Your IP :
$MESS ['post_title'] = "Recipient list";
$MESS ['post_rub'] = "Newsleter categories:";
$MESS ['post_format'] = "Newsletter format:";
$MESS ['post_format_any'] = "(any)";
$MESS ['post_format_text'] = "Text";
$MESS ['post_group'] = "User groups:";
$MESS ['post_filter'] = "E-mail filter:";
$MESS ['post_search'] = "Search";
$MESS ['post_reset'] = "Reset";
$MESS ['post_result'] = "Search results:";
$MESS ['post_total'] = "Total addresses:";
$MESS ['post_notfound'] = "Could not find any address using this filter.";
$MESS ['post_set'] = "Set";
$MESS ['post_cancel'] = "Cancel";
$MESS ['post_search_rub'] = "Select subscribers from the categories";
$MESS ['post_search_users'] = "Select users by groups";
$MESS ['post_search_filter'] = "Set filter";
$MESS ['post_search_set_title'] = "Set this address selection";
$MESS ['post_search_note'] = "This form enables you to know which addresses will be used for the issue sending. By setting the filter conditions and clicking the <i>Search</i> button you will get address list.
<i>Set</i> button will apply the filter setting to the main issue editing form. ";
$MESS ['post_subscribers'] = "ผู้รับ";
$MESS ['post_tab_title'] = "ที่อยู่ของผู้รับ";