Your IP :
$MESS ['PATH_TO_BLOG_TIP'] = "The path to the main blog page. Example: blog_blog.php?page=blog&blog=#blog#.";
$MESS ['BLOG_VAR_TIP'] = "Specify here the name of a variable to which the blog ID will be passed.";
$MESS ['PAGE_VAR_TIP'] = "Specify here the name of a variable to which the blog page will be passed.";
$MESS ['BLOG_URL_TIP'] = "Specifies the code in which the blog ID will be passed.";
$MESS ['YEAR_TIP'] = "Specifies the code in which the year filter will be passed.";
$MESS ['MONTH_TIP'] = "Specifies the code in which the month filter will be passed.";
$MESS ['DAY_TIP'] = "Specifies the code in which the day filter will be passed.";
$MESS ['CACHE_TYPE_TIP'] = "<i>Auto</i>: the cache is valid during the time predefined in the cache settings;<br /><i>Cache</i>: always cache for the period specified in the next field;<br /><i>Do not cahce</i>: no caching is performed.";
$MESS ['CACHE_TIME_TIP'] = "Specify here the period of time during which the cache is valid.";