Your IP :
if (!defined('B_PROLOG_INCLUDED') || B_PROLOG_INCLUDED !== true)
use \Bitrix\Landing\Landing;
use \Bitrix\Landing\Rights;
use \Bitrix\Landing\TemplateRef;
use \Bitrix\Main\Localization\Loc;
class LandingEditComponent extends LandingBaseFormComponent
* Detect or not og image from landing content.
const DETECT_OG_IMAGE = false;
* Min width/height for og:image.
const OG_IMAGE_MIN_SIZE = 200;
* Max width/height for og:image.
const OG_IMAGE_MAX_SIZE = 1500;
* Class of current element.
* @var string
protected $class = 'Landing';
* Local version of table map with available fields for change.
* @return array
protected function getMap()
return array(
* Allowed or not additional fields for this form.
* @return boolean
protected function additionalFieldsAllowed()
return true;
* Detect image in landing content.
* @param int $lid Landing id.
* @param int $limit Limit for pictures.
* @return array
protected function detectLandingImage($lid, $limit = 0)
$images = array();
$landing = \Bitrix\Landing\Landing::createInstance($lid);
if ($landing->exist())
foreach ($landing->getBlocks() as $block)
$content = ob_get_contents();
$docRoot = \Bitrix\Landing\Manager::getDocRoot();
if (preg_match_all('/(<img.*?src="([^"]+)"[^>]+>)/is', $content, $matches))
$cnt = 0;
foreach ($matches[2] as $i => $pictureUrl)
$picture = parse_url($pictureUrl);
if (
isset($picture['path']) &&
in_array(mb_substr($picture['path'], -4), array('.png', '.jpg'))
if (mb_substr($pictureUrl, 0, 1) == '/')
if (file_exists($docRoot . $pictureUrl))
$images[$i] = getimagesize($docRoot . $pictureUrl);
$images[$i]['src'] = $pictureUrl;
if (
$images[$i]['0'] < $this::OG_IMAGE_MIN_SIZE ||
$images[$i]['1'] < $this::OG_IMAGE_MIN_SIZE ||
$images[$i]['0'] > $this::OG_IMAGE_MAX_SIZE ||
$images[$i]['1'] > $this::OG_IMAGE_MAX_SIZE
if ($limit && $cnt >= $limit)
return $images;
* Get meta tags for current landing.
* @return array
protected function getMeta()
$meta = array(
'title' => '',
'description' => '',
'og:title' => '',
'og:description' => '',
'og:image' => ''
if ($this->id)
if (!isset($this->arResult['LANDING']))
$this->arResult['LANDING'] = $this->getRow();
$landing = $this->arResult['LANDING'];
if (!isset($this->arResult['HOOKS']))
$this->arResult['HOOKS'] = $this->getHooks();
$hooks = $this->arResult['HOOKS'];
// get title and description from hook Metamain
if (isset($hooks['METAMAIN']))
$fields = $hooks['METAMAIN']->getFields();
foreach (array('TITLE', 'DESCRIPTION') as $code)
if (isset($fields[$code]))
$meta[mb_strtolower($code)] = $fields[$code]->getValue();
// get og tags from hook Metaog
if (isset($hooks['METAOG']))
$fields = $hooks['METAOG']->getFields();
foreach (array('TITLE', 'DESCRIPTION', 'IMAGE') as $code)
if (isset($fields[$code]))
$meta['og:'.mb_strtolower($code)] = $fields[$code]->getValue();
// if some fields are not detected
if (!$meta['title'])
$meta['title'] = $landing['TITLE']['~CURRENT'];
if (!$meta['og:title'])
$meta['og:title'] = $meta['title'];
if (!$meta['og:description'])
$meta['og:description'] = $meta['description'];
if (!$meta['og:image'] && self::DETECT_OG_IMAGE)
$meta['og:image'] = $this->detectLandingImage($this->id, 1);
if ($meta['og:image'] && !is_array($meta['og:image']))
$meta['og:image'] = array($meta['og:image']);
return $meta;
* Returns true, if this site without external domain.
* @return bool
protected function isIntranet()
isset($this->arResult['SITES'][$this->arParams['SITE_ID']]) &&
isset($this->arResult['SITES'][$this->arParams['SITE_ID']]['DOMAIN_ID']) &&
$this->arResult['SITES'][$this->arParams['SITE_ID']]['DOMAIN_ID'] == '0';
* Base executable method.
* @return void
public function executeComponent()
$init = $this->init();
if ($init)
$this->checkParam('SITE_ID', 0);
$this->checkParam('LANDING_ID', 0);
$this->checkParam('TYPE', '');
$this->checkParam('PAGE_URL_LANDINGS', '');
$this->checkParam('PAGE_URL_LANDING_VIEW', '');
$this->checkParam('PAGE_URL_SITE_EDIT', '');
$this->id = $this->arParams['LANDING_ID'];
$this->successSavePage = $this->arParams['PAGE_URL_LANDINGS'];
$this->arResult['TEMPLATES'] = $this->getTemplates();
$this->arResult['LANDING'] = $this->getRow();
$this->arResult['LANDINGS'] = $this->arParams['SITE_ID'] > 0
? $this->getLandings(array(
'filter' => array(
'SITE_ID' => $this->arParams['SITE_ID']
: array();
// if access denied, or not found
if (!$this->arResult['LANDING'])
$this->id = 0;
if (
$this->id &&
$this->id = 0;
$this->arParams['LANDING_ID'] = 0;
$this->addError('ACCESS_DENIED', '', true);
// if current page in folder
if ($this->id)
$this->arResult['FOLDER'] = array();
if ($this->arResult['LANDING']['FOLDER_ID']['CURRENT'])
$folderId = $this->arResult['LANDING']['FOLDER_ID']['CURRENT'];
$res = Landing::getList(array(
'select' => array(
'filter' => array(
'ID' => $folderId
if ($row = $res->fetch())
$this->arResult['FOLDER'] = $row;
if ($this->id)
$this->arResult['SITES'] = $sites = $this->getSites();
// types mismatch
$availableType = [$this->arParams['TYPE']];
if ($this->arParams['TYPE'] == 'STORE')
$availableType[] = 'SMN';
if (
!isset($sites[$this->arParams['SITE_ID']]) ||
!in_array($sites[$this->arParams['SITE_ID']]['TYPE'], $availableType)
$this->arResult['IS_INTRANET'] = $this->isIntranet();
$this->arResult['HOOKS'] = $this->getHooks();
$this->arResult['HOOKS_SITE'] = $this->getHooks('Site', $this->arParams['SITE_ID']);
$this->arResult['TEMPLATES_REF'] = TemplateRef::getForLanding($this->id);
$this->arResult['META'] = $this->getMeta();
$this->arResult['DOMAINS'] = $this->getDomains();
// callback for update landing
$tplRef = $this->request('TPL_REF');
function(\Bitrix\Main\Event $event) use ($tplRef)
static $updated = false;
if ($updated)
$primary = $event->getParameter('primary');
$updated = true;
$areaCount = 0;
$tplId = $this->arResult['LANDING']['TPL_ID']['CURRENT'];
$siteId = $this->arResult['LANDING']['SITE_ID']['CURRENT'];
$templates = $this->arResult['TEMPLATES'];
if (isset($templates[$tplId]))
$areaCount = $templates[$tplId]['AREA_COUNT'];
// set template refs
$data = array();
if ($primary && $primary['ID'])
foreach (explode(',', $tplRef) as $ref)
if (mb_strpos($ref, ':') !== false)
list($a, $lid) = explode(':', $ref);
$data[$a] = $lid;
// create empty areas if need
for ($i = 1; $i <= $areaCount; $i++)
if (!isset($data[$i]) || !$data[$i])
$res = Landing::add(array(
'SITE_ID' => $siteId,
'TITLE' => Loc::getMessage('LANDING_CMP_AREA') . ' #' . $i
if ($res->isSuccess())
$data[$i] = $res->getId();