insert 0.0 [read $f] doc
.text mark set insert 1.0
.text configure -state disabled
.text see 1.0
if [catch {close $f} msg] {
tk_messageBox -icon error -title error -message $msg -type ok
proc write_file {{name {}}} {
global filename
if ![string length $name] {
set name [tk_getSaveFile -filetypes {
{{Text files} .txt}
{{LaTeX files} .tex}}]
if ![string length $name] return
if {[file extension $name]==".tex"} {
eval exec catdoc -t [make_opt in_charset -s] [make_opt out_charset -d]\
[list $filename] > [list $name]
} else {
eval exec catdoc [make_opt in_charset -s] [make_opt out_charset -d]\
[list $filename] > [list $name]
# -postcommand for Edit menu
proc EditEnable {} {
if [llength [.text tag ranges sel]] {
.mainmenu.edit entryconfigure Copy -state normal
} else {
.mainmenu.edit entryconfigure Copy -state disabled
proc CopySel {} {
clipboard clear
clipboard append -- [.text get sel.first sel.last]
proc FindDialog {} {
make_transient .find "Find"
label -text "Find"
entry -width 30 -textvar FindPattern
bind <Key-Return> ".find.b.find invoke"
pack -side left
frame .find.b
button .find.b.find -text "Search" -command DoFind
button .find.b.close -text "Close" -command "destroy .find"
pack .find.b.find .find.b.close -side left -padx 20
pack -pady 5 -anchor w -padx 10
pack .find.opt -pady 10
pack .find.b
proc EnableSearch {} {
global FindPattern ReplaceString
if ![info exists FindPattern] { entryconfigure "Find Again" -state disabled
} else { entryconfigure "Find Again" -state normal
proc make_transient {wpath title} {
set x [expr [winfo rootx .]+[winfo width .]/3]
set y [expr [winfo rooty .]+[winfo height .]/3]
catch {destroy $wpath}
toplevel $wpath
wm transient $wpath .
wm positionfrom $wpath program
wm geometry $wpath +$x+$y
wm title $wpath $title
proc FindOptionFrame {} {
frame .find.opt
checkbutton .find.opt.dir -variable FindDir -onvalue -backwards\
-offvalue -forwards -text Backward
checkbutton .find.opt.regex -variable FindMode -onvalue\
-regex -offvalue -exact -text RegExp
checkbutton -variable FindCase -onvalue -nocase -offvalue {}\
-text "Ignore case"
pack .find.opt.dir .find.opt.regex -side left
proc DoFind {{quiet 0}} {
global FindPattern FindMode FindDir FindCase
if ![string length $FindPattern] {return 0}
if {$FindMode=="-backwords"} {
set stopindex 0.0
} else {
set stopindex end
set index [eval ".text search $FindCase $FindMode $FindDir -- \
[list $FindPattern] insert $stopindex"]
if ![string length $index] {
if !$quiet {
tk_messageBox -type ok -title "Not found" -message "Pattern not found"
return 0
} else {
.text tag remove sel 0.0 end
if {$FindMode=="-exact"} {
.text tag add sel $index "$index + [string length $FindPattern] chars"
} else {
eval "regexp $FindCase --" [list $FindPattern [.text get "$index linestart"\
"$index lineend"] match]
.text tag add sel $index "$index + [string length $match] chars"
.text mark set insert sel.last
.text see $index
.text see insert
focus .text
return 1
proc AboutDialog {} {
make_transient .about "About WordView"
message .about.m -aspect 250 -text "MS-Word viewer for UNIX
Copyright (c) by Victor B. Wagner 1997-98
This program is distributed under
GNU General Public License Version 2 or above
Check for copying
and warranty conditions" -justify center
button .about.ok -text Ok -command {destroy .about}
pack .about.m .about.ok
if [llength $argv] {
if {![file exist [lindex $argv 0]]} {
puts stderr "No such file: [lindex $argv 0]"
exit 1
load_file [lindex $argv 0]
focus .text